Asia is rich with a diversity of races, culture and language.
Now is your chance to show your unique culture with style and celebrate with the rest of us!
With MDSA as our co-organiser, we would like to invite you to our GALA dinner themed “Asian Fiesta”.
Come join us with pride in your best traditional costume.

It’s time to reveal your hidden talent!

Are you a singer,
waiting for a standing ovation?
Are you a magician,
tricking your way to the centre stage?
Are you a dancer
who can make all the best moves?
Or are you everything
else that we shouldn't miss?
Unleash yourself at the ' Talent Quest' during the dinner!
There are special prizes for the taking.

  1. A prize distribution ceremony and a showcase of online videos and photo submissions will also be held during the dinner to mark the closing of the 11th NDSSC.
  2. At the end of the dinner, don’t forget to capture memorable moments with your newfound friends with pictures from the photo booth!