News & Events

Tajikistan in Malaysia Visit
MAHSA University
I.T. Specialists
ChongQing University
A Gateway to the World
Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)
Conference in Public Health
Ready Graduates
The Rest
Postgraduate Medical Programmes
Engineering Students Explore Robotic Innovation
Biomedical Student Excels in Business Plan Competition
MAHSA Collaborates with Belt and Road Countries
MAHSA Labs are GLP Certified
CPA Australia Accredits MAHSA Accounting Degree
MAHSA Collaborates with Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Congratulations to Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy
MAHSA Shines on with MIDS 2018
MAHSA Engineering Gears Up for Industry 4.0
Digital Radiography, the Future of Medical Imaging
MAHSA Students Shine at Engineering Competition
Engineer an Electrifying Future with MAHSA
MAHSA's MBBS Granted Recognition by Sri Lanka Medical Council
MAHSA’s Midwifery Student Delivers Distinction
Never Too Late - The Experiential Learning Pathway
MAHSA’s Dean of Nursing leads the way in TN50 Conference.
MAHSA International Conference on Manual Therapy 2018
Student Mobility Programme with Airlangga University, Indonesia
MAHSA Engineering Teams Shine at 2018 International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (I-ENVEX)
For Students, By Students! MAHSA’s Faculty of Medicine at AMEA 2017 Hong Kong
MAHSA University’s Distinguished Lecture Series 2018
MAHSA's Dean of Engineering and Information Technology Shines with Two Awards
National Dental Intervarsity Games (DIVG) 2018
MAHSA University signs MoUs with AbbVie, Nova Laboratories and Vitacare Pharmacy
An Interview with Dr. Pauraj Ponnaiah - Head, Department of Biomedical Science
Nursing Internship in Korea
Winds of Change : An interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, MAHSA University
MAHSA UNIVERSITY Wins Four Awards at the Malaysia Technology EXPO (MTE) 2018
MAHSA University signs MOU with Kursk State Medical University
Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Malaysia. What Have We Achieved, What We Have Not.
MAHSA University Signs MOU with the Embassy of the Arab Republic Of Syria
MAHSA University Wins Pitch for Progress 2.0
MAHSA awards Certificate of Completion to
Batch 6 of Doctor of Dental Surgery Programme
Conferment of Certificate of Completion:
MBBS Batch 4 2012/2017
The Medical Council of Thailand visits MAHSA University
MAHSA University contributes RM3 million worth of scholarship to MIC Youth Scholarship program
Launching of Shanghai University of TCM International Education Collaboration & Clinical Training Center
MAHSA University Students win at the 9th National Pharmacy Quiz Competition 2017
MAHSA University Students Shine at 9th National Dental Student Conference
Ground breaking ceremony of the Sports and Recreation Centre
Tony Fernandes conferred honorary doctorate
MAHSA University Conducts Workshop at 14th Asia
- Pacific Medical Education Conference in NUS
MAHSA International Restodontic Conference
10-12 March 2017
MAHSA University Opens Football Field
MAHSA University students graduating at new campus
Interfaculty Debate Competition
Visit by Physiotherapy Students from Hong Kong
– 21st February 2014
1st Prize Winner – 2013 Electronic Campaign for
Oral Cancer Awareness
We’re proud of our students!
Additional Parking…FREE Shuttle Service
SPP1M – New Loan Scheme For Higher Studies

The Power of Empathy in the Workplace
Published on: 05-28-2021
Empathy is the ability to experience and relate to the thoughts, emotions or experiences of others. Empathy is more than simple sympathy, which is being able to understand and support others with compassion or sensitivity. In the simplest sense, empathy is the ability to step into someone else’s shoes, be aware of their feelings and understand their needs.
Empathy should be practised in the workplace. In the workplace, empathy means showing deep respect and care for co-workers as opposed to just going by the rules and regulations. An emphatic leadership style can make all employees feel like they are part of the team and this will increase productivity, morale and loyalty. Empathy plays a major role in the workplace for every organization to deal with failures, poor performance and encourage employees who truly want to succeed.
Empathy requires three things - listening, openness and understanding. Empathetic people listen attentively to what you are telling them, put their complete focus on the person in front of them and do not get easily distracted. They spend more time listening than talking because they want to understand the difficulties others face, all of which helps to give those around them the feeling of being heard and recognized. Empathetic executives and managers realize that the bottom line of any business is only achieved through and with people. Therefore, they have an attitude of openness and an understanding of the feelings and emotions of their team members.
When we understand our team, we have a better idea of the challenges ahead of us. For example, empathy allows us to feel safe with our failures because we know that we will not be blamed for them. It encourages leaders to understand the root cause behind poor performance. Being empathetic allows leaders to help struggling employees improve and excel.
In order to apply empathy in the workplace such as observe, listen, interpret and share, we can conclude that being empathetic is not always easy. We may need to work hard to understand someone who is fundamentally different from us, confront negative feelings we might have about that person, or address the fear that our empathy might send false signals. The secret is to understand what influences our reactions. When we hard to put ourselves in another person’s shoes and interact with her or him, the results are usually positive.

Removing blockages to Creative Thinking
Published on: 05-28-2021
In conjunction with MAHSA’s April 2021 theme Inspired to be Creative, two academicians from the Centre for Pre-University Studies have come up with a webinar entitled Removing Blockages to Creative Thinking.
Dr Nur Fauwizah, opened the discussion with a story of how a woman managed to clear her debt and rid herself of a loan shark. The moral of the story: It’s possible to overcome a tough situation by thinking out of the box and not giving in to the only options you think you have. Sometimes we have to think about them in different way. Out-of-the-box thinking, or disruptive thinking, does not come naturally to individuals or organizations. The problem is that when you decide to create something, there might already be an obstacle in your way.
The discussion continued with several ways to remove blockages to creative thinking in modern learners. Mdm Diana mentioned that the first blockage will be fear of failure. Fear of failure kills creativity. Slowly, surely, and silently, it stops you from growing as a learner, from achieving your dreams. But it doesn't have to be that way. This self-defeating mindset stops us in our tracks before we even take our first steps down the road of a new project. In fact, it's safe to say that fear has been the quick and silent demise of more creative work than perhaps any other single thing. You have to find a good critic. Look for people who can teach you how to do things better, and ask them to critique you honestly and offer paths towards improvement so you can grow.
The second blockage that creative people face isn’t a lack of time or money. It’s a lack of confidence. Sometimes everything just feels right. You feel confident and relaxed, as if life and your creative projects are all swimming along sweetly. Other times, a fluctuation in your creativity, subtle anxiety or momentary doubt can knock your confidence and lead you to question everything you create. If confidence is lacking, even contemplating another day of working on a project can unsettle the most dedicated of souls. Creative beliefs can either make plans possible or they can trip you up and thwart the whole process. To find yourself flourishing instead of floundering, no matter the circumstance, read on.
Dr Nur added more on how to remove blockage to creative thinking in modern learners such as fixity of thinking. Fixity means the state or quality being fixed or rigid. This is where you get trapped by your own thinking and can’t think freely and openly when faced with ambiguous situations. You are so locked into a familiar way of looking at the word that you fail to see other options. You make assumptions and approach a problem from a limiting premise. Or maybe your inner critic rears its head and stops you thinking straight. The solution is you need to change your mind. Question your assumptions, ask yourself “What if..” and adopt different perspectives, be more flexible. For instance, when you are facing any problems, you need to seek a new way to face the problem. Be able to develop alternative plans (Plan Bs) and look at things differently. You can go somewhere new or read, watch, listen to something new, explore new things, new people, new celebrities. Talk to people you can rely on to disagree with you, or offer an alternative point of view. To conclude that, you need to set shifting where you let go of the old way of doing and thinking.
The last blockage to Creative thinking is the lack of breathing space for incubation. Trying too hard to overcome the problem is counterproductive. For example, if you’ve found yourself ruminating on the same task for hours upon hours, stepping away from the task may do you some good! It’s all about balance! For instance, try to do something that makes you feel relaxed such as watching your favorite movie or indulging in good food. . Give yourself permission to step away from the work. Even sleep has also been widely documented as a crucial component for processing all the new information your brain has acquired. Struggling through a creative block is never fun but it’s something that almost everyone experiences from time to time. The next time you are feeling stuck, try one of these methods to get your creative juices flowing.
Creativity is something that you practise, not a talent you’re born with. You’re already capable of creative thinking at all times, but you have to strip away the imaginary mental blocks (or boxes) you’ve picked up along the way to wherever you are today. So, rather than looking for ways to inspire creativity, you should just realize the truth.

Official Meeting between MAHSA University, Public Service Department (JPA) and JPA Scholarship Students
Published on: 05-28-2021
On 25 March 2021, an official meeting between MAHSA University and the Public Service Department (JPA) was held in the Unity building from 2:00 p.m. until 4:00 p.m. This meeting was held to honour FIS students from the July 2020 intake for receiving JPA sponsorships for their degree courses at MAHSA University. Most of the students are going to pursue the Bachelor of Medicine and the Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) as well as the Bachelor of Dental Surgery at MAHSA University.
Ms Khairunissa binti Abdillah (Chief Assistant Director), Mr Mohd Tarmizi bin Ahmad (Assistant Director), Mr Mohd Redza Nizam bin Radzuan (Assistant Director), Ms Nurul Zafirah binti Rosdy (Assistant) and Ms Nurain binti Ismail (Assistant) from the Public Service Department (JPA) were invited to attend this important event. Dato’ Haji Abdul Rani bin Haji Osman, Ms Masitah binti Mat (Assistant Director for the Centre of Pre-University Studies), Mr Rajedevan Sanglidevan as well as Mr Muhamad Faiq Bin Ayub represented MAHSA University at the meeting.
The event started with an opening speech from Dato’ Haji Abdul Rani bin Haji Osman as well as a speech by Ms Masitah binti Mat, Assistant Director for the Centre of Pre-University Studies. There was an ice-breaking session and an interview session as well. Students were also given detailed information about the sponsorship as well as the projects which will be organised in the year 2021. Later, everyone gathered around for a group photo and were treated to refreshments before the event ended.
The Centre for Pre-University Studies would like to congratulate all the students. We hope your scholarships will contribute to your bright future and that you will make the most of it.

Spectrum of Malaysian Education Transformation – A Day with MQA
Published on: 05-27-2021
On the 23rd of April 2021, MAHSA University was privileged to welcome the delegated from the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) for for a very special event with our respected officials from MQA. the CEO of MQA Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mohammad Shatar bin Sabran and his team Prof. Ir. Dr. Khairul Salleh bin Mohamed Sahari the Deouty CEO for Quality Assurance, Encik Mohamad Dzafir bin Mustafa the Acting Deputy CEO for Policy and Expertise Development, and Puan Lilian Kek Siew Yick the Senior Director for Accreditation.
MQA as we know, is the statutory body governed by the Ministry of Education. The main role of MQA is to carry out the Malaysian Qualifications Framework to ensure the quality of Malaysia’s higher education. Through this event, the Academic members of MAHSA University including MAHSA Avenue International College and MAHSA College Sabah had the opportunity to understand deeper about MQA’s strategic transformation plans for Malaysia’s Higher Education system.
Since the inception of MAHSA College back in 2005, MAHSA has had a strong relationship with the Malaysian Qualification Agency. MAHSA’s efforts in being a Centre of Excellence in Education has been strongly guided and supported by MQA for the last 16 years.
Qualification Frameworks are not static statements in perpetuity. They are dynamic and would require periodic revisions to serve their purpose in higher education systems that are constantly changing. It is true for Malaysia as it is for most countries, in the world, where higher education systems are constantly striving to keep abreast of societal changes.
These changes affect the daily lives of citizens in one way or another and include the changing industrial structures, the result of global trade practices, the pressures to innovate to remain competitive, sustainability considerations and the philosophical desire to ensure equality and equity for all groups to actively participate and benefit from national development and wealth.
This session on the SPECTRUM OF MALAYSIAN EDUCATION TRANSFORMATION was a clear evident of MQA’s positive efforts toward dynamically sustaining education for the needs and demands of the century.
Everyone present at the event took back a substantial knowledge which was gained through this insightful event. Such an opportunity for dialogue and discussion allows the instilling of the necessary for a vigorous transformation that is in-line with the objectives of MQA.
The event ended with a Buka Puasa session followed by a closed meeting with the Deans and Directors of MAHSA University at the Senate.

MAHSA Medical Society (MedSoc) Charity drive 1.0
Published on: 05-27-2021
It's the true nature of humans to show kindness to one another regardless of our differences. We take concern for the struggling families whose breadwinners of the households had suffered the loss of jobs and pay cuts, which put them in financial hardship. This event also aimed to teach whilst providing a learning space for MAHSA’s medical students to adopt the mindset of being "human first and foremost, and everything else comes second". During the COVID-19 Pandemic, the government imposed a Movement Control Order (MCO) with the aims of controlling the infectious rate of this ever-growing communicable disease. The MCO required everyone to work mostly from home. While some are fortunate to still have their jobs with a stable income for their families, others unfortunately do not. Knowing this, we decided to plan a donation drive to provide aid to a village of Rohingyas in Klang, Selangor during the Conditional Movement Control Order (CMCO) period.
The charity drive was planned a few weeks prior to collect donations from the medical students and was executed on 8 July 2020. The event was done in Kampung Setia Banting which has a population of approximately seventy families in total. Our previous Vice Secretary, Kesh Sidhu, was the organising chairperson for this event. A total of eight student volunteers from MedSoc participated in this drive, accompanied by our honourable advisor lecturer Dr Aida Rezaie, who came to take part in the process and make sure her students were safe while conducting the event. Our team successfully distributed seventy sets of items to seventy families, always strictly adhering to the standard of procedures mandated during the CMCO. We all wore gloves and instructed the families of Kampung Setia Banting that only one member of each family was allowed to come to reduce the risk of overcrowding in the area. Not only that, we also made sure to instruct them to wear masks and to sanitise their hands to minimise the risk of spread of COVID-19. Overall, this event allowed us to realise that some people suffer more than us and could use any help they can get. This event impacted us in such away that we have decided to plan more charity events in the future, and we hope to see other students get involved as this is a good opportunity to gain experience in volunteer work. We hope to live up to our motto "Healing hands, Caring Hearts", to help whenever we can those who need it the most.

The Very First ODL Bachelor of Physiotherapy Programme in Malaysia
Published on: 05-27-2021
For those wishing to advance their career in physiotherapy, MAHSA University proudly offers you our Bachelor of Physiotherapy programme through our Open Distance Learning (ODL) mode at the Faculty of Health Sciences, MAHSA University. This programme gained the MQA Provisional accreditation in 2019.
This ODL Physiotherapy programme provides the highest flexibility in teaching and learning, at your convenience . It is the first and only one of its kind approved by MQA in Malaysia, for Physiotherapy. Open-distance learning is becoming more popular nowadays, especially in the wake of COVID-19. It is going to reshape the education landscape, prioritizing flexibility to ensure that everyone will have access to education anywhere and anytime.
In 2020, we were introduced to Movement Control orders in arious forms due to the pandemic. In the blink of an eye, physical classes had to be converted to online teaching and students as well as teachers had to adapt to the new normal. Working adults had to work from home. For working students who do not want to give up their jobs but want to pursue higher education, or for those with travel restrictions, ODL is a godsend. They have the opportunity to study from wherever they are. MAHSA University has in place a comprehensive and robust online learning system that supports online teaching and learning in innovative and exciting ways. Students are given self-learning modules that enable self-paced study, and this is supported with instructor as well as peer sessions for guided and collaborative learning
To ensure effective learning of practical sessions, our programme includes 1200 hours of practical hours through face-to-face teaching where hands–on skills can be taught and mastered. Our lecturers have been given extensive training in online teaching and have developed many innovative teaching activities to enable effective online learning.
Pursuing the Bachelor of Physiotherapy (Hons) at MAHSA University will not only fulfil students’ hopes of becoming competent physiotherapists but also meet the demands of the healthcare system of a developed nation such as Malaysia, ie. one physiotherapist per 3,000 of the population (as in Singapore and UK) as compared to the current ratio of 1:13000.
Physiotherapy is a highly rewarding and lucrative career choice that offers graduates the flexibility to open their own practice with minimal capital.
To know more about this programme, please visit www.mahsa.edu.my or give us a call at +603 5102 2200 / 1800 88 0300 to set an appointment for consultation

Visit by Public Health Assistants from Kuantan Municipal Council
Published on: 05-27-2021
Fourteen public health assistants from the Kuantan Municipal Council took time off from their busy schedules to visit the Environmental Health Department, FOHS, MAHSA University on 16 March 2021.
The visiting entourage was led by Mr Zunizuddin bin Shamsuddin, Environmental Health Officer, Mr Radi bin Razak, Assistant Administrative Officer, and Mr Mohamed Sheri bin Mohd Lot, Senior Assistant Administrative Officer, who accompanied the fourteen other public health assistants to see first-hand the learning facilties and to meet the academic team of our Environmental Health Department with the purpose of furthering their studies at MAHSA University.
The visit began with a welcome address by Associate Professor Dr Veronica Chua, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, followed by a facility briefing session by Mr Chew Wai Hoong and a programme briefing by En Mohmad Puad. The visitors were then introduced to the Environmental Health academic team and had the opportunity to discuss the content and delivery of our Environmental Health programmes.
“We thank the MAHSA Environmental Health Department for organising this event. Advancing their qualifications will definitely contribute to the job confirmation for all of our public health assistants from the local authorities of Kuantan,” said Mr Zunizuddin bin Shamsuddin. "This programme will be able to assist our staff to pursue their studies from the certificate to diploma level and further on to the Bachelor’s degree. Other local authorities will very likely follow our way of doing this, " he added.
The visitors toured the campus and saw the facilities of MAHSA University including the microbiological laboratory, MAHSA Recreational and Sports complex (MARS), the e-sports facitlity, the library and the Environmental Health skills lab. The delegates were extremely impressed by the MAHSA’s facilities. The event ended with light refreshments being served.
The Environmental Health Department of FOHS has built a strong relationship with Kuantan Municipal Council over the years and many of our students have had the privilege of undergoing practical placements there. This visit marks another step forward in our mutual desire to build on this collaboration for our mutual benefit. We thank the entourage from Kuantan Municipal Council for their visit and we look forward to welcoming their staff as students of MAHSA in the near future.

Engineering, Science and Technology Exhibition (ESTE) 2021
Published on: 05-27-2021
15 March 2021 - MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment organized its fifth Engineering, Science and Technology Exhibition (ESTE) 2021. Although this was our fifth such exhibition, this was also our very first ESTE online exhibition. The exhibition was opened to all university students, aimed at giving all engineering, science and technology students an opportunity to experience, innovate, and come up with unique scientific ideas. Inaugurated over four years ago, our exhibition received over 400 entries from many universities.
Evaluated by expert judges from various universities in their related fields, the judging criteria was based on innovative posters and creative prototype presentations. The event was held via the Google Meet platform with the participation of six universities, including one international university, Universitas Malang from Indonesia.
Our hope for this exhibition was to nourish students’ research, design and innovation skills in multidisciplinary areas related to engineering, science and technology towards IR 4.0. Our mission was to support and encourage students to share their knowledge, research work and experience during the exhibition, which will ultimately contribute to development in engineering, science and technology.
A total of sixty-eight participants from numerous fields competed in this competition. During the closing ceremony, the faculty was honoured with the presence of the Vice-Chancellor of MAHSA University, Professor Dato’ Dr Ikram Shah Bin Ismail. Professor Dato’ Ikram was very accommodating and keen in motivating the students by sharing his experience in the research field with the participants of the exhibition, including MAHSA students and staff. It is hoped that this exhibition would bring about a mind-changing platform to develop research-based knowledge to stimulate creative and innovative ideas, interpersonal and problem-solving skills, and so much more.
At the end of the exhibition, the Gold Award for each category went to:
- Postgraduate/Best Presenter: Anis Fariza Binti Md Pazil (SEGI University)
- Degree Individual/Best Project: Abdullah Alqasem (Mahsa University)
- Degree Group/Best Poster: Muhammed Ahmad Ali Almahageri (IUKL)
- Diploma Individual: Harisah Nur Raudzah Binti Zainol Arif (Mahsa University)
- Diploma Group: Nur Adriana Husna Binti Shariman (UNIMAP)
MAHSA University is proud and honoured to have been instrumental in this excellent effort to instil excellence in all students, and we will conduct many more such initiatives for every one to always BE MORE.

Article on Additive Manufacturing Training (AMT’21)
Published on: 05-27-2021
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic had repercussions on nearly all sectors of activity. The additive manufacturing technologies were quickly employed to manufacture emergency equipment for medical staff and patients from all over the world. 3D printing from additive manufacturing become an "essential ingredient" in Industry 4.0. Therefore, there are high demand in current market for those who have the knowledge and technical skills of additive manufacturing.
In order to fill the gap in the market and cultivate talents in the field of additive manufacturing sector, the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FOEBE) launch the Additive Manufacturing Training in April 2021. The objective of Additive Manufacturing Training (AMT’21) is to provide participant knowledge and skills which related to the latest trend and technologies of Industrial Revolutions 4.0 (IR4.0). The participant able to gain the latest knowledge from industries sector as well as master new technical skills, get new jobs and create jobs.
The AMT’21 held for 6 days and includes full coverage of the additive manufacturing theory, 3D Modeling using Google SketchUp and 3D Printing, including sketching extruding 3D objects, and 3D Printing based on design model. In addition to the focus on 3D Modeling and 3D Printing services, training also includes sections on theoretical knowledge of concept and methodology in Additive Manufacturing, design rules and rapid tooling are demonstrated with details explanation.
At the end of the AMT’21, the participant generates their own design 3D product files from Google SketchUp software. Then, participant need to setup the 3D Printer machine like adjust temperature of nozzle and print bed, install filament and adjust the adjustment of bed levelling. Total of eight (8) Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) 3D printers, two (2) Stereolithography (SLA) 3D printers and one (1) Flash Forged 3D Printer were operated.
At the end of AMT’21, lots of positive feedback from the participant obtained where they emphasized that this training was impressive and practicality.

MAHSA UNIVERSITY 18th Convocation Ceremony
Published on: 05-27-2021
MAHSA University celebrated its 18th Convocation Ceremony on the 17th of April, 2021 at the Ballroom in its main campus in Bandar Saujana Putra, Jenjarom, Selangor. The ceremony conferred 1665 Graduands for programmes ranging from PhD to Foundation Certificates under the Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience, Nursing; Faculty of Dentistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Faculty of Health Sciences, Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, Faculty of Business, Finance, Information Technology and School of Hospitality Management; Centre for Education and Language, and Centre for Pre-University Studies.
The ceremony also celebrated the eminent achievements of His Excellency Tun Seri Setia (Dr) Haji Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam, the Governor of Melaka, who was conferred with the Honorary Doctorate in Political Science and Government.
This Honorary Doctorate recognizes and rewards the accomplishments of people with prestigious and exceptional calibre and recognition. As Malaysians, we are proud to celebrate and honour His Excellency’s outstanding achievements especially in His role as Chief Minister and his proactive and strategic leadership in the development of Melaka and its awarding as an ADVANCED STATE in 2010 through United Nain Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD).
His Excellency’s distinguished achievements and contributions are a testament to his far-sighted vision and superior dedication as a leader who has fundamentally improved the lives of so many people. His Excellency’s acceptance of this Honorary Doctorate today, serves also as an inspiration to our fellow graduates to strive for greatness and to BE MORE as they mark their very own milestone today.
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal this year was awarded to Mari Sarenia A/P Veerappan Karunakaran (Bachelor of Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Honours) from the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment for her outstanding achievement in her studies, extra-curricular activities which displayed high levels of leadership and ethics.
The Class of 2020 have come a long way and have successfully completed their final year amidst the pandemic which although stalled the world of its norms, created an opportunity to fully utilize the digital opportunities to achieve what was once thought a possibility in the distant future, hence why this convocation carries a deeper sentimental value this year. MAHSA University is proud of this milestone they have achieved and look forward to seeing them achieve their success through the nurturing it has provided in preparing them for the professional world and in the expectations of IR4.0.
MAHSA University is the flagship of MAHSA Group which specializes in various areas of expertise such as Education, Healthcare, Technology, Remittance, Hospitality, Retail, Sports and Wellness. The companies under MAHSA Group also serve as an incubator for our graduates, providing them with internships and career opportunities aside from our list of esteemed academic and industrial affiliations. This year marks also another proud moment for MAHSA as it has begun the construction of its Specialist Hospital which will be ready in 2023. The Specialist Hospital will provide internship and employment opportunities for MAHSA students and alumni.
Congratulations class of 2020!

Bridging Lab Research to Wound Care with Mushroom Science
Published on: 04-29-2021
Wound care has become increasingly important over the years and this can be seen by the Government’s continuous efforts to raise awareness of proper wound management. Delayed wound healing affects plenty of patients and requires prolonged treatments that seriously reduce the quality of life for patients. Various synthetic antimicrobial products have been described as wound-care treatment but some authors suggest that these antimicrobials can cause toxic effects, even at doses required to achieve good results. Therefore, natural products as traditional therapeutics are in considerable demand, as they are comprehended to have minimal side effects on humans. Lignosus rhinocerus, more commonly known by its local name "cendawan susu rimau [tiger milk mushroom (TMM)]", is a highly valued medicinal mushroom with a wide spectrum of bioactive properties.
This knowledge has prompted a group of researchers led by Dr Yeannie Yap Hui Yeng, Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Dentistry, to investigate the wound-healing activities of TMM in addition to its antimicrobial properties. The mechanism(s) by which TMM may influence wound healing in bacterial and fungal infection will be the main part of our investigation as the deeper clinical understanding of wounds and its pathophysiology is significant to biomedical innovations. This project is funded under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) by the Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia.
Dr Yeannie is a biomedical scientist who received her degree from Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman. She further pursued her MSc (UTAR, 2009) and PhD in Molecular Medicine (University of Malaya, 2011) focusing on prion diseases and medicinal mushrooms. She did her postdoctoral training in breast oncology at Nanyang Technological University, Singapore (2015 – 2017). She is also a recipient of the Endeavour Research Fellowship from the Government of Australia to embark on a joint project with the University of Western Australia. Dr Yeannie is keen on translational research mainly related to cancer biology and biopharmaceutical study, focusing on natural compounds' bioactivities, purification, and characterization.
"Wound healing is a complex process, and investigations into the basic mechanisms of the wound-healing process and further regulating these processes for faster healing is fundamental to avoid negative outcomes", urges Dr Yeannie.
The deliverables from this study will be valuable to shedding light on new lead compound(s) that may be able to augment wound healing beneficially, she added.
"OralDETECT" Training Programme for Early Detection of Oral Cancer
Published on: 04-29-2021
Early diagnosis of oral cancer results in less aggressive treatment and improves the quality of life and overall 5-year survival rate. Well-trained dental professionals can play a crucial role in the early detection of oral cancers. The present study is aimed at determining the effectiveness of the training programme for the early detection of oral cancer. The present study includes thirty-two dentists and 259 dental students from three Malaysian dental schools. All participants were trained and calibrated to recognize oral potentially malignant disorders (OPMD) and oral cancer using "OralDETECT", which is comprised of a series of pre-tests, lectures, post-tests and review sessions. The diagnostic accuracy of both the dental professionals and the students increased to above 80% by the end of the programme.
This training programme has been copyrighted by OCRCC with Rosnah Binti Zain as the developer with the MYIPO application number LY2016001448. We would like to thank the Oral Health Programme of the Ministry of Health Malaysia for their participation in this OralDETECT training programme. We also appreciate the tremendous effort and commitment given by the dental schools involved in this study. Other contributors from MAHSA University involved in this study were Associate Professor Dr Deepak Pateel and Gou Rean Wong.
"Repetitive learning and corrective feedback mechanisms are effective training methods in dental education." - Professor Dr Rosnah Binti Zain
This study clearly demonstrated that the "OralDETECT" training programme is an efficient and effective competency tool to train dental professionals and students in the early detection of OPMD and oral cancer. "OralDETECT" and/or other similar training programmes should be promoted for dental students, general dentists, specialists and also other health professionals.
View this article at
𝐸𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦:
Dr Fareez, Mr Wong– Faculty Research Publicity (FRP) team

Inventions Virtual Scavenger Hunt
Published on: 04-29-2021
Author: Maryam Hanisah
On 20 February 2021, MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University organized the Inventions Virtual Scavenger Hunt for all MAHSA University students. With the recent global pandemic, social gatherings have been prohibited, causing demotivation among students. Fun engagements with friends has long been overdue with this never-ending MCO. Students feel trapped in the same tedious routines every day. With this in mind, a Virtual Scavenger Hunt was carried out to give students some fun and excitement. There were two formats for this competition, the Virtual Scavenger Hunt and the Skribbl IO. The competition started at 10 am and ended at 11.30 am.
The competition applies the knowledge of innovation in all types of games and quizzes. Questions like innovator and object innovations were taken into consideration while planning the competition. Participants competed individually instead of in groups. During the virtual scavenger hunt, students had to draw and write the answers on pieces of blank paper, while looking for the items within their homes. These challenges had to be resolved in one minute. As they brainstormed, cracked the clues and searched for the objects, the last person to complete the challenge lost the round. The judging criterion was based on speed and the accuracy of the answers. The core reasons for this exciting competition were satisfaction in completing the challenge and the mystery of the next challenge. After seven rounds, three students moved to the second part of the competition.
The fun did not stop there. In Round 2, students played Skribbl IO, a drawing and guessing game. During Skribbl IO, one person had to choose a word and draw the object afterwards. While one person was drawing, other students had to guess the answer right away in the group chats. The chatbot detected the correct answer, ended the round and gave the players their scores. Points were given according to the speed of their correct answers. Hints were given as the clock ticked. The player with the highest marks was nominated as the winner. This game required drawing, speed and a greater level of understanding skills. The event ran smoothly, thanks to the help of facilitators from the Centre of Pre-University, Dr Mohamad Helmi, Ms Charumathy Menon and Dr Chew Weiyun.
A total of nine participants from different faculties competed in the competition. They winners each received a Steam digital gift card. The event was fun and encouraged students to compete in a friendly environment, bringing them together. It was an exciting opportunity held for students to interact with their friends from different areas. The virtual scavenger hunt also motivated students to think out of the box to try and solve problems instantly. The winner of the Scavenger Hunt was Muhammad Haziq. Ali Hazetq Zuhairy was the first runner up, and Nik Ammar Farhan the second runner up. We would like to congratulate the winners for their impressive skills.

Digital Poster Competition
Published on: 04-29-2021
Author: Norlaila Najwa binti Rahman
In conjunction with the March Thematic Month, the Centre for Pre-University studies successfully organized a digital poster competition from 15 March until 26 March 2021. The competition was open to all MAHSA staff and students to showcase their talents. been chosen core value for March was empathy, and the theme for the competition was‘Empathy grows as we learn’. The participants were required to express their understanding of empathy through digital drawings.
The participants included one member of the staff and nine students from the MBBS, FoHS, CPUS, Pharmacy, and FBFIT programmes. The criteria for the winning poster was originality and creativity. The first place went to Shaamalan A/L Murugaya while the second place went to Muhammad Ashif, both from the MBBS programme. The third-place went to Tineshraj, a student from FoHS. The top 3 winning posters will be featured on MAHSA’s social media platforms and exhibited in the MAHSA library.
This competition was organized to create awareness among the students and staff of the importance of empathy in our life. During this pandemic, empathy is very important for us to understand what other people feel, imagine ourselves in their places, and help each other through these difficult times.

Make Empathy Great Again!
Published on: 04-28-2021
By Dr Nur Fauwizah binti Azahar
The term ‘empathy’ is used to express a wide range of experiences in human life. By the definition, empathy is the ability to emotionally understand what other people feel, see things from their point of view and imagine yourself in their place. It is essentially putting yourself in someone else’s position and feeling what they must be feeling. Empathy seems to have deep roots in our brains and bodies and in our evolutionary history and it is not only for humans but for all living organism including animals, plants and environments.
There are a lot of signs that show that you tend to be an empathic person, such as being good at really listening to what others have to say. When people tell you about their problems, you are good at picking up on how other people are feeling. Having a great deal of empathy makes you concerned for the well being and happiness of others. Having empathy is an important life skill and fortunately we can learn and strengthen. There are few things that you can do to build your empathy skills, such as working on listening to people without interrupting, paying attention to body language and other types of non-verbal communication, asking people questions to learn more about them and their lives, and imagining yourself in another person’s shoes.
For MAHSA’s November thematic month 2020, The Centre for Pre-University Studies hosted a one-minute video competition in line with the theme – Making Empathy Great Again! The key intention of the competition is to provide an opportunity for our MAHSA family to showcase and share their thoughts, experience and understanding of this core value and its importance in our lives. The competition was blasted through MAHSA’s email, Facebook and WhatsApp groups to all students and staff. Srivinisha A/P Nesa Ganddhi from Foundation in Business was announced the winner in the one-minute video competition. Her thoughts and tips on how to make empathy great again were impressive! Congratulations to Srivinisha!

Gadget Among Young Children - Positive or Negative?
Published on: 04-28-2021
Nowadays, gadgets are becoming a necessary tool in education (smartphone, tablet, etc.). It is a common sight to see children with gadgets. Most of the children these days are advanced in IT compared to adults. Gadgets have become more of a child's choice than a game or an activity. In fact, it is amazing to see a child as young as 2 years old handling and using these gadgets.
I agree that there are many benefits of using gadgets, but it must be used in a controlled manner. Otherwise, it may negatively impact a child’s future.
A long time ago, children only knew how to play Lego as compared to today's children who are more advanced with YouTube, Facebook and Instagram. These children spend more time on these apps which no real-life social practice. I believe that the use of gadgets should be supervised and controlled. Without control, it can be addictive, which may inhibit children’s social skills.
Therefore, adults especially parents and teachers need some tips to control the use of gadgets among children.
- Set a time
Time limits should be set so that children will not be addictive. If they are used to play their smartphones or iPads, they need to ask for the device from time to time. Parents need to realize that the they need to limit the time to less than 15 minutes at a time and ensure that these kids are not using the devices for more than 30 minutes a day. - Monitor usage
Children are vulnerable to various types of unhealthy content, especially pornography. It is increasingly contagious and easily available on the Internet. So, adults need to play the roles to monitor their children while they are using the gadget. Adults may set their gadgets to parenting control mode to prevent them from accessing inappropriate pages. - Don’t spoil your child with gadgets
Some parents use the smartphones as a "sedative" when their children cry. Opening a video on YouTube is a very simple step to soothe a crying child. However, parents should understand that it is only a temporary solution as it will not solve the real problem. We should find the real reason why child is crying. If children are too pampered with gadgets, they will be prone to rage and constant sulking. - Avoid gadgets when there are a lot of people
When a family plans for a gathering, take advantage of the situation by letting the children socialize with their cousins and relatives. If they ask for a gadget, avoid fulfilling their request, but instead explain nicely in words. Children need to learn to socialize and interact with their environment. It is an essential skill before stepping into the realm of school and adolescence. - ‘NO’ gadgets in the first two years
There are many ages outlined by different experts regarding the appropriate age to introduce gadgets to children. Most early childhood experts suggest that children should be more than the age of two before using any gadgets. In the first two years of a child, it is important to stimulate their senses and it can only be done when children interact with physical objects around them. - Show a good example
If we expect the children not to use the screen of a smartphone or iPad regularly, we as adults should start first. Show them a good example. Children follow and imitate the behaviour of adults. Spend more time playing and chatting with the children. Avoid holding gadgets during family time.
Source: Adapted from hellodoktor.com

Penularan Penyakit Berjangkit dan Vaksinisasi di Malaysia
Published on: 04-28-2021
Menurut Kamus Dewan edisi ke-2, wabak didefinisikan sebagai suatu kejadian dimana berlakunya penularan penyakit berjangkit dengan kadar yang cepat di kalangan penduduk di sesuatu kawasan. Jika kita bincangkannya dalam konteks zaman moden pada hari ini, sudah tentunya wabak Covid-19 akan menjadi topik utama dan dikategorikan sebagai wabak yang paling berbahaya dan mendatangkan mudarat kepada negara dan Malaysia merupakan salah sebuah negara yang tidak terkecuali dibadai gelombang wabak ini. Namun begitu, wabak Covid-19 bukanlah satu-satunya wabak yang pernah menghuru-harakan negara kita.
Sekitar tahun 1890, penularan wabak taun telah mula di kesan di Tanah Melayu khasnya di bandar-bandar yang mempunyai kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi seperti Kuala Lumpur. Kemuncak dari wabak ini dapat dilihat apabila terdapat pegawai British yang turut terkesan dan kehilangan nyawa akibat dijangkiti wabak taun. Penularan wabak ini di bandar Kuala Lumpur dilihat semakin kritikal apabila jumlah korban semakin meningkat pada setiap hari sehinggalah Kuala Lumpur menjadi sunyi dan digelar “bandar berhantu”. Perkara ini dapat dibuktikan dalam laporan oleh pegawai kesihatan British yang menyatakan terdapat jumlah mayat yang banyak ditinggalkan di Hospital Kuala Lumpur dan tidak dituntut oleh waris masing-masing akibat takut dijangkiti wabak tersebut.
Selain Kuala Lumpur, Alor Setar juga merupakan salah sebuah ibu negeri yang teruk dilanda wabak taun. Rekod pejabat kesihatan negeri pada ketika itu menunjukkan terdapat jumlah korban yang agak tinggi berlaku disebabkan wabak ini. Pada tahun 1907, jumlah kematian akibat wabak taun bagi negeri Kedah sahaja berjumlah 247 orang. Jumlah ini kemudiannya meningkat kepada 966 kematian pada tahun 1911 dan ianya semakin meningkat saban tahun. Rekod kematian tertinggi di negeri Kedah dicatatkan pada tahun 1913 apabila sejumlah 1502 orang terkorban akibat wabak taun dan perkara ini sudah tentunya mendatangkan kebimbangan kepada kerajaan negeri Kedah pada ketika itu yang diperintah oleh Sultan Abdul Hamid Halim Shah.
Bagi membendung wabak ini agar tidak terus menular dalam kalangan penduduk, kerajaan negeri telah menguatkuasakan Undang-Undang Kawalan Penyakit Berjangkit 1896 dan juga menggunakan undang-undang kerajaan negeri iaitu Enakmen No. 124 (Vaksinasi) yang mewajibkan semua penduduk serta bayi yang baru dilahirkan diberi suntikan vaksin secara percuma. Pengenalan undang-undang berkaitan vaksinisasi ini sebenarnya bukanlah sesuatu yang baru, buktinya undang-undang berkaitan vaksinisasi telah diperkenalkan di Tanah Melayu sejak tahun 1899 lagi oleh pemerintah British. Oleh itu, jika 100 tahun dahulu rakyat Tanah Melayu mampu memberi kerjasama dengan pihak pemerintah British bagi menjayakan program vaksinasi kepada semua rakyat bagi menghadapi wabak taun, adalah sesuatu yang tidak mustahil bagi kita rakyat Malaysia pada masa kini untuk turut terlibat dan memberi kerjasama kepada pihak kerajaan bagi menjayakan Program Imunisasi Covid-19 untuk kemaslahatan bersama.
- Abdullah Zakaria Ghazali (ed), Sejarah Negeri Selangor: Dari Zaman Prasejarah Hingga Kemerdekaan, Shah Alam: Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia Cawangan Selangor, 2005.
- Ahmad Kamal Ariffin Mohd Rus, ‘Sanitary Board’ Kuala Lumpur: Peranan Dan Pentadbiran 1890-1914, Persatuan Sejarah Malaysia, 2001.
- Gullick, J.M., A History Of Selangor 1766-1939, Kuala Lumpur: Falcon Press Sdn. Bhd. 1992.
- Khoo Kay Kim, Kuala Lumpur: The Formative Years, Kuala Lumpur, Berita Publishing, 1996.
- Sankar Arikrishnan (2020) Sejarah Perubatan Dan Kesihatan Kedah di Kedah, 1882-1909, Sejarah: Journal Of History Department, University Malaya; No. 29 (1) 2020: 56-73; ISSN 1985-0611.

Distinguished Research Achievements of Dr Pallav Sengupta in the year 2020
Published on: 02-19-2021
Research is one of the most distinguished and competitive strengths of a University. With this note, MAHSA University proudly recognizes the contribution of Dr. Pallav Sengupta of Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing for the Best Research output in the year 2020. He has achieved a grand number of THIRTY-FIVE (35) publications in just one year with 25 research articles and 10 book chapters, along with his wife and colleague, Dr. Sulagna Dutta, Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA University. His total research publications reached more than HUNDRED AND TWENTY (120) with Scopus H-index of 22 and Google Scholar H-Index of 27.
The University also proudly announces that the article entitled 'SARS-Cov-2 and male infertility: Possible Multifaceted Pathology' published by Dr. Sulagna Dutta and Dr. Pallav Sengupta in the reputed journal, Reproductive Sciences, has been awarded the 'Most Popular Review 2020: Clinical Sciences' by the journal and also by the ‘Springer Nature’.
Dr. Pallav Sengupta also contributes to the scientific community as an Editorial Board member and Reviewer in several ISI and Scopus indexed journals. Furthermore, he has been supervising researchers who are reviewing articles for Web of Science (WoS) journals for several years for which in the year 2020, Dr Sengupta has got certified as a ‘Publons Academy Supervisor’.
Success is often determined by the acceptability and recognition at the global strata. MAHSA University hereby also congratulates Dr. Pallav Sengupta for being ranked 2nd as Infertility Research Expert in Malaysia by the ‘ExpertScape’ in 2020. Moreover, it is a great foot for Dr. Sengupta and Dr. Dutta for being selected as the International Faculties and Research Mentors at the American Center for Reproductive Medicine, Cleveland Clinic, USA.
With the splendid research achievements, Dr. Pallav Sengupta has undoubtedly helped in hoisting the reputation of MAHSA University at the global level. The University wishes the very best for Dr. Pallav Sengupta and Dr Sulagna Dutta in all their future endeavours.

Sleep Apnoea – Don’t Ignore the Snore
Published on: 02-19-2021
Sleep apnoea means that a person's breathing is interrupted during sleep. People with untreated sleep apnoea stop breathing repeatedly during their sleep. This means the brain and the rest of the body may not get enough oxygen. In fact, sleep apnoea affects more than three in 10 men and nearly two in 10 women, so it's more common than you might think.
There are three types of sleep apnoea:
- Obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA): The more common of the two forms of apnoea, it is caused by a blockage of the airway, usually when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses during sleep.
- Central sleep apnoea: Unlike OSA, the airway is not blocked, but the brain fails to signal the muscles to breathe, due to instability in the respiratory control centre.
- Mixed sleep apnoea: This is a mixture of both obstructive sleep apnoea OSA (where there is a blockage or obstruction in the upper airway) and CSA (where no effort is made to breathe).
It is estimated that nearly 30 million people in the United States have sleep apnoea. It affects all ages, and men are twice as likely to have sleep apnoea as women. In Malaysia, the prevalence of sleep-disordered breathing is ranged similarly at about 15 to 20% in adults and seven to nine percent in children. An estimated 1.9 million people in Malaysia are affected by OSA. Surprisingly, 85-90% are not diagnosed and untreated. If left untreated, sleep apnoea may lead to complications.
Signs and Symptoms
The first and most common sign of sleep apnoea is usually observed by a sleeping partner - snoring. In addition to snoring, they might also tell you that you make gasping or choking sounds while you're asleep. You might notice some other symptoms too, such as constant tiredness, poor concentration, morning headaches, frequent urination at night, depressed moods, night sweats, weight gain, and sexual dysfunction.
The most common causes are obesity (most often), short and large necks (collar sizes) and small chins. Besides that, other causes may be inflammations in the nose, mouth, and throat, for example, tonsillitis or a large tongue. Other contributing factor factors include alcohol, which can cause the throat muscles to sag and prevent the brain from acting on the problems caused by sleep; problems of thyroid hormones and the thyroid gland; medicines such as sleeping pills and tranquilizers; and smoking.
According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health, obstructive sleep apnoea is associated with an increased risk of stroke in middle-aged and older adults, especially men. People with sleep apnoea problem have a high risk of road accident, high blood pressure, heart attack and diabetes mellitus. Furthermore, it may also lead to day-time sleepiness and a lack of concentration and focus.
- A mild OSA problem can be treated by losing weight, proper sleep mode and avoiding alcohol, smoking or medications as described above.
- The treatment of related medical problems such as thyroid gland problems may also help.
- Treatments such as sewing tennis balls to the back of the shirt can encourage patients to sleep in bed (sleep overtures can cause apnoea to be worse).
- Severe OSA requires a breathing aid (CPAP/BPAP; a continuous or biphasic positive pressure). It can prevent the respiratory tract from being closed during sleep. If this device does not work, surgery may be necessary to relieve respiratory tract infections.
- The mouth guard is a tool for preventing the tongue from clogging the respiratory tract. This treatment is provided by the Orthodontist. Surgery can be performed to overcome the problem of obstruction on the nose or throat.
"Obstructive sleep apnoea" and snoring problems can be overcome by:
- Avoid alcohol consumption.
- Medicines such as sleeping pills may be a sedative remedy that can slow down the respiratory rate.
- Keep your diet and exercise and try to gain optimum weight (a normal body mass index).
- Sleeping is better than stretching. Tennis balls stitched to the back of pyjamas may be helpful.
- Avoid smoking.
- Raise your head about four inches (10 cm) to six inches (15 cm) during sleep by placing bricks under the bed at the head of the bed (the use of the pillow to raise the head does not work).
- Treat respiratory problems such as nasal congestion or flu as they cause snoring to get worse.
- Avoid taking antihistamines as they can cause drowsiness and aggravate sleep apnoea. Preferably take medicines that reduce the blockage (decongestants).
- Practice regular bedtimes
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea is a lot more common than most people realize, as a lot of the time it is just passed off as a ‘snoring problem’. This condition is a lot more serious than it seems and needs urgent attention.
- American Thoracic Society: Patient information series.
- Morgenthaler TI et al. Complex sleep apnoea syndrome: is it a unique clinical syndrome? Sleep 2006; 29(9): 1203-9.
- Buchner NJ et al. Continuous positive airway pressure treatment of mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea reduces cardiovascular risk. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 2007; 176(12): 1274-1280.
- Lianne M et al. Effects of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure on Fatigue and Sleepiness in Patients with Obstructive Sleep apnoea: Data from a Randomized Controlled Trial. Sleep. 2011 January 1;
- Romero-Corral A et al. Interactions between obesity and obstructive sleep apnoea: implications for treatment. Chest. 2010 Mar; 137(3):711-9.
It’s Time to Embark on Your Journey Towards a Rewarding Career in Quantity Surveying
Published on: 02-19-2021
The construction industry nowadays is rapidly developing in Malaysia. More skilled roles are becoming available, especially for quantity surveyors. Quantity surveyors are mostly responsible for calculating the costs of building projects, which begin with the initial estimates to the final accounting of materials. A quantity surveyor’s role focuses on providing clients with value for their money in accordance with the contract produced, adhering to strict regulations which must be adhered to by the construction industry.
Quantity surveyors mainly manage all the costs associated with building and civil engineering projects with the main aim of minimizing all expenses and to keep them within the limits of a specific budget without compromising on the quality of the end result of the building and strictly following health and safety regulations.
Quantity surveyors do not manage only costs, but also take part in projects and liaise with contractors and clients from the start by preparing comprehensive project estimates. They also compile tender and contract documentation, and conduct feasibility and project risks. Once each project starts, they keep close observation of any variation that may occur to cause changes in the project costs.
Quantity surveyors are thus vital in engineering and construction projects, and are highly sought after in the construction industry, and MAHSA University’s courses in Quantity Surveying are among the best in the country.
Engineering as a Moral Study of Intellectual Life
Published on: 02-19-2021
Engineering is the application of science and mathematics in solving complex technical problems. In general, there are five major branches of engineering: electrical, civil, mechanical, chemical, and computer, and literally hundreds of different subcategories of engineering under each branch.
One of the oldest engineering fields is mechanical engineering, a field of study with the broadest areas, dealing with the design, development, installation, operation, and maintenance of anything that has moving parts. This field requires an understanding of core areas including mechanics, dynamics, thermodynamics, material science, electricity, and structural analysis. Automotive, aerospace, manufacturing, oil and gas are examples of the sub-fields of mechanical engineering.
A discipline of engineering which solves the problems of society and provides facilities for society’s needs is civil engineering. This field deals with the construction, design, operation, and maintenance of public facilities such as roads and highways, houses, railways, drainage systems, etc. Qualified civil engineers can work in a range of sectors, particularly in the construction sector, on building and large structures of all kinds, transport, and communication infrastructure. Compared to mechanical engineering, civil engineering mostly deals with static (non-moving) structures.
Electrical engineering deals with the study and application of physics and mathematics combined with elements of electricity, electronics, and electromagnetism, to systems for processing information and transmit energy. It covers a wide range of sub-fields including electronics, digital computer power engineering, telecommunications, control systems, and signal processing. Electrical engineering is now developing rapidly, often overlapping with other engineering branches, spanning a huge number of specializations including hardware engineering, renewable energies, and mechatronics.
Computer engineering is the branch of engineering that integrates electronic engineering with computer sciences. It exists at the intersection of technology and innovation which blend together computer science and electrical engineering to further advancement in digital technology, computer networking and computer system. In general, the people involved in this field work with hardware and software, ensuring that the two are seamlessly integrated and functioning properly.
Engineering lies at the core of many things. Engineers have completely changed the world we live in, giving us a better life in terms of health, technology, communication, and development. New developments are taking place every single day and new engineering jobs are constantly offered alongside new and innovative technologies. We could not live comfortably in this modern world without engineers.
“A good scientist is a person with original ideas. A good engineer is a person who makes a design that works with as few original ideas as possible. There are no prima donnas in engineering” – Freeman Dyson (theoretical physicist and mathematician)

Real Superheroes at MAHSA
Published on: 02-19-2021
Greetings from the Centre for Pre-University Studies. It is New Year’s Eve once again. Happy New Year everyone! We manage to get through the year 2020. Everyone struggled and had a tough year with the pandemic, unemployment, retrenchment, mental health problems, and yet now we are in the year 2021. Time flies so fast! Let us take this eve as an opportunity to thank and appreciate each other.
We tend to ignore this in our daily life, as we have work, assignments, deadlines, and targets to achieve. In all this, we forget to look around and appreciate the people around us such as our family members, friends, and colleagues. This year let us make a resolution to acknowledge those who stand behind us no matter what, who love us unconditionally.
When we speak about superheroes, we tend to think about someone who has a superpower such as Batman and Superman that can make the world a better place to live. By definition, a superhero is a fictional character having superhuman powers or greatly enhanced abilities. Everyone can be a superhero in his or her own way.
There is a superhero inside all of us, we just need the courage to put on the cape. Each of us has our own enhanced abilities that are more developed than others. Some are great at math, some possess extraordinary social skills, others have both and that combination on its own is a unique superpower. In our daily office grind, we disguise ourselves as Clark Kents, Bruce Waynes, and Tony Starks. Let's rip off these gray suits and for once, reveal the real Superheroes at work.
There are many real superheroes at MAHSA. Educators, teachers, and lecturers are some of the superheroes in our daily lives. The future of our world is literally in the hands of our teachers. They shape us into the people we become by giving us the knowledge we need to function in the real world. Not only do teachers give us all the tools we need to write, do math, read, analyse, and interpret information, they also act as mentors, role models, and even friends. High school teachers and college professors provide networking systems and support too if school life or social life gets hard.
Teachers and lecturers get to their classrooms long before their students arrive to prepare and organize everything for the day. Then they stay long after students leave, to clean up their classrooms, attend a staff meeting, and hold study sessions for the students who need more help. Even after they leave school, they work from home grading papers and planning lessons. Teachers do not get enough credit or praise for their massive contributions to our society. Hats off to all the extremely hard-working teachers and lecturers out there.
Security guards, an indeed special group of fearless men and women who have devoted themselves to protect us and our assets from risk; to ensure we feel safe at our workplaces as well as ensure that the students sleep peacefully at night. Don’t they make life a lot easier? These men and women have a way to courteously say a greeting to us, from polite ‘Hi’s to kind questions like, ‘I haven’t seen you in a while’, ‘How is your morning?’, ‘Have you had lunch?’, ‘You look smart and today’, etc.
You may have heard the famous story where a security guard saved the life of a company’s employee by getting concerned for not having seen her for a day as was the routine and going to physically search in their work station only to find her at risk and rescue her. I salute security guards. They are indeed our superheroes.
Carrying along their message of hope, superheroes are most important in everyday lives. One of the reasons why so many people are attracted to superheroes is because of what they represent: someone who is kind, compassionate, and who selflessly follows his or her values for the good of others. If you think about it, there are many unsung heroes from mythology and science-related fields who have made great inventions. However, their work has gone unnoticed. There are many unsung heroes all around you if you take note of them.
They do not work for getting praise, titles, status, or fame. They work selfishly and voluntarily help the underprivileged and needy people in distress. To sum up, most unsung heroes are not appreciated and the bravest things they do in their lives are only known to them. Let’s appreciate people around us more by saying thank you, because sometimes the simplest things mean the most.

Achieving Relaxation in a Modern Lifestyle
Published on: 01-12-2021
Nowadays, it is quite hard to find a balance between work and family time. We are often too occupied with work and stress up. It is very important to have our own ‘me’ time and relax from time to time. Hence, the Centre for Pre-University Studies has conducted a webinar on "Achieving Relaxation in a Modern Lifestyle" on 26 November 2020. Speaker for this webinar is Mr. Yap Chee Khong who is a registered psychologist from Singapura and he works in Sunway hospital as a clinical psychologist. The first part is the introduction to stress, including the sign and symptoms while the second part is how we manage or cope with stress.
The first exercise, we need to close our eyes and imagine we are in the kitchen. Then, we saw a bowl of lemon, select one of the lemon, touch it, smell it, cut it into slices and taste it. Through this exercise, you will feel so calm and your mouth will be full of saliva because of the imaging lemon taste which is sour. This result shows that we have a strong mind-body connection. Thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and physical reactions are all related.
What does stress mean to you? First of all, we need to know ourselves for us to manage our stress. Examples of stress are financial stress, time management issue, performances KPI which is the work goal, interpersonal relationship, and health condition. The body mechanism which helps us to cope with stress is the ‘Flight and fight’ reaction. The stress that we encounter in this modern world is different from the ancestor. Stress responses include an increase in heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, or even stomach pain. The sign of stress is divided into four categories which are physical, emotional, behavioral, and cognitive (mind). Some examples of behavioral signs can be hurting ourselves.
Stress and performance influence each other in which stress will increase performance but until a certain level of stress, it will decrease. The way to deal with stress is divided into two which are problem-focused and emotion-focused. Problem-focused is like a fight in which we face the problem and solve the problem. Brainstorming to find out ways and solutions to solve the problem.
Next is the relaxation process. The relaxation process is the opposite of the stress process. It can be voluntary through regular practice. Relaxation only comes to you when you allow relaxing. Here are some relaxing techniques such as breathing exercise, visual imagery, autogenic training, mindfulness training, and progressive muscle relaxation like stretching. Through this webinar, we get to know how to cope with stress and achieve relaxation in a modern lifestyle.

MAHSA University Signs MoU & AoI with Universitas Indonesia
Published on: 01-12-2021
On 18th November 2020, MAHSA University and Universitas Indonesia signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to establish an academic collaboration between both universities. This was followed by the signing of an Agreement of Implementation (AoI) between the Faculty of Public Health, Universitas Indonesia and the Faculty of Health Sciences of MAHSA University for a Student Mobility programme between both faculties particularly in the areas of Environmental Health and Occupational Safety and Health (OSH).
Universitas Indonesia is a public university and is the top ranked university in Indonesia, with 14 faculties, 2 schools, 1 vocational programme and almost 50,000 students
Signing the MoU & AoI for Universitas Indonesia were their respected Rector, Professor Ari Kuncoro SE, MA, PhD and the Dean of the Public Health Faculty, Professor Dr Sabarinah Prasetyo MSc, while Professor Dato’ Dr Ikram, Vice-Chancellor of MAHSA University and Associate Professor Dr Veronica Chua, Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, signed on behalf of MAHSA.
This AoI on student mobility offers a variety of options to MAHSA students to broaden their perspectives in environmental health through our partner institution. Such international exposure will teach our students to view issues from alternative perspectives, to be more tolerant, to be more adaptable and to improve their interpersonal skills - qualities which are essential in today’s job market. We are certain that MAHSA students will benefit greatly from the opportunities provided for them to obtain international exposure during the duration of their studies here with us.
The Faculty of Health Sciences of MAHSA University is proud to partner with the Faculty of Public Health Universitas Indonesia and we hope this collaboration will pave the way for closer cooperation between MAHSA University and Universitas Indonesia in other areas.

Why Chemistry is Important in Pharmaceutical & Why Physics is Important in Medicine
Published on: 01-12-2021
This webinar, with the title of "Why Chemistry is Important in Pharmaceuticals and Why Physics is Important in Medicine" was conducted by Dr Naimah bt Haron and Mdm Nor Diana Zulkifli, lecturers from MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University Studies on the 5th of December 2020. The topic was discussed in a casual setting but was yet highly informative.
Dr Naimah mentioned that chemistry is one of the core subjects necessary for students to future their studies in the medical field. Many people might be curious about this need to study chemistry. Chemistry is not only important in the medical field, but also very important for daily living, such as in cooking and cleaning. For example, you can produce esters by undergoing the esterification process as well as producing food colouring. On top of that, by studying the interaction between molecules as well as the chemical composition of any substance, you can come up with the most effective detergent or soap to be used for cleaning dishes and laundries. Because of chemistry, we are also able to produce drugs that are suitable for humans and animals by undergoing several trials and errors in analyzing the composition of substances.
Mdm Diana also mentioned that there are some common questions asked by students such as "Do I need to take or be good in physics to be able to study to become a doctor or surgeon?" or "As a doctor, will I ever use the physics knowledge I have learned?" and the answer to all these questions is, yes. Nowadays in the medical field, we use advanced machines such as X-ray, ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and computerized tomography (CT) to detect as well as to have an in-depth view of the condition of internal organs. The gathering, compiling, and analysis of all this complex data helps doctors to determine the best and most efficient option of treatment for the patients.
Physics is also important to doctors even at the most basic level. For example, understanding the process of heat transfer is very helpful when dealing with patients facing hypothermia and fever.
Mdm Diana concluded that doctors and physicists must understand the fundamental sciences in order to be able to take care of their patients, as well as knowing the clinical guidelines that match and fit each patient. Mdm Diana also highly recommended that students take physics as well as the hard sciences in preparation before for entering into a degree programme.

"Sports Chic" turns "Writer Girl"
Published on: 01-06-2021
At MAHSA University, our philosophy is to always Be More. This means being all that we can possibly be. MAHSA is proud to celebrate the success of one of our own MBBS students, Ms Selinaah Muralitharan, who recently did both our University and our country proud by publishing a book of her own poetry and winning a Malaysian record and an Asian record for the longest love poem ever written. Here she shares her thoughts on how she's managed to accomplish so much at such a young age, juggling her studies and her other passion of writing poetry.
- Can you introduce yourself?
My name is Selinaah Muralitharan. I’m 21 years old and I’m currently in year 2 MBBS at MAHSA University. I’m the youngest among three. I have an elder brother, Kejhan, who’s 25 years old and is a mechanical engineer. My sister, Thinaah, is just a year older than me (22 years old) and she’s a national badminton player. - Did you write poems as a child?
I've always known how to rhyme, ever since I was a kid. I used to write simple rhymes on birthday cards or Mother’s Day cards when I was little. I only started writing poetry at 16 and have never stopped. - When did you get started with this?
I started writing poems when I was 16. The first poem I ever wrote is about a ballerina. It is titled "The Flawed Ballerina." Some of my poems, including The Flawed Ballerina, were selected to be published in a United States literature magazine called Fine Lines Magazine.
I self-published my first poetry book called "A Hundred Thoughts" in February 2018 while I was doing my Foundation in Science. My manuscript was liked and accepted by a publishing company in India. After signing a contract with them, they helped me self-publish my poetry book. My book is still available on Amazon. - How do you manage to fit writing poems with your studies? Are you good at managing your time?
I’ve been trained since young to have good time management. From primary school up to high school, I had a very tight routine. Almost everyday, I had school, training and tuition to attend. The only time I actually wrote poems were at night, right before heading to bed. I’d say good time management, determination and discipline will help you achieve every target you set for yourself. - What was your inspiration to write this?
I think it was some time in November 2018. I was inspired by a good friend of mine to write about our special bond. As the poem got longer and longer, I did some research and found out the longest love poem had about 100 stanzas in it. Knowing that somehow motivated me to continue writing the poem by adding more stanzas to it. Eventually by Jan 2019, I reached 115 stanzas (2641 words), which was longer than the longest love poem in the world. I submitted my application to the Malaysia Book of Records and after 3 months, in April 2019, I was awarded with the Malaysia record for writing the longest love poem in the country.
Earlier this year 2020, I submitted my application to the Asia Book of Records. At first, I was rejected due to lack of documentation. My parents guided me and helped me strengthen my application. In August 2020, I reapplied and 2 months later, I was awarded with Asia record for writing the longest love poem in Asia. - Can you give some advice to youngsters who aspire to merge their hobbies with studies?
My advice is to never give up on your wildest dreams. Only you know what you truly want to do in your life so it’s up to you to put it in the blood, sweat and tears to reach all of them. Discipline, good-time management, determination and last but not least, the right company will push you to strive for greatness.

MAHSA Specialist Hospital - Ground Breaking Ceremony
Published on: 01-06-2021
4th December 2020 - A ground-breaking ceremony was held for the MAHSA Specialist Hospital Construction Project which is due to be completed in 2023. The ceremony was officiated by the Founder and Chairman of MAHSA Group, Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Mohamed Haniffa bin Abdullah along with MAHSA Group Managing Director Dato’ Dr Shahril Haniffa and MAHSA Group Executive Director, Dato’ Sharon bin Haniffa.
The ceremony was held at the site of the construction which is located opposite MAHSA International School here in Bandar Saujana Putra, Selangor. The Specialist Hospital will cater to the community with its 230 beds, offering a wide range of specialist medical services, including an Accident and Emergency unit.
The construction of MAHSA Specialist Hospital will add to MAHSA’s already ongoing initiative of providing internships and employment for MAHSA University students and graduates from each of its seven faculties and centres. The event was attended by faculty deans and the directors of MAHSA University, project engineers , and safety officers.

Student’s Perspective of E-Learning During Pandemic
Published on: 01-06-2021
MAHSA University offers a range of courses and programmes for students to choose from, including Pre-University, Hospitality, Engineering, Health & Sciences, and many more. As for me, I’m currently taking the Foundation in Science (FIS) programme under MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University Studies. This is a great programme to consider taking especially for those who have just finished their SPM, IGCSE, O-levels, or Mathayom Suksa 5.
The Foundation in Science is a one-year programme with three semesters of studies. The curriculum provides students with the knowledge and skills which are highly demanded by universities all around the globe. It allows students to prepare themselves for an undergraduate degree. Graduates from the Foundation in Science can pursue various programmes later in degrees such as Medicine, Dentistry, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Biomedical Science.
Ever since the MCO began in March, every lecture, tutorial, and practical lessons have been carried out online. Frankly speaking, I feel that having classes online isn’t that bad. You can gather all the resources needed for every class easily and you can always search for extra information through the Internet. I also get to spend more time with my family as it’s quite a distance from my house to the campus so I had to stay in the hostel during weekdays to attend my classes. E-learning is more cost-effective as we can save time and money on travelling to campus. Access to the Internet is also available at home, at work, and restaurants, making e-learning much easier and we can take classes at any time and anywhere. It gives us flexibility.
However, having online examinations can be a little stressful especially when the Internet connection is poor and disconnections can happen at unexpected moments. Furthermore, we are unable to carry out laboratory sessions with our classmates in the laboratories due to the pandemic which is still going on. I feel that it is a waste that we are unable to experience laboratory sessions face-to-face with our respective lecturers and interact socially with our classmates.
During the pandemic, we are unable to seek out our lecturers face-to-face whenever we don’t understand a certain part of the lecture or face difficulties in solving questions. However, e-learning via various platforms such as Zoom, Google Meet, and other online chat rooms is also a fun way to learn. Students already have already started to adapt to the new method of learning such as lectures being displayed in videos, animation, audio, and colourful photos. This makes e-learning more interesting compared to the traditional chalk-and-talk method.
In conclusion, I feel that e-learning isn’t that bad. Then again, there are pros and cons of e-learning. This is because some students prefer to have classes face to face and conduct various activities by being hands-on while others prefer to have online classes that are more convenient and hassle-free for them. Anyhow, we should always be grateful to our lecturers for trying their best to make things work through e-learning even though it may be difficult for them at times so that every student does gain the knowledge needed during this pandemic.

Webinar: Google not just for Googling
Published on: 01-06-2021
MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University Studies successfully conducted a webinar entitled ‘Google Not Just For Googling’ on 11 September 2020 live via MAHSA Facebook. The speakers were Dr Naimah and Madam Diana who shared that Google is not just a search engine anymore, but also provides web-based products, communication, and publishing tools.
American and other multinational technology is specialised in Internet services including online advertising technologies, search engines, cloud computing, software, and hardware. University students often use it as search engines to do their assignments and they also use cloud computing to store data. The four big technology brands are Tencent, Google, Microsoft, and Apple. Through this presentation, we discovered that Google was created by two PhD students named Larry Page and Sergey Brin in 1998. Google docs, Google sheets, Google slides and Google forms are beneficial to us. For example, if we need to do a survey we can use Google forms, and all our documents can be stored on Google Drive, an online backup service. Also, due to the outbreak of COVID-19, e-learning is vital now as schools and universities are closed and are instead conducting classes through Google Meet or Hangout. Gmail is also the most widely used email system. Google also has Google Account, Google Classroom, and Google Calendar.
All devices which use Google are web-based devices. A web-based device is one that uses the internet with a browser and there is no need for installations or upgrades, making it very convenient. Search-and-explore tasks are mainly through Google Search and Google Maps, while watch-and-play are from YouTube and communications are mainly through Google’s messenger service and Gmail. Google Scholar is very helpful for students to search for information and references, while Google Translate for those interested in other languages. Other Google services include the Google Cloud platform, Google Public DNS, and Youtube TV.
In conclusion, this webinar was very informative and taught us that Google is much more than just a search engine.

Epstein Barr Virus and Oral Cancer
Published on: 01-06-2021
Tobacco and alcohol consumptions are well-established risk factors for oral cancer. Besides, there are some potential risk factors for oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). One such risk factor is Epstein Barr-virus (EBV). The association between other microbes (human papillomavirus, Helicobacter pylori, and Candida) and OSCC has been well-explored. However, studies assessing the EBV association in oral cancer very scarce. Furthermore, contradictory results are making the outcomes of these studies inconclusive.
Our lecturer, Dr Shivaranjhany A/P Sivakumar and her collaborating research partners from Malaysia, India and USA, had conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis on case-control studies to assess the association between EBV and OSCC.
Their findings highlighted that the variations in the sensitivity and specificity of the diagnostic modalities and the varying diagnostic targets could be the causes behind the contradictory results reported in different case-control studies. From the meta-analysis findings, a strong association between EBV and OSCC is observed. However, considering the number and quality of the included studies as a major limitation, they propose further validation to reach to a conclusive association between the EBV and OSCC.
The present article entitled "Assessing the potential association between Epstein-Barr virus and oral squamous cell carcinoma: a systematic review and meta-analysis" is published in Translational Cancer Research journal.
View this article at
Key researchers:
Dr. Shivaranjhany Sivakumar
Dr. Archana A. Gupta
Dr. Nik Mohd Mazuan Nik Mohd Rosdy
Dr. Annapurny Venkiteswaran
Dr. A. Thirumal Raj
Dr. Kamran Habib Awan
𝐸𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦:
Dr Nazmul Haque, Mr Wong & Dr Fareez– Faculty Research Publicity (FRP) team

Training Dental Professionals - Computers vs Humans
Published on: 01-06-2021
The perception among the general population about dentistry seems to be that it is more psychomotor or skills-based than cognitive or knowledge-based. Yes, dental treatment involves a lot of artistic and hand skills, but knowledge plays an equally, if not more, important role in diagnosing and delivering the necessary treatment. At the same time, the ubiquitous use of computers in daily life has been making an immense impact on higher education also.
Can computers replace humans in dental education?
In the Faculty of Dentistry, Dr. Betsy S. Thomas, Professor in the Department of Periodontology, led the research together with Professor Dr. Mohan Alexander, from the Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and two other researchers, Mdm Nur Sulwana Mohamad Hanapi (Bio-statistician) and Dr. Yeannie Yap Hui Yeng (Department of Oral Biology and Biomedical Sciences) produced the following report.
The article entitled "Computer-Assisted Learning vs. Small-Group Tutorials in Periodontal Charting: A Randomized Controlled Trial in a Malaysian Dental School" is now published in the Journal of Orofacial Sciences.
"Replacing the lecturer with computer teaching to any significant extent is not likely to happen in the near future." -𝐷𝑟. 𝐵𝑒𝑡𝑠𝑦 𝑆. 𝑇ℎ𝑜𝑚𝑎𝑠 – 𝑃𝑟𝑜𝑓𝑒𝑠𝑠𝑜𝑟 𝑖𝑛 𝐷𝑒𝑝𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑚𝑒𝑛𝑡 𝑜𝑓 𝑃𝑒𝑟𝑖𝑜𝑑𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑜𝑙𝑜𝑔𝑦, 𝐹𝑎𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑡𝑦 𝑜𝑓 𝐷𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑦, 𝑀𝐴𝐻𝑆𝐴 𝑈𝑛𝑖𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑡𝑦
The article highlights that in the current coronavirus pandemic situation when there has been a total shift to online education, the pre-eminence of computers in education is being trumpeted as the definitive solution but the study shows that it’s the human factor that is more important. This was amplified by the feedback from the participants who were unanimous in their opinion that though computer-assisted learning was fascinating, it was the human touch that provided authenticity to the teaching-learning process.
"Future studies will have to explore the extent to which computers may replace humans in teaching and the pace at which it might happen", says Professor Dr. Betsy.
More Information on the article:
Key researchers:
Prof. Dr Betsy S. Thomas
Prof. Dr. Mohan Alexander
Mdm Nur Sulwana Mohamad Hanapi
Dr. Yeannie Yap Hui Yeng
𝐸𝑑𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑏𝑦:
Dr Muhamad Fareez Ismail, Mr Wong GR – Faculty Research Publicity (FRP) team

MAHSA’s School of Hospitality Management Signs MoU with IMI Switzerland
Published on: 11-05-2020
The School of Hospitality Management is proud to announce the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between MAHSA University and the International Management Institute Switzerland which took place on the 15th of October 2020. The signing ceremony was conducted virtually between both parties in their respective countries.
This MoU is aimed at strengthening the connection between MAHSA and IMI whose vision is much in-line with MAHSA’s in terms of international academic collaboration. This international outlook is dedicated to student learning outcomes and this MoU formalises the relationship between the two institutions.
IMI's Director of Partner Schools Prof. Caldwell and Undergraduate Programme Leader Mr. Currie signed the MoU in the now "new-normal" virtual signing ceremony where they connected live with the Vice Chancellor of MAHSA University, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ikram Shah and the Head of School of Hospitality Management, Mr Yeoh Tay Boon. Present also as witnesses were the Faculty Dean of Business, Finance and IT, Ms. Michelle Thong, and staff of MAHSA University.
We are very excited for the future potential of this new collaboration and we look forward to working closely with IMI in the upcoming months.

The Kancil Science Competition 2020
Published on: 11-05-2020
Author: Chew Mei Jing
Kancil Science Competition (KSC) is an annual national competition held by Kancil Science Malaysia (KSM) with official endorsement from the Ministry of Education Malaysia. It is specially held for primary, secondary, and pre-university students. This competition aims to challenge students’ science knowledge through critical thinking, problem-solving, and general scientific knowledge.
It is open to all Malaysian school students within the age group of 7 to 19 years old. It consists of four categories sorted by age groups, namely: Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and Delta. Three passionate students from the Centre for Pre-University Studies (Foundation in Science) participated in this competition under the Delta category. They were Justin Khor Lheng How from batch May 2020, Anis Amalina bt Mohd Rodzi, and Maryam Hanisah bt Mohamad Suhor from batch July 2020.
The competition conducted through http://www.contesthub.my/ on K-Day (Kancil Day) which was on the 23rd September. They were required to answer 30 objective questions designed by education professionals within 75 minutes under the guidance of the person-in-charge from the Pre-U Centre.
In each category, the top 10% of participants will receive gold, silver, or bronze medal respectively, while the top 40% were awarded with the honorable mention certificate. Top 50% Were awarded with a certificate of participation.
The result will be announced later in early November and we wish our participants the best of luck!

Webinar: Mysterious Physics in Life
Published on: 11-05-2020
Author: Dr Mohamad Helmi, Mdm Siti Azwani & Dr Norhayati
In this pandemic season, webinars are among the best marketing platforms available for educators to reach out to potential students. Hence, the Centre for Pre-University Studies recently conducted a webinar series on mysterious physics in life. Dr. Helmi was the first speaker and he is an expert in the nanotechnology field. Nanotechnology is a highly demanding field, introduced in the era of Albert Einstein during the introduction of Modern Physics. The webinar on Nanotechnology focused on the basic principles of the topic and the main purpose is to invite and expose young scientists to explore the field. The webinar also exposed the audience to the synthesis of nanomaterials and what kind of techniques can be used for this systemisation .--- Dr. Helmi.
Mysterious physics gives different perspectives of one’s interpretations. Various aspects have yet to be discovered, and learning is a never-ending story. The more you know, the more you do not know. Keep learning and discovering – this will provide great opportunities and life balance. Dr. Norhayati, who was the second speaker, is an expert in the plasma field. “Plasma in life offers great potentials and is full of mystery. Various applications are yet to be designed. With proper knowledge, correct guidance, and opportunity, one can give out the very best”, said Dr. Norhayati.
The next webinar series on mysterious physics in life focused on ceramic materials. Ceramic sensors play an increasingly important role in monitoring and controlling applications for industries, and have been continuously developed to improve sensing capabilities and performances. Sensors are also central to the field of medicine, and are used for diagnostics and public health. The most widely used oxygen gas sensor which detects oxygen gas needs to be activated by external heating. Interestingly, self-heating and simple types of oxygen sensors based on REBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramic (RE= Gd and Sm) have been discovered, utilizing the hot spot phenomenon. The formation of the hot-spot phenomena on REBa2Cu3O7-d rods is related to their positive temperature coefficient of resistivity (PTCR) characteristics.
The webinar also exposed the audience to the improvement of the performance on oxygen sensing by using the REBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramic sensor rod, and researchers have continued to explore the capabilities and to improve the oxygen response of the REBa2Cu3O7-δ ceramics with the replacement of RE by other rare earth elements (RE=Er, Dy, Eu). “Further study will lead to the enhancement of understanding and contribute new knowledge of the mechanism of oxygen sensing properties with the hot spot formation involving on Cu-site RE123 system,” - said Madam Azwani who was our third speaker.
The webinar definitely brought insight to the viewers on the demanding field in physics nowadays. Come and join our Foundation in Science programme in order to learn more about physics from all these experienced lecturers.

Published on: 11-05-2020
The Pre-University department from MAHSA University had organized a webinar with Sky Strike Resources. It is a great honor to have Mr. Eztra Chee with us in this session. He would like to share his experience and tips in doing financial planning wisely.
Mr. Eztra Chee shared his experience with no having any financial preparation with us. He was bundled with massive debt, although he was having a very high income during that time. Eventually, he realized that the main problem which causes this situation is his habit of using money. He spent all amount he earned every month. Some changes are made by him to overcome this obstacle that is doing investment, increase his income, and clear all the debts.
He has learned a few important things during that difficult time, which are the financial planning model, ways to increase wealth by investment, change business model, keep learning, and just allow affordable expenses.
He has recommended a financial structure for businesses and individuals that is a financial pyramid. There are six levels included in the pyramid. The basic need is the most essential area and it is put at the bottom of the pyramid. Then, it is followed by risk management, savings, investment, restructuring, and distribution. He advised us to follow this pyramid step by step and should not ignore the risk management and investment section. He recommended having insurances as a tool in doing the investment part as it is the most economic and best way compared to having a lot of savings, properties, or owning a business. Some suggestions were given for beginners who just starts doing financial planning. They are advised to emphasize the four basic sections that are a basic need, risk management, savings, and investment.
After having extra savings, then they may focus on restructuring and distribution.
The financial crisis comes every 10 years and for the year 2020, Malaysia's economy is hit strongly by the Covid-19 pandemic. But Mr. Eztra Chee stated every crisis coming with opportunity. For example, during this pandemic, we can search for those selling business holders, get cheaper supply for our business, and et cetera.
There are four key points to get ready for a financial opportunity that is changing the business model, keeping reserve money, seeking investment chances, and learn some skills. Changing the business model is to ensure that multiple incomes for your business but they should not be closely related. To illustrate, an event company are having multiple incomes from event organization, PA system, and decoration. But it will still be hit hard due to pandemic 2020. On the other hand, the travel company bus does bus traveling services and sanitizing service for its buses and also for other company’s buses. When it faces pandemic, traveling service may be affected but there is an increases demand in sanitizing service.
He suggested us to do a calculation every month to regulate our financial situation. The calculation is your monthly income over your expenses which is already minus to our passive income. Then, the number you get should be 25 and above to reach financial freedom.
In summary, financial planning and preparation are so important to lead us on a better life and also lower financial risk caused by loss of income, no proper saving, and others.

Emerging Innovation and Advancement in Biological Science, Human Welfare and Agriculture in Current Era
Published on: 10-09-2020
The Department of Biotechnology and Microbiology, KALP Laboratories (KLCBAS) & The Bouquet Society honoured Dr Nagaraja Suryadevara of School of Bioscience, Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience & Nursing, MAHSA University, by conferring upon him the "Best Biotechnologist Award 2020" in the field of Biotechnology after the KLCBAS award screening committee reviewed and evaluated his bio-data. The award was conferred on him during the International e-Conference on "Emerging Innovation and Advancement in Biological Science, Human Welfare and Agriculture Research in Current Era (EIABSHWAR-2020)" held from 25 to 27 July 2020, organized by the Department of Biotechnology & Microbiology, KALP laboratories, Mathura and The Bouquet Society, Mathura, and co-organized by the Environment and Social Development Association, Delhi and International Biotech Technocrats & Consultants Association, Dehradun, as well as the Plant Research & Educational Promotion Society.
Dr Suryadevara is a lecturer in the School of Biosciences in the Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience & Nursing of MAHSA University, Malaysia. He obtained his Bachelor’s degree in Microbiology from Kakatiya University, Warangal, India, his Master of Science in Biotechnology from Bharathidasan University, Thiruchurapalli, India, and his Doctorate in Biotechnology in specialization of “Molecular Characterization Of Multi-Resistant Pseudonomas Fluorescence From Turmeric Fields Of Andhira Pradesh, India” from Bharathiyar University, Tamil Nadu, India. He sepcialises in Molecular Biology and Genetics and has fourteen years of teaching and research experience. He is currently working on the molecular characterization of multidrug-resistant bacteria from poultry and the environment. He is also involved in collaborative research on phytochemical studies of various medicinal plants with emphasis on moringa olifera. He has published more than twenty-five research articles in peer-reviewed national and international journals and two books and five book chapters related to medicinal plants. In 2019, his contributions were acknowledged when he received various coveted awards, including Junior Best Scientist, Best Young Scientist, and Young Scientist from various organizations. He is a member of the Chief Editorial Board and a reviewer for various national and international peer-reviewed journals. He has served as a resource person for several national and international conferences, workshops and training programmes. To date, he has submitted nine new partial 16s rRNA sequences to NCBI, USA. He has acted as an external examiner for PhD thesis evaluations from various universities around the globe. He is a media resource person for the 7th Asian PGPR International Conference to be held in KL, Malaysia in 2021.

MAHSA Disinfection: Protection for your home and workplace against COVID-19 and other pathogens
Published on: 08-12-2020
The pre-emptive adage “Prevention is better than Cure” is now even more important than ever before. The current onslaught of COVID-19 has given us a harsh lesson on the practical importance of maintaining a basic level of environmental and personal hygiene. The spread of noxious pathogens, be it in the community, in the workplace or in our very own homes has given rise to the need of disinfection approaches to minimize transmission and exposure. The reality is that everyone must be held responsible for his or her personal and environmental hygiene conduct or misconduct.
To avoid such a predicament, it is a timely effort to carry out disinfection in our workplace, homes as well as places frequented by the public at large. We can reduce our chances of being infected or spread COVID-19 and other noxious disease agents by taking this very simple precaution and protection.
Comprehending the need for public health action, MAHSA University, our very own team of experienced and qualified experts from various fields including Public Health, Medical Microbiology, Biomedical science, Occupational Safety got together with the Department of Environmental Health and the Faculty of Health Sciences to develop disinfection services that are safe, effective and fully compliant with the Ministry of Health’s guidelines, all at an affordable cost for everyone.
The response has been excellent and the MAHSA disinfection teams have been engaged to service many premises including commercial office buildings, restaurants, education institutions, embassies and residences.
To continually protect our families and communities against COVID-19 and other common disease-causing microorganisms, regular and thorough disinfection using the appropriate safe and effective disinfectant at the correct concentration with the appropriate application method is necessary. MAHSA offers this service in a few packages as may be seen in https://mahsa.edu.my/pdf/BANPDF05222020.pdf. For more information on this service please call +601161377255.

Fantastic K-Day Moments: Kangaroo Math Competition 2020!
Published on: 08-10-2020
The Kangaroo Math Competition (KMC), the largest math competition in the world, is held annually for primary, secondary, and pre-university students. The KMC has been organized in Malaysia since 2013 by Kangaroo Math Malaysia. All students in Malaysia are eligible to participate in this competition. The main objective of the KMC is to create a fun and engaging way for students to develop their problem-solving abilities in Mathematics. The KMC was held on August 8 this year from 10 a.m. to 10 pm. However, the duration of the competition is 1.5 hours. The competition can be conducted through online and offline methods depending on the teachers in charge of each school.
This year, the Centre for Pre-University Studies took the opportunity to register for the Kangaroo Math Competition to expose Pre-U students to the national level of math problems. Students are also able to discover the fun side of mathematics and develop higher thinking order skills in this subject. It is good for students to test their understanding and gain valuable experiences. There were three students from the Centre for Pre-University Studies taking part in KMC, namely Leong Kar Qi, Lim Win Nie, and Chua Winson.
All three of them excel in the subject and show great enthusiasm for mathematics. Hence, Mdm Siti Salmiah had been actively training them for this competition. Each of the students was required to have a device such as a laptop, computer, tab, phone, etc, to answer the questions online during the contest. They also had to ensure that the device had a stable Internet connection. Strict instructions had to be obeyed by each participant. The contest URL could only be clicked once so they could only use the URL within the contest period.
Overall, the competition went well. We encourage more students to take part in this competition in the future so that they can gain valuable experience and knowledge.

Dean of FOHS Conducts COVID-19 Webinar for Ministry of Defense (MINDEF) Malaysia
Published on: 08-04-2020
MAHSA’s Dean of the Faculty of Health Science, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronica Chua was engaged by the Ministry of Defense Malaysia to conduct a webinar on COVID-19 for their staff on 30th June 2020.
The webinar which was conducted using Microsoft Teams, had over 130 participants from various departments in the ministry. The topic of the webinar was "COVID-19: Infection Control & Preventive Measures at the Workplace". The program began with an overview of the COVID-19 threat, its development over the last few months and the new norms it has brought about. Dr. Veronica then outlined the actions required of employers, actions required of employees and the physical as well as operational requirements of the workplace. Particular attention was paid to vulnerable groups and the required measures to protect them. Dr. Veronica also shared latest guidelines and disinfection procedures for use by the Ministry. The session ended with a lively Q&A session where participants asked a wide array of questions that further enriched the webinar.
We applaud the Ministry of Defense for providing valuable necessary training for their staff to ensure the best possible work safety during this COVID-19 pandemic, and we thank them for trusting MAHSA to provide this webinar.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronica is a qualified Environmental Health and Occupational Safety and Health practitioner, and certified trainer with significant experience in conducting training on various areas of Safety and Health. She is one of the many trainers under MAHSA Academy Solutions (MACS), which is the training arm of MAHSA group. Please visit https://www.mahsaacademy.com.my/ to know more about the training courses MAHSA provides or request a customized training for your organization.

Webinar: Opportunities in Online Learning for Teachers and Students
Published on: 08-04-2020
In conjunction with School Outreach Month, MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University Studies conducted a live webinar via MAHSA Facebook on Friday, 12 June 2020. The three invited speakers were Dr Ku Mohd Kalsausar, a lecturer from Malaysia University of Terengganu, Mr Ahmad Hambal, General Manager of TutorKami.com, and FIS alumni, Ms Lim Win Nie, to share their thoughts and points of view on the topic ‘Opportunities in Online Learning for Teachers and Students’. Mdm Masitah binti Mat was the moderator of the webinar. The COVID-19 pandemic has caused all universities, schools and tuition centres to shut down for months, traditional face-to-face learning has been modified into virtual learning. There are many challenges faced by both students and educators in online learning but we should take all the challenges involved as opportunities to learn new skills and adapt to the new normal.
The moderator started the webinar with the first question of what the impact of coronavirus pandemic on the teaching and learning mode is. According to Dr Ku, this pandemic has turned our lives upside down. Before COVID-19, teachers had to do a lot of physical preparations prior to classes, such as getting ready and commuting to work, and getting stuck in traffic jams, and this is very time-consuming. Nowadays, teachers can stay at home and prepare class materials in the comfort of their homes, such as recording videos, writing lecture notes and other such preparations without the hassle of leaving their houses and wasting commute time. Pre-recorded videos also can be used multiple times for classes on the same lessons. Before this, students mostly used the Internet to upload pictures on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and TikTok. Now the Internet is being more widely used for more beneficial activities such as online learning and submission of paperless assignments, which can save our earth. Working from home does have disadvantages as well such as making us procrastinate, distraction from family, especially young children, and household chores, all of which tend us to delay our work. Hence, time management is very important.
As time goes by, everyone is starting to adapt to the new normal. Moving on to the second question, Mdm Masitah asked Mr Ahmad regarding his point of view on the rising opportunities for online learning. Mr Ahmad responded that new opportunities arise as teachers tutor and teach students online for additional income. Tutors can charge a lower rate as they do not need to go to students’ homes, and there is no limit to the number of students as online learning can be accessed by students all over the world. An online-learning session can be participated by up to 500 students. Teaching offline is impossible for that amount of number as one lecture hall can fit only a maximum of about 200 students only. Students can have flexible time to join online classes. Using Google Meet as an online-teaching platform, lecture videos can be recorded and students can rewatch and do their revision by watching them over and over again.
Another question was asked by the moderator to Ms Lim Win Nie on her point of view regarding the technical skills needed by online students for them to cope and catch up with learning at home. According to Win Nie, this is her first time being involved in e-learning, and it was a great experience. Students should know how to handle and use all the apps for e-learning such as Zoom and Google Meet. These online platforms help to build the bridge for lecturers to deliver information to students regardless of the pandemic. Students should also have application browsers that can be opened on their laptops and phones without having to go through emails, master conversion skills from Word to PDF for assignment submission, edit videos for online presentations, and so on. Lastly, students should have the strong discipline to attend online classes on time, do homework on time as last-minute work is not a good idea because we might come across unpredicted situations such as electricity interruptions or the Internet not working or having low coverage.
During the live session, one of the audience members asked which free platform is best. Dr Ku said that the best free platform is Google Meet, previously known as Google Hangouts, which can accommodate up to 100 persons at a particular moment, and is very reliable even when there is an unstable connection, which cannot be said about Webex or Zoom. The session was very fruitful and ended successfully with lots of information that was gained and can be implemented in our daily lives.

How Industry Engages with Basic Science
Published on: 08-04-2020
With the title of "How Industry Engages with Basic Science", the Centre for Pre-University Studies (CPU) took part in the Virtual Open-Day organized by MAHSA University on 5 July 2020. Represented by Dr Chew Weiyun, Dr Chan Li-San and Mdm Nor Diana Zulkifli, along with Mdm Siti Azwani as the moderator, the topic was discussed in a casual setting yet was highly informative.
Dr Chew Weiyun talked about the importance of biology as the essence of life. He explained that all branches of biology can be unified within a framework of five basic understandings of living things. Biology is a prerequisite subject to any would-be healthcare and medical worker such as doctors and nurses, amongst others. Learning about the human body's systemic processes and their relation to organ function, the neurological system, blood circulation and reproduction is essential for the understanding and treatment of diseases such as COVID-19.
Dr Chan Li-San shared her PhD research experience in plasma physics by explaining how the concept of basic physics is being applied in plasma technology. Plasma technology is commonly used in many industries, including in the automotive, microelectronics, packaging and medical devices industries.
The last panelist for the session, Mdm Nor Diana, shared her experience teaching foundation students for almost 15 years. Many students are clueless on why they had to excel in physics even when they are aiming for MBBS or Dentistry. In reality, physics is an essential component in the medical industry, being heavily used in X-rays, laser scanners for diagnoses, and also in the treatment of diseases, such as with MRI and ultrasound. Additionally, she also explained that in the defence industry, physics is applied in the design, production and even operation of devices such as stealth-fighter planes and laser-guided bombs with high levels of accuracy.
Mdm Siti Azwani concluded with saying that the impact of basic science and technology on modern society is broad and wide-ranging, influencing many areas such as politics, diplomacy, defence, the economy, medicine, transportation, agriculture, social capital improvement, and many more. The fruits of fundamental science and technology fill every corner of our lives. She thanked all panelists for the fruitful discussion and hoped that all the viewers enjoyed and were able to understand the importance of basic science in shaping our world.

Environmental Health Officers - Heroes Without Capes
Published on: 07-13-2020
The Coronavirus is a large family of viruses which may cause illness in animals or humans. For instance, it may lead to Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) that often severely compromise the respiratory function. The most recently discovered novel strain of the virus is the main culprit for the current COVID-19 global outbreak. This novel strain of the coronavirus was first detected in Wuhan, China in December 2019. COVID-19 is an infectious disease that is capable of inter-human transmission. In March 2020, World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a global pandemic, and it has currently affected more than 180 countries. It is indeed a global health crisis of our time and one of the greatest challenges ever faced by mankind.
Malaysia announced its first COVID-19 case in January 2020 and the number of cases escalated to more than 1000 within two months’ time. Despite that, the promulgation of Movement Control Order by the Malaysian Government as well as the endeavours in containing COVID-19 by various frontliners have successfully down-trended the statistics. Malaysia has been recognized as one of the best countries in the world in containing the COVID-19 pandemic. Sincere gratitude to our frontliners: medical and health professionals, the Royal Malaysia Police, the Malaysian Armed Forces, the Civil Defence Force, and various other agencies.
Not to mention that the environmental health officers have played a vital role in disinfecting the red zones as a measure to prevent further spread of the virus. The exhaustion and fatigue associated with long-hours baking under the scorching sun wrapped in personal protective equipment, needless to say, is unimaginable. A big thank you to all environmental health officers. There are about 5000 environmental health officers and assistant environmental health officers working as frontliners to combat this pandemic.
The Department of Environmental Health under the Faculty of Health Sciences of MAHSA University offers the Environmental Health programme at both Diploma and Bachelor levels. Open and Distance Learning (ODL) mode is available as well. The Department was established more than ten years ago. It has been growing steadily since then and has produced a large number of environmental health officers. MAHSA University is committed to the delivering of education of the highest quality with emphasis on hands-on training, and MAHSA graduates are highly sought-after in the market. The majority of the alumni of MAHSA’s Department of Environmental Health are currently working as environmental health officers in district health offices under the Ministry of Health all over Malaysia as well as in the private sectors.

River Water Monitoring: Citizen Science and Eco-Hearts
Published on: 06-09-2020
Rivers provide more than 90% of the fresh water used in Malaysia. They are the primary source of the domestic water supply and water for agriculture (irrigation). Human beings have relied on rivers for sustenance and transportation since the beginning of time and have now found even more ways to use rivers to improve our lives such as through hydroelectric power generation, Eco-tourism, and river farming, to name a few. Our well-being depends on the health of our rivers.
Environmental Health practitioners are part of the frontline to ensure that our rivers and other sources of water do not compromise our health. Therefore, there is a need to monitor and preserve our rivers so that water quality is not unhealthy. In line with this, on 8th March 2020 students from the Department of Environmental Health of MAHSA University participated in A Hands-On Training: River Water Monitoring organized by the Department of Science and Technology University Malaya together with the University Malaya Sustainability and Living Lab as an initiative to expose students to river monitoring, based on Citizen Science and the Eco-Heart Indicator.
Associate Professor Dr Zeeda Fatimah from University Malaysia explained the current situation regarding river water quality in Selangor and the importance of Citizen Science to researchers, educators, students and also the general public. Citizen Science is the practice of engaging public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge. Citizen Science is a powerful tool that can be used to augment data collection and monitor programmes, especially for the monitoring of the environment across a vast area.
Mr Affan Nassuddin, the co-founder of Eco-Heart (which has been adopted by the Department of Environment Malaysia as a water-quality index) explained how the Eco-Heart is drawn based on six water quality parameters (pH, heavy metals, chemical oxygen demand, transparency, ammonia nitrogen and dissolved oxygen). Accordingly, there are five classes of river water quality. The full heart is for Class I (clean water) whereas the broken or incomplete heart shapes are for classes II, III, IV and V.
Students were then introduced to different monitoring tools such as steam turbidity and other regular water quality tests, and shown how to perform each of them. Students were then given the opportunity carry out these tests and plot the data based on the Eco-Heart indicators. This gave the students invaluable exposure on in-situ river water sampling and monitoring.
Through this hands-on learning activity, MAHSA students learned the techniques of river water monitoring, the application of Citizen Science and Eco-Heart indicators as monitoring tools for river water quality monitoring and research.
The Faculty of Health Science will continue to provide rich experiential learning opportunities to all our students, which is one of the many reasons why MAHSA University continues to be the preferred choice for Environmental Health education in Malaysia.

Surabaya Student Exchange Programme
Published on: 06-08-2020
Eight (8) students from Year Four of the Doctor of Dental Surgery programme recently participated in a student-exchange programme in Indonesia from 15 Dec – 31 Dec 2019. They were attached to Universiti Airlangga and University Jember for the two-week period.
Let’s take a look at their experience.
- Give us a brief introduction of yourself
Hello, my name is Rachel from DDS Batch 10. I was one of the participants involved in the student exchange programme with Universitas Airlangga and Universitas Jember located in Indonesia for two (2) weeks. - Why did you decide to partake in the programme?
I decided to take part in this programme because I’ve always liked traveling overseas and taking part in this programme was a win-win situation where I got to be on holiday and at the same time gain knowledge and experience in the field of dentistry. I wanted to experience the culture and have the chance to observe how student life was like in Indonesia. - What did you experience on the trip?
Their universities were very well equipped, and they have their own dental hospitals with floors for specific departments. Besides that, the university in Jember practises agromedicine, that is, the application of medical and agricultural sciences to promote the health and safety. They even have their very own agrotech park to grow fruits and vegetables used for research. For example, we learn that drinking coffee during orthodontic treatment actually helps speed up bone resorption causing the teeth to be aligned at a faster rate! Isn’t it amazing? However, the most eye opening experience that we had was the opportunity to be able to observe an ongoing major surgery. It was the case of an autistic child where there were supernumerary teeth alongside many decayed teeth that were indicated for extraction. So the patient was under General Anesthetics (GA) and it was our first time seeing an open gingival flap surgery. Not to mention, the students and doctors there were also very friendly and helpful. They brought us to many tourist spots and famous local restaurants after school hours for us to have a taste of Indonesia’s culture and food. - What were the challenges during the program?
I think the most challenging part of the trip initially was getting used to the hot weather. It was always sweltering and hot even at night. Besides that although the Indonesian language and Bahasa Malaysia are essentially the same, the pronunciation and enunciation of each and every word varied greatly and I had to really strain my ears to get used to the language. - What did you learn from this programme?
We learned a lot from the programme. We learned how different it was between the way Indonesian students worked from us Malaysians. This programme taught us that ergonomics and strict infection control was an important factor even more so in surgical settings. Most importantly, I learned that we should be grateful to be Malaysians, as we have a higher rate of oral hygiene awareness compared to our Indonesians counterparts. - What do you miss the most from the trip?
I miss all the friendship I had created there, their smiles, laughter and friendliness is unforgettable, I also miss the fact that we were treated like kings and queens there. We even had a personal driver throughout the whole trip! - What was the benefit of going for this programme?
I’d say the biggest benefit was being able to experience a dental school in another country. They had better facilities, we even got to enter the operation theatre and observe a surgery. We got to learn from their postgraduate students in the clinics and also managed to do some community work teaching oral hygiene to a group of kindergartners in Indonesian no less. We were also sponsored by Universitas Airlangga for the first week so, so our entire trip was worth every penny. These are not experiences that can come just by burying yourself in books.
[ exchange student sharing ]
Rachel, MAHSA DDS batch 10 student
In December 2019, I spent about two weeks in Indonesia in a student exchange programme. The universities there were well equipped with their own dental hospitals with floors for specific departments. Besides that, the university in Jember practices agromedicine and they has its very own agrotech park for research. One of the amazing things we learned is that drinking coffee during orthodontic treatment actually helps speed up bone resorption causing the teeth to aligned at a faster rate! Isn’t it amazing?
We had an eye-opening experience to have the opportunity to be able to observe an ongoing major surgery. It was a case of an autistic child where there were supernumerary teeth alongside many decayed teeth that were indicated for extraction. So the patient was under general anesthetics and it was our first time seeing an open gingival flap surgery.
It was a satisfying experience to do community work by going to kindergarten to teach oral health information in the Indonesian language, although initially we faced some challenges in learning the basic language.
Apart from studies, a trip to Indonesia wouldn’t be complete without having a taste of its culture and food. We were fortunate to have students and doctors there to bring us to many tourist spots and famous local restaurants after school hours. The friendships built over there are certainly what I'm going to miss most.
Overall, we had a fabulous time and I have benefited from the exchange programme by getting to observe how dentistry in Indonesia works. The experience and knowledge I have gained throughout this programme is something that one can never learn from just lectures or textbooks.

MAHSA - Financial Awareness Day
Published on: 06-08-2020
On 25 April 2020, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Business, Finance, and Information Technology hosted a short seminar in conjunction with the thematic month chaired by the Faculty of Pharmacy. The theme of this seminar was “Financial Independence Awareness”. The seminar was held through the Google Hangouts platform and was attended by both the students and staff of MAHSA. The objective was to expose the audience to the importance of self-sustained financial independence through investment portfolios. The programme also aimed to increase the awareness of the importance of having a passive income among the students. It also focuses on how to overcome the negative economic conditions as a consequence of the COVID-19 pandemic.
A total of thirty-five participants joined the Google Hangouts conference hosted by one of the lecturers, Mr Muhammad Firdaus Akmal. The speaker was Mr Wan Muhammad Firdaus Wan Ismail, the strategic manager of one of the stock market portfolios for THE WAN CAPITAL (TWC). Mr Wan Muhammad Firdaus has twelve years of experience in stock/share trading. He worked with Maybank Investment Bank before opening his own trading company. He is an analyst for Bernama TV, specifically in the equity market segment. Apart from actively coaching on the stock market, he also manages several stock investment portfolios. The seminar went for an hour from 12:00 to 1:00 PM.
The talk started with Mr Wan Muhammad Firdaus briefly informing the audience about the stock market. He also explained how people can actually invest in the stock market. One’s ability to invest is crucial to making sure that they can have independent income in the future. Mr Wan Muhammad Firdaus also added that investment opportunities still exist even though the whole world is facing this COVID-19 pandemic. This is because many companies are still able to shield themselves from the effects of this pandemic. He also said that there are minimum requirements for anyone who decides to join this line of investment. The programme continued with a Q&A session to give the audience a chance to ask questions to discover more about stock market practices. One of the questions that caught everyone’s attention was whether foreigners are allowed to join the local stock market. Mr Wan Muhammad Firdaus answered this question by saying that it is possible for foreigners to invest in the local stock market, provided that they possess the required documentation to open up CDS account.
At the end of the talk, Mr Wan Muhammad Firdaus asked the members of the audience who were interested to know more about the stock market to give him a call for further explanations. The audience, especially the students, was delighted to have the extra knowledge of stock investment in Malaysia. We would like to thank Mr Wan for this greatly informative session and look forward to inspiring more students by having similar sessions.

MBOT Invited Speaker MAHSA University’s Dean of Engineering Professor Ir Leong Wai Yie
Published on: 05-29-2020
Professor Ir Leong Wai Yie, MAHSA University’s Dean of Engineering and Built Environment, was invited by Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT) to speak at the Town Hall Meeting. The inaugural MBOT’s Townhall Session attracted nearly 1000 attendees. The session brought together technical experts from across twenty-three technology fields, government agencies, institutions of higher learning and industry.
The invited keynote speakers included Professor Madya Ts Dr Mohd Rusllim Mohamed (Director of Technology and Technical Accreditation) and Ts Lee Hwee Hsiung (Head of Department, Cyber Security Professional Development).
Professor Leong shared on various topics in the forefront of technology, professional memberships, grants, scholarships, and professional activities. She said that engineers are to inspire, inform and influence the global engineering community to engineer a better world.
The Townhall Meeting basically highlighted the future of TVET to support IR 4.0, Cyber Security, and the needs of technical backgrounds within new technology fields in the future. Following this event was the MOU award ceremony for Technical Expert Panels, indicating synergetic collaboration ahead, witnessed by YB Mahfuz bin Haji Omar, Deputy Minister of Human Resources. The MOU was awarded to indicate the symbiotic collaboration towards uplifting technologists and the technical profession. The MOU also benefits MAHSA as one of the leading universities in engineering and technological excellence.

MAHSA University’s initiative in designing a 3D printed nasal swab for Corona virus testing and 3D face mask for the fight against Covid-19
Published on: 05-29-2020
Selangor - After realizing the shortage of the nasopharyngeal swab – commonly known as the nasal swab – affecting hospitals nationwide due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment took the initiative to design a 3D nasopharyngeal swab using 3D printing technology. Syazana Syahirah, a Lecturer of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, MAHSA University, formed a design team for this particular task. The team is led by MAHSA Engineering alumni, Sheih Muhammad Buhari, who developed a few designs of the 3D nasopharyngeal swab and 3D Face mask.
A nasopharyngeal swab is a flexible stick with a head capable of collecting and carrying a sample of nasal secretions after being inserted through the nostrils about 2.5 inches deep and into the back of the nasal cavity and throat. The collected sample is then analysed to determine whether the patient is infected with the corona virus or other diseases.
The team focused on designing the nasal swab heads in the form of cages in order to trap and carry the sample after being inserted into the nasal cavity, then collected to be tested and analysed, all while maintaining the specific dimensions of the original nasal swab which is comprised of 6 inch in total length, 1/2 inch nasal swab head and 1/8 inch nasal swab diameter. Taking in consideration the fact that the swab should not affect the collected sample’s RNA (Ribonucleic acid), specific resin-based material is to be used to produce test-compatible swabs.
The finalized design will be ready for production using 3D technology and machines after recommendation and approval from medical experts.
Based on the proposed idea, MAHSA alumni Sheih Muhammad Buhari successfully completed the task. He has efficiently made 3D Face Mask for the fight against COVID-19 for the society and magnificently finished his design of 3D printed nasal swab for the fight against the pandemic. The Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment is very grateful to MAHSA alumni Sheih Muhammad Buhari for his wonderful achievement.

Spaghetti Tower Competition
Published on: 05-29-2020
The Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of MAHSA University organized the Spaghetti Tower Competition on 14th March 2020 at Spine Level-2 of the Empathy Building of the Bandar Saujana Putra campus. Education plays a major role in promoting the transversal skills of collaboration, creativity and in building a more sensitive public able to appreciate the virtues of engineering design. Therefore, an important effort should be put on the development of educational experiences that enhance collaboration, creativity, and an appreciation for what is a sound structural design. Within this context, a Spaghetti competition was carried out at MAHSA University by the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment during the Open Day on 14th March 2020 to develop the students’ skills.
The students of MAHSA University participated in the competition and created wonderful tower models with the use of spaghetti sticks. The main objective of the competition was to build the tallest tower with the highest possible efficiency, and in short, an optimised model. The competition also showed how the experience was successful in terms of both the skills developed by the students and the fostering of a passion for engineering.
To our surprise, our Engineering students built a strong tower which could withstand up to 2.2 Kg weight, made with only thin spaghetti sticks. This was not an easy task. Good team effort, proper planning, execution of work within a limited time, and economic design were also the highlights of the competition. This was an event organised by MAHSA IET OC student secretary Othman Abdullah and his team. The IET OC in charge, Kasipandian Kasirajan, and Engineering club President Ms Syazana, made the arrangements. Faculty Dean, Prof Ir Dr Leong Wai Yie, expressed her appreciation to the staff and students for their contribution and involvement.
The winners of the Spaghetti Competition were Chee Jun Ye and Yap Bing Hui. The first runners-up were Mohammed Mu'az Bin Kalil and Noor Qudiyati Binti Faizal, ans the second runners-up were Nurul Fazrisya Binti Rosli and Nur Farahin Binti Azahar. The Dean’s Office and staff members congratulated the winners for their dedicated effort and interesting designs.

A Foundation for Life: Welcome to Pre-U, Batch May 2020 Intake!
Published on: 05-28-2020
As the Covid-19 crisis continues to progress, the ordinary orientation for new students has been shifted to e-orientation among higher education institutions. On 13th May 2020, the greet-and-meet session between the Centre for Pre-university Studies with 33 new students from the May 2020 intake was held virtually via Google Meet. Because these students are embarking on their journey at MAHSA University, the e-faculty briefing between the lecturers and students was much needed to give insight on what the foundation programme is about. The event started at 11:15am when Madam Masitah binti Mat, Assistant Director of the Centre for Pre-University Studies, gave her welcoming speech. She was very delighted to see the new students and hopes that they can adapt quickly to the vital transition from school-based learning to university-based learning. Two lecturers, Mdm Siti Salmiah and Mdm Siti Azwani, who had been chosen to be the mentors for the May 2020 new-intake students, will guide and help them throughout their one-year journey in the foundation programme. The mentors have the responsibility of ensuring that the students can finish the foundation on time and continue on their degree progression) programme. Mdm Siti continued with a faculty briefing when she explained in detail the online classes, timetable, examinations, laboratory safety rules, and so on. The students were very engaging and enthusiastic and asked lots of questions regarding the online classes as this is their first time doing e-learning. The mentors also created a Facebook group for the students to make it easier for the respective subject lecturers to channel their information regarding classes and to interact with the students. Ice-breaking sessions between the students and lecturers were also included in the greet-and-meet session for everyone to get to know each other. We hope that the students will enjoy studying here and make lots of new friends to kick-start their foundation studies. There can’t be a better time for new beginnings. All the best!

Congratulations to Environmental Health Department Academic Staff on Research Publication in Q1-Ranked Journal
Published on: 05-11-2020
It was exciting news from the Environmental Health Department of the Faculty of Health Sciences of MAHSA University! We are proudly announcing that leading members of our academic staff, Dr. Cheah Wai Yan and Ms. Tengku Nilam Baizura, along with a few other researchers from University of Malaya, University of Nottingham Malaysia, De La Salle University (Philippines) and National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan), have published their outstanding research paper in a Q1-ranked journal, Biofuel Research Journal, titled ‘Pretreatment methods for lignocellulosic biofuel production: current advances, challenges and future prospects’.
The Biofuel Research Journal is a renowned journal launched in March 2014, publishing articles, review papers, book reviews and communications related to biofuel research in all diversity. BRJ has now been indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, Scopus, CrossRef, Directory of Open Access Journals and other databases. The journal focuses on applications, processing, management of biofuel and technologies related to biodiesel, bioalcohols, biogas, biomass valorization, biorefineries and bioresource technologies. It is therefore a great pleasure that our staff were part of the team invited to write a review paper on ‘Pretreatment methods for lignocellulosic biofuels production’.
Their review paper has covered comprehensively on the advances in lignocellulose pretreatment technologies for biofuels production as well as the challenges confronted and future research needs, especially in the optimization of operating parameters and assessment of total cost of biofuel production from lignocellulose biomass at a larger scale. This paper also critically discusses the importance of maximal energy saving, waste recycling, wastewater recycling, recovery of materials and also biorefinery approaches in lignocellulosic bioethanol production process. These aspects are essential towards biofuel production in the near future, enhancing environmental sustainability and society’s well-being.
A little information about our staff Dr. Cheah has been actively involved in research activities since 2018 under MAHSA University. Her research interests focus on waste to energy, solid waste management and environmental microbiology, aiming towards environmental sustainability. Also, Ms. Tengku Nilam’s research interests are more towards solid waste management, material flow analysis and river water quality monitoring as well as water modelling. She is currently pursuing her PhD with her research paper titled ‘Quantification of leachate flow using material flow analysis and transport of leachate using water modelling’.
Excellent achievements by Dr. Cheah and Ms. Tengku Nilam! Their paper not only contributed to the knowledge on biofuel production for environmental sustainability, but is also important for improving the quality of education delivered by MAHSA University.
Congratulations again to Dr. Cheah and Ms. Tengku Nilam!

Life Amidst Winning Streaks – What it’s like to be Lim Win Nie
Published on: 05-06-2020
There is a saying that goes, ‘Do not judge a book by its cover’. That is indeed true. However, some people are open books. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing more than just what is written on the page. Sometimes you must read between the lines to discover the hidden gem. Because there’s always more than what meets the eye.
That’s the case for Lim Win Nie.
Upon first glance, Win Nie may seem like your average 19 years old. Graduated high school with flying colours, led several school clubs and organizations, and now studying at MAHSA University. Pretty standard narration of a young adult stepping into the world, right?
Well, not quite. Because, one, not many 19 years old graduate school with a long, impressive list of achievements under their belts; and two, not many of them excel both in academics and extra-curriculum.
Win Nie, however, did those. Besides maintaining outstanding results in her studies, she also participated in a total of 52 extra-curricular activities (and winning most of them!). But she didn’t stop there, of course. After getting 9A+ in Malaysian Certificate of Education (SPM), and earning herself a scholarship from JPA, she continued to paint her winning streaks in her pre-university year. She was one of the top 5 finalists of MAHSA Host Idol 2020, a Master of Ceremony of Centre for Pre University Studies Annual Dinner and MAHSA University Grand Convocation July 2019, and danced for a good cause at Malaysian Science Association For Cancer Research (MACR) Scientific Conference performance.
I could keep on listing her achievements and participation, but we would be here for a while. So I decided to talk to the woman herself – to find out more about her success story, and what it takes to get there.
Q: You have an impressive list of achievements. Which of your achievements are you proudest of and why?
W: The most heart-felted win for me, is the second runner-up of the National Chinese Debate Competition in my last high school year. This is because I had been trained for almost 5 years long since I was Form 1 and eventually with all the blessings from our beloved friends and family members, the dedication of our coaches and the great teamwork we had established all the way along this journey, we finally able to proof ourselves on the stage in that year.
The National Chinese Debate Competition was held at Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya in 2018. Apart from being the second runner-up, Win Nie also scored the title Best Debater of the quarter final round.
Q: You have joined a lot of competition and activities. What personally motivates you to join them?
W: This is because somehow through the participation in all those different activities and competitions, I am able to learn and pick up whole lot of new things which the others might not have the opportunity to experience them. Moreover, as an outgoing person, I enjoy the stage a lot. That said, I would like to bring joy and happiness through my performances and perhaps I can cheer the others up and make more new friends!
Q: Which competition left the most impact on you?
W: I would say that it was the Innovation Competitions. I was only given a chance to take part in some of the innovation competitions when I was already Form 4. This kind of competitions were not really meant for primary and secondary level students and mostly participated by the college and universities students, hence my inability to join before that.
We were guided by one of our beloved Biology teachers from fundamentally zero till we had won the best group in one of the categories for Kedah Young Science Innovate Competition with our project. These competitions really widen my horizons as we managed to visit other booths and see how creative and innovative the ideas that other participants had projected in their respective project. Plus, the competition was really intense. Sometimes we might need to compete with more knowledgeable college students, and even professors from universities!
Q: Some students aren’t interested in joining extracurricular activities because they think it’s too time consuming or might disturb their focus in studies. How do you manage your time for studying and joining extracurricular activities?
W: For me, I will prioritize whatever comes first and distribute my time evenly according to the time I have afterwards. I might be slightly busier than others but since most of the extracurricular activities I participated in are mostly academic-based – which means I am actually implementing what I had learn in both my studies and my extracurricular activities – it seems to help me to refresh the knowledge I had learned in my brain. Even if it doesn’t, I will take it as a healthy way of passing time, to make my life worth more than just staying at home doing nothing!
Q: Why do you think it’s important for students to participate in non-studious activities?
W: We get to make new friends with similar interests, whom might be the one to motivate us when we were facing the hard times in pursuing our targets and dreams. It will also enable you to utilize your personal quality time in a more interesting way, which helps you to decide what you want to be other than just being a book-smart person.
Q: What are some of the lessons that you gain from your road to success?
W: I learn to be more determined and be willing to sacrifice for what I am pursuing. I also encourage myself to step out of my comfort zone and appreciate every chance I had been given by the others.
Q: When things get tough, how do you cope?
I will try to make a list and sort things out. This way, I would know what to do and what should I accomplish in order to hit my target or fulfil my everyday tasks. When I get really stressed, I will also listen to some music I liked to chill things out.
It is indeed important to know how to organize your schedule in order to not overwhelm yourself with tasks. However, if you do find yourself in a pile of unsettled tasks, take a breather and unwind for a bit before tackling them again – just like Win Nie did. If you find that you really can’t cope by yourself, reach out to friends, family, or even your lecturers for help.
Q: What is your next goal in life? Where do you hope to go from here?
W: I would like to pursue a degree, and if everything goes on well, to study DDS. Hopefully one day I can contribute to the society and help the people in need in my profession. And perhaps if I’m already working as a qualified dentist for some time, I will opt to learn some new hobbies which make my life even more interesting during my off days.
Q: Advice to other students out there?
W: Believe in yourselves and never give up, you will eventually mould and sculpt yourselves into the person that you want to be in the future!
And there you have it – a glimpse of the labour of success that brought Win Nie to where she is today. It is no easy feat – it takes time, discipline, and a lot of hard work – but when there’s a will, there’s always a way. Hopefully, we all can take a page out of Win Nie’s book and use it as a guidance or motivation to craft our own success story.

EEG Signal Processing
Published on: 04-28-2020
IR Dr Leong Wai Yie, Dean of Engineering and Built Environment, has successfully launched her book in EEG Signal Processing: Feature Ext Sraction, election and Classification Methods. The book consists of more than 25 chapters on her recent research works on artificial intelligence, machine learning, advanced signal processing and estimation on EEG. Some of the research works are outcomes from international collaborations and have attracted various research awards.
The Electroencephalography (EEG) is an electrophysiological monitoring method used to record the brain activity in brain-computer interface (BCI) systems. It records the electrical activity of the brain, is typically non-invasive with electrodes placed along the scalp, requires relatively simple and inexpensive equipment, and is easier to use than other methods.
Leong specializes in biomedical signal and image processing, medical signal processing and telecommunications, smart control, and wireless sensor networks. Leong is the Chairperson of The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Malaysia (IET), the EXCOMM Member, Council Member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia, Board of Directors of International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists, and Committee Member of World Federation of Engineering Organization (Women in Engineering Committee). Wai Yie received the IEM Women Engineer of the Year 2018, IEM Presidential of Excellence Award 2016 & 2015, Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian 2017, Top Research Scientists Malaysia 2017, ASEAN Meritorious Service Award 2017, Smart-State-Smart-Women Award presented by Queensland Government, Australia.

My Women in Engineering Congress
Published on: 04-03-2020
Ir Prof Leong Wai Yie was invited by Women In Engineering (WIE) Affinity Group of IEEE Malaysia Section , to speak at the My WIE Congress at Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN), Bangi. She shared about the paths and challenges in engineering. Women engineers were encouraged to make lifelong friendships, acquire influential mentors, and make a difference for the benefit of humanity.
The theme for My WIE Congress was "How To Succeed in a Male-Dominated Industry : Stories From Real Women Who Have Done It". The invited speakers were Dr. Esther Loo (UEM Edgenta Berhad), Professor Ir Dr. Leong Wai Yie (IET Malaysia & MAHSA University’s Dean of Engineering & Built Environment Faculty), Ir Fauziah Ali (Custodian Engineer, Advanced Process Control, PETRONAS GTS) and Prof. Dr. Zuhaina Zakaria (Director, Centre of Competency & Intellectual Excellence, Institute of Leadership & Development (ILD), Universiti Teknologi MARA).
More than 100 participants were women who are currently working in the field of science, engineering and technology, and undergraduate and postgraduate students, especially female students, who would be stepping into the working world soon.
This Congress has encouraged them to be more confident in participating in the STEM workforce after understanding the challenges and opportunities in the workplace, and was impactfully delivered by the speakers. The congress has enabled participants to be exposed to solutions to future challenges while working in a male-dominated field.
My WIE Congress was organized to inspire and motivate more women to stay and pursue their ambition in the STEM field.

IET Prestige Lecture & Award Dinner (PLAD) 2019
Published on: 04-02-2020
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) which was formed in March of 2006 by the Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE) and the Institution of Incorporated Engineers (IIE) and has more than 160,000 members worldwide, with networks of members in 150 countries around the world, including Malaysia. Over 120 conferences and events are organized by IET every year and one of them is the Prestige Lecture Award Dinner (PLAD). The IET Malaysia Local Network Chairman is none other than Prof. Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and IT at MAHSA University. This event was attended by our MAHSA University staff.
PLAD is organized to identify and celebrate well-deserved individuals and outstanding industry players for the achievements in the areas of science and technology. This year’s 2019 PLAD would be the ninth of its kind since its inception in 2010, and it was graced by the presence of The Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change, YB Puan Yeo Bee Yin. She was also the speaker for the prestige lecture that night.
Another Highlight of the event was the award. Various game-changers and high achievers in the field of engineering were awarded for their outstanding contributions. The awards under different categories are IET Industry Excellence Platinum Award Winners, IET Industry Excellence Gold Award Winners, IET Industry Excellence Gold Awards-SME, IET Social Media Hero Award.
During the awards presentations the On-Campus’s arms of IET were not left out, as they too were awarded for their various contributions. IET On-Campus is an initiative run by students, for students, giving them the skills and experience needed to succeed in future careers, delivered in a fun approach, funded and backed by IET. The presentations of the individual award was also given to various IET On-Campuses who have excelled in various ways, this was to encourage the On-campuses to do more in terms of organising activities, conferences, technical talks and so on.
MAHSA University won the Social Media Hero Award for their activeness in using social media as a means to reach out and affect lives positively.
The dinner gave its attendees a way to enhance their networking with industry-players, allowing various students who also attended this event, to experience yet another way of creating long lasting relationships and have a little insight to what the future holds for them.

A Day with DBKL (Kuala Lumpur City Hall) Health and Environment Officers
Published on: 03-25-2020
On 12th December 2019, a group of our Environmental Health students had the privilege of spending a day with the Health & Environmental Division of DBKL - (Dewan Bandaraya Kuala Lumpur or Kuala Lumpur City Hall). This program is part of the continuous effort by the Environmental Health Department to provide students with exposure to the roles of Environmental Health practitioners in various setting; in this case in the capacity of a local government health and environment officer.
The day began with a sumptuous breakfast prepared by DBKL at their Cheras Batu 2 ½ Offices, followed by the opening speech by the Deputy Director of Health and Environmental Division Mr. Chandrakant Patel
Our students were then briefed on the function of the department and the role of each unit under the Department of Health and Environment (DHE). DHE itself is responsible to monitor the health of city dwellers and at the same time endeavour to improve the quality of their health. Additionally, this department is also responsible to resolve complaints related to Environmental Health. In pursuing its mission ‘Towards the making of a Healthy and Prosperous Kuala Lumpur City’, various services are conducted by this department including food premises inspection, licensing approval and pest, and vector.
After the briefing, the students were taken along for the first task of the day, ie. food premises inspection at Sunway Velocity Mall. At the mall, the students were briefed on the inspection procedure by Senior Assistant Environmental Health Officer (PPKPK) Rusuati. The students were then divided into groups, and each group assigned to tag along a team of DBKL officers and inspect different food premises.
The students were shown the procedure of food premise inspection using Risk-Based approach. At the end of the inspection, each food premise was graded according to their score. Our students were able to relate the theory in their food safety in classes with the inspection. However the most important takeaway of this visit was that students observed the diplomacy and efficiency of the officers when conducting food premise inspection.
The second half of the day saw the students being involved in a lesser known role of DBKL Health and Environment Department, ie. health promotion. Students were taken to visit the residential area in Seri Perlis 2, Kg. Dato Keramat to check on the City Neighbourhood Farm program. This project is part of the Local Agenda 2 (LA21) initiative, which is a program that emphasizes the involvement of third parties, local authorities, public and private sector to work together to plan and manage their environment towards sustainable development and a higher quality of life. For this project, DBKL was partnering with the residents of Seri Perlis and University Putra Malaysia.
Dato’ Dr. Elli Bin Dato’ Haji Mohd Tahir, the project advisor and Tuan Hj. Latiff the program head briefed our students on this urban farming and the challenges they faced at the beginning.
The day continued with a tour around the thriving farm itself. Every inch of usable land was covered with edible plants such as spinach, lemon grass and chillies and even mango trees. The program not only provided participants with produce for their kitchens, but beautified the surroundings, made the environment more healthy with its own ‘’green-lung” and fostered closer ties among the residents. All this was made possible because of the initiation, support and guidance of DBKL Environmental and Health officers.
The team then returned to DBKL where the students had a question and answer session, on all the activities of the day. The trip ended with closing remarks from our accompanying lecturer, Mr. Mohamad Puad, who conveyed the gratitude of the Environmental Health Department of MAHSA to DBKL for their generosity and the knowledge imparted to our students.
Our students now know better what is expected of them as environmental practitioners and can prepare themselves as best as possible for the challenges that lay ahead, as they pursue their academic journey at MAHSA University.

Spain Winter Camp – FBFIT Outbound Mobility Programme
Published on: 03-25-2020
13th January 2020, was an unforgettable moment for two students from the Faculty of Business, Finance and Information Technology who had the privilege to go on a winter outbound camp at the Universidad Catolica San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM) in Spain. The student mobility programme was a ten-day programme which involved learning of the Spanish language, learning about the Spanish Flamenco dance and adventuring the Spanish local dishes, which included the Paella, a well-known Spanish dish.
During the visit, the students had the chance to visit the National Museum of Roman Art which showcased the Roman civilizations such as the pre and early history of Rome, with a focus on archaeological findings from the period of Ancient Rome.
The students were excited to learn the Flamenco dance, which originated in Spain. They were taught by a Spanish instructor who was an expert in the Flamenco dance.
The thrill continued with the attempt to make homemade Paella. Both students had the chance to learn how to prepare the dish with the help of professional cooks in the university. The Paella is a combination of white rice, chicken, vegetables and saffron. Though it sounds like the same ingredients that would be used in a Briyani dish, this was totally different from Biryani, probably because it uses a different type of rice and used different spices.
The mesmerizing culture of Spain, bonds the attractiveness of their traditional customs that made the visit significantly intriguing. The hospitality of the UCAM students who welcomed the FBFIT students were beyond expectation. Both of them acknowledged that "We had experienced the best education and the best social mobility here in Spain".

An Entrepreneurship tour to the Top Malay Publisher: Kumpulan Media Karangkraf Sdn Bhd
Published on: 03-23-2020
Kumpulan Media Karangkraf (Karangkraf) is the biggest and most successful Bumiputra owned publisher in Malaysia, with four key business focus, it is the undisputed leader in a challenging and evolving media industry within the country. The group started back in 1978 when the then young and enterprising Dato (Dr.) Hussamuddin Bin Hj Yaacub started his small publishing business in a shop lot to produce his first ever product, Mingguan Kanak Kanak. Through perseverance, passion, sheer determination, hard work and vision, the company has grown to what it is today.
Being in the publishing business, growth and expansion within the realm of publishing, printing and intellectual products seemed to be a matter of course for the group. In 1990, through Alaf 21 and Karya Bestari, the group started to print novels and books of various genres. Subsequently, through Ultimate Print and Dasar Cetak, the group’s entry into the commercial printing business began. The need for a newspaper that is both neutral and independent in its reporting amidst a curtailed media landscape saw the birth of Sinar Harian in 2006 – the first state customized national newspaper.
Now with Alaf 21 being the number one publisher of novels and Ultimate Print the largest commercial printer, 13 magazine titles, a book division, and with the addition of Sinar Harian, Karangkraf stands tall in the world of publishing in the country.
40 students from the Diploma in Hotel Management and Diploma in Marketing went on an industrial visit to Kumpulan Media Karangkraf. The objective of this visit was to widen their knowledge on practical, viable and different opportunities in Entrepreneurship and to be able to explore business practices in a multinational organization as well as to increase familiarity to the upcoming trends of Social Entrepreneurship.
The visit started at the mall where all the company products were display and could be purchase with discounted price. Once the students were familiar with the magazines and books the company published, they were briefed on the company’s history and product background. They then got the chance to tour the premises and saw the studios in which journalists and camera men carried out their filming.
The tour went on to the most exciting part – the production line. The place where all the machines were assembled in producing the magazines, books and newspapers. Students witnessed how rolls of plain paper were turned into their printed merchandise for the market.
These complex processes are maintained at a high quality by the staff. This allowed our students to understand the production of publishing company from a small store until what Kumpulan Media Karangkraf has achieved today.

Industrial Visit to Maju Saintifik Sdn Bhd
Published on: 03-15-2020
Industrial visits give greater clarity on important management and technical concepts, as students practically experience how these concepts are put into action. Industrial visits help students to gain hands-on experience of how industry operations are executed. Putting this into action, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment organized an industrial visit to Maju Saintifik Sdn Bhd on 12 March 2020. This visit involved the teaching staff and engineering students. Upon arrival at the company, MAHSA staff and students were greeted warmly by the Managing Director, Mr. Rahimi L Muhamud. and his staff members.
The purpose of this visit was to provide early industrial exposure as well as actual working conditions to undergraduate students of various engineering courses especially those involved in the materials and manufacturing process. The visit started with a briefing by the Managing Director. In his speech, Mr. Rahimi said that students need to better identify their prospective areas of work in the overall organizational function by visiting industries. He also pointed out that this will give them a better awareness of industry practices and regulations. Mr. Rahimi also said that he was happy that one of our engineering students was currently doing his internship in Maju Saintifik Sdn Bhd. Later, the company experts briefed us about various work processes, including advanced ceramics, powder metal pressing and injection moulding, etc.
Afterwards, the group proceeded to various work stations for some demonstrations. The company officials demonstrated the casting process, the Computer Numerical Control (CNC) machine, the Cold Isostatic Pressing (CIP) process, and the hand-press machine. Our students were also given the chance to try some of the working processes. To sum up, the visit was successfully organized, and MAHSA’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment extends their gratitude to Maju Saintifik Sdn Bhd.

Acquisition of the Second Language
Published on: 03-09-2020
L1 (one’s native language) is proven to have a supreme power over people’s lives where they are exposed to it since the very early existence of their lives. They were brought up using the native language as the means of communication. However, there are various reasons as to how L2 (target language) gains recognition to be used widely in different sectors; former colonisation and globalisation. In Malaysia, English is the second language to Bahasa Malaysia which serves as the nation’s official language. Due to the language enforcement, it is compulsory for the residents of Malaysia to acquire both languages to fully live up to the requirements and the expectations. Therefore, how does a child acquire L1 and how does a transit to L2 happens? Let us take a closer look at some language acquisition theories.
First and foremost, L1 is learnt by young children throughout the years through imitation, repetition and mimicry. They grew up observing their parents or their close relatives using the language authentically in their real life events. This has somehow sparked the interest of the child to act and talk similarly to what they have observed in the first place. The structure of L1 is further enhanced once they receive their primary education, secondary education and the list goes on. According to B.F. Skinner, a child learns a language through association, imitation and reinforcement but Noam Chomsky (a well-known linguist, philosopher and cognitive scientist) deduced that a child is born with the LAD or Language Acquisition Device - an innate mechanism that allows a child to learn the structure of a language and it is receptive to common features of all languages. This shows that a child learns best when the right exposure is given to him at an early age. Same goes to the acquisition of L2, they will use the same concept to attract the features. Repetition, imitation and mimicry occur continuously and simultaneously until the child gains full understanding of the structure of L2.
Apart from that, a child learns L1 through a substantial reading process. Their reading materials may range from children magazines to fictional work. During the process, children might not understand some of the printed words but continue to read and observe the details of the content to the very last if the books provide captivating and enthralling topics to be scrutinized. They are able to digest the book as they tend to do a guessing game to determine the meaning of unfamiliar words and understand them as a whole. They are able to escape the minute details to get the whole picture the book provides. But they might feel insecure to do that all the time; they will resort to finding the ambiguous words in the dictionary or referring to a knowledgeable person to enhance their understanding and for some words that they think are less important; they can be safely ignored. This process continues until they are convinced about the accuracy of the meaning. The same principle applies in L2 acquisition; they are able to encounter new vocabularies in the materials they read and continue to do their little semantic investigation to adhere to their objective of getting the absolute information they aim for. Reading provides a child an insight of how both languages correlate and differ in their own special ways and thus, it is attested to increase the command in both languages.
All in all, the transition from L1 to L2 can be made possible if children could sustain the behaviour and the techniques that they have utilized in their mother tongue consistently. There are ways to realise this significant process; learning by extensive imitation, repetition and mimicry over the years just like they did for L1, through a substantial reading process and the reading materials may range from children magazines to fictional work. The child could work their way up to be a proficient and competent speaker of the target language if they are willing to put their effort into practice through meaningful interaction and communication with other parties. The importance of both languages cannot be denied as both have a controlling power to meet the respective obligations and expectations. In this ever-challenging world, one language is not enough to cater to the need of the society and the explosive development of every nook and corner of the country.

January was Health & Fitness Month by the Faculty of Health Sciences
Published on: 03-05-2020
For the month of January, the Faculty of Health Sciences hosted multiple events in conjunction with the thematic month titled "Physical Fitness and Sports Month".
On 9th January 2020, the opening ceremony was held at Level 12, Unity block with the invitation of staff, lecturers and students from all faculties. The event started with an entertaining performance by the Mahsa Cheerleading Club, followed by the invitation of the attending Board of Governors and Faculty Deans unto stage for the event launch, where they danced with the cheerleaders. Next was a warm up led by Mr Arun N, succeeded by a dance-along led by physiotherapy students. Moving to the main event, a dance competition was held with teams from different faculties. The event ended with the announcement of the winner, "Foot Drop" team from the Faculty of Dentistry.
A few interfaculty events were organized by the MAPS in conjunction to this health month. The goal was to spread awareness of sports for health and wellness and promote interfaculty relationships and unity.
Firstly, there was a swimming meet on 11th January. The events consisted of 50m Back Stroke, 50m Breast Stroke, and 50m Freestyle. With mighty efforts from more than 10 participants, the winners were Brexter Choo (Male category) and Heng Jia Wen (Female category) from the Physiotherapy Department.
Second, there was a CrossFit competition the day after with 23 student applicants. It was a 4 event game consisting of side jumps, push ups, jumping front lunges and farmers walk. After an intense competition full of sweat and vigor, the winners were announced, Darren Lim (Male category) from Physio Department and Heng Jia Wen (Female category) from Physiotherapy Department.
Third, a 3v3 Inter-Faculty Basketball Competition was held on the 17th January. With more than 10 groups of three competing, it was an event to be remembered with multiple buzzer beaters that brought the audience to their feets! After exceptional feats from all teams, the winners were Ding Zhi Hao, Lean Wai Chin, and Denis Lee Yew Qi from Faculty of Dentistry for the male group. Thin Weng Zhi, Aya Obaid and Cheng Min Min from Foundation in Science for the female group.
Other ongoing events to promote health fitness were the "Staircase to Fitness" every Tuesday and Friday, "A Walk for Fitness" around Mahsa University Campus with the honourable Pro Chancellor on the 15th January, E-Sports Games, Traditional Games and many more.
The closing ceremony was held on the 30th January. The award ceremony for all events was carried out followed by a captivating video summary made by the Faculty of Health Sciences. The ceremony ended with the Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Prof Chan, passing the baton to the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Roshnah, for February’s thematic month. In conclusion, the "Physical Fitness and Sports Month" was a great success that reflected the diligence and passion of the dean, lecturers, staff and students towards a healthier and more active lifestyle. It can be assured that invaluable lessons and impactful friendships were established during this period.

Environmental Health Outbound Mobility Programme: ‘Mobility Programme to Sriwijaya University, Palembang, South Sumatera, Indonesia’
Published on: 03-05-2020
From 8th November 2019 to 23rd November 2019, nine students from the Environmental Health Department participated in the Outbound Student Mobility Programme in Sriwijaya University (UNSRI), Indonesia. This was the first collaboration activity between MAHSA University and Universitas Sriwijaya (UNSRI) in the framework of the recently signed MoA between our FHSS and the Faculty of Public Health of UNSRI. Sriwijaya University is a well-known public university in Indonesia and has the distinction of being the largest campus in South East Asia.
Palembang is recognized as one of the five model cities in Indonesia under the ASEAN ESC (Environmentally Sustainable Cities) programme. Our students got the chance to experience all the excellent criteria as the city is known as the forefront in Environmental Health field in Indonesia.
The Opening of the Outbound Mobility Programme, which took place immediately after the MoA signing between the 2 faculties, was officiated by Prof Ir Dr Annis Saggaf, UNSRI’s Rektor. Also present were Mr Iwan Stia Budi, the Dean of Fakulti Kesihatan Masyarakat (FKM) (Public Health Faculty) of Sriwijaya University and Assoc Prof Dr Veronica Chua our Deputy Dean of FHSS and together with lecturers from MAHSA who accompanied us. The event was also attended by staff and students from FKM UNSRI.
One of the highlights of the programme was when we were taken to one of the largest technical centres for environmental health and disease control in Indonesia, Balai Teknik Kesihatan Lingkungan dan Pengawalan Penyakit Kelas I (BTKLPP Kelas I) for four days. We were shown the techniques and practices employed by them for everything related to the environmental health sector and issues; communicable and non-communicable diseases, entomology, vector control and etc.
We were taken on a tour of the expansive Indralaya campus. We visited their library, labs, classrooms, cafeteria and also their student activity centre. We also had the pleasure to meet with the faculty’s student representatives and student clubs. The purpose of the meeting was to introduce each of the student clubs under their faculty along with exchanging opinions and ideas between the students.
In our two weeks there, we experienced the culture of Palembang and also their local food, including one of the most famous delicacies there, called pempek, which is made from fish paste and boiled or fried or grilled. The highlight is actually the special vinegar that you dunk the pempek into before eating it. It is called chuko in the local language. We all loved it a lot.
We were also taken on a tour of Palembang City, with lecturers and students from UNSRI as our tour guides and chaperones. From Jakabaring stadium, where the 2018 Asian Games was hosted, to the Ampera Bridge, the icon of Palembang City and Largest Holy Quran in the world.
We also had the opportunity to visit the leading waste bank in Kalidoni, starting from the Ruang Edukasi Persampahan or TPS 3R Kalidoni where we learnt about solid waste management system in Palembang. From the collection of discarded plastic bottles and other non-biodegradable material to up cycling and their own maggot breeding and biogas production from organic waste, we gained new insights and experience on the city’s decentralized waste management system.
That evening, we also visited the Sakura Waste Bank along with a few UNSRI lecturers and observed how the local community has created a designated recyclable waste collection area. The recyclable waste that is collected is transformed into goods and souvenirs to be sold to the community – Turning Trash to Cash!
We were also taken to a water treatment plant, Perusahaan Daerah Air Minum (PDAM) TITA MURSI where we learnt about on the Palembang’s city water treatment system We were briefed on the various steps in the processing of raw water and also shared on our local water treatment system with the PDAM staff.
There were many other activities and experiences that we had. All in all it was an exciting and enriching programme for us. Thanks to the staff and students of the Environmental Health Department of Sriwijaya University who went to great lengths to make us feel welcome and for giving us a learning experience we will never forget. Last but not least, we want to say a big thank you to our faculty for giving us this golden opportunity to learn more, experience more and BE MORE.

Pre-U: School Outreach Programme
Published on: 03-04-2020
Education is very important to us as it gives knowledge, helps to improve our life better, reduce poverty among people and helps toward economic growth. Awareness for continuing education should be highlight hence, MAHSA University had come out with a school outreach program to help promote the importance of higher education among young students. On 15 Feb 2020, Assistant Director of Center for Pre - University Studies went to several schools near Selangor to kick start the school outreach program. There were 5 schools involved which are SMK(P) Kapar, SMK Rawang, SMK Seri Pantai and SMK Abdul Samad with almost 100 students participated. Madam Masitah gives a brief talk about Foundation programs offered by MAHSA University. Foundation is a one year program that prepares students for entry into various degree courses in the university. The students are currently in Form 5 and will be taking SPM this year. This will be a good platform to expose the foundation programs to SPM students for them to pursue their studies to a higher level. The students are welcome to visit MAHSA University during open day and get an insight into all the faculties and programs in MAHSA University.

Sharing Session by the Medical Faculty
Published on: 03-03-2020
On January 23rd, 2020 a sharing session was held in MAHSA University in which professors from the Biomedical, Nursing as well as the Medicine faculty were discussing with the foundation students their career options.
During the session, professors from the medical faculties shared information, knowledge and experiences. This includes what the degree programs are mainly about, insight on the content that each faculty is going to teach, what equipment or skills the students are going to use and so much more!
After that, some clips were shown on what studying in each degree program is going to look like, how their lives are going to change once they decide to pursue and work in the career path they will choose; not to mention the level of dedication that is required from the students in order to achieve their goals.
In addition to that, foundation students had an open discussion with the professors and were able to share their opinions on what degree program they would like to pursue and their thoughts on what they will come to face ahead. Towards the end of the sharing session, the professors gave the students advice as well as tips to not just ace – but how to succeed and stand out in their future degree program.

MAHSA Engineering BETTER Competition (Straw Tower Competition and Robotics Competition)
Published on: 03-02-2020
On 7th November 2019, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) organized the ‘BETTER Competition’. The competition is open to all students in MAHSA University as well as other universities. The acronym BETTER stands for Building Engineering & Technology Through Educational pRoject. The main mission of this competition is to support and encourage our students to share their knowledge, research work and experience in an exhibition which will ultimately contribute to development in engineering, science and technology. There are 2 main categories for this competition, the Straw Tower Competition and the Robotics Competition. The competitions were held at Spine Level 2, Empathy Block, MAHSA University SPC.
Engineers apply science and mathematics concepts to solve problems that improve the built world, including the design of buildings, bridges and other structures. During the straw tower activity, the student teams acted as civil engineers to design and build model straw towers, taking into consideration the limited straw use, time and rules as they brainstormed, designed, built and improved their structures. The judging criterion was based on the usage of the straws, the maximum height of the straws and also the strongest straw tower that could bear maximum load.
Meanwhile, the robotics competition was an effort to promote research in robotics technology. The competition provided students with engineering design challenges, including the components of mechanics, computers, control software, and system integration. The students worked together to design and build robots that can either navigate twisting, obstacle-filled courses without any human guidance or control, etc. The robotics competition was a university/school-level controlled-based competition. The participants had to design the robot structures and programme them using microcontroller boards such as arduino, arduino uno, raspberry pi, etc. It required multithreaded applications, either with the use of sensors, image processing, robotic movements, and IoT application.
A total of one hundred and six (106) participants from various fields competed in the competition, including students from Mahsa International School Kuala Lumpur (MISKL). During the closing ceremony, Pandamaran State Assemblyman YB Tuan Tony Leong Tuck Chee was also present as he was very keen in promoting STEM education and the benefits competition among MAHSA students. The participation of the students in this exhibition helped to develop their research interests based on their capabilities in stimulating their creative and innovative ideas and their interpersonal and problems solving skills. The feedback from the panel’s assessment helped to improve their weaknesses as well their level of creativity and psychomotor skills. Qudiyati was the winner of the competition, Akash Vijay Kumar the 1st runner up, and Neoh Chia Yee the second runner up. YB Leong Tuck Chee distributed the prizes to the winners.

Minori Talk
Published on: 02-23-2020
On 24th February 2020, School of Hospitality Management organized a hospitality industry talks entitled ‘Life of a Restauranteur – Can You Handle the Truth?’ This talk was attended by 60 students of the Diploma in Hotel Management programme who were enrolled for Customer Relationship Management and Front Office Management course. The invited speaker of the day was Mr. Hairul Azizi Junib, Managing Director of Minori Japanese Restaurant, The Royal Chulan Damansara Hotel.
Mr. Hairul Azizi started his talk with the introduction of his background, followed by the restaurant’s background and the nature of the business. He emphasised on the challenges in handling the restaurant as well as the issues in facing various types of customers, giving valuable tips to the students on how to sustain a restaurant business and how to start small if the students have the interest to start their own food-industry business. Mr. Hairul also shared his experience in promoting his restaurant through few promotional techniques, for examples, using social media, blogger and Facebook Ads. He also gave some marketing technique advice that could be used and in-trend with the food and beverage business these days. Besides that, Mr. Hairul also talked about cash flow and how to face financial challenges not leaving the most important part which was career opportunities in restaurant business which gave a good in-sight to the students on the real-life situations in the industry of hospitality, specifically in the food service industry.
The talk end with question and answer session. The students were most interested in the financial aspects of hospitality management and procedures of getting funds, if ever they were interested to open up their own business. The students were also interested in knowing about the challenges of dealing with customers. Mr. Hairul stressed on the importance of having passion to be a restaurateur, which played a vital role to the survival and success in this business.

Inbound Student Exchange Programme - VMS, India
Published on: 02-20-2020
As an initiative to add further value to our students’ experience at MAHSA University, Student Mobility programme acts as a platform to project life at MAHSA University. Having exposure to fellow students from neighbouring countries will serve to positively influence students’ values as well as enrich their life experiences.
The year 2020 began with Faculty of Dentistry having kick started their Inbound Student Mobility Programme. Nine students from Vinayaka Mission's Sankarachariyar Dental College, India had an interesting two-week stint at MAHSA University from 3rd February till 17th February 2020. Prof. Dr. Sekhar accompanied them and delivered a guest lecture to our dental students. Associate Prof. Dr. Prathap, Deputy Dean, Faculty of Dentistry organized a comprehensive itinerary comprising of academic activities in various specialty areas and outdoor activities.
They were exposed to our system of training dental students in the simulation labs as well as the clinics and attended some clinical technique demonstration by lecturers from different departments.
The DDS student volunteers helped the visitors to get acclimatized to Malaysian environment and introduced them to Malaysian cuisine. They were amazed by the variety of food available in Malaysia and were excited to try them out. On the weekends, the students were taken on a tour covering the Batu Caves temple, the city centre, as well as the federal territory of Putrajaya, during which they managed to capture some scenic photographs.
On the last day, there was a farewell party with students and lecturers from the faculty. The group left for home on the 17th of Feb with fond everlasting memories of their visit to MAHSA.
Here are some of their comments on their experience in MAHSA.
"I thought it would be the same as that of Indian Universities but the way of learning is different and they are exposed to various advanced clinical practices and the teachers are very student friendly." –Dr. Naviya, Intern.
"Malaysia is a beautiful, warm and cozy place.I thought I would feel like an alien but felt at home because of the atmosphere and the people, Malaysians are such lovely people." –Gheethanjali, Year 4.
"MAHSA university is absolutely awesome. They have excellent infrastructure and awesome teachers. Their clinics are very well equipped." –Stalin, Year 2.

IET Special Award Competition 18 February 2020
Published on: 02-20-2020
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment (FEBE) successfully organized the IET Special Award competition for the Final Year Project on 18 February 2020 at our Bandar Saujana Putra Campus. This special is given by the Institute of Engineering and Technology (IET), Malaysia. The aim of this competition is to nourish students in the areas of research, design and innovation skills in the control and automation technical network field. The IET motivates young minds by providing them with the opportunity to improve their ideas and performance, thus motivating them to put forth greater effort in competitive situations.
A total of nineteen students participated in this competition, but only three students were selected for the final round. In the final round, the three students gave their presentations most effectively. An effective presentation makes the best use of the relationship between the presenter and the audience. MAHSA’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment students made great effort to inspire the panel, and gave excellent presentations. The participants were all highly motivated to receive the "Best Final Year Project Award".
Eventually, the winner of the award was announced to be Muhammad Safari Bin Mohd Shasuddin, with project title "Implementing of IOT on Automatic Fertigation and Water System", supervised by Dr. Lim Bee Huah. These projects were chosen based on the two categories of which is project design and project commercialization potential. The winner received a plaque and certificate from IET Malaysia.

MAHSA receives Visit from the Rector and Deans of Sriwijaya University, Indonesia
Published on: 02-18-2020
A 20-member executive management delegation from Universitas Sriwijaya led by their Rector Prof. Ir. H. Anis Sagaff and comprising their Vice-Rector, Prof. Ir. Zainudin Nawawi, 9 Deans of faculties and Vice Deans visited MAHSA on 29th January 2020.
The purpose of the visit was to explore more collaboration between MASHA University and Sriwijaya University, particularly in the areas of academic exchange, mobility programs and joint research. On hand to welcome them were our Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Dato. Dr. Ishak and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Ms Stella Lau as well as our faculty Deans. Various initiatives were discussed at the university level before the Deans took the opportunity to have discussions with their counterparts on faculty-specific initiatives.
The visit culminated with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between Prof. Dato Dr Ishak on behalf of MAHSA University and Prof. Ir. H. Anis Saggaff on behalf of Sriwijaya University.
We thank the delegation of Sriwijaya University for their visit and look forward to closer ties with them.

Workshop on Electrophysical Agents
Published on: 02-15-2020
MAHSA Association of Physiotherapy Students (MAPS) pose for a picture with Professor Goh Ah Cheng and members of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Iryo Sosei University, Japan.
On the 11th of February 2020, the MAHSA Association of Physiotherapy Students (MAPS) had the unique honour of welcoming Professor Goh Ah Cheng – Dean and Professor of the Faculty of Health Sciences, Iryo Sosei University, Japan, and the President of the International Society for Electrophysical Agents in Physical Therapy (ISEAPT) – to MAHSA University to give a seminar and workshop on the use of electrophysical agents in physiotherapy practice.
Physiotherapy students gathered bright and early at 9am to attend the seminar, during which Professor Goh spoke about the use of electrophysical agents in physiotherapy as well as the importance of an evidence-based model in both theory and practice. Professor Goh explained to his rapt audience how the use of electrophysical agents has evolved over time, as well as how thermotherapy has been incorporated into the modern interventions we see today. Students were then able to see the concepts discussed in the seminar put into practice in the workshop that followed. Professor Goh demonstrated and explained to the students how ultrasound imaging can be used in physiotherapy practice, and allowed the students to try it out for themselves, which made for a new and exciting experience for the students.
When asked how they felt about the day’s seminar and workshop, the students reported that they thoroughly enjoyed it and gleaned valuable knowledge from Professor Goh’s excellent explanation and demonstration of electrophysical agents, saying that they looked forward to attending more workshops like this in the future. Meanwhile, Professor Goh himself came away rather impressed by the students who attended the event, citing their enthusiasm to learn and willingness to take initiative in trying the machines out for themselves among the things that he was pleasantly surprised by.

MAHSA University Signs MOU with T.P.C. TS Terna Dental College
Published on: 02-10-2020
MAHSA University and TERNA DENTAL COLLEGE plans to collaborate on various activities such as staff exchange, student mobility, and research. This collaboration will help both the Universities to enhance the quality of education. On behalf of the Vice-Chancellor, AP Dr. Kranthi Raja, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry represented MAHSA University for the signing ceremony held on February 9th, 2020 at Terna Dental college, Mumbai, India.
Guest Lecture
Associate Prof. Dr. Kranthi Raja also delivered a keynote lecture on clinical applications of Bio ceramics in Endodontics on the same day at Endo Vista - an annual event organized by Terna Dental college. This lecture was well appreciated by all the Endodontic specialists and Post Graduate students who attended.

A Talk by Selset Education Centre
Published on: 02-07-2020
On 14th January 2020, all MAHSA Foundation students of July and September intake attended a talk by Selset Education Centre. Selset Education Centre is a one-stop service centre for students who wish to study abroad. They provide basic services such as consultation, application and registration. The talk was conducted by a representative from Selset Education Centre and was held in the auditorium at MAHSA’s Humanity Building, Level 9. The talk started at 10 am and lasted an hour.
From the talk by Selset, the students were able to know about the universities that Selset Education Centre collaborates with, especially the two universities in New Zealand which recognises our MAHSA Foundation Programme. The representative from Selset Education emphasised that MAHSA students have a higher chance to be accepted if they were to apply to the two particular universities which are Victoria University of Wellington and University of Canterbury in New Zealand.
The talk gave the students an idea of life studying abroad after the Foundation Programme. All the students participated actively and listened attentively to the talk. The talk ended with a group photography session.

Welcoming January 2020 Foundation Students to MAHSA University
Published on: 02-07-2020
Orientation programmes on campus are key to student success, and our programmes are versatile and really do meet a variety of needs for first-year students. A good orientation programme helps students feel excited about starting college and smoothens the transition to campus life and the independence that comes with it. We are really proud of MAHSA’s orientation programme as it meets our all students’ needs such as personal social adjustments, providing a welcoming environment for students, introducing students to our university services which will support their educational and personal goals. Here, we would like to welcome FIS and FIB students from Jan 2020 Batch to our Pre-U Family. Faculty briefing was held on 15th Jan led by Mdm Diana to give an insight about the Foundation programme in detail. After the briefing, students continued with their orientation programme.
In MAHSA’s orientation programme, students are also provided an opportunity for a Campus Tour so that they can become familiar with the campus. A MAHSA motivation talk was also given to students from the Jan 2020 batch as motivation plays a critical role in leading them to be successful, and this talk acts as a media to encourage them to achieve their goals at MAHSA University. The students also met with their academic advisor so that they could collaborate and gain useful information on a variety of campus resources to enhance their educational experience in order to obtain their degree.
Besides that, they learnt how to register for their first semester of classes, and also for clubs & societies which they are interested in. Not only that, they also got the chance to learn about helpful resources such as tutoring, counseling and financial aids which are helpful in their university life. They were also told about scholarships, PTPTN (Malaysia), and ISSO (Foreign). Lastly, during orientation, there was an ice-breaking session and many fun games which were provided for the students in order to form new bonds with new friends at MAHSA University.

Engineering, Science and Technology Exhibition (ESTE) 2020
Published on: 01-25-2020
On 23 January 2020, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment organized an Engineering, Science and Technology Exhibition (ESTE). This exhibition was open to all students of MAHSA University as well as other universities. The Engineering Science and Technology Exhibition is a platform that gives students an opportunity to experience, innovate, and come up with unique scientific ideas. Inaugurated over three years ago, the exhibition now receives over 300 entries from different universities. The exhibition is evaluated by expert judges from various universities in their related fields. The judging criteria is based on the innovative poster and creative prototype presentations by the students. The event was held at Spine Level 2, Empathy Block, MAHSA University, SPC.
The aim of this exhibition is to nourish students’ research, design and innovation skills in multidisciplinary areas that are related to engineering, science and technology. Our mission is to support and encourage the students to share their knowledge, research work and experience during the exhibition, which will ultimately contribute to the development in engineering, science and technology.
A total of one hundred and twelve (112) participants from numerous fields competed in the competition. During the closing ceremony, the faculty was honored with the presence of Member of Parliament from Lembah Pantai, YB Tuan Ahmad Fahmi bin Mohamed Fadzil. He was very keen in motivating the students by sharing his experience in the engineering field among MAHSA’s students. This exhibition is a mind-changing platform to develop research-based knowledge, stimulating the students' creative and innovative ideas, interpersonal and problem-solving skills, etc. The feedback from the Judging panels also boosted the students' minds.

A Fellow MAHSAHAN wins Silver Medal at the International ACEIC
Published on: 01-24-2020
AL-SHABI HUSAM SULTAN MOHAMMED, MAHSA’s Engineering & Built Environment Faculty student won the silver medal in the International ACEIC (The Era of Automation and Control) event organised by University Tenaga Nasional during 14-15 October, 2019.
International ACEIC is a competition participated by world-wide researchers, students and young professionals in product development which is in-line with the Industrial Revolution 4.0. Participants of the competition were encouraged to apply their knowledge to create functional prototypes which addressed the industrial demands based on developments in available technologies, which was not limited to Internet of Things, Deep Learning, Programming Skills, Robotics or Automation Design. This was a new concept and the International ACEiC presented a platform to share skills and knowledge in various technologies amongst the participants from all over the world.
AL-SHABI HUSAM SULTAN MOHAMMED developed the Smart Painter – a device that could do two different automated operations which were drawing and painting on walls. His poster presentation and product development was highly impressive and caught the attention of the judges, allowing him to gain second place in this prestigious competition.
IET International ACEiC 2019 is a competition participated by postgraduate and undergraduate students from international and local universities under the guidance of a lecturer/professor. This competition is designed as one of the efforts to minimise the gap between universities and industry-players focusing mainly in automation and control industry. IET was a co-sponsor of this event.

Enhance Your Flawsomeness
Published on: 01-20-2020
Women and beauty are inseparable as all women value their looks and appearance a lot. The visual impact is very important nowadays as it helps you to feel confident with yourself and well-liked by others. Women may suffer from social anxiety, prejudice, and inequality based on their appearances, and that can lead to demotivation, depression and so on. We should embrace our flaws and still feel confident regardless of them. MAHSA University’s Centre of Pre-University Studies successfully conducted a workshop entitled “Showcase: Enhance Your Flawsomeness” on 8th December 2019 in conjunction with Adult Learning Month. “Flawsome” is a combination of the words “flaws” and “awesome”, defining women as awesome and wonderful regardless of their flaws. This event focused on makeup tutorials and styling using quality products. We invited a Beauty Consultant from Mary Kay's team to give tutorials and demonstrations of makeup and skincare products, using organic products. Through this event, participants learnt how to apply makeup based on their individual styles, as well as the latest trends in the cosmetic industry, and it raised an awareness of the importance of grooming images among staff and students. When we accept our flaws and embrace them, we can feel comfortable and confident within ourselves.

Discover Your Interest!
Published on: 01-20-2020
On 15th November 2019, an Immersion Programme was held at MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Campus. This Immersion Programme was targeted at MAHSA’s foundation students and also the public to help them discover their own interests so they will not be confused and pick the wrong paths for their future. Through this event, participants got the opportunity to do a lot of unforgettable hands-on activities with the help of some of the respective faculties: Medicine (MBBS), Dentistry, Pharmacy and Biomedical Science. The event had was attended by a total of 15 students.
It started off with the registration from 9:00am to 9:30am at the Ground Floor of Unity Block. Before it started, the student got to meet and know the deans from the faculties so they could have an idea about the programmes offered by the respective faculties. It took the deans around 30 minutes to brief the participants and then this is where the fun part started. The student got to learn how the dead teach the living, role-play, and scenarios in clinical skill techniques. This activity was carried out by Mr Ikmal and Mr Tan from the Faculty of Medicine (MBBS) in the Anatomy Lab and Clinical Skills Lab. Two medical students demonstrated how to inject a needle into a patient’s hand, explaining the procedure in details. After the demonstration, all the students got a chance to try out the procedure with the medical students guiding them. A rectal examination demonstration was also performed by a lecturer, with the students paying full attention. They then moved on to an activity carried out by the biomedical science faculty which taught them how to know blood groups. The students learned how to carry out a simple experiment to determine a person’s blood group. They also carried out the experiment to determine their own blood groups.
After these activities, the students got to rest for an hour with a mouth-watering lunch. After the lunch break, the event continued with the quality control of medication and also FTIR spectroscopy from the Faculty of Pharmacy, conducted by Dr Raju. The quality control of medication is the most basic and essential operation in the pharmaceutical industry. Furthermore, every student also got hands-on experience for the activity of tooth art guided by Dr Ali from the Faculty of Dentistry. They also had a group photo taken with Dr Ali, and from the picture we could tell that the students were all satisfied with this event from the smiles from their face. The event ended with e-sports and sport activities held at the Sports Complex on Level 2 of Unity Building. This was a very successful event organized by MAHSA with the help of the faculties.

Technical visit-Bolt Solar Industry
Published on: 01-06-2020
On 8th October 2019, twenty students and their lecturers from MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT visited Bolt Industries. Bolt Industries runs one of the largest solar roof plants with a total of almost 20,000 solar panels. Solar power is the process by which the sun’s rays are harnessed and converted into electrical energy. The company aims to show the public that aside from the conventional ways of generating electricity through power plants, solar panels can also be used.
The visit was for the students to gain knowledge in solar-power production, an essential renewable energy source. With the rapid increase in energy production and consumption, the committee members of IET MAHSA On-campus decided to organise this industrial visit to Bolt Industries’ solar power plant to have a look at what solar power and energy is all about.
Upon arrival at the site, the students had to go through security check-in to gain entrance into the facility. They were then given a short briefing on what to do and how the visit was going to take place. They were divided into two groups and taken to the metre room to see the power generated from the panel to the final distribution area. In the metre room there were different metres, each with its own function. There was a step-up transformer which generates AC volts ranging from 400v (lowest) to 33000Kv.
After the metre room, the students were taken to the rooftop where the solar panels are used to harness solar rays which generates DC (direct current) power. The person in charge explained the solar power production methods in a passionate manner.
The plant Engineer enlightened the students about the distribution of power from power station to utility centres. The students were also instructed about the role of power generation and how the plant plants society with green energy. This visit exposed MAHSA students to the solar energy conversion process in solar plants and how solar energy could be the next big step in power and electricity generation.

Sungai Selangor Phase 2 Water Treatment Plant Technical Visit
Published on: 01-06-2020
On 25th October 2019, thirty-seven students from the Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT, accompanied by seven lecturers, visited the Sungai Selangor Phase 2 (SSP2) Water Treatment Plant. The visited the plant in an enthusiastic manner. This visit began with a briefing by Mr Jefri and Mr Nazri, executives from Air Selangor Management Company. The General Manager, Mr Nafiz, wholeheartedly welcomed us and shared information regarding this water treatment plant, SSP2 Water Treatment Plant, located in Bestari Jaya, Selangor. The SSP2 Water Treatment Plant is the largest open treatment plant in the world using the advanced technology ACTIFLO system.
The students visited two parts of the process area. The first process is Actiflo, which consists of the coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation process. The tank is added with poly and microsand to accelerate flocculation and sedimentation process. This process has a target-settled water turbidity of below 5 NTU. The chemicals inserted into the tank are inter-lime dosing for PH control and pre-chlorine dosing for algae control. The students gained a lot of knowledge from seeing the process of the water flow.
Then they were taken to the filtration process area, where about 24 sub-filter tanks have been installed and settled water filtration is done through the rapid gravity of the sand. The filtered water also undergoes a fluoridation and disinfection process. The students observed the water movement during the process.
The students eagerly watched the whole process and posed questions to the engineer in charge and the lecturers. They were also briefed regarding the location of the supply of water from the water treatment plant. The areas which benefit from this plant are the Klang Valley (Klang, Ampang, Sg. Buloh and Petaling Jaya), Kuala Lumpur and Kuala Selangor. The visit came to an end at 5:30 pm. The students were interested in the water treatment plant process and they gathered new experiences regarding the treatment of the raw water from the river. They were all impressed and gave positive feedback about the technical visit.

Raising the MAHSA Flag at UNESCO
Published on: 01-06-2020
Ir. Prof. Leong Wai Yie, Dean of Engineering and Built Environment raised the MAHSA flag in the UNESCO meeting held in Paris UNESCO Headquarter on the 16th and 17th of December, organised by the NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee in close cooperation with the UNESCO Secretariat, the 11th International Forum of NGOs in official partnership with UNESCO took place at UNESCO Headquarters in Paris, France, on 16 and 17 December 2019, on the theme “Challenging Inequalities”, with a focus on areas such as youth, income, technology, gender and education.
Prof Leong was invited to represent the World Federation of Engineering Organization to share on the policies, practices and challenges of equalities in the engineering community, discussing to a great extent the inequalities in policies, STEM education, career and leadership position in ASEAN and in the Asia Pacific countries. Initiatives to further promote equalities were highlighted from the viewpoint of the efforts of NGOs and governmental agencies.
The main objective of the Forum was to identify concrete examples of good practices and grass-root actions as well as ways to develop a set of recommendations to tackle inequalities, with focus on areas such as youth, income, technology, gender and education.
Prof. Leong is the Chairperson of The Institution of Engineering and Technology Malaysia (IET), Board of Director, International Networks of Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES), Executive Committee of the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM) and the WFEO Committees on Engineering for Innovative Technologies (CEIT) and Women in Engineering (WIE).

Asean Women in STEM
Published on: 12-17-2019
Ir Prof Leong Wai Yie, the Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment of MAHSA University, was on the panel of invited women leaders at the Korea-ASEAN Women in STEM Forum 2019.
In conjunction with the 2019 ASEAN-Republic of KOREA Commemorative Summit that took place in Busan, Korea, from November 25 to 26 2019, the Association of Korean Women Scientists and Engineers (KWSE) hosted the 2019 Korea-ASEAN Women in STEM forum. This forum aims to provide the opportunity to discuss and suggest international collaborative policies for women in STEM between Korea and ASEAN Countries. This international forum is also to strengthen women in STEM networks for information exchange and joint-policy development between Korea and ASEAN women.
During the forum, Ms Ayako Inagako, the Director of Human and Social Development Division, Asian Development Bank, shared on the data and statistics of Women in STEM in ASEAN countries. The invited ASEAN women leaders include Ms Le Thi Khanh Can (Vice President of Vietnam Association for Intellectual Women, Vietnam), Dr Juana Tapel (Chair of Women Engineers’ Network, Philippine Technological Council, Philippines), Ir Prof Dr Leong Wai Yie (Chairperson of The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Malaysia), Dr Supatcha Chaimatanan (Research, Geo Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency, Thailand), and Dr Hyun–Ok Kim (Senior Research, Korea Aerospace Research Institute, Korea).
Prof Leong discussed on the Malaysian governmental institutions which support exclusively women in STEM. There are 31.8% women engineers out of a total 12100 engineering members registered with The Board of Engineers Malaysia. Malaysia’s laws and policies to support exclusively women in STEM was shared with the audience. Dr Leong proposed various international collaborations for women in STEM, including conferences, visits and exchanges, research collaboration, policy development collaboration, data sharing, and workshops and forums on the issue related to women in STEM.
The forum has successfully brought together business leaders, policymakers, innovators and influencers to profile the best female talents and to boost human capital in the region. Delivering renewed focus on the STEM skills pipeline across the region is essential to boosting productivity, growing the economy and creating new jobs.

Ir Prof Dr Leong Wai Yie as Keynote Speaker for the Research Festival at Taylor’s University
Published on: 12-10-2019
MAHSA University’s Ir Prof Dr Leong Wai Yie, Dean of the Faculty of Engineering and Built Environment, was invited as Keynote Speaker for the Research Festival organized by Talyor’s University, from 25 to 29 November 2019.
The research festival is an annual programme that features the ingenuity and creativity of Taylor's Researchers by providing students with an avenue to showcase their scientific prowess and thirst for knowledge. In this three-day event, participants will exhibit and defend their research projects in Research Presentation and Video Competition. The Research Fair also provides a venue for both research professionals and students to interact with each other and exchange ideas.
The Taylor's Research Fair is a campus-wide celebration of research and creative activity. The Research Fair is a chance to celebrate faculty success, showcase our experts’ work, and the engagement between students and professionals. The Research Fair, held every 2 years, offers something for everyone: Grant Holder's showcase, postgraduates’ video competition, engagement sessions. Each session is tailored to Taylor's University research priorities and objectives.
Through the Research Fair, researchers who are recipients of internal or external research grants will get to showcase their research projects through either focused presentations or creating videos based on TedTalk style or other creative format. The comprehensive symposium programme encompasses research projects from multiple faculties and is organized in forums based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals.
Prof Leong shared her research achievements and projects during her keynote speech. She highlighted the importance of research to the economy, society, environment and culture, beyond the contribution to academic research. She was a winner of the Ten Outstanding Young Malaysian 2017, Top Research Scientists Malaysia 2017 and ASEAN Meritorious Service Award 2017. Prof Leong has been collaborating with researchers at Taylor’s University.
During the closing, Prof Leong also launched her new book on “EEG Signal Processing”, in collaboration with researchers at Taylors, witnessed by Associate Professor Dr Anthony Ho, Pro Vice Chancellor, Research & Enterprise .

MAHSA University’s Engineering Lecturer is Plenary Speaker for the 4th Women Engineers Summit (PWES4) in the Philippines
Published on: 12-05-2019
Dr Lee Sim Yee, MAHSA University’s lecturer of Engineering and IT, was invited to be the plenary speaker for the 4th Philippine Women Engineers Summit (PWES4) organized by the Philippine Technological Council, Women Engineers Network (PTC-WEN) on August 22-24, 2019 at Royce Hotel & Casino, Clark Field Pampanga, the Philippines. The PTC-WEN is a national engineering organization of women engineers registered under the Philippine Technological Council (PTC) in the Philippines and as a committee under the ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organizations (AFEO). PTC-WEN aspires to bring together the most successful and talented women engineers across borders to advance and promote excellence in engineering for women engineers. The 4th Philippine Women Engineers Summit (PWES4) aims to provide a methodical evaluation and analysis of women engineers’ roles and challenges in the different discipline in diverse cultures, economic statuses and technology levels among other considerations.
In conjunction of the 4th Philippine Women Engineers Summit (PWES4) with the theme of “Partnership for Women Engineering Excellence across Borders”, Dr Lee Sim Yee presented a talk entitled “Equalling Excellent Engineering Practice for Woman Engineers”. She stated that an engineer must have personality and be good at teamwork, have interpersonal skills, be precise and play close attention to detail, all of which are qualities which inherent in women. Apart from strong fundamental technical knowledge, engineers also need to be aware of current developments. Woman engineers are encouraged to get involved and explore more in the engineering world to improve partnership, public awareness and understanding of engineering towards a balanced global outlook.
Dr. Ma. Catalina E. Cabral, the Philippine Institute of Civil Engineers (PICE) Summit Chairman presided over the PWES4 opening ceremony, and PE Gail Mattson President of the International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists (INWES) delivered her message of support. Ten talks were presented by plenary speakers on the first and second day of the event.
The second day of PWES4 was the highlight of the event, which was the “Lakambining Inhinyera”. “Lakambining Inhinyera” is the annual beauty pageant for professional women engineers in the Philippines to encourage and appreciate the involvement of Women Engineers. The closing ceremony of PWE was officiated by Mayor Carmelo Lazatin, Jr., from Angeles City. PWES4 ended with technical and cultural visits to New Clark Green City and Dinosaurs Islands and Insectlandia, Pampanga.

MAHSA and Sriwijaya University Launch Academic Collaboration with Reciprocal Student Mobility Program for Environmental Health
Published on: 11-25-2019
MAHSA University achieved another milestone by becoming the first private Malaysian university to establish an academic collaboration with an Indonesian public university in the field of Environmental Health with the inking of a Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) between the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences MAHSA and Faculty of Public Health Sriwijaya University, Palembang.
A ceremony was held on 8th November 2019 at the Main Campus of Sriwijaya University (UNSRI) for the signing and exchange of a MoA between the Dean of FPH UNSRI Mr. Iwan Stia Budi, S.KM, M.Kes, and the Deputy Dean of FHSS MAHSA University, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronica Chua.
This signing ceremony was witnessed by the Rektor of UNSRI, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaf MSCE, Head of International Collaborations and Services of UNSRI, Dr. Reza Firasandaya Malik and staff members of UNSRI.
In his opening remarks, Prof. Dr. Ir. H. Anis Saggaf welcomed the partnership with MAHSA University and reiterated the importance of transnational collaboration in higher education in this era of globalization.
This MoA is intended to facilitate academic and research collaboration as well as student exchange between FHSS MAHSA and FPH Sriwijaya University, particularly in the field of Environmental Health.
This collaboration between MAHSA and Sriwijaya university was then kicked-off with the launch of the first reciprocal student mobility program involving 9 MAHSA students from Environmental Health programs being hosted by the Faculty of Public Health of Sriwijaya for 2 weeks from 8th till 22rd November 2019. During these 2 weeks MAHSA students will attend various academic activities including training at the Environmental Health and Disease Control Technical Office of Palembang and participate in Environmental Health field research, as well as experience the culture of Palembang through various immersion activities.
MAHSA students will be able to broaden their perspective in Environmental Health through this collaboration as Palembang is of the 5 model cities in Indonesia under the ASEAN ESC (Environmentally Sustainable Cities) program and is in the forefront of Environmental Health in Indonesia.
Mobility programs provide international exposure to students, which teach them to view issues from alternative perspectives, be more tolerant and be more adaptable; qualities which are essential in the job market of today. We are certain MAHSA students will benefit greatly from this opportunity to obtain international exposure during the duration of their studies here with us.
The Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences of MAHSA University is proud to partner the Faculty of Public Health Sriwijaya University and hope this collaboration will pave the way for closer cooperation between MAHSA and Sriwijaya University in other areas

Who Says Pre-University Lecturers Can’t Dance?
Published on: 11-21-2019
On 12 October 2019, MAHSA University’s Pre-University students and lecturers attended an annual dinner at Grand Blue Wave Hotel, Shah Alam. The students and lecturers from both Foundation in Science and Foundation in Business were warmly invited to the dinner to celebrate all their hard work. The theme for this year was Harry Potter and some students put in a lot of effort to dress up for this event. Many wore the infamous Gryffindor cape and wore matching hats to compliment their outfits. Even the lecturers came in costumes. The students prepared photo booths, lucky draws, prizes for the best dressed, fantastic performances and more.
The night started off with the grand entrance of our beloved VIP’s and lecturers, accompanied by our fellow pre-university students. Many of our respected lecturers dressed up according to the theme as well. The person who stood out the most was Madam Salmiah. She even wore a big pointy hat! Our Pre-university’s most honoured assistant director, Madam Masitah, officially kick-started the event by giving a wonderful speech and said that she hoped we enjoyed ourselves tonight. Following that were the anticipated performances by our fellow students and lecturers. There was dancing and singing as well as stand-up comedy. The dance performances showcased various cultures and styles such as Arabic, American and Indian styles. Half-way through the night, dinner was served. There were plenty of mouth-watering delicacies. After dinner, the entertainment resumed with musical performances featuring beautiful acoustic music. The audience sang along and clearly enjoyed themselves.
Towards the end of the night, the lecturers surprised the audience with an unexpected Bollywood dance performance. They were dressed in colourful traditional costumes and accessories. The lecturers amazed us with their outstanding dance moves which became the highlight of the night. Everyone gathered around the stage and clapped and danced along the lecturers. The night then ended with a photo session of different batches and programmes on stage. Everyone went home with smiles on their faces. It would be safe to say that the Pre-University Annual Dinner of 2019 was truly a success.

Traditional Games
Published on: 11-21-2019
MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University Studies held a traditional-game competition during the Family Appreciation Month. This event aimed to remind our youths of the importance of culture and tradition and to appreciate Malay traditional games. The game preparations started around 1 p.m. Students from pre-university studies as well as degree programmes were present to lend a hand by arranging the tables, decorating the areas and setting up the three traditional Malay games. The games consisted of ketupat weaving, “Batu Seremban” and “teng teng”.
The event started with an explanation of the rules for each game. For ketupat weaving, each faculty had to send one lecturer as a participant. The contestants had to use ribbons to weave their ketupats as many times as they could according to the time given. Madam Azwani from the Center of Pre-University Studies won first place in this category. “Batu Seremban” and “teng teng” were played by students from respective faculties. They gave their all and enjoyed the game thoroughly. Our international students also took part in these competitions. All in all, everyone who attended the event enjoyed themselves.

Great Success of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing in the 11th Medical Undergraduates’ Annual Scientific Research Meeting (MUASRM) 2019
Published on: 11-21-2019
MAHSA University congratulates the Year 2 MBBS students and their Supervisors for their successful venture in the highly challenging National Scientific platform of the 11th Medical Undergraduates’ Annual Scientific Research Meeting (MUASRM) 2019, held at University Kebangsaan Malaysia Medical Centre (UKM) on 7th November 2019. Our group (BE MORE 3), under the supervision of Dr Anupam Biswas, Dr Pallav Sengupta and Dr Sulagna Dutta secured the 1st runner-up position, while the our group (BE MORE 1), under the supervision of Dr Sekaran Muniandy and Dr Chin Jin Han, secured the 2nd runner-up position in the research poster presentation among all the invited universities from all over Malaysia. Our MAHSA University students presented their elective research project by MBBS Year 2, in which the research of BE MORE 3 students, Anjali Mathur (Lead Speaker), Yang Rue Fun, Denavdrn Gunasegaram, Ling Fun Chung and Abo Warda, was entitled, ‘Durian Fruit Extract Abrogates Reproductive and Hepatoprotective Effects of Hypercholesterolemia’, and the research presented by the BE MORE 1 students, Tey Xiao Hoong (Lead Speaker), Islam Rahamul, Ho Jia Wei, Wee Boon Kim, Muthu Mohamed Mahathier Mohamed, Gokulavihari Ammapali, Shanmuga Vadivel Devi Dharshini, Rahul Dalavai and Vikneshwaran Achari Murugasan, was entitled, ‘Evaluation of The Effect of Temperature On Antioxidant Activity in Chia Seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) Tea’. These achievements are greatly owed to the hard work of the students and the dedication of the supervisors in training the MBBS Year 2 students through novel research works inculcating scientific approach and building up their confidence to deliver their works in front of representatives from all the eminent Universities in Malaysia. This success of MAHSA University truly upholds our ‘BE MORE’ philosophy.

MUDFAD 2019 Wanderlust
Published on: 11-20-2020
The MAHSA University Annual Dinner was held on the 17th of November at the Inter Continental Hotel, Kuala Lumpur. It was organized by the Dental Students Society with a total of 180 staff and students attending. The theme “Wanderlust” was chosen with attendees gracing the event in National Attire bestowing colour and brightness to the event.
The event began at 6:30pm following registration and Doa recital and the opening speeches were given, Prof. Dato Dr. Ishak, Prof. Rosnah, Dean of faculty Dentistry, and by Tan Kah Look, the DSS President. There were performances by the staff and students of the dental faculty with games bringing out the competitiveness in the budding dentists. The event ended with a group photo and was declared an overall success.
The sponsors for the event were Titan Dental Solutions, Premiere Dental Sdn. Bhd, NTC Dental Suppliers Sdn. Bhd., QDee Gift House, Miaow Miaow, Food Panda and Pica Pica.

2019 GKS for Science and Engineering Students of ASEAN Countries
Published on: 11-15-2019
A training programme was hosted by the Ministry of Education’s National Institute for International Education, inviting outstanding science and engineering students from ASEAN countries to Korea. This programme was designed to provide trainees with an in-depth academic training in science and engineering fields and invaluable experiences in Korea. The operating institutions of this 2019 GKS programme are Kyungwoon University, Keimyung University, Mokpo Maritime University, Chosun University, Chung-Ang University and Chungnam National University. This programme took five weeks, starting from 11th July 2019 to 14th August 2019. Orientation was conducted in the respective university. I was pleased that I was successful in my application for the 2019 GKS program at Kyungwoon University.
Five weeks schedule was arranged by the Kyungwoon University, we had our lecture class on weekdays and field trip on weekends. Example of lecture classes were Introduction of Aviation, Flight Simulation Programming, CATIA, Wind Tunnel and other aviation knowledge-related classes. There were also classes in Korean language, history and culture. This programme stressed the importance on trainees’ hands-on experiences, experiments, lab activities and object lessons.
In order to understand the university on a deeper level, a campus tour to flight simulation room, aviation training centre and also lecture places was held.
For example in the Korean cultural class, trainees were given the splendid chance to wear the Korean traditional dress (Hanbok). We also had role-playing activity.
All the trainees in this programme were responsible for finishing their research projects within these five weeks. The research projects were flying disk, remote control, wake measurement of a propeller, wearable device app, robot arm and delivery drone. Kyungwoon University did their utmost to provide the best learning environment, lecture rooms, labs, materials, equipment needed for research project purposes. With the assistance of Kyungwoon University’s experienced professor and talented Korean students, we managed to successfully complete our research projects in the limited time provided based on our creativity and knowledge we learnt from the lectures.
The programme provided a platform for knowledge enhancement by visits to some industrial sites during weekends. We visited the SAMSUNG electronics factory, the Gumi Electronics & Information Technology Research Institute (GERI) and the Gyeongbuk Center for Creative Economy & Innovation (CCEI). We also visited some cultural and historical sites such as Buyeo Life Museum, Gyeongju National Musem, POSCO history museum and others. Aside from the outstanding performances at the academy, the 2019 GKS Programme enabled us to explore some cities in Korea such as Gumi, Daegu, Pohang, Gjeogju, Seoul, Busan and a few other cities, which further enhanced the trainees’ experiences. These activities allowed us to experience life in Korea with people of different cultures.
A presentation and completion ceremony was held at Chosun University on the 12th and 13th. The ceremony was attended by 197 Southeast Asian national engineering trainees and university officials, including Kim Young-gon, director of the National Institute for International Education, and Sung-Geum Hong, President of Chosun University. A total of 36 teams from six participating universities participated in the training programme to present the research results using posters.
This GKS Programme 2019 not only provided a platform for in-depth academic training in the aviation field but also invaluable experiences of living in Korea with people from different counties such as Vietnam, Cambodia, Myanmar, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia and Philippines. Everything I experienced in Korea was wonderful with the excellent training environment and Korean cultural experiences. I will never forget it.

FACULTY OF NURSING AND MIDWIFERY DIPLOMA IN NURSING: Children’s Dental Hygiene Awareness Programme
Published on: 11-15-2019
On 28th September 2019, ten nursing students from batch 2/18 of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery participated in a dental health awareness programme at PPR Taman Baiduri, Selayang. Upon arrival at the event, the students were briefed by Mr Muhamad Yassin Bin Musa, the Manager for Acinpowers Pro Event. The students participated and facilitated a hand-washing demonstration for preschool children from five nearby kindergartens in Selayang area.
The hand-washing demonstration was made merrier for the children by the inclusion of music, dancing and a song. Parents and others present also joined in.
The session was followed by a health talk on paediatric nutrition. Quizzes were also held and winners were awarded prizes. This was followed by session for the children during which we had the opportunity to teach them about dental care. A dental check was carried out by the dentist. We had gained knowledge on nutrition and dental care for children.
The day ended with a hearty lunch.
In summary, as a nurse we do not only care for patients, but we also learn about leadership, teamwork and communication skills; and most importantly, to be with the community. We would like to express our full gratitude to our advisors, Puan Zainooriah Dato’ Haji Zakaria and Puan Habibah A. Jalil, for guiding and helping us throughout the event. We hope to render our services again, and to always be true to MAHSA University motto “BE MORE”.

Diwali and Entrepreneurship
Published on: 11-15-2019
On 17th July 2019, a group of MAHSA University’s BHM students participated in Entrepreneurship Day at Spine Level 2, MAHSA University. They named their company DIWALI DELIGHTS.CO and sold Indian cuisine and hot beverages. Their vision was: “TO INNOVATE MORE DELIGHTFUL INDULGENCES AND PROVIDE A TASTEFUL EXPERIENCE FOR CUSTOMERS WHO KNOW AND WHO ARE NEW TO THE TASTE OF INDIAN DELICACIES”.
They attracted their customers to various delicacies like muruku, ladoo, savoury appetizers and masala tea. Their customers were students and staff of MAHSA University. At the end of the day, their spread was all sold out and they earned a big profit.
Besides gaining experience in business and entrepreneurship skills, the students applied subjects that they had learned such as marketing management, finance management, operational management and organization management to their activity.
The BHM students would like to say million thanks for those who contributed directly and indirectly to this successful event.

MAHSA University Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery
Published on: 11-15-2019
Our Experience Helping in the Transfer of Patients and Equipment On 28th Sept and 6th October 2019
MAHSA University’s Nursing students from batches 1/2017, 2 & 3/2017, 4/2017, 01/18, 02/18 and 2/2019 had the opportunity to be a part of the transfer of patients and equipment from the Maternity Hospital, HKL, to the new Women and Children’s Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, located at the site of the previous nurses’ hostel, HKL.
This transfer of patients and equipment was done in two phases. The first was conducted on 28th September 2019, when sixty students and three clinical instructors helped out. The second task was carried out on 6th October 2019 with the assistance of thirty-nine nursing students, two clinical instructors and two lecturers.
The experience gained was priceless as we learnt that there is nothing more beautiful than someone who goes out of their way to make life beautiful for others. This is something that we cherish as it is not very often that we get to help others. We were very proud and honoured that we had the chance to help.

Engineering, Science & Technology International Conference 2019 (ESTIC'19)
Published on: 11-15-2019
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology and MAHSA IET On Campus successfully organised the second Engineering, Science & Technology International Conference 2019 (ESTIC’19) on 14th and 15th October 2019. This conference is a platform to share innovative ideas, latest technological information, research findings and strategic solutions. This international conference began with an opening speech by YB Tuan Haji Mohd Anuar Bin Mohd Tahir, Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Works.
Seven distinguished speakers from various renowned universities, professional bodies and relevant industries were invited for the keynote sessions. These eminent speakers were Dr Audrey Yong (MAHSA University), IR Dr Chuah Joon Huang (IET Malaysia Honorary Treasurer), Dr Nagaraja Suryadera (MAHSA University), Prof Dr Mohammad Iftikhar Hanif, Ir Dr Lee Yun Fook (Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn Bhd), Ir Ellias Saidin (Consultant Engineering Firm), and Prof Ir Dr Wong Hin Yong (Multimedia University). Twenty international companies from the industrial sector and three professional bodies participated as exhibitors. They were Technological Association Malaysia (TAM), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Malaysia and the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM).
The Technical Review Committee selected forty out eighty papers from various countries, including Indonesia, India, Nigeria, Pakistan and Malaysia, to present at the conference, which concluded successfully with various award presentations during the closing ceremony. The closing ceremony of this two-day event was officiated by Prof Dato Dr Zaininah Bt Mohd Zain, Deputy Vice Chancellor of MAHSA University. The best presenter awards and ESTIC-19 Icon Award were announced during the closing ceremony. The ESTIC-19 Icon Award went to Mr Myco Lam Kon Fatt of BENTO Food Industries Sdn Bhd. A Best Presenter award went to Ms N Suganthy from India for her paper, “One POT Fabrication of Nano-Scale Hybrid Phytodrug Encapsulated Metal Organic Framework as a Smart-Drug Delivery System for Lung Carcinoma”. Another Best Presenter award went to Ms Tahirrih Anak Sebastian Lebang for her paper “Bio-Medical Sleep Inducer Using the Geomagnetic Field Application”. This is one more milestonfor MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology under the leadership of Dean Prof Dr Ir Leong Wai Yie, Prof Khairul Saleh, Dr Tan Koon Tatt and Ir Mohamad bin Ayob. Dr Shinto and Dr Lee Sim Yee were the Conference Chairman and Co-Chairman respectively. All the staff members and student volunteers did their jobs commendably.
This conference provided a platform for IET on-campus volunteers to serve and explore various opportunities. We would like to acknowledge the invaluable contributions and wholehearted support of the twenty international companies in the industrial sector and the three professional bodies which participated as exhibitors. The organising committee would also like to express our appreciation to Bento food industry, Easy Study Solutions, A-Z Bookstore, TAM and IET for their support in this ESTIC’19.

Research Internship at the Cleveland Clinic, USA
Published on: 11-15-2019
Dr. Sulagna Dutta of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Dentistry successfully completed an Invited Research Internship in American Center for Reproductive Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic, USA, from July 5 to August 2 2019. Dr Dutta experienced cutting-edge research with the world’s topnotch experts in the field of Andrology and Male Infertility.
The American Center for Reproductive Medicine (ACRM) of the Cleveland Clinic is ranked first among all Andrology labs in the USA in 2018 – 2019. The Director of the Internship, Professor Dr Ashok Agarwal, also secured first rank in the USA among experts in this arena with over 673 published scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and over 200 book chapters.
Professionals from countries such as Italy, South Korea, Romania, Poland, India and Malaysia participated in the Internship, alongside those from the United States. For this highly esteemed research internship, Dr. Dutta was waived the course fee of USD 600 and awarded the ‘Certificate of Excellence’ upon the finishing the course. Her research collaborations with the Cleveland Clinic will continue simultaneously with her endeavors in MAHSA University.

IXth Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (ASOMP) Conference
Published on: 11-12-2019
From 22nd to 24th August 2019, the IXth Asian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (ASOMP) conference was successfully organized by MAHSA University’s Faculty of Dentistry in collaboration with the Malaysian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology (MAOFD). The event was officiated by MAHSA University’s Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dato’ Dr Ishak Bin Abdul Razak, with the Deputy Vice Chancellor (Student Affairs) Dato’ Dr Zaininiah Mohd Zain also gracing the occasion. The Chairperson of the conference was Prof Dr Rosnah Mohd Zain, the Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry.
The conference saw the coming together of experienced speakers from Sri Lanka, India, Cambodia, Thailand, Philippines, Taiwan, United Kingdom, Australia, Japan, New Zealand and Malaysia to share their insight and knowledge in different areas identified within the field of Oral Pathology and Oral Medicine (OPOM). The three-day conference were interestingly arrayed with keynote lectures, presentations by renowned speakers and scientific presentations (oral and posters) by specialists and post-graduates students from around the Asian region.
This conference was a great platform and opportunity to share, learn and gain knowledge on diagnostic and research abilities in Oral Maxillofacial Pathology and Oral Medicine.

Dr Fareez in Seoul Korea
Published on: 11-12-2019
Dr Muhamad Fareez Ismail of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Dentistry, received a Travel Award of USD 500, inclusive of three days and two nights’ accommodation from the Korean Society of Lipid & Atherosclerosis (KSOLA) under the Youth Investigator Program.
From 5th to 7th September 2019 800 delegates from 28 countries participated in the 8th International Congress on Lipid & Atherosclerosis (ICoLA 2019) and the 58th Conference of the Korean Society of Lipid & Artherosclerosis (KSOLA). Dr M Fareez was one of sixty lucky participants who contributed to a moderated poster presentation entitled ‘Microencapsulation improved survivability of Lactobacillus plantarum LAB12 and conferred advantages to its cholesterol lowering effect in vivo’.
He not only represented MAHSA University but also was the sole representative of Malaysia.
Congratulations Dr. Fareez for doing MAHSA University proud.

Kajang Rocks Quarry Site Visit by MAHSA University’s Civil Engineering Students
Published on: 11-12-2019
On 24th April 2019, twenty-five civil engineering students and staff from MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT conducted a site visit to Kajang Rocks Quarry in Semenyih, Selangor. The faculty signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with Kajang Rocks Quarry for the benefit of both parties and for a better connection between academic and industrial sectors. The purpose of this visit was to give our undergraduate and diploma students industrial exposure as well as a glimpse into real-site conditions.
Upon arrival at Kajang Rock Quarry, the students and staff were welcomed by the staff of Kajang Rock Quarry. The programme of the day started with an introduction of the company background and the history of the quarry, including their achievements, products, manufacturing process and a presentation of their corporate video. The visitors, comprising MAHSA University’s students and staff, were also given a briefing on fundamental knowledge and safety issues related to the site. After this short briefing, all the visitors are required to wear safety helmets and vests provided by the company before the actual site visit.
The visitors were brought to the main quarry site and an explanation was given by the site engineer. They were told that the latest explosion of the quarry had just been conducted few days ago, so the quarry was undergoing a rock-transportation progress that day. The visitors were then introduced to the manufacturing process.
The visitors were then brought to the laboratory, where they explored various laboratory works done by the industry for quality control. They were also shown the final product of the quarry.
After half a day of site visit, the visitors were brought back to the meeting room and short question-and-answer session was conducted. The event ended with a closing speech from a representative of the quarry, and the students and staff of MAHSA University were all presented with a token of appreciation from Kajang Rocks Quarry.

13th Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology (APSP)
Published on: 11-12-2019
Heartiest congratulations to Prof Dr Tara Bai Taiyeb Ali and her committee members for having successfully organized the 13th APSP held at Royale Chulan Kuala Lumpur from 27–29 September 2019. The theme for this year’s meet was “Exploring Innovative Frontiers in Periodontal Health and Implantology”.
Three of MAHSA’s Periodontist, Prof Dr Tara, Dr Padmini and our part-time lecturer Datuk Dr. Ahmad Sharifuddin, represented the University at this international event which is held biennially. They not only represented MAHSA but were also the key personnel for this prestigious event.
Prof Dr Tara was the organizing chairperson, and Dr Padmini was the country speaker and a committee member. Datuk Dr Ahmad is the President of Malaysian Society of Periodontology (MSP). The conference was officiated by Dr Doreyat bin Jemun, the Principal Director of Oral Health.
The 13th Asian Pacific Society of Periodontology Meeting is a premier forum for the presentation of new advances and innovative frontiers in the fields of periodontology and implantology. The conference brought together local and international periodontists, general dental practitioners, leading researchers and scientists, and students from around the world in this domain of interest.
Participating countries were Australia, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Malaysia.
- Basic research
- Clinical research
- Clinical case report
- Literature / systematic reviews related to periodontology and implant dentistry
Prof Dato Dr Wan Mahadzir participated and won 3rd place in the “Clinical Case Report “ category.

EAP Day Trip to KL Forest Eco Park
Published on: 10-31-2019
An educational trip was conducted on the 4th of October, 2019 by MAHSA University’s Centre for Education and Language (CEL) as part of a learning journey for the English for Academic Purposes (EAP) students. This trip was organised to expose the international students to the beauty of Malaysia. Malaysia will be their home for the next three or four years to come and this is seen as a crucial platform for them to experience first-hand the biodiversity of Malaysia. There are a myriad collection of flora and fauna for them to behold while they witnessed the uniqueness of this rainforest situated in the middle of a huge and bustling city.
The journey to the heart of Kuala Lumpur began at day-break. KL Forest Eco Park is now the only forest reserve left in the concrete jungle of Kuala Lumpur and students were brought there on an exhilarating train ride where they witnessed the panoramic view and the cultural scene of Greater KL along the way.
Another significant objective of this trip is to equip students with knowledge of the natural world for their in-class discussions. This opportunity will assist students to discover the issues that have been plaguing our environment over the years such as deforestation and global warming which are extensively discussed in the topics for teaching and learning. They also had the ability to enhance their topic-specific vocabulary regarding the natural world. Students are able to comprehend and acquire knowledge about the natural world substantially when the context of their learning is stimulating and authentic. Apart from discovering the pristine rainforest, the students were also brought to the natural world museum nearby that was the peak of their entire educational journey.
All in all, CEL aspires to serve MAHSA’s international community through educational trips which enrich their learning journey. It is imperative for us to continuously guide and mould our students into holistic individuals, which in turn will prepare them to face the real world. More exciting trips will be planned in the coming months that will involve community service and nature preservation.

Improving Health in Our Community: A CSR Programme at I-Play Park Damansara Damai
Published on: 10-28-2019
Sixteen students from MAHSA University’s Diploma in Business Administration (DBA) organised a CSR programme on 5th August 2019 to help in the preservation of our natural heritage. The main objective of the programme is to protect nature and make a commitment to improve the quality of life for the communities in the surrounding areas. I-Play Park, located in Damansara Damai, was chosen as the location of the programme. This CSR programme was an initiative by our students to engage with the community and to help preserve nature.
I-Play Park, measuring twelve acres, is one of several public parks in Damansara Damai with theme-based activity corners to engage the community in healthy activities everyday. The park is maintained by volunteers who live nearby, and managed by children aged between 6 and 16 years old. The Damansara Damai children meet monthly in the Town Hall, and from its initial design, the park has ultimately been transformed into an outdoor classroom powered by green technology. This includes a mini library made of cabins, the result of donated books, and the I-Grow Herb Garden. The children incorporated their green knowledge into setting up the park and are now practising green living.
Arriving at the park, MAHSA students were amazed at the size of this hidden gem in one of the busiest areas of Petaling Jaya. Environmental NGO Eijau Millennium Explorer Executive Chairman, Mr. Mohd Fikri Mohd Bakri, welcomed us with a full tour of the park, explaining every plant and its individual significant attributes. We were also given the opportunity to taste several natural herbs and leaves. Mr. Mohd Fikri also showed us the activity corners the park offers to the community surrounding it while explaining the objectives of his NGO. As our contribution to nature, MAHSA students helped to set up a new camping site at the park. This camping site is meant to be a place for team buildings, gatherings and other recreational activities. Our students learned how paddy fields are made and it was fun to see our youths working in mud. Overall, it was a very educational trip.
MAHSA students managed to get sponsorship from Imperia Asia Resources Sdn.Bhd, a food and beverage company which produces health juices as well as non-carbonated drinks. Our students managed to raise a fund from selling these healthy drinks as a contribution to i-Play Park, Damansara Damai.
MAHSA University would like to personally thank the cheerful children of i-Play Park Damansara Damai, Mr. Mohd Fikri Mohd Bakri, and Imperia Asia Resources Sdn.Bhd for their thoughtful contributions to this programme.

Connected Campus Tour “BE THE NEXT eENTREPRENEUR”: A WORKSHOP BY GEN YOUTH in Collaboration with MDeC and MAHSA University
Published on: 10-28-2019
On the 3rd October 2019, in collaboration with MDeC and MAHSA University, an eEntrepreneurship workshop was organised by GenYouth, an organisation that provides a platform for young entrepreneurs at MAHSA University with the presence of Malaysia Country Head and Regional Marketing Director from Razer Pay, Mr Nikhil, and speaker from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, Mr Gopalakrishnan, who both shared their knowledge in marketing and eEntreprenuership in Malaysia. Throughout the session, 50 students from various faculties learnt the importance of e-commerce and its influences in today’s entrepreneurial journal. During the workshop, there were important lessons from applications of e-commerce technologies and useful platforms. It was indeed an eye-opening session with the speakers sharing their abundant knowledge and experiences in the industry.
Malaysia’s Country Head and Regional Marketing Director of Razer Pay, Mr Nikhil, speaking during the workshop.
Mr Gopalakrishnan from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation, speaking on eEntrepreneurship and e-commerce strategies to participants during the workshop.
Ms. Michelle Thong, Dean of Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality, Gen Youth founder, Mr Eldrick Koh, and Ir Prof Dr. Leong, Dean Faculty of Engineering & IT University, presenting token of appreciation to speaker Mr Gopalakrishnan (second from left) from Malaysia Digital Economy Corporation.
Ms. Michelle Thong, Dean of Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality, Gen Youth founder, Mr Eldrick Koh, and Ir Prof Dr. Leong, Dean Faculty of Engineering & IT University, presenting token of appreciation to Mr Nikhil (second from left), Malaysia Country Head and Regional Marketing Director of Razer Pay.

MAHSA University’s Engineering Students’ Community Service at Zoo Negara
Published on: 10-24-2019
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology did commendable community service on 10th July 2019 by volunteering at the National Zoo (Zoo Negara). The reason for choosing the zoo was to raise awareness of the importance of conserving wildlife. MAHSA University conducts many practical training courses related to the conservation of wildlife: Administration, Customer Service, Human Resource, Public Relations & Marketing, Education, Information Technology, Veterinary Sciences, Zoology, Biology, Tourism and Horticulture.
Zoo Negara is managed by the Malaysian Zoological Society, a non-governmental organization. This organization complies with the latest guidelines set by the World Association of Zoos and Aquariums (Waza) and the South-East Asian Zoo Association (Seaza) and is constantly increasing its conservation awareness efforts. The zoo has an estimated total of over 5446 specimens from 476 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fish. The five pillars that Zoo Negara stands on are education to create awareness on wildlife conservation, wildlife conservation by breeding rare species and releasing them back into the wild, providing a heaven of knowledge and experience for researchers, recreation and also to provide training in wildlife management for other zoos in Malaysia.
On the day of volunteering service at Zoo Negara, MAHSA students arrived at the zoo at 8 am. The students were separated by the zoo officer into several groups. Each group was to follow a member of the zoo’s work force. The Zoo officers showed the students animals such as the tapir, kangaroo, deer and goat. The students helped the supervisor of this section to clean the surrounding areas. The supervisor gave each of students a different task. One of the students was given the task of luring a deer away to the other side of the enclosure with food as a distraction so that the rest of the group could complete their task with relative ease and safety. The specific place is a small empty land used for collecting rubbish and animal waste from all departments in the zoo. The students were told that the collected animal waste and rubbish is sent to the researchers. The students were also allowed into animal cages to clean them. The supervisor also asked students to count the animals to make sure they were all there. The students filled up the animals’ water tanks and had the chance to feed some porcupines.
After that, the students took a break for lunch, after which the supervisor brought them to a different cage that had small kangaroo-like animals in it. The students were asked to wash all the containers containing leftover food. The supervisor brought in a bucket containing grass and vegetables and asked students to pour them into all the containers to feed the kangaroos.
The day finished at four o’clock and the students were happy with this memorable experience. Many of them had never been volunteers before and they were grateful to be able to serve the community in this manner.

Organic Food for Better Health
Published on: 10-24-2019
Good health is the most expensive gift bestowed upon us and it is our responsibility to take care of our health, especially through diet. Hence, July has been chosen as Health Awareness Month organized by the Faculty of Pharmacy.
In conjunction with Health Awareness Month, the Center of Pre University Studies held an organic food talk. The talk was given by Dr. Chew Weiyun, Biology Lecturer from the Center of Pre U Studies. The talk started at 10:30am and was attended by batch May 2019 students. With his enormous knowledge and skills, a lot of information was shared with staff and students.
Organic food can be differentiated from non-organic food through how the food is being produced. Vegetables, fruit, milk, and meat are examples of organic food produced without the usage of synthetic herbicide, pesticide, and fertilizers. Organic food consists of a lot of antioxidant compounds, and low levels of toxic metal and pesticides which provide better health compared to regular food consumption.
We need to consume more nutritious organic food as it is fresher, tastes better and is locally grown. Eating organic does make a difference to one’s general health, so make your choices wisely!

Batch Sept 2019: Welcome to the Pre-U Family!
Published on: 10-24-2019
On the 12th of September, MAHSA University’s Center for Pre University Studies held a faculty briefing and meet-and-greet session and between the Asistant Director, Mdm Masitah bt Mat, and the new students from Batch Sept 2019. The main purpose was to share important information related to the students' Foundation program at Mahsa University. Registration started as early as 9 a.m and approximately 30 students attended.
The session began with a welcoming speech delivered by Mdm Masitah. She congratulated the new students for being the chosen ones to study at Mahsa University among thousands of applications. It continued with a faculty briefing by Dr. Zati Ismah and Mdm Salmiah, both of whom are mentors who will take care of and guide the students. The students were informed of all the important information, rules and regulation regarding their foundation program.
Towards the end, a Q&A session was held to answer any questions the students had and to make sure they fully understood their foundation studies. Overall, the briefing session was a success. The Center for Pre University would like to wish all new students the best in their foundation journey and hopes that they will cherish all the moments and use this opportunity to gain knowledge to the fullest.

Streamlining Women in ICT- Dean of Engineering and Information Technology Ir. Prof Dr. Leong
Published on: 10-22-2019
MAHSA University’s Dean of Engineering and Information Technology, Ir. Prof Dr. Leong Wai Yie, recently represented the World Federation of Engineering Organisation at the United Nations Convention Centre, presenting on “Streamlining Women in ICT”.
The third session of the Asia-Pacific Information Superhighway (AP-IS) Steering Committee and World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) Review was held from 26 to 27 August 2019 at the United Nations Conference Centre. The meeting was attended by more than 150 participants representing thirty governments, eighteen specialized agencies and related organizations, twenty-four private sector companies and eighteen experts in Bangkok, Thailand. An exhibition was organized outside the meeting room to showcase the partners’ initiatives, research and solutions relevant to the implementation of the initiative.
During the discussion session, Prof Leong discussed the key barriers to meaningful access by women (the gender digital divide). She informed the participants of the meeting that the barriers included are the availability of infrastructure (high cost, particularly for large areas with sparse populations); affordability (highest cost leads to lowest women users and largest gender gap); interest and perceived relevance (lack of relevant material in accessible languages); ability (limited basic skills and digital literacy by women users); safety and security (threat of cyber violence etc); and social-cultural contexts (adverse gender norms and negative perceptions of ICT).
She noted that there are opportunities for improving gender digital divide including enhanced communications on access to information (cost-effective way to communicate); enhanced access to public services (with effective delivery of services regardless of time and distance); political participation (better representation from women in political debates and forums); and socio-economic participation (boost national and women’s incomes). She gave best practices on Malaysia women in ICT and STEM activities. As a way forward, she stated that there is a need to improve online security, connectivity and affordability by cutting costs; to provide equal opportunities for the development of skills; and to ensure relevant service content.

Published on: 10-21-2019
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology recently collaborated with The ASEAN Engineering Inspectorate–Electrical Installation (AEI-EI). The faculty organised a talk on Standards and Electrical Engineers on 30th May 2019 (Thursday). This talk was held at Auditorium Level 9, Empathy Building, MAHSA University, SPC campus.
In line with the adoption of the Master Plan on ASEAN Connectivity 2025, the ASEAN Engineering Inspectorate (Electrical Installation) or AEI-EI has embarked on contributing towards mobility of engineers. With the objective of establishing an ASEAN baseline standard for the engineering profession leading towards the mobility of ASEAN engineers, the AEI-EI has coined the vision of harmonizing standards and codes for electrical installations of buildings in ASEAN. To realize the vision, the adoption of the common ASEAN electrical standards by the academic institutions is paramount. Hence, the National Working Group of AEI-EI organized this talk with the aim of creating and elevating the awareness of electro-technical standards amongst electrical engineering undergraduates in Malaysia. The talk provided a glimpse of standards in general continuing with highlighting several standards highly relevant to practising electrical engineers. Finally, an overview on current standardization initiatives in ASEAN was shared with the participants.
This talk presented by Ir. Dr. Siow Chun Lim, currently a Senior Lecturer at Multimedia University. He is also the current Secretary/Treasurer of the Electrical Engineering Technical Division (EETD) (2019-2020) as well as the Honorary Secretary/Treasurer of the National Working Group of ASEAN Engineering Inspectorate (Electrical Installation). Apart from that, he is also the IEC Young Professional 2017 representing the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
This talk was attended by students and staff especially from Electrical and Electronical Engineering department. It gave a lot of insight to participants so that they can further explore new technologies and standards as well as further enhance their knowledge.

ESTIC - An interview with Deputy Minister of Works
Published on: 10-17-2019
Engineering, Medicine, Science & Technology International Conference 2019 (ESTIC'19) was held on the 14th and 15th October 2019, at MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus. The aim of ESTIC'19 was to provide a platform for academician, researcher and postgraduates from Malaysia and all over the world to present their research results and development activities in Engineering, Science and Technology. This conference provides opportunities for the delegates to exchange new ideas and application experiences face to face, to establish networking and to find global partners for future collaboration.
The ESTIC conference committee receives wholehearted support from the Malaysian government and the committee had the opportunity to invite the Deputy Minister of Works, YB Tuan Haji Mohd Anuar Bin Mohd Tahir for the conference in which he gave the opening speech at the opening ceremony.
Prior to the opening ceremony event, in September 2019, the conference chairman, Dr. Shin To Amiri, the conference co-chairman, alongside Dr. Lee Sim Yee, and Ir. Mohamad Ayob, the conference committee advisor, had the chance to visit the Deputy Minister of Works in his office. The conference committee and a team of news reporters conducted a friendly interview to receive the minister’s comments and advice on this event.
During the interview, he was asked a few questions regarding the ESTIC conference series and the following are the minister’s reply on these questions.
The Interview:
Q1: "How does the ministry encourage the study of engineering in Malaysia? " and the deputy minister replied:
A1: "Engineering is one of the most important parts of this ministry. We have thousands of engineers, architects and surveyors in my ministry. So, we always encourage and support all the development of the engineering, science and technology and we will always support all the new movements in Malaysia by the government or non-government, public or private sectors in this country. They can rely on our support and cooperation, and we will do our best to help everyone to achieve and progress towards the engineering, science and technology. "
Q2: "What was your impression on the ESTIC conference series in 2018?"
A2: "Very impressive, not because you are the first private university in this country who had invited me to your university campus, but because I believe that this university play a very important role in encouraging the development, growth, and the achievements in science and technology and I hope that this very esteemed conference to be conducted without fail annually. This conference is a well-known international conference which gives a good name for Malaysia. "
Q3: "How do we create more awareness in science, technology and engineering?"
A3: "In this country, everyone has to play their role. Not only the government, but also the private sectors, especially non-government sectors should come forward and encourage the young generation and present their new ideas. We must show ourselves that we are able to lead this region, this continent, and the world by empowering ourselves with the knowledge of science and engineering technology, and I believe a lot of things can be done so soon. "
Q4: "What would you like to say to those attending this conference? "
A4: "I welcome everyone in this conference, both local and international participants and I hope they make full use of this conference. We should share our knowledge and experience, as we are sharing the same world. Moreover, I hope this conference find its place internationally and attract more well-known international scientists and engineers to show up every year. I really believe you can do it. "
With that, we hope this year brings in more international scientist and engineers to make ESTIC another round of success in this field of study.

Research Venture by Dr Pallav Sengupta from Faculty of Medicine in the Cleveland Clinic, USA
Published on: 10-14-2019
Dr. Pallav Sengupta from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences at MAHSA University is a Senior Lecturer in Physiology and a Researcher in Reproductive Endocrinology with more than 60 Research Publications in peer reviewed journals. The Faculty is extremely proud of his recent achievement for being Invited as a Research Intern in the American Centre for Reproductive Medicine (ACRM), Cleveland Clinic, USA from July 5 to August 2, 2019. ACRM of Cleveland Clinic is ranked first amongst all Andrology Laboratories in the USA in 2018-19. The Director of the Internship, Professor Dr. Ashok Agarwal, has also secured First Rank in the USA among Experts in this arena with over 673 published scientific papers in peer reviewed journals and over 200 books and book chapters. Professionals from different countries such as Italy, South Korea, Romania, Poland, India, Malaysia and the United States of America had participated in the Internship.
For this highly esteemed Research Internship, Dr. Sengupta was waived the course-fee of USD 6000 and has been awarded with the ‘Certificate of Excellence’ on his Course Graduation Day. His research collaboration with the Cleveland Clinic will continue alongside his endeavours in MAHSA University.

National Cancer Institute – An Industrial Visit by MAHSA Engineering Students
Published on: 10-14-2019
On 3rd August 2019, thirty students from MAHSA University’s Bachelor of Electrical and Electronics Engineering programme of the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology assembled at the Humanity Block for the preparation to visit the National Cancer Institute in Putrajaya. The objective of the visit was to expose students to how cancer patients are being treated with advanced technology. Upon arrival at the National Cancer Institute, the students listened to a briefing on the background of this institute. They also discovered that since 9.34% out of all the deaths in Malaysia are due to cancer, the Ministry of Health Malaysia proposed this Institute to treat and find alternative solutions for cancer patients. Surprisingly, one out of four people are at risk of cancer based on a report by the National Cancer Registrars Association.
The students were shown the working environment in the Department of Radiotherapy and Oncologists. Here the students learnt about how radiation therapy is used to treat cancer, a process by which patients need to take high doses of radiation to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. This therapy is most often used for the treatment of cancers of the head, neck, breast, cervix, prostate and eye. A side effect of this treatment is damage of nearby healthy cells. After that, the students were shown the Department of Nuclear Medicines where they learned how cancer is treated using radioactive materials. During the lecture, the students also learned how electricity can be generated using a nuclear power plant and for certain cases how this can also be used to treat cancer in the human body. This method uses small amounts of radioactive materials called radiotracers that are typically injected into the bloodstream, either inhaled or swallowed. The outcomes provide information of cancer at an early stage rather than using conventional imaging procedures.
The students really appreciated the Faculty’s efforts and hope this exposure to hands-on activity. At the end of the session, there was a small closing ceremony as well to a photography session.

MAHSA University’s Engineering Students Engaged in IET Faraday Challenge 2019
Published on: 10-09-2019
MAHSA University Engineering students, Abdulwahab Araeh, Tahirrif Sebastian, Afnan Abdulkarem, Baraah Alodini and Peter Adejumo, were invited to coach the participants at the IET Primary Faraday Challenge 2019.
The IET Faraday Challenge first began in October 2018 and has since then increased rapidly both in number of participants and sponsors. Its purpose is to bring students from all levels together, i.e. Primary, Secondary, & Tertiary Institutions. It aims at inspiring them in the STEM disciplines and to see how capable they are in dealing with real life situations as engineers. It encourages them to tap into their creative abilities to come up with ideas for the future.
The IET Faraday challenge 2019 was held on 14th September at the Malaysia’s Institute Technology Exhibition Centre (MITEC) in conjunction with the My-Digital-Fair makers Exhibition. There was a total of about 36 Schools in attendance with children aged 8-11 years and each school comprising of six team members.
THE AIM: The major aim for the Primary Faraday Challenge is to encourage students to consider how engineers work together in the aerospace industry through teamwork. It allows students to experience the knowledge, understandings and skills engineers use in their work and the ways in which their strengths can be used to accomplish an effective result.
THE CHALLENGE: The challenge to be faced during this year’s event was for the students to work as a team to design an aeroplane as part of a greater product design, and then construct a transporter to move it to the next stage of development. This is a concept that engineers use to build prototypes to test out their ideas first. The challenge encourages the development of students’ problem-solving, team-working and communication skills. The transporter is to include at least one electrical component (e.g. motor, bulb, buzzer etc.) but the aeroplane does not necessarily have to include any circuits as it will be completed at a later stage of the production process. The prototype aeroplane to be made by the students must be able to fly a distance of about 5 meters and the prototype transporter must be able to carry it for at least 3 metres in a straight line in the direction of the next place where it will be taken out. Each team will need to take into consideration the safety, ease of use and flexibility of use of the prototypes, also they have to be resourceful, strong and willing to adjust their ideas as this is also a part of being an engineer, finding out what does not work before finding out what works.
During the competition the students will have access to the Faraday shop and a budget of Faraday money, which is used to make purchases from the shop. They need to plan what resources to buy and manage and record their budget. At times they may need to make decisions about affordability and effective use and should be encouraged to identify alternative, possibly cheaper, approaches to their final designs. At the end of the challenge students will be asked to present their prototypes by firstly demonstrating how the aeroplane will be carried by the transporter and then flying their aeroplane as far as possible.
The world as we know it is rapidly changing and it is best we equip the young for the changes that are coming, and what better way to do that than to organise events and competitions like this, which helps them to get prepared.

Delegates From Sun Yat-Sen University, China visits MAHSA University
Published on: 10-09-2019
Delegates from the Sun Yat-Sen University, China, visited the Faculty of Medicine, MAHSA University on the 19th and 20th of August. Prof. Wu Zhong Dao (Acting Dean, Senior Professor of Parasitology), Prof. Qin Sheng Yong (Senior Fellow Researcher, One Belt-one Road; and Director of International Office) and Mrs. Luo Li (Academic Program Officer) were welcomed by the Dean, Prof Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy and the Deputy Dean of Research Prof Dr Wang Chee Woon, followed by short introduction from both the parties.
The delegates focused on the research activities of MAHSA University and were keen on knowing how MAHSA handles the laboratory practical in all the disciplines of the pre-clinical phase of the MBBS degree, including clinical skills. A short discussion was also held with researchers on various research cluster groups such as Parasitology, Molecular Biology, Engineering and Biology –IT, Biological engineering. The delegates were particularly interested in researches being conducted on malaria and had a very extensive discussion with Dr. Vinoth Kumarasamy (Lecturer at Faculty of Medicine, MAHSA University) on research collaborations between MAHSA University and their university. They also exchanged various ideas with the Dean of Engineering and the Head of Biomedical Sciences.
The delegates then visited the Anatomy Suites, the Clinical Skills Laboratories and the PBL rooms. A short meeting and discussion were also held with the Vice-Chancellor of MAHSA University, Prof Dato’ Dr Ishak Bin Abdul Razak, and with member of the Board of Directors, Prof Dato’ Dr Khairul Anwar with whom they are well acquainted with.
The team was very impressed with the how MAHSA conducts research and routine classes. It was discussed that a team from MAHSA University will venture to hold a workshop on how PBLs are conducted and also to discuss collaborative research involving students and staff at the Sun Yat-Sen University campus.

Published on: 10-08-2019
The Primary Care and ENT Departments of MAHSA University conducted a workshop for young Primary Care Physicians on 20th and 21st July 2019 for imparting essential knowledge and skills for successfully running Family Practice Clinic. The workshop aimed to empower general practitioners before they embark on private practice. The sessions were enriched by the speech of eminent personalities, Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah, Prof. Dato' Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy and Mr. Silas Das from MAHSA University and Datuk Dr. Kumar from Qualitas. It was also graced by the presence of prominent specialists from the private sectors and participation of MAHSA University Business Faculty.
The contents of the workshop included the advantages and disadvantages of being solo practice versus group practice, strategies of self-development as Medical Practitioner, importance of tax planning and documentation, need for contracts with staff and the associated legal implications, use of social media to grow a Private Medical Practice and advances in Emergency Care. The procedural sessions were conducted in the Clinical Skills Laboratory of MAHSA University which was appreciated and highly praised by the participants. The hands-on procedures on mannequins included the insertion of long-term contraceptives, intra-articular knee injections and advanced suturing techniques.
MAHSA University received overwhelming feedback from the participants and they expressed a wish for similar workshops in future. The workshop owes its success to the special interest taken by Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah in this event together with the hard work and enthusiasm of MAHSA University staff.

Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy elected as the President of ASQua
Published on: 10-08-2019
Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, the Dean of Faculty of Medicine, Bioscience and Nursing, MAHSA University has done MAHSA University proud for being honored with the post of President of the ‘Asian Society of Quality in Health Care’ (ASQua), on 18th September 2019 for the term of 2019 to 2021. The ASQua is a network of National Societies from the Asian region dedicated to the improvement of quality in healthcare at national and international levels. This eminent organization was founded by a group of National Societies for quality in healthcare from Malaysia, Japan, Thailand, India, Taiwan and the Philippines, under the auspices of The International Society for Quality in Health Care (ISQua). It believes in collaborative efforts within its expanding network in health and quality related individuals and professional organizations in Asia, to meet its aim.
Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy is a prominent personality in Health care in Malaysia being an Expert in the realms of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Along with his extremely high profile educational and professional career, his knowledge, proficiency and experience has been recognised and acknowledged with several prestigious awards and positions. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Science as well as the Academy of Medicine of Malaysia and the Indian Academy of Medical Sciences. He was awarded the Distinguished Community Service Award by the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) in 2003. In addition, he has contributed high quality research papers in many peer-reviewed journals.
His contributions in technical committees of the Ministry of Health such as the National Gazettment Committee, National Credentialling Committee, and the National Drug Committee, are definitely commendable. He has been serving in ISQua for years and as his first delivery as the President of ASQua, he presented an e-Poster at the International Forum on Quality and Safety in Healthcare (19th and 20th September 2019) held at the Taipei Marriott Hotel, Taiwan.
MAHSA University looks forward to the next great achievement of Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy and we wish him continued success in all his endeavors.

Published on: 09-20-2019
As an initiative by MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT to provide electrical and electronics engineering students with hands-on training, a technical visit to TNB ILSAS, Universiti Tenaga Nasional was organized on 23 April, 2019. This was a benefit shared among 20 students majoring in electrical power, in collaboration with IET members, to expose them to high-voltage application. This technical visit started at 10.00 am with a welcoming speech by Mr Asrul Azizi Alias, Chief Learning Officer of the professional program offered by TNB ILSAS. Then after a short briefing by one of the instructors, students were divided into two groups and shown the five locations related to six training divisions. It was compulsory for everyone to wear a safety helmet.
The first location was the transformer room, in which the students were exposed to different types of transformers, namely the power transformer and distributed transformer that operate more than 33kV, 30MVA. The second location was a substation that consists of a main unit that can be controlled manually or remotely. The instructor explained how all the systems are interconnected, as well as the benefit of using a SCADA system to monitor and control all the components inside the switch gear. He also explained about the types of breakers and their individual functions, operation and maintenance.
The third and fourth checkpoints were related to the 33kV simulator and transmission tower. The students were given the opportunity to climb a transmissions tower following the safety procedure to help them understand its process of installation and maintenance. The fourth location concerned renewable energy and the generation of electricity using solar photovoltaic cells. At TNB ILSAS, the 6.69kW solar system stands on its own, a system used to support the demand at the load side. Lastly, students were introduced to the drone practitioner monitoring the condition of transmission tower.
At the end of this technical visit, there was a quiz covering all six checkpoints of the visit and a Mahsa student, Akash Vijaya Kumar, got the first prize.

Published on: 09-20-2019
On 13th June 2019, a group of students from MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT organized a community service project at the Pondok Penyayang Raudhah, an orphanage located at Jalan Gombak, Selangor. Pondok Penyayang Raudhah is a centre set up in the spirit of compassion to provide shelter, education and care to the underprivileged members of the community. It is also a voluntary, non-profit, non-partisan and non-denominational organization offering a wide range of services. The oldest of the children at this orphanage are younger than 15 years old.
Four activities were planned and hosted. The first was Gotong Royong. In this session, students were divided into three groups, each one assigned to one of three different activities in three different locations, namely the study room, the porch and the playground.
In the study room, students arranged the Al-Quran and other study material on a shelf and cleaned and dusted the room. The porch area was also cleaned and shoes were arranged on a rack. The toughest area to clean was the playground where trees had fallen.
Secondly, there was the flashcard and coloring activity. Some of the MAHSA students were assigned to facilitate the program, while the others assisted. In this activity, children were taught step by step how to pronounce words in English and Arabic on the flashcards. The flashcards and teaching activities helped the children in basic English . The coloring activity aimed to create an opportunity for the children to be creative and have fun with colors.
Lastly, there was a talent-show game, where the objective was to boost the children’s confidence level by helping them overcome their fears. The children could feel a sense of fulfilment as they were able to express their characters.
Activities like helping, teaching, showing love and supporting orphaned children was a real privilege to MAHSA students. ‘Seeing the smiles on the children’s faces really makes our day and makes us feel the joy of doing these little things. In the future if we have an opportunity to do this sort of events or projects, we will definitely volunteer again’, said one MAHSA Engineering students involved with in this community service project.

Published on: 09-18-2019
On the 5th of September 2019, the Public Works Department (Jabatan Kerja Raya – JKR Malaysia) conducted a Seminar on Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) with the theme “Quality Indoor Environment Spurring the Country’s Productivity” at the Center of Excellence for Engineering and Technology (CREaTE), Alor Gajah, Melaka. Our Deputy Dean of Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronica Chua Poh Choo was invited to give a presentation on the “Impact of Indoor Environmental Quality to Human Behaviour and Sick Building Syndrome”
The Seminar was officiated by YBrs. Ir. Kamaluddin bin Haji Abdul Rashid, Deputy Director General of JKR. Also present were YBrs. Ir. Razdwan bin Kasim, Senior Director Mechanical Engineering Branch, YBrs. Dr. Maziah binti Mohammad, Senior Director of CREaTE and over 300 participants comprising Senior Directors and Directors from JKR Head office and State offices as well as other senior JKR staff.
The objective of this seminar was to increase awareness and technological knowledge in IEQ among JKR staff that in turn may be applied in the design, construction and operation & maintenance phase of all public buildings in Malaysia. The ultimate goal was to spur the productivity of public servants by providing a comfortable, healthy and safe indoor environment for them to work in.
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Veronica highlighted past research linking IEQ to employee health and attendance and consequently to the performance and productivity of the employee and institution. She then discussed the four core components of indoor environmental quality, ie. indoor air quality, thermal, visual and acoustic comfort and explained about “Sick Building Syndrome” (SBS). SBS is a term used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building but no specific illness or cause can be identified. Common symptoms include itchy or watery eyes, headache, blocked nose, runny nose, dry throat, lethargy and/or tiredness and itchy or irritated skin. When severe enough, it leads to lost work days and increased sick leave taken by employees. The main culprits behind SBS are poor ventilation and chemical contaminants. Other causes of poor IEQ and counter-measures for each causative factor were discussed separately. To ensure the highest productivity and work efficiency, it is important for building owners and employers to provide a healthy and safe indoor environment by monitoring and maintaining the four components of IEQ mentioned above according to internationally accepted safety standards such as ASHRAE 62.1
Assoc. Prof Dr. Veronica Chua was presented a Certificate of Appreciation by Ir.Razdwan bin Karim in appreciation of her contribution towards increasing the IEQ knowledge of JKR Malaysia’s staff.

Published on: 09-17-2019
In line with the vision and aspiration of MAHSA University to be the centre of excellence in Higher Education in the region, one of the yardsticks that are used to gauge the ability of the institution to deliver quality education and the human capital development of MAHSA students is the ability of our student to secure placements at renowned corporations. Producing graduates who are attractive to well-established corporation signals the quality of our institution.
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Business Finance and Hospitality’s (FBFH) continuous effort paid off recently when three FBFH Bachelor of Accounting students successfully found placements at KPMG, one of the biggest auditing giants globally. The trio, Low Jun Jian, Sofia Liyana Binti Mohd Sukri and Hadirah Bt Jamaluddin are now at KPMG in the Audit and Taxation department. KPMG in Malaysia is a member firm of the KPMG global network of professional services firms providing audit, tax and advisory services.
With the reputation of KPMG, it is likely that students all over the Klang Valley will be competing to secure placements there. The FBFH students express their excitement to be part of a global establishment and are thankful to be MAHSA students.
Ms Wun Ern Suey, a senior tax consultant at KPMG, commented on the technical ability of our MAHSA students to be at par with industrial leaders and she is pleased to work with our undergraduates. She further stated that one of the biggest assets of a fresh graduate is to possess excellent communication skills, as these skills are important to employers.
The FBFH Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) program aims at producing professional graduates who are competent and talented in the field of Audit, Taxation, Financial Accounting, as well as Management Accounting. The demand for accounting graduates covers many industries but the biggest one is from the audit, accounting, and taxation firms. With that in mind, the team at FBFH works hard to educate and encourage students to aim for employment at well-established corporations. The FBFH Bachelor of Accounting students have the upper hand due to the development of the technical and cognitive skills as well as critical soft skills such as communication and social skills that are embedded in the Bachelor of Accounting program. On top of that, the team of lecturers at MAHSA is effective in delivering the required knowledge and constantly supports the students to be the best in their respective fields.

Published on: 09-17-2019
MAHSA University’s Dean of Engineering and IT, IR Prof Dr. Leong Wai Yie has emerged as the winner of the Youth Service Award 2019. This award is conferred by United Youth Movement of Malaysia to recognise the awardee’s youth service, exemplifying the core values of service, which include dedication and commitment to Malaysian youths. The award also highlights the awardee’s leadership skills and competencies, including the ability to be a role model to others. The invited Guest of Honour was Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Steven Sim Chee Keong.
There was a total of five winners. The other four awardees namely Andrew Tan Yih Full (TCSM Education Group Managing Director), Chong Keat Aun (Local Dialect Archaeology) , Sean Lim Sin Kai (Info Resources Services Sdn Bhd) and Voong Thin Ee ( Youth Education Lecturer).
Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports, YB Steven Sim mentioned in his speech that the government is expected to increase the number of young voters in the 2023 national elections by 4 million. Young people are the pillars of the nation, and we should give them the chance to express the direction and values of a new generation. The Ministry of Youth Sports no longer regards young people as problem figures, but rather problem-solvers hand in hand with the government. He praised the United Youth Movement of Malaysia for its efforts in the past to cultivate youth leaders. The Youth Service Award is important to recognize those who are willing to contribute to our youth and to inspire more young people to follow the example of the winners.
Prof Leong is currently the EXCOMM Member, Council Member of the Institution of Engineers Malaysia and the Immediate Chairperson of Women Engineers Section, Malaysia. The Board of Directors of International Network of Women Engineers and Scientists, Honorary Secretary of Women Engineers, The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisations (WEAFEO), the Chairlady of The Institution of Engineering and Technology (Malaysia Local Network) and Committee Member of World Federation of Engineering Organisation (Women in Engineering Committee). This award will definitely highlight MAHSA University as a leader in nurturing young people.

Published on: 09-09-2019
The Head of the Fakultas Kedoktoran Dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Dr Ami Febriza Achmad, together with Dr Andi Pudya Hanum Pratiwi and Dr Asdar, Asp.B. were welcomed by the Dean, Prof Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy and the Deputy Dean of Research Prof Dr Wang Chee Woon. A short introduction was given by both parties.
MAHSA University. The Head of the Fakultas Kedoktoran Dan Ilmu Kesehatan, Dr Ami Febriza Achmad, together with Dr Andi Pudya Hanum Pratiwi and Dr Asdar, Asp.B. were welcomed by the Dean, Prof Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy and the Deputy Dean of Research Prof Dr Wang Chee Woon. A short introduction was given by both parties.
The delegates then visited the Anatomy Suites, the Clinical Skills Laboratories and the PBL rooms. A short meeting and discussion with the Vice-Chancellor of MAHSA University Prof Dato’ Dr Ishak Bin Abdul Razak, following which the delegates had a discussion with a member of the Board of Directors, Prof Dato’ Dr Khairul Anwar with whom they are well acquainted with.
The team was very impressed with what they observed and how MAHSA conducts its classes. It was discussed that a team from MAHSA University will venture towards holding a workshop on PBL and also to discuss collaborative research between students and staff at the Makassar campus.
MAHSA University and Universitas Muhammadiyah Makassar already have an MOU signed earlier this year.

Published on: 06-09-2019
The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) Young Professional Section (YPS) Malaysia organised their very first IET Advisor Dinner 2019 on the 20th of July, 2019 at Delectable by Su at Glasshouse, Seputeh.
This event, being the first-of-its-kind, was a great success! It was a night for the engineering community of the IET to personally thank, recognize and celebrate the University Advisors for their unfailing effort, support and commitment in guiding students to pursue a meaningful career in engineering and other fields in STEM.
This informal dinner, allowed the University Advisors and IET Malaysia committee to bond as everyone shared their success stories and challenges as a means to chip in ideas that will be efficient and impactful to the students.
The team celebrated Swinburne University Sarawak’s win in the Group of the Year (GOTY) Award for being the best IET On-Campus followed by University of Southampton Malaysia IET On-Campus, UTAR IET On-Campus, SRM IET On-Campus (India) and Curtin IET On-Campus (Australia). Dr Chua Hong Siang, Advisor at Swinburne University Sarawak IET On-Campus, shared his insights on how they won the award.
This event was graced by Prof. Dr. Ir. Leong Wai Yie the Chairman of IET Malaysia Network. The IET Advisor Dinner 2019 was organized by Chairman of IET YPS Malaysia Mr. Indiran Nadarajan.
Mr. Kasipandian Kasirajan, Senior Lecturer of Faculty of Engineering and IT of MAHSA University, the Advisor of MAHSA IET On-Campus was presented with the “Outstanding and Valued Contributor as Volunteer” at the dinner.
MAHSA University is one of the fourteen universities that has successfully conducted various events, industrial visits, technical talks, stem workshops, and social activities.
The activities organized by the MAHSA IET On-Campus are in-line with the vision of IET for a better world by inspiring, notifying and influencing the worldwide engineering community.
The activities organized by the MAHSA IET On-Campus are in-line with the vision of IET for a better world by inspiring, notifying and influencing the worldwide engineering community.
The event had a total of 34 participants in which 12 Universities were present. This dinner was led by IET YPS members, Ken Yeen Lee and Iced Quah with the support of IET Malaysia.

Published on: 06-09-2019
IR Prof Dr. Leong Wai Yie, Dean of Engineering and IT, was invited as the keynote speaker at the National Conference on Scientific Research Achievements by Malaysian Women.
As the world celebrated International Women’s Day (IWD), LadyMINDS took the opportunity to recognise prominent Malaysian female scientists who had taken great strides in the scientific fields by organising the National Conference on Scientific Research Achievements by Malaysian Women. This conference served as a platform to inspire, encourage and entice younger students to pursue their passion in science.
The Guest of Honour at the Opening Ceremony, YB Puan Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, Deputy Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change (MESTECC) arrived at Rumah Universiti, University of Malaya to officiate the Inaugural National Conference on Scientific Research Achievements by Malaysian Women.
A broad and spectacular line-up of topics were delivered by eminent female scientists from the fields of Medicine (Professor Datuk Dr. Looi Lai Meng, Senior Consultant Histopathologist, University of Malaya Medical Centre), Chemistry (Professor Dr. Goh Lai Yoong, Fellow, Academy of Sciences Malaysia), Physics(Professor Dr. Wan Haliza Abd Majid, Head of Low Dimensional Materials Research Centre, University of Malaya), Engineering(Ir. Professor Dr. Leong Wai Yie, Dean of Engineering & IT, MAHSA University), Mathematics (Professor Dr. Maslina Darus, Professor of Mathematics, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia), Biology (Professor Dr. Phang Siew Moi, Director, Ocean & Earth Sciences (IOES) and Institute of Biology, University of Malaya ) and Biotechnology (Dr. Ravigadevi Sambanthamurthi, Honorary Professor of Biotechnology, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus).
Even the Deputy Minister of MESTECC was a lady! Other eminent guests were Professor Emeritus Tan Sri Datuk Dr Omar Abdul Rahman, the advisor of MINDS, and the Archbishop of Kuala Lumpur, His Grace Julian Liew were present at the conference. YB Puan Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, Deputy Minister of MESTECC commented the following in her opening speech. With an overwhelming 120 participants ranging from academics, professors, professionals to students, the hall was packed to its brim. Students came from Kuantan, Pahang and within Kuala Lumpur from three different schools, SM Teknik Kuantan, SMK Abdul Rahman Talib and King Henry VIII College respectively.
The Institution of Engineering and Technology Malaysia Network also sent 20 members from their on-campus chapters to join. 11 universities attended the conference: HELP University, University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus, UiTM (Shah Alam), University of Malaya (UM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM), Xiamen University Malaysia, International Medical University (IMU), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Monash University, MAHSA University and Sunway University.
Representatives from scientific associations who were present were from the Institut Kimia Malaysia (IKM) and the Malaysian Palm Oil Board (MPOB. At the end of each module, there were very lively and interactive Q&A discussions between the presenters and the audience, chaired by Datuk Dr Choo, the chairperson of the conference organising committee.
The highlight of the conference was the conferment of the inaugural Lifetime Scientific Research Achievements Women’s Award to Professor Datin Paduka Dr. Khatijah Yusoff, for her outstanding scientific research in the field of microbiology, and her incredible and inspiring contributions to science and the nation.
She is currently the Vice-President of UNESCO’s World Academy of Sciences (TWAS) for East and South East Asia, the Vice President for Islamic World Academy of Sciences and a member of the United Nation’s Council of Scientific Advisers for the International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology (Trieste, Italy).
Apart from the talks, on display at the reception area of the conference was the set-up of an impressive exhibition showcasing the works of research, experiments and samples from various speakers - Professor Dr. Goh Lai Yoong, Professor Dr. Wan Haliza Abd Majid, Ir. Professor Dr. Leong Wai Yie, Professor Dr. Phang Siew Moi and Dr Ravigadevi Sambanthamurthi. It drew much attention and interaction during the tea and lunch breaks.

Published on: 06-09-2019
The IELTS Workshop is a two-day programme conducted by the Centre of Education and Languages, MAHSA University. It was held on the 10th and 17th of May, 2019 and the 24th of August 2019. This programme is intended to fulfil the needs of MAHSA’s International students who will have to sit for the IELTS in order to enrol in the upcoming September 2019 semester. The students were guided through the format and techniques in answering the questions in IELTS.
Candidates were given exposure on the types of questions asked in all the four skills: listening, reading, writing and speaking and the right tactics to respond articulately within the stipulated time. The IELTS examination is feared worldwide for its time allocation per skill; whereby, students face difficulty to generate sufficient ideas within the limited time. They were taught strategies on how to minimise their weaknesses and fortify their strengths. They were encouraged to take mock tests to mimic exact test conditions and to follow multiple sources such as books and online materials to guide them through the IELTS preparation. Aminath from Maldives commented “This workshop really helped me to fully comprehend the format and the essential skills required in just two days whereas others spend months to be familiar with them. One particular technique that really captured my attention was the ideas generation technique in writing. And most importantly, this workshop was conducted for free!”
The teachers looked forward to seize the opportunity to provide their expertise in ensuring that the students fully benefited from their years of experience in the field of language and assessment. Mr. Bukhari Shafie and Ms. Nik Mazleen have garnered years of experience coaching students of different nationalities on how to approach the IELTS with confidence and ease. They are particularly skilled in teaching writing which is deemed to be quite complicated by nature among students. Their strategies comply with the Cambridge English Language Assessment specifications, as they were trained by Cambridge trainers who are responsible in the creation and administration of the IELTS.
This workshop was organized by the Center of Education and Languages for all students to help them further their studies and at no fee. We aspire to conduct more workshops in the nearest future to provide assistance and guidance to our students in their academic endeavour.

Published on: 06-09-2019
The result of Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) 2019 was released by Research Management Centre (RMC) on 8th August 2019 (Thursday). It is a great pleasure that Dr. Wu Yuan Seng, a new staff from the Department of Biochemistry from Faculty of Medicine, is one of the six awardees of FRGS research grant (RM 166,000).
With this FRGS research grant, he is going to explore the roles of new transmembrane protein family on the phenotypes and chemoresistance of devastating cancer, namely esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC). His project earns high novelty as the investigation of the transmembrane protein family on ESCC is still elusive and limited. Additionally, this project is an inter-university collaboration, involving MAHSA University, University of Malaya, Universiti Malaysia Perlis, and Management and Science University. Apart from this, Dr. Wu was also awarded with a MAHSA research grant to study on cancer chemoresistance.
His research interests lie in the fields of biochemistry, pharmacology, oncology, and therapeutics, primarily in the understanding of tumor microenvironment, and in particular, the role of stromal cells in mediating cancer phenotypes and the molecular mechanisms involved, leading to the further understanding of tumor biology and discovery of novel therapeutic targets (such as transcription factors, proteins, enzymes, etc.). His interest in discovering potential cancer biomarkers, cancer redox biology, cancer cell signaling, cancer epigenetics, pharmacological properties of natural products and the molecular mechanism of action involves, as well as medicinal chemistry is highly notable.

Published on: 29-08-2019
A Knowledge Exchange Programme was held at Shibaura Institution of Technology, Tokyo, Japan on the 10th to the 14th of June, 2019. Students from the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) of MAHSA University attended this programme and had the opportunity to kindle their minds with wide range of experiences through project-based methods.
This programme was mainly to improve the expertise, building of knowledge, improving leadership skills, networking and to promote innovation through the breaking down the barriers between sectors. The program also provided opportunities for the academic staff to engage with industry or professional practice which allowed them to share contemporary ideas with their students. The exchange programme will improve the understanding between various sectors which will lead to greater collaborations.
First day of the program at Shibaura Institution of Technology (SIT) started with Internet of Things (IoT) program with a brief introduction followed by idea discussions. Students were given a task to solve common problems by applying IoT knowledge, and then to develop a program using Arduino software in order to overcome these issues.
Multiracial groups were not a hinderance with the help of ‘Google Translate’ and sign language that allowed them to intract and solve the given problems. Our students decided to create an “Accident – Free Device” that would help in minimizing deaths and injuries from fire disaster and/or earthquakes.
The next day our student continued their project by assigning the tasks among themselves. The main tasks were developing programs using Arduino, building circuit with sensors and components, as well as preparing slides for presentation purpose.

Published on: 23-08-2019
On 11 July 2019, forty engineering students, and staff from the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) of MAHSA University went on an industrial visit to Proton Manufacturing Plant at Shah Alam. The purpose of this visit was to provide an early industrial exposure of the work environment especially in the areas of automotive manufacturing to undergraduates of MAHSA’s Mechanical Engineering programme.
Upon arrival at the plant, the group was warmly greeted by Proton’s Corporate Communication representatives. They were then given a briefing session which included various topics such as the history of the Proton Manufacturing Plant, the achievements of Proton, the various Proton models, the manufacturing processes, and its newest technology and safety features which are now incorporated in Proton’s range of vehicles. Apart from that, students were also briefed on the five main processes that are carried out in the making of a vehicle, which are Stamping, Body, Painting, Trim and Final Assembling.
The group was then taken to Proton’s Showroom which displayed various Proton models – from the legendary Proton Saga to the most recent Proton X70. There were also the modified and R3 (Racing, Rally, Research) versions on display, such as the Proton Preve’ R3 and Proton Satria Neo R3 which have won many motorsport racing competitions.
Students had the chance to experience the latest technology features in X70 including its smart Voice Command feature, which is an adopted system of the Geely's Global Key User Interface (GKUI).
The industrial visit was a successful trip, organized by FEIT. All the students and staff of FEIT gained valuable knowledge through to this visit. The trip ended with a closing speech from Proton’s representative and a souvenir presenting ceremony from MAHSA to PROTON as a gesture of goodwill for their hospitality and knowledge shared.

Published on: 15-08-2019
Students from MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology were recently recognised for their outstanding achievements at the Prestige Lecture & Award Dinner (PLAD) at Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, hosted by The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) Malaysia. The event was graced by YB Puan Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, Member of Parliament for Kota Belud and the current Deputy Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change.
One of our students, Naechitra Jothi, the president of the student-led Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) chapter, MAHSA IET On-Campus, was given the IET Achievement Award during the dinner. The recipients of this award are professional engineers who have made outstanding contributions to the goals of the Institution of Engineering and Technology by means of educational, collegiate and engineering achievements; professional society, technical society, civic and humanitarian activities and have been displaying continuing competence. MAHSA University is one of the ten universities that has successfully passed the selection criteria due to our candidate’s exemplary character, exceptional leadership in developing projects, and proven excellence in the place of work. Upon screening by IET Malaysia Network Awards Subcommittee, the nominees are forwarded to a selection committee consisting of a diverse group of leaders from the institution. The selection committee then reviews and selects the 2018 IET Malaysia Network Award Recipients from this group of finalists.
With the assistance of the advisors, Prof Leong Wai Yie and Madam Azliza, the MAHSA IET On-Campus chapter’s constitution was established this year and the few activities organised by the team are in line with the vision of IET of engineering for a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing the global engineering community. Organising and managing the events has brought out the best in Naechitra as a leader with the help of lecturers and her team members.
“I feel greatly honoured to be a recipient of the IET ACHIEVEMENT AWARD representing MAHSA University. With all the leadership experience I gained throughout my degree years at MAHSA University, I am able to shape myself into a better engineering graduate”, said Naechitra Jothi upon completing her fourth year in Medical Electronics Engineering this year. Although MAHSA IET On-Campus is still new, we are certain it will continue to go from strength to strength to stimulate global engineering among our new members and fellow engineering students from different IET Malaysia’s On-Campus.

Published on: 09-08-2019
On 25th July 2019, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) organised a mega event called “Engineering, Science and Technology Exhibition 2019 (ESTE 19)” to enhance the quality of research for students and staff. The ESTE 19 is open to all students and staff in MAHSA University as well as other universities. The aim of this exhibition is to nourish students’ research and design and innovation skills in multidisciplinary areas that relate to engineering, science and technology. Our mission is to support and encourage students to share their knowledge, research work and experience during the exhibition which will ultimately contribute to exciting developments in engineering, science and technology. It is also a platform for final-year-project students to showcase their research endeavours. The event was held at Spine Level 2, Empathy Block, MAHSA University SPC.
A total of fifty-four projects from various fields competed in the exhibition, namely Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Dentistry, Environmental Health Sciences as well as Pharmacy. From other universities, seven projects participated, namely Al-Madinah University (MEDIU), SEGI University and Polytechnic Shah Alam. Evaluations were made via poster presentations where the panel of judges made their decisions for every team according to the criteria given. The evaluation process was made via Google Forms and QR Codes in conjunction with Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) where the panel of judges used their mobile devices to key in the marks.
A total of fifty-four projects from various fields competed in the exhibition, namely Electrical, Mechanical and Civil Engineering, Dentistry, Environmental Health Sciences as well as Pharmacy. From other universities, seven projects participated, namely Al-Madinah University (MEDIU), SEGI University and Polytechnic Shah Alam. Evaluations were made via poster presentations where the panel of judges made their decisions for every team according to the criteria given. The evaluation process was made via Google Forms and QR Codes in conjunction with Industry Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0) where the panel of judges used their mobile devices to key in the marks.
There were five awards at stake for this event, including five bronze medals, five silver medals, three gold medals, and a Best Project and a Best Poster award.
- The gold medal and Best Project Award was won by Mr. Mohammad Shayad-Ally Gokhool with his project entitled “Design and Development of Electric Water Controller Device”.
- The Best Poster award was won by Ms. Afnan Abdulkarem Abdo Al-Tharrah, Ms. Baraah Fuad Al-adini and Ms. Hauwa Umar with their project entitled “Smart Agriculture System”.
This event is a wonderful platform for innovators to showcase their innovations, and facilitated MAHSA students with the opportunity to enhance their ideas in research. In the future, it is likely that more cross innovations, for example, in Medical and Engineering, Pharmacy and Engineering, will be made in order to afford more sustainable living for all.

Published on: 02-08-2019
The Dean of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering & IT, Ir Prof Dr Leong Wai Yie, was recently recognised for her outstanding achievements at the Prestige Lecture & Award Dinner (PLAD) at the Sheraton Imperial Hotel, Kuala Lumpur, hosted by The Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET) Malaysia. This event was graced by the presence of Yang Berhormat Puan Isnaraissah Munirah Majilis, Member of Parliament for Kota Belud and the current Deputy Minister of Energy, Science, Technology, Environment and Climate Change. More than four hundred participants from various institutions attended this memorable event, including The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM), The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), The Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE), Malaysia Board of Technologists (MBOT), as well as IET representatives from Singapore and Brunei.
One of the two Honorary IET Fellowships was awarded to our Dean of Engineering and IT, Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie. The Chartered Engineer (CEng) award was given to Dr Sivakumar Paramasivam as one of the six award recipients. Ms Naechitra Jothi, from the Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Electrical & Electronic Engineering programme, was selected as the IET Best Final Year Student Award, alongside nine other award recipients from UCSI, UTAR, UM, Nottingham, UNIMAP, University of Southampton Malaysia, Taylor’s, USM and Swinburne University. The IET Certificate of Appreciation was presented to MAHSA University for their continued support in IET events and award dinners .
This eighth edition of PLAD has created an occasion for all Engineers and other professionals in Malaysia to broaden their networks, as well as from gain industrial knowledge and wisdom from the Prestige Lecture delivered by the Deputy Minister of MESTECC and being recognised through the various awards given.
This eighth edition of PLAD has created an occasion for all Engineers and other professionals in Malaysia to broaden their networks, as well as from gain industrial knowledge and wisdom from the Prestige Lecture delivered by the Deputy Minister of MESTECC and being recognised through the various awards given.
The IET is one of the world’s leading professional societies for the engineering and technology community, with more than 168,000 members in 150 countries and offices in Europe, North America and Asia-Pacific. Founded in 2006, the IET provides a global knowledge network to facilitate the exchange of ideas and promotes the positive roles of science, engineering and technology in the world. The IET has its presence in Malaysia through the IET Malaysia Local Network. For more information, kindly visit https://www.theiet.org/ or https://www.facebook.com/TheIETMalaysia/

Published on: 22-07-2019
On 4th July 2019 MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT signed a Memorandum of Understanding with four prominent companies, namely, Malaysia Industry Robot Association, Bento Food Industries Sdn Bhd, Bolt Industries Sdn Bhd and Nectar Consortium Sdn Bhd together for industry collaboration. The ceremony was held in the Auditorium on Level 9 of the Empathy Building and was witnessed by four representatives from each of these companies as well as MAHSA’s Vice Chancellor, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ishak bin Abdul Razak, Deputy Vice Chancellor, deans and lecturers.
In the MoU, MAHSA University and Malaysia Industry Robot Association, Bento Food Industries Sdn Bhd, Bolt Industries Sdn Bhd and Nectar Consortium Sdn Bhd agreed to collaborate in a number of areas:
- Meetings, trainings and seminars for research and education
- Joint research and joint expeditions
- The provision of exposure related to Industrial Revolution 4.0 to our engineering students
- Exchange of scientific materials, publications, and information
This collaboration with Malaysia Industry Robot Association is one of the preparations in facing Industrial Revolution 4.0 (IR 4.0). This is a good opportunity for MAHSA students to enhance their project designs from knowledge of technology gathered from this industrial partner. In addition, products such as renewable energy related to solar PV and internet of things (IoT) such as wireless light switch, RF remote control socket and wireless scene switch supplied by Bolt Industries Sdn Bhd gives benefit to MAHSA students in mobile-application studies.
Nectar Consortium Sdn Bhd, with their tagline ‘Innovating Automation for All Your Automation Needs’, is a specialist in providing training related to instrumentation, control system, PLC and SCADA, which will help MAHSA students improve their skills. The training proposed will expose the students to real working life and system design.
The MoU ceremony closed with the exchange of tokens of appreciation from each participant.

Published on: 22-07-2019
On the 30th of March 2019, the Society of MMA Medical Students organised the first National Medical Students’ Assembly at the MMA Building from 8.00 am - 5.30 pm. five students represented MAHSA University at this assembly, which included representatives from eight other universities in Malaysia.
The aim of the assembly was to create and strengthen the bond among medical students all over Malaysia. It was an opportunity to discuss relevant matters involving medical students and medicine in Malaysia. The assembly started off with an ice-breaking session, followed by an introduction of medical-student activities in the different universities, which provided great insight to the activities and events organized by other university. To sum it all up, most of the activities organized are the same but vary in terms of scale and number of student participation. MAHSA Medical Society would like to take inspiration from these others and implement some changes in our own university.
A talk on management, leadership and organisation was then give, which taught student leaders from each university how to become better leaders and how to manage an organisation. AMBOSS, an online medical learning platform, presented a workshop for all the participants and each participant received a two-week trial code for them to utilize the platform, which everyone found to be very interesting and useful. The assembly ended with everyone exchanging contacts and discussing possible collaboration on upcoming events. In a nutshell, the assembly benefited all the participants and helped to strengthen the bond between other universities. MAHSA Medical Society will be actively collaborating with SMMAMS and other medical universities in the times to come.

Published on: 22-07-2019
The Faculty of Medicine, under the guidance of Professor Dato Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, Dean, and Associate Professor Dr Ganesh Ramachandran, Deputy Dean (Academics), recently appointed a team of lecturers to guide international medical students who are facing various academic and social challenges upon their entry to MAHSA University.
The team, with extensive support from the faculty, students and management, designed the International Medical Students Section of the faculty, which was officially inaugurated on 17th April 2019 by Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Mohamed Haniffa Bin Haji Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman; Professor Dato Dr Khairul Anuar Bin Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor; Professor Dato Dr Ishak Bin Abdul Razak, Vice Chancellor and Professor Dato Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, Dean, Faculty of Medicine.
The students were made aware of the importance of this matter, and motivational talks were given by the Guest of Honour. This programme was a primary initiative in breaking the barrier between students and faculty. There was wide participation from all Year 1 and Year 2 international students in the form of cultural programmes, organising the event and delivery of vote of thanks.
The organising team would like to thank Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Mohammed Haniffa Bin Haji Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman, for sponsoring the delicious lunch for students and the team.

Published on: 19-07-2019
From the 1st till the 4th of April 2019, EMPOWERED (The Cancer Advocacy Society of Malaysia), in collaboration with MAHSA Medical Society, organised a four-day Screening Programme for Colorectal Cancer at UTC Sentul from 8am till 1pm.
Colorectal cancer is the most common cancer affecting men and second most common cancer affecting women in Malaysia. It accounts for one of the highest causes of death in the country. The main purpose of carrying out the project is to save lives through early cancer detection. One of the benefits of this screening project conducted by EMPOWERED is that it was provided free of charge, including any eventual colonoscopy and treatment for colorectal cancer.
Over the course of four days, fifteen Year 4 students and one Year 3 student volunteered in this programme. Our job scope was to register participants who were willing to join this screening programme and to promote it to those who are at UTC Sentul and in Klinik Kesihatan Sentul. Students who participated benefited in terms of improving their communication skills with people from different backgrounds and knowledge on colorectal cancer.
The initial target set was two hundred participants in the course of four days. At the end of the four days, we managed to enrol two hundred and thirty participants in this screening project, which was a great success for the entire team involved. EMPOWERED is looking forward to more collaborations with MAHSA Medical Society for their upcoming events.

Published on: 17-07-2019
With the recent increase of global warming around the world, we begin to wonder what we can do to bring a change and reduction to it before it causes a catastrophic event which cannot be undone. This is why GE volunteers and some Student Volunteers from IET MAHSA On Campus (OC), in conjunction with Earth Day 2019, decided to organize a mangrove-planting event, which would see the volunteers plant a total of five hundred trees and gain useful knowledge of mangroves.
The main goal of this event was not only to plant trees but also to create awareness for the volunteers on the importance of tree-planting and the positive effect it has on society.
This brings us to the question, why mangroves? To answer this question, we need to know a little about what mangroves are. Mangroves are shrubs or small trees that have adapted to life in a coastal saltwater environment or brackish water. Mangrove forests grow in tropical or subtropical regions. Because of the harsh coastal environment, only a few species of trees are able to survive in it. These trees must be able to tolerate great changes in moisture, temperature, and salinity.
This brings us to the question, why mangroves? To answer this question, we need to know a little about what mangroves are. Mangroves are shrubs or small trees that have adapted to life in a coastal saltwater environment or brackish water. Mangrove forests grow in tropical or subtropical regions. Because of the harsh coastal environment, only a few species of trees are able to survive in it. These trees must be able to tolerate great changes in moisture, temperature, and salinity.
The mangroves that were planted during this tree-planting event was a particular species called “bakau minyak”, also known as rhizophora apiculata. The rhizophora apiculata is a species of plants in the Rhizophoraceae family. Its tree is twenty to thirty centimetres tall, with a dark grey and checkered bark. It has visible stilt roots that can extend five metres up the stem, with lots of aerial roots emerging from the branches so that the tree appears to have a skirt of roots under the leaves.
The mangroves that were planted during this tree-planting event was a particular species called “bakau minyak”, also known as rhizophora apiculata. The rhizophora apiculata is a species of plants in the Rhizophoraceae family. Its tree is twenty to thirty centimetres tall, with a dark grey and checkered bark. It has visible stilt roots that can extend five metres up the stem, with lots of aerial roots emerging from the branches so that the tree appears to have a skirt of roots under the leaves.
Before the planting began, participants were shown a demonstration on how to carry out the planting. The event began at 9.30 am and finished at 2pm.
The event was great fun, especially for the volunteers from IET MAHSA On Campus (OC), and participants hope to go for more events like this.

Published on: 17-07-2019
IET MAHSA OC (On Campus) proudly hosted the Present Around The World (PATW) competition at MAHSA University on 18th April 2019 in the Humanity Building. The PATW is a global competition for young professionals and students in the engineering field to develop and showcase their presentation skills. One of the objectives of IET MAHSA OC is to help talented young engineers to move onto the worldwide stage. It was a great privilege for IET MAHSA OC to host the event. The quality of the presentations is continually improving every year. MAHSA is always impressed by the interesting topics presented by our next generation of professionals and is proud to place the very best presenters on a national and international stage to demonstrate their skills. This is an opportunity for these young professionals to enhance their knowledge, develop their skills, and enhance their chances at securing successful careers.
The general rules for the competition are that candidates must be between 18 and 30 years of age, and that the presentation should last for ten minutes. Judging is based on presentation skills (70%) and its technical content (30%). Three judges were chosen for the MAHSA-level competition. Our judging panel comprises highly qualified professionals with a proven track record in their specialization. The judging panel included Dr G. Padmanaba Kumar from the Dental Faculty, Dr Senthi Athimoolam from the Pharmacy Faculty and Dr Nagaraja Surya Devara from the Biomedical Sciences Department.
Five young professionals participated in the event to show their talents in the competition. Judges scored the entries for each category based on the judging criteria. Participation certificates were distributed on the day itself. The winner and runner-up prizes with certificates were given on the closing day of the Arts and Music Carnival on 2nd May 2019. Dean Prof. Dr.Leong Wai Yie acknowledged the winners of PATW-19 MAHSA-level competition. Mr Mayrayn Ali Ebrahim Ali was the winner of the MAHSA-level competition. The winner of the competition was given the opportunity to take part in the MALAYSIA-level competition held at UCSI Cheras on 4th May 2019. IET MAHSA OC expressed their thanks to Mayrayn for taking part in the Malaysia-level competition.

Published on: 17-07-2019
On 21st December 2018, the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) of MAHSA University agreed to explore ways of cooperation with the Institution of Engineer, Malaysia (IEM) by initiating the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). IEM is a professional institution and learned body approved by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and a certified body for CPD-HRS. The MoU signing ceremony took place at the Vice Chancellor’s Office on the Main Block MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus.
On 21st December 2018, the Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) of MAHSA University agreed to explore ways of cooperation with the Institution of Engineer, Malaysia (IEM) by initiating the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). IEM is a professional institution and learned body approved by the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) and a certified body for CPD-HRS. The MoU signing ceremony took place at the Vice Chancellor’s Office on the Main Block MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus.
The purpose of this MoU is to strengthen and develop international research cooperation between IEM and MAHSA University for mutual benefits. It will enhance cooperation that will bring benefits to both engineering students and academic staff of MAHSA University. IEM also hopes to provide opportunities for engineering lecturers and students of MAHSA University to attend courses, seminars, talks, visits and workshops which are of interest to the engineering profession (of technical nature) as well as to the development and well-being of engineers (non-technical).
IEM will ensure that the students and graduates are professionally affiliated with IEM by giving them the opportunity to attend IEM’s activities which will enhance their professional development. Becoming a member of IEM is the first step towards the journey of becoming a registered professional engineer.

Published on: 17-07-2019
Bachelor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering Graduate, Mr Tjong Tze Jiet, made MAHSA University proud when he was selected as one of the recipients of the IEM President Gold Award 2019.
Tze Jiet, a Bachelor in Electrical & Electronics Engineering (Hons) graduate from the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, was awarded the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM) Gold Award. The award was presented to him at the IEM 60th Annual Dinner and Awards Night 2019 held in April at the Sunway Resort Hotel, Subang Jaya, Selangor. This was a great achievement for MAHSA University and a motivation for other students to compete in future competitions.
“Tze Jiet is an excellent student and with our engineering programme accredited by Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC), and we did not want to miss participating,” said Ir. Prof Leong Wai Yie, Dean of Engineering and IT.
Tze Jiet was part of the team that won the Silver Award at I-ENVEX Exhibition 2018. He participated in the International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition 2018 that was held in UniMAP, Perlis, Malaysia. This opportunity enables interaction with various participants on an international level. Sharing of knowledge and different product designs from various countries was very beneficial.
He also joined the Robocon Competition 2018 of which consisted of two categories, namely, manual robots and autonomous robots. The task was to pass on a shuttlecock from the manual robot to the autonomous robot in order for it to shoot through a ring that was set up by organising committee. Participating teams were given the chance to go through the whole value chain process of robotics design such as research, design, programming and testing.
MAHSA has been providing quality education and excellent professional services in various fields of engineering. MAHSA, being one of the foremost universities in Malaysia, aspires to produce technopreneurs and skilled manpower with outstanding communication, technological and managerial skills.
Enhanced with up-to-date academic facilities, and tutored by highly qualified lecturers among whom are industry practitioners, MAHSA strives to ensure quality education in areas of Engineering & IT, Business, Medical, Dentistry, Language Studies, Pharmacy, Nursing, and many more.
MAHSA is committed to engineering the future of tomorrow’s leaders. MAHSA’s dedication to providing quality education has helped many students to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills, and hands-on expertise to become respected practitioners in their various fields. Guided by the University’s motto, MAHSA is striving to ensure that each student is thoroughly equipped and empowered to meet future challenges by preparing them holistically today.

Published on: 11-06-2019
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT recently launched the Go Green Month in its effort to contribute to the preservation of the environment and our own MAHSA University Campus. The Go Green Month was officially launched by Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa Bin Hj. Abdullah on 28th February 2019 in the Empathy Building auditorium. Tan Sri said in his speech that going green has obvious benefits like reducing the amount of pollution that enters the soil, air and water. Also, he encouraged the use of alternative energy resources and avoiding the burning of fossil fuels, and recycling and reducing waste.
The Faculty of Engineering and IT (FEIT) began the event with a Go Green poetry recitation by all the staff of FEIT. As part of the Go Green drive, students and staff were asked to switch off all lights during the lunch hour as well as whenever not required, stressing the need to conserve energy.
There was a Go Green video competition with the theme Think Green, Go Green and Live Green. A short video by Ms. Devarani showed how important trees are in peoples' lives and described the greed of some developers who have no concern for nature. Ms. Massarah, in her video, expressed her appreciation of nature by showing the scenery of hills and mountains and nature-related activities such as hiking. In addition, one part of her video showed the irresponsibility of some people in the way they throw out their trash, leading to environmental damage. The objective of the competition was to create awareness of the long-term effects of environmental damage.
As her contribution to helping our mother earth, Assoc. Prof. Chan Sook Chin gave a demonstration on enzyme preparation, and staff and students eagerly took part in this. An exhibition of craftwork made from recycled materials was also arranged. A blood donation camp was also organised by Faculty of the Nursing and Midwifery and the Faculty of Engineering and IT on 15th March 2019 the Spine, Level 2 of the Empathy Building, where MAHSA University staff and students responsibly donated blood. Assoc. Prof. Khairul Salleh Baharudin of the Faculty of Engineering and IT organised a hiking activity at Bukit Gasing on 17th March 2019.
On 20th March 2019, the Foundation in Science (FIS) Programme organised a Go Green Fashion Show with the theme Reuse, Reduce and Recycle. The aim of the event was to promote the recycling of reusable materials into clothes. A total of ten teams participated and each came with their own remarkable and unique design. The team Woman of Steel won the first prize, the Queen of Trash team the second, and Team Samurai Bushido the third.
Mr. Danny Wee of the Malaysian Association of Environmental Health (MAEH) gave a talk to the student community on 21st March 2019 on the greening and beautification of Kuala Lumpur. A talk on Environmental Management and Health Impacts was also presented by Dr. Subramaniam, HOD of the EHS of MAHSA University. Ms. Eleena Norsin of TT Organic also spoke about saving the environment for a healthier life.
In conjunction with the Go Green month, the Faculty of Pharmacy-FEIT also organised a “Return Unused Medicine for Safe Disposal” activity. This activity was to create awareness of the safe disposal of medicines, which helps to protect the environment. The Faculty of Pharmacy also organised a talk called “How to Be a Smarter Patient” on 25th March 2019. Madam Sharon Ong from the Pharmacy Practice & Development Division of the Ministry of Health Malaysia, gave an inspiring speech on “Empowering Patients towards Their Own Management of Medication”. Madam Rose Aniza binti Rosli from Pharmacy Department of Hospital Shah Alam also delivered an excellent talk on “Value-Added Services Offered by Government Hospitals”.
Last but not the least, FEIT Dean Prof. Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie announced sponsorships from IET, UK and Bentoree food industries Sdn. Bhd. for the Go Green Month activities. Bentoree food industries Sdn. Bhd. generously sponsored 300 door gifts for the closing ceremony. Finally, Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ishak bin Abdul Razak, Vice Chancellor of MAHSA University, closed the Go Green activities officially and Prof. Dato Dr. Zaininah Mohd Zain, Deputy Vice Chancellor, took over the Arts and Music activities for the month of April on 28th March, 2019.

Published on: 07-05-2019
MAHSA University organised MAHSA Family Day 2019 on 9th March 2019 at MAHSA International School (MIS) on its grounds at Kuala Langat, Saujana.
The purpose of the event was to gather the staff of the MAHSA Group and their families together for them interact with and get to know each other. The participants enjoyed lunch together and participated in various activities prepared for both the adults and children.
The programme was officiated by YBhg Profẹssor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hj Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj Abdullah, the Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman of MAHSA University. Over 900 members of the academic and non-academic staff of MAHSA International School (MISKL), MAHSA Prima International College (MPIC), PJ Campus and MAHSA University attended this fun day with their family and friends.
The day began with a prayer and was graced by the message of YBhg Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hj Mohamed Haniffa. His message inspired everyone to build better relationships in the MAHSA group community. Following that, a short warm up session was conducted by Faculty of Engineering, after which the first game of football was kick-started by Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Mohamed Haniffa himself.
This very special day was flavoured by different games and activities. The staff from different faculties, departments and other MAHSA campuses were grouped into four main teams of the different Avengers characters, Captain America, Thor, Iron Man and Doctor Strange.
The staff and their children played different games, facilitated by the SRC advisors and student volunteers. There was the Futsal Tournament, the Family Cross-fit Challenge, the Family Telematch (Bunny Hopper, Run Waiter Run, Three Legged Race, Recycle Runway), the Family Treasure Hunt, Snooker, Table Football and the Tug of War.
There were special games for children, such as a colouring contest, the Hula Hoop Booth, Hit the Cuppies and a children’s fashion show with the theme of traditional costumes. E-games were also conducted for children separately in the E-Game Arena of MAHSA University’s Unity Building, where many of the children actively participated in educational and online games.
One of the highlights of the event was a live performance by MAHSA staff showing their various talents. It was a day when staff from different faculties, departments and campuses, along with their families, had the chance to bond by sharing food and time together.
Finally, YBhg Profẹssor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hj Mohamed Haniffa and YBhg Professor Dato Ishak bin Abdul Razak, the Vice-Chancellor, gave away prizes to the winners.
The event ended with a message by Professor Dato Dr Zaininah binti Mohd Zain, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Students Affairs), thanking the Management of MAHSA Group for this opportunity and all the staff members who attended the function with their families. Overall, the MAHSA Family Day 2019 was a huge success owing to the tremendous support of staff and their families throughout the duration of the function.

Published on: 06-05-2019
MAHSA University’s Student Representative Council (SRC) recently held an annual talent competition called MAHSA Unleashed to encourage students to show off their non-academic skills and harness their inner artistic values.
The talent search amongst students had the hope of creating a competitive spirit amongst them, building teamwork and comradeship and nurturing artistic growth in the MAHSA Community.
Seventeen students took part in the competition, showing off their talents in singing, playing musical instrument and dancing. The eight finalists competed in the final MAHSA Unleashed on 25th April 2019. The Champion and first runner-up were Dental Degree students and the second runner-up was an international student from the Pre-U Science Foundation programme.
Overall, the event was very well organised and many budding talents were identified throughout the competition. Their skills in art, music, management and organisation of the event met the objectives of this event.

BVB Viewing Party
Published on: 06-05-2019
MAHSA University together with their partner Borussia Dortmund Football Club hosted the first ever viewing party at the Habitat Cafe on the 27th of April 2019. This was the beginning of a two-year partnership for football and youth development between MAHSA University and the International renowned football team.
The BVB touring party was made up of guest of honour and football legend Mr Mo Zidan, Mr Suresh Letchmanan, Managing Director of Borussia Dortmund Asia Pacific, and Ms Julia Farr, Manager of International & Youth Development. The day began with a football clinic, conducted at MAHSA International School, which comprised of 25 boys and girls between the ages of 6 and 12 years. During the clinic, Mr Mo Zidan touched on ball skills, temperament and techniques with the ball.
The viewing party was held at Habitat Café and a total of 70 students and staff were present for the match between Borussia Dortmund and Schalke FC. Tan Sri Haniffa and Dato Sharon were also present and witnessed a wonderful evening. The event started with an autograph and photo session with Mr Mo Zidan. It was then followed by a panel session when questions were asked of Mo Zidan based on his life as a professional footballer and how he became one. He also touched on how important it is to work hard at what you do and to chase your dreams as he did. Eventually the main event began and the excitement was evident as all the students cheered every single moment of the game and the atmosphere was wonderful.
The overall experience for staff and students was awesome and the experienced gained by all parties was priceless. There will be other events organised for the year and for sure as exciting as this event.

MAHSA University’s Sports Complex
Published on: 06-05-2019
MAHSA University’s Sports Complex at our Bandar Saujana Putra Campus officially opened its doors to students, staff and members of the general public in April 2019. It offers an inclusive and unrivalled fitness experience for everyone from beginners to elite athletes. The Sports Complex includes a gym, an aquatic centre, a football field, a futsal court, a volleyball court, a basketball court, a netball court and a tennis court, ensuring that there is something for everyone.
MAHSA Gym is designed to give you a good time, so come on in, get your sweat on, and gain the confidence that fitness gives you. We have workouts designed by our team to improve your form and sculpt your body. Our main mission here is to make fitness fun, and help you look and feel sensational.
MAHSA Aquatic Centre serves as a great venue for swimming and other aquatic activities. The centre can also accommodate a crowd of 300 people with an additional 250 temporary seats for the audience. Open to the public, this pool can be used for swimming classes and training sessions according to regulations set by the centre. As a condition of entry, all patrons must follow all reasonable instructions from our lifeguards. Lifeguards enforce safety rules and lane-space allocations.
MAHSA University’s Sport Complex is well-equipped to help you start your fitness journey. All facilities provide the relevant sports equipment and a warm and welcoming environment before and after your activity. There are easily accessible toilets and changing facilities, and friendly and knowledgeable professionals are always on hand to provide individually-focussed or team help and advice, so that your goals are achieved safely and enjoyably. Come and join us and let’s get fit together!

Community Bike Cycling
Published on: 06-05-2019
MAHSA University hosted a Community Cycling event on 7th April 2019 in conjunction with World Health Day. The event was jointly organised by MAHSA University with the Kuala Langat Parliamentary Office, the State Legislative Assembly of Kuala Langat, the Resident Representative Council Zones 7, 10 & 11, and the Selangor and Federal Territory Bike Clubs.
Three hundred and fifty cyclists took part in the event with the theme of “Kitakan Sekampung” (We are a Community), which aimed to unify a total of 32 “kampung” (villages) in Kuala Langat, bringing public, private and NGO communities to come together to build a healthier, safer and more harmonious community in Kuala Langat.
Participants and other members of the public also had the opportunity to be taken on a tour of MAHSA Campus by the Marketing Team led by Dato Abdul Rani, and were duly impressed with its state-of-the-art facilities.
The Nursing Faculty gave great stage performances where the public also joined in to dance. There was also a booth provided by the Medical Faculty to provide medical check-ups for the participants and members of the general local community who were present.
The event was a great success and the local community expressed their appreciation of MAHSA University’s show of friendship to the community.

Vellavan A/L Arunasalam Brings Honour to MAHSA University
Published on: 06-05-2019
MAHSA University’s Diploma in Mechanical Engineering student, Vellavan A/L Arunasalam, won two medals in the 39th MAKAF National Senior Karate Open Championship 2019, held at Stadium MPSJ, Serdang Jaya, Selongor, from 20th to 24th March 2019.
The organiser of this karate competition were the Perseketuan Karate-Do Malaysia and the Malaysian Karate Federation (MAKAF). Five hundred athletes from all 14 Malaysian States and Brunei participated in this competition under the supervision of 44 coaches and managers and 80 referees. The purpose of the tournament was to select athletes for the national squad for the Sea Games 2019 and other international tournaments.
Vellavan is currently undergoing training under Alexander a/l Arlanthu, Head Coach For SUKMA and Assistant National Coach for the Negeri Sembilan Karate-Do Association. Vellavan was selected for the national squad and is training for future international championships such as the Senior AKF and Sea Games Philippines. Vellavan also recently took part in the South East Asia Karate Federation Championships (SEAKF), representing the Malaysia Team in Bangkok, Thailand.

English Appreciation Month at MAHSA
Published on: 01-04-2019
February 2019 was celebrated as English Appreciation Month. The month was aptly named as it was not only an appreciation of the English Language and the realization that it can be learnt and enjoyed in so many interesting and fun ways but also it was a month of obligation, teamwork and gratitude.
The first effort initiated was the drive for books for charity and the setting up of the Reading Corner at a cosy nook of the MAHSA@Library, on the 1st of February. More than six hundred books were donated from students and staff, to be given away free to the public. The Reading Corner will continue to be a fixture in the library. It is open for all MAHSA family and the nearby community.
Free Drama Classes were organized and they were a hit with the EAP students. They enjoyed watching short movies and trailers, listening to songs and role-playing the stories and themes. The classes were taught by Assoc Prof Azian Abdul Kadir. The objectives were to develop students’ speaking skills through role- play and group discussion while simultaneously, learning the vocabulary and grammar.
The Competitions were impressive. We had the Debate Arena-Intellectual Duel which was held on 23rd February 2019. Students from various Faculties participated, with our student, Reena Jit Kaur, from Pharmacy, taking the lead as co-organizer. The British Parliamentary Style debate instilled critical and creative thinking among students and enhanced their oratory and argumentative skills in English. For many of them, it was a first attempt, but they tried their best! The theme of the debate was on gender equality and the motion for the final round was: ‘The House believes that there should be an implementation of mandatory paternity leave”. The winners were from the Government Team; they were Su Wei Jie, Ganesh Kumar and Arina Nurdiyana from the Faculty of Health and Sports Science. The Best Speaker was Abdel Moezz Sabry Lotfy from Centre for Pre-University while the Best Chairperson was Dr. Ain from Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.
Another remarkable event was the Just Say It- Toastmaster Competition on the 12th of February. This event gave students the opportunity to improve their public speaking skills and to speak in front of an audience in English. Participants chose one topic from a choice of topics to speak about: Sex Education Awareness in Higher Education, Should Smoking Be Banned in Eateries and Suicides Among Teenagers. The 1st prize winner was Yasmine Lee Kai Wen from the Faculty of Dentistry followed by the 2nd prize winner, Khor-Jess Lin from Medicine and the 3rd prize winner, Tan Ying Ze from Pre-University.
The Poetry Recital Competition, held on the 20th February 2019 unleashed the poetic flair of our MAHSA students and staff. The theme was ‘Social Justice’ and staff and students had fun and learnt to appreciate and enjoy reciting English poems to the accompaniment of beautiful background music and graphics. The 1st prize winner of the staff category was Ms Bhavani Pathmanathan from Health and Sports Science, 2nd prize winner was Beatrice Devadason from Nursing and the 3rd prize winner was Dr Nadiatul Azra from Pharmacy. For the student category, the 1st prize winner was Vivian Endu from Nursing, 2nd prize winner was Muhammad Farid from Nursing and 3rd prize winner was Safa Allouzi from Medicine.
The month of February had ended and so did the English Appreciation Month. Learning is indeed enjoyable and rewarding when we can join hands and work towards a common goal, appreciating and learning the English Language as a tool for communication, knowledge and education. It was truly a remarkable experience for all of us at the Centre for Education and Languages. Together with the support and teamwork from our colleagues from the other Faculties, and all our students, we will chronicle the month as an accomplishment. Truly, the achievers are the staff and students who have gained from the month-long activities. Congratulation to all the winners!

Inbound Student Mobility from Manubhai Patel Dental College, India
Published on: 29-03-2019
MAHSA University warmly welcomes students from other universities and colleges on short term mobility programmes. These programmes are part of the Internationalisation At Home strategy, bringing international students to Malaysia.
Five students from Manubhai Patel Dental College, India, had an interesting two-week stint at MAHSA University from 18th January till 31st January 2019. Associate Prof. Dr. Prathap organised a comprehensive schedule comprising of academic activities in various dental specialty areas and outdoor activities. The student volunteers from our Doctor of Dental Surgery programme helped the visitors get acclimatized to the Malaysian food and culture.
During their stay, the students had the opportunity to take part in a dental camp organised by MAHSA University’s Dentistry students. They were exposed to our system of training Dentistry students in the simulation labs as well as the clinics, and attended some clinical techniques demonstration by lecturers from different departments.
Our host students also introduced the visiting students to Malaysian cuisine by hosting them to dinner at a local Malaysian restaurant. The visitors were amazed by the variety of food available in Malaysia and were excited to try them out. At the weekends, the students were taken on a tour of the Batu Caves temple, the city centre, as well as the Federal Territory of Putrajaya, during which they captured some scenic photographs.
On the last day, there was a mini farewell party with students and lecturers from the faculty. The group left for home on the 31st of Jan with fond memories of their visit to MAHSA.

Diploma in Paramedical Science
Published on: 29-03-2019
MAHSA University is proud to announce the launch of the new programme, Diploma in Paramedical Science.
This programme aims to develop highly-trained paramedic and pre-hospital emergency care professionals who can provide competent, compassionate and effective quality health-crisis care to the public in accordance with international standards in the Emergency Medical Service (EMS) System. The Emergency Medical Services is in its infancy in Malaysia compared to developed countries. MAHSA University serves to meet the national interest by producing human resource competent in the field of medical and health care sciences, increasing the number of professionals in the field of EMS.
This Diploma is a three-year full-time programme which strictly follows the approved educational standards laid down by MQA and the Ministry of Health. This programme will be taught by experienced lecturers in the Faculty of Medicine. Clinical attachments will be offered at the Trauma Centre at the University Malaya Medical Centre. An elective course in Safety and Health Officer (SHO), offered by NIOSH, is also included to increase students’ competency and provide more opportunities for employment in various industries.
The main educational goal is centred on the development of a unique approach to patients in health emergencies, including but not limited to the study of the pressure of time and volume; the variety of conditions faced; the paucity of information; the limitations of management and the constraints of working with many rescue groups in civilian health crises and disasters that are common in the Malaysian setting. To aid students in the mastering of the core content of EMS knowledge and practical and management skills, a stimulating learning environment has been specially provided, such as our state-of-art Centre of Clinical Skills Education and Training and our one-of-a-kind Paramedic Ambulance Simulation Centre. The Faculty of Medicine has developed strategies in the EMS System that prepare paramedics as providers, teachers and life-long learners in collaboration with emergency physicians, emergency department staff, health clinics, other physicians, patients, and representatives from the local community, including other institutions and agencies in the country.

Meeting with IET Asia Pacific Committees

Visit to Vicki Teadell, The High Commissioner of British High Commission Kuala Lumpur
DEAN of Engineering and IT elected as the First Female Chair for IET
Published on: 29-03-2019
Professor Ir. Dr Leong Wai Yie, Dean of Engineering and IT has been elected as the first female Chairperson in the history for the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Malaysia (https://www.theiet.org/), for year 2019 to 2020. The IET is an international, trans-disciplinary professional body headquartered in London. With more than 180,000 members in 150 countries, it represents and promotes engineering interests. Dr Leong leads more than 100 IET activities and initiatives in Malaysia, 16 IET on Campus, IET branches and more than 1800 members in Malaysia.
Dr Leong has also established the IET on Campus in MAHSA University, to expose MAHSA students to the global engineering community. The IET gives them access to tailored practical, technical and career-related resources and helps create links with the industry and other universities, building a platform to demonstrate skills and raise profiles. The IET works to engineer a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing MAHSA’s members, engineers and technicians.
Becoming an IET member is not only prestigious but also an investment in the future because the IET provides opportunities for students to pursue their careers with one of its 1,700 business partners, which include Siemens, BAE systems, Rolls Royce etc. The IET also offers scholarships and awards and apprenticeships for students. Student members have full access to study materials and can seek revision advice and find out how to write final projects and technical reports. The IET also works to develop engineering communities that enable individuals to connect and to share knowledge, ideas and opportunities with a specific network of individuals.
This is another milestone in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology of MAHSA University. Engineering staff are encouraged to register as Chartered Engineers and then Professional Engineers to fulfil the requirements for the Engineering Accreditation Council, Malaysia. Professional talks and trainings will be provided by IET as part of the heart of the world's pre-eminent knowledge-sharing network for engineering and technology professionals. Scholarships, international travel grants, conferences and professional networks are available to IET members to further enhance their global connections.

Community Service Programme - “Shine Bright Like a Beach”
Published on: 29-03-2019
'Shine Bright Like a Beach' is a community-service programme organised by MAHSA students at Pantai Remis on 15th February 2019.
The objectives of the programme were to shine light on the preservation and protection of marine life and the environment. Three major activities conducted were beach cleaning, the collection of items for recycling and flyer distributions to tourists. In a nutshell, the programme develops life skills for MAHSA students by teaching them how to solve and manage crises, as well as becoming team players and leaders.
One of the participants, Helen Angeline Kumar, said that this community programme has taught her the need to protect and preserve the environment whilst instilling and educating her about team spirit and respect for one another.

MOU between Rawalpindi Medical University and MAHSA University
Published on: 29-03-2019
MAHSA University signed an historic Memorandum of Understanding with Rawalpindi Medical University (RMU) on 22nd March 2019. It was the day before Pakistan’s National Day and coincided with the visit to Pakistan by our Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamed.
Rawalpindi Medical College was established in Faisalabad on 18th March 1974 and later shifted to Rawalpindi on 5th November 1974. Under the leadership of many illustrious Presidents and later Vice Chancellors, RMU grew from strength to strength.
The first Rawalian Principal, Professor Mohammad Umar, after taking over the office in 2013, started working on multi-dimensional approaches to further develop the institution. He restructured the undergraduate training programme by establishing a purpose-built Department of Medical Education (DME) and upgrading student libraries, the cafeteria, student section, and hostels. The beautiful RMC park was also dedicated to Rawalians. The Rawalians facilitation centre is another addition to the college to facilitate the students, parents and relatives of Rawalians working nationally and internationally.
State-of-the-art centres for liver and digestive diseases (CLD), Multi Organ Failure (MOF), Medical ICU, Department of Infectious Diseases (DID), and a Department of Emergency and Critical Care (DEC) have also been set up at RMU.
MAHSA University hopes to establish collaboration in the areas of student and staff exchanges and research with Rawalpindi Medical University. Professor Dr Mohammad Umar and Professor Dato Dr Ishak bin Abdul Razak signed the MOU on behalf of both universities.
Launch of Bachelor of Business Administration via Open and Distance Learning
Published on: 29-03-2019
MAHSA University is proud to announce that the Faculty of Business, Finance & Hospitality is now offering the Bachelor in Business Administration via Open and Distance Learning mode. The programme is specially adapted from MAHSA’s established conventional BBA programme to offer learners the benefits of online learning to fit their busy lifestyles and work schedules.
This is three-year degree programme by the end of which learners will have a range of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills that are required to be successful managers, entrepreneurs and strategists in the complex business environment. The uniqueness of the programme is that it takes into account the learner’s working experience. Learners may gain admission with a relevant working experience and having passed the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL).
The use of synchronous forms of education such as the live-broadcasting of lectures and video conferencing opens the door to new didactical arrangements that could help with learning via the Open Learning platform. The BBA ODL is an excellent method of reaching adult learners. Because of the competing priorities of work, home and school, adult learners desire a high degree of flexibility. The structure of the distance-learning programme gives adults the greatest possible control over the time, place and pace of education.
The BBA ODL has changed the face of tertiary education among working adults. The programme has overcome many barriers to learning that were experienced with traditional distance education, as it is more practical, flexible and effective, especially in an age of easy multimedia access. MAHSA’s unique ODL approach is ideal for adult learners who seek to pursue tertiary qualifications for professional development and self-enrichment at affordable fees with flexible payment schedules. More programmes are expected to go online in the near future and into new fields previously delivered online conventionally.

Inauguration of MAHSA Medical Society 2019
Published on: 29-03-2019
The 27th of February 2019 marked the inauguration ceremony of the new committee of the MAHSA MEDICAL SOCIETY for 2019. This event was doubly significant as it marked the launch of the MAHSA MEDSOC website and the announcement of the society’s vision and mission. The website aims to be a catalyst for staff-student interaction as well as an event announcement platform for the society.
Highlights of the website include:
- Meet the Team: Get to know the advisor and students involved in the 2019 committee.
- Newsletter: Write-up on all MEDSOC's previous activities for the year 2018 and current activities for the year 2019.
- Gallery: Compilation of all the pictures and videos taken during MEDSOC events.
- Upcoming Events: Details of MEDSOC's upcoming events according to the monthly theme set up by the university.
- Store: Online store for MEDSOC merchandise.
The inauguration, website launch and announcement of the society’s vision and mission are steps to further integrate the faculty with the society at large. The previous committee has done much to invigorate the society. The incoming committee will work doubly hard to propel the society to greater heights.

Special Lecture by Professor Mathuram Santosham - Global Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea - Contributions of Native American Populations
Published on: 29-03-2019
Imagine being carried in a wicker basket by two guides up a mountainous trail in early childhood because your family had been transferred to Nepal before you had started school. Such was the childhood experience of Professor Mathuram Santosham, an eminent Professor in Paediatrics from John Hopkins University. Professor Santosham started his childhood education only at the age of 8 but his mind was set on becoming a doctor and treating children, upon advice from his mother on seeing the tremendous suffering caused by childhood diseases, especially childhood diarrhoea. A motivated teacher took him under his wings and tutored him until he improved his grades and entered medical school at the Jawaharlal Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research in Pondicherry, India, in 1970.
Professor Santosham was the Founder, and Director of the Johns Hopkins Centre for American Indian Health (CAIH) from April 1991 to April 2016. He is currently the Director Emeritus of CAIH. He is also the Senior Advisor for the International Vaccine Access Centre (IVAC). He holds Professorships in the Department of International Health and the Department of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins University. He directed the Division of Health Systems for the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health from 2000-2009.
Professor Santosham shared his lifetime experiences and professional work in the area of vaccines and diarrhoeal diseases with a captivated audience of academic staff and students at a Special Lecture hosted by the Faculty of Medicine, MAHSA University on 21st March 2019. Professor Ravindran Jegasothy, the Dean, who chaired the session, introduced the speaker and remarked that students were privileged to hear from such an eminent world authority sharing such life experiences.
He moved to the United States from India and obtained a Board Certification in Paediatrics and an MPH degree from Johns Hopkins University. He also completed a Fellowship in Paediatric Infectious Diseases at Johns Hopkins Hospital. Dr Santosham is internationally known for his work on oral rehydration therapy, childhood vaccines and dissemination of paediatric prophylactics to vulnerable populations worldwide. Working in partnership with Native American communities, he conducted landmark vaccine efficacy trials, including rotavirus vaccine, H. influenzae type B (Hib) conjugate vaccine, and pneumococcal conjugate vaccine. Native American children used to die from these diseases at rates 10 to 50 times the US average. Through his advocacy, these vaccines now save 3 to 5 million lives a year in the US and across the globe. In addition, Dr Santosham worked with the White Mountain Apache Tribe to pioneer the use of oral rehydration solution (ORS), now known as “Pedialyte” in the US. Based on this evidence, ORS has become the standard of care for treating diarrheal dehydration, and is credited with saving 60 million lives since 1980. Dr Santosham has become a global leader in the national and international dissemination of these public health strategies worldwide.
Professor Santosham’s experiences have raised questions on whether life and successes were fated or destined. He concluded with numerous examples that hard work and determination will enable one to succeed in one‘s goals. Truly a motivational speaker.

An interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences- Professor Chan Sook Chin, MAHSA University
Published on: 01-03-2019
MAHSA University has recently launched its Masters of Physiotherapy. Associate Professor Chan Sook Chin, the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences shared her thoughts with us. As one of the pioneer staff in MAHSA, she is a pillar of strength and under her leadership, the faculty has seen tremendous growth over the years, in the areas of Physiotherapy, Medical Imaging and Environmental Health.
How many years have you been in this industry?
I started working as a physiotherapist with Hospital Kuala Lumpur (HKL) in 1979 and in 1993, I took up a lecturing position in 1998 after completing my Diploma for Teachers in Physiotherapy from England. In the year 2005, I opted for early retirement from government service and joined MAHSA University which was then a college. This year, marks my 14th year here and my 40th year in the physiotherapy profession.
What was your education background?
I hailed from Kelantan, specifically I grew up in the small vicinity of Tanah Merah which was a very small town then. Right after I left school, I was offered a scholarship by the Ministry of Health to pursue my education in Physiotherapy in 1976. After I completed the 3-year diploma programme, I was posted to HKL. I was sponsored by the Ministry of Health for the Diploma for Teachers in Physiotherapy. I received a scholarship to continue my degree in Health Care and Education from University of Northumbria. MAHSA University sponsored my Masters in Advanced Health Care. I was in my 50’s at that time, and I truly believe that age should not be a stumbling block when it comes to attaining knowledge as you are never too young or too old to learn. I am still learning every day, from my students, staff, colleagues, and peers.
There is a plethora of careers to choose from. Why Physiotherapy?
I always believed that when opportunity knocks, it must be seized immediately. I was offered a scholarship to pursue a course in Physiotherapy, so I took that opportunity despite my limited knowledge of the field. I did not even know what it all meant and there was no Internet for me to search. All I found was three sentences in the encyclopedia from the library. But looking back, it was as if this was the path chosen for me. At first I found it very challenging as I come from a small town where we didn’t speak English. I had to work very hard. I did better each year and in my final I was the only one who passed all the papers. When I started working, I really enjoyed being a physiotherapist. I definitely love nurturing my students in this very promising field. It is very rewarding to help patients who suffer from aches and pains. Physiotherapists not only deal with movement dysfunction, prevention of injuries but also improving the quality of lives. We treat people of all ages, anytime and anywhere. I once gave treatment to an elderly lady with swollen and painful joint in her foot while on a cruise during my holidays, treated a staff with neck pain at the hotel during a wedding reception and a course mate while attending a course. People may look normal but can have musculoskeletal problems.
What is your opinion of the Physiotherapy profession in Malaysia?
I have seen great changes in the physiotherapy profession, not only in Malaysia but globally. There has been an increase in the awareness of physiotherapy as a career choice. The role of physiotherapy is widely recognized in the healthcare sector. The scope of physiotherapy is very wide.
Physiotherapy is known as a preferred programme at MAHSA University to many. How do you keep up with the standards and the expectations of the public?
I have earned quite a reputation of being a perfectionist. I am not sure if that is an accurate description but I definitely hold myself to the highest standards. I tell my staff and students that they must strive for excellence, in terms of work ethics and in delivering the best quality of care. I must have been somewhat successful in that regard, because our graduates and interns are very well-received by their employers. Most have received job offers even before they graduate, simply on the strength of the reputation of Physiotherapy at MAHSA. A lot more have gone on to become very successful entrepreneurs and I am ever so proud of what they have achieved. Still, quality is a journey and we cannot rest on our laurels. We must continue to demand the best of ourselves.
You seem really busy at work. Tell us about your family.
I am happily married and we have been richly blessed with 3 beautiful children and now 3 grandchildren whom I love dearly. My eldest son is an Electronic Engineer in a multi-national US company, my second son is a lecturer in the Faculty of Computing Informatics (FCI), Multimedia University and my youngest daughter is a Mechanical Engineer in a multi-national company in Singapore. They are my source of strength and pride.
What are your plans for this faculty? Where do you see it in the years to come?
Our Master of Physiotherapy programme has started successfully last October. This programme will prepare students for specialisation in either Neurology and Musculoskeletal. This year I would also like to develop the doctorate programme in physiotherapy. We have some plans to develop programmes in Occupational Health and Safety, Sports Science and Sonography as well. We are preparing to start the Open Distant Learning (ODL) programmes in Physiotherapy, Medical imaging and Environmental Health. I hope to see my graduates returning to MAHSA for continuous education, upgrading their skills and knowledge so we create the opportunities for them. My team of lecturers are very committed to seeing this happen in the near future. Now, the possibilities are endless!
Thank you Associate Professor Chan Sook Chin. We look forward to seeing many more great accomplishments from the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences.

MAHSA Be More. Be Energized
Published on: 28-02-2019
The Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences kicked off the year with the Sports and Wellness Month. Officiated by the Pro-Chancellor, Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah, the month-long event saw students, staff, alumni and other members of the community came together for the love of sports and fitness.
Among the activities held were Yoga, Tai Chi, Zumba, balance testing, tele-match games, health checks including body mass, blood pressure, and blood typing, dental screenings, fitness and flexibility testing, wellness massage by the Blind Society, cooking-oil-recycling and healthy cooking demonstrations. These activities were jointly organized by staff from various faculties. The Vice-Chancellor and Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Affairs also led evening walks around the campus, walking the path to a healthier and more active lifestyle.
The Student Council Representatives organized two days of Free Hugs, to the delight of their classmates and lecturers. They were seen at strategic points in the Campus, wearing huge signs of “Free Hugs”. Julian Christopher Richard, President of SRC, said that hugging therapy has significant benefits to our emotional and physical wellbeing and advocates that hugging should be done more often.
Friendly competitions were also organized, with great participation from students of every faculty. Among them were the CrossFit competition, the “Fun and Fit” race, and “Guess the Football Song” competition.
All too soon, the month of January came to a close and with it, the closing ceremony for the Sports and Wellness Month, held on 31 January. Winners of competitions were awarded prizes and hampers. The real winners are all the staff, students and friends, who have each benefitted from the month-long activities. Kudos to Associate Professor Chan Sook Chin, Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences for a very successful and fun-filled month.

Research Collaboration with Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation
Published on: 28-02-2019
On 23rd January 2019, MAHSA University signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Vinayaka Missions Research Foundation (VMRF), India. VMRF’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Dr. P.K. Sudhir signed the MOU for VMRF while Vice-Chancellor, Profẹssor Dato’ Dr. Ishak bin Abdul Razak, signed for MAHSA University.
Since its establishment in 1981, VMRF has had close to 15,000 students and 5,000 staff in the university. VMRF also takes pride in being the only one of its kind in India that has established three medical colleges, one dental college, and two engineering colleges apart from other paramedical and homoeopathy colleges.
Under the MOU, it was agreed that MAHSA University and VMRF will develop collaborative opportunities such as exchanges of students and study abroad programmes. Both universities will also endeavour to find opportunities for conducting collaborative research and development, for conducting lectures and seminars and organising symposia and conferences. There will be mutual exchanges of academic information and materials.

Student Exchange Programmes Established with Ansan University, South Korea
Published on: 28-02-2019
MAHSA University has signed an MoU with Ansan University, South Korea on 3rd January 2019. This significant event was attended by Ansan University’s Head of Specialized College of Korea, Professor Yun Dong Yeol, who signed the MOU for Ansan University, and our Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ishak bin Abdul Razak, who signed for MAHSA University.
Ansan is a young, dynamic and promising university with over 4,000 students and offers programmes in such diverse fields as nursing, physiotherapy, early childhood education, information technology, to name just a few.
This MOU will give MAHSA University and Ansan University the chance to develop collaboration opportunities such as student-exchange and study-abroad programmes. The first group of students embarking on the study abroad programmes is expected to take place in June this year. Both universities will also endeavour to find opportunities to conduct collaborative research and development, lectures, seminars, symposia and conferences. There will be mutual exchanges of academic information and materials.
MOUs such as this between MAHSA University and other academic institutions are a testament to our commitment to always making our students’ academic journey as rich and meaningful as possible, and to our commitment to excellence.

MAHSA University’s Professor Hematram Yadav is Keynote Speaker at International Conference in India
Published on: 27-02-2019
Professor Dr Hematram Yadav from the Department of Community Medicine, Faculty of Medicine was invited as Keynote Speaker and Guest of Honour at Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh Muslim University in Uttar Pradesh, India. This was a great honour not only for Professor Yadav but also for MAHSA University. Aligarh Muslim University is one of the oldest Universities in India and is ranked eleventh amongst the Universities in India and 801-1000 ranking by QS ranking. The theme of the conference was ‘Strengthening of Health Systems and Primary Health Care for Universal Health Coverage’. The aim was to bring together professionals and academic staff working in the field of Public Health both locally and internationally.
The conference was officially opened by Professor Tariq Mansoor, the Vice Chancellor of the Aligarh Muslim University. There were about 400 participants from all over India and the programme included plenary sessions as well as scientific ones. Professor Yadav’s keynote address was ‘Universal Health Coverage’. Professor Dr Hematram Yadav was given the honour of giving away the Valedictory Awards at the conference. This conference laid the foundation for MAHSA’s further collaboration not only between the two Universities, but also with several other universities in India as well.

MAHSA University’s Faculty of Dentistry Accredited as Centre for Cone-beam Computed Tomography
Published on: 27-02-2019
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Dentistry has been recognised as an accredited centre for the training of dental surgeons on Cone-beam Computed Tomography (CBCT). This approval was given by the Medical Radiation Protection Division (MRPD), an affiliate of the Ministry of Health Malaysia. This course is mandatory under the Atomic Energy Licensing Act (Act 304) for those dental surgeons who wish to own and use the CBCT machine in their dental clinics.
Dental Computerised Cone Beam Tomography is a 3-D imaging system used for the diagnosis of head and neck pathology. MAHSA University proudly received this endorsement from MRPD in September 2018. MAHSA’s DDS students will get to learn CBCT theory in their third year, and practical and clinical studies will follow in their fourth and fifth years. This CBCT course will take place in the form of workshops run every four months, and will add 6 CPD points for dentists. Professor Prabhakharan is the pioneer of CBCT in Malaysia and the recognised teaching expert in the field. MAHSA University is the second accredited centre for training in this modality.
The inaugural course was held as follows:
Date : 7th December 2018
Time : 9.00 am - 3.00 pm
Venue : Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA University, Malaysia
The coordinator of the course was Professor Dr Phrabhakaran and the teaching assistants were Dr Sathick Manzoor J and Dr Prashanti C. The hands-on session was supported by Puan Faezah Binti Idris and Cik Khairun Izzati Binti Zainal Ashar, our resident dental radiographers.

Unity in Diversity. Chinese New Year Celebration at MAHSA
Published on: 27-02-2019
MAHSA once again hosted Chinese New Year celebrations this year for its diverse population of staff and students. Indeed, the international students at MAHSA come from seventy-five nationalities. Regardless of nationality, cultural backgrounds, race or religious beliefs, these differences provide the diversity of thought and great ideas. For multi-cultural and multi-racial MAHSA, this inclusive culture that celebrates and values our diversity means that students are all the richer for the experience.
Students and staff receive tangerines, a traditional gift at Chinese New Year, representing happiness and abundance. At the university, a long table was laden with more than sixty kilograms of vegetables, condiments, oils and sauces for the Long Prosperity Toss. With Pro-Chancellor, Professor Tan Sri Hj. Mohamed Haniffa, who led the shouts of “huat ah”, 500 people at the long table tossed and shouted for good luck, abundance and prosperity.
Acrobatic lion dance performances were also held at several campuses. Accompanied by the beating of drums and cymbals, the lion dance signifies a new beginning, of good fortune and prosperity, of peace and hope.
For more information on our events, contact marketing@mahsa.edu.my

Press Release BVB and MAHSA Education Group
Published on: 01-02-2019
31st Jan 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Current Bundesliga leaders and eight time Bundesliga champions Borussia Dortmund and MAHSA Group have forged a partnership that allows students from MAHSA Group to benefit from BVB’s top youth coaches and club executives. Students will be provided coaching and practical learning opportunities as well as distinct pathways from education into employment.
BVB’s Head of International and Business Development, Mr Benedikt Scholz, said: “We are naturally very pleased to have reached this agreement with MAHSA Group and it is important for us to have a strong university relationship here in Kuala Lumpur.”
Mr Suresh Letchmanan, Managing Director of BVB Asia Pacific further elaborated that MAHSA University’s location in the heart of KL’s education precinct provides them with scalable, non-traditional business opportunities that are perfectly aligned to BVB’s core purposes as a sporting club.

Engineering and Science Students’ Exhibition
Published on: 30-01-2019
In its initiative to encourage participatory and hands-on learning in Engineering and Science, MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and IT organised the Engineering and Science Students’ Exhibition on 8th January 2019. The great significance of this exhibition was that it fostered the acquisition of different skill sets that allowed the growth of multiple faculties of intelligence in societal circumstances.
The exhibition was organised with the key objective of bringing out students’ hidden talents and to create a greater awareness of Engineering and Science. The exhibits included displays and presentations from different batches of the Engineering and IT Faculty.
A professional talk was given by Vice Chairman of The Institution of Engineering and Technology, Ir Amir Farid, to motivate students in their studies and career development. Having had a comprehensive work experience, he told students how to find passion in their engineering careers. Being an elucidating and erudite speaker, he then shared the skills required for a leader to excel in the job.
Finally, in the prize-giving ceremony, winners were commended and participants were rewarded with certificates and mementos. The awards were as follows:
1. Best Project Award: Mohamed Sheham Mohamed Abdul Kader with title IOT Based Emergency Power Shutdown Switch for Industrial Machines
2. Best Poster Award: Zaina M Zaki with title Advanced Smart Blind Cane 2.0: A Multi directional Sensory Aid
The event gave the budding engineers a wonderful opportunity to express their originality and gain self-confidence. All in all, the Engineering and Science exhibition, including the competition, was a huge success indeed.

Congratulations to the 2019 Student Representative Council
Published on: 30-01-2019
Heartiest Congratulations to our newly elected student leaders.
As student leaders, the Student Representative Council members are the voice of the seven thousand MAHSA students on campus. They bring ideas, requests, and feedback to the management of the university.
In congratulating the newly elected council. Vice Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ishak bin Abdul Razak said that the newly elected council has been given an opportunity to make meaningful change, to make the university a better place for all students. As important and empowered stakeholders of the university, he advised them to provide a strong voice for students, service the community and university, and leave the SRC better than what it was.
Julian Christopher Richard, newly elected President of the SRC who led the council in their oath taking before the student body, said “Being elected to the SRC is one of the greatest opportunities during our university life. It’s a big transition from being a student who is responsible for getting to class on time to being responsible for the entire student body and to champion their interests. We want to engage students from across all faculties who are passionate about enhancing the student experience. Above all, we want to make student life the best yet, for every student in MAHSA.”
The 2019 MAHSA University Student Representative Council:
Mr. Julian Christopher Richard | President |
Ms. Anis Sofea Binti Rudy Iriawan | Deputy President |
Mr. Mohd Syazdwan Afee Bin Maidin | Vice President (Academic & Alumni) |
Ms. Putri Ely Nurdiyana Binti Shariff | Vice President (Sports & Cultural) |
Mr. Lim Yong Seng | Vice President (Social, Volunteering, & Media, Publication) |
Mr. Tarek Mohamed Fouad Abdalla Elsedawy | Vice President (International) |
Ms. Siti Sufiah Shaherah Binti Zainudin | Secretary |
Ms. Qistina Zulaikha Binti Helmi | Secretary |
Mr. Kee Ooi Yuen | Treasurer |
Mr. Muhammad Jamal Irshad | Council Member |
Ms. Aisswarya A/P Anparasan | Council Member |
Ms. Nur Aqilah Binti Mustafa | Council Member |
Mr. Mark Alexis Chia Jihnming | Council Member |
Mr. Surendran s/o Perumal | Council Member |
Ms. Nur Syakirah binti Ahmad Fadzel Khusairi | Council Member |
Mr. Suganesvaran A/L Kesavan | Council Member |
Ms. Chin Jia Xin | Council Member |
Ms. Rutrah A/P Sangaran | Council Member |
Ms. Nur Syaarah binti Samalidin | Council Member |
Mr. Chang Tek Nam | Council Member |
Ms. Reenajit Kaur A/P Charanjit Singh | Council Member |
Mr. Bennett Dale Wong Hoi | Council Member |
Mr. Abu Shareb Hamza Hadi | Council Member |
Ms. Aini Syuhada Binti Shamsul | Council Member |

MAHSA Recognized as Accredited Centre by Medical Radiation Protection Division, Ministry of Health Malaysia
Published on: 30-01-2019
The Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA University is now recognized as an accredited center for the training of dental surgeons on dental panoramic imaging. The approval was given by the Medical Radiation Protection Division, an affiliate of the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
An inaugural course was held on the 30th of November 2018 at the Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA University. This course is mandatory under Atomic Energy Licensing Act (Act 304) for dental surgeons who wish to own dental panoramic machines in their dental clinics.
Fourteen participants attended the course. The coordinator was Prof. Dr. Phrabhakaran and the teaching assistants were Dr. Sathick Manzoor J and Dr. Prashanti C . The hands-on session was supported by our resident dental radiographers, Puan Faezah Binti Idris and Cik Khairun Izzati Binti Zainal Ashar.

Dental Students Study Abroad Programme
Published on: 30-01-2019
Nine final-year students from MAHSA University’s Doctor of Dental Surgery programme had the opportunity to participate in the Student Mobility Programme with Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences, India, from 27th October to 11th November 2018.
Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences is based in Chennai, in the Tamil Nadu state of Southern India. Saveetha Institute of Medical and Technical Sciences is one of India's leading education machineries and the largest specialist centre for education in disciplines such as medicine, dental surgery, engineering, physiotherapy, nursing, law and management.
The two-week programme was designed to promote and enhance the international learning experience for students. They were able to observe different clinical cases treated at Saveetha Dental Hospital and participate in interactive lecture sessions. They were also exposed to Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Computer-Aided Manufacturing (CAM), used in both dental laboratories and dental offices. They also got to experience working with a dental microscope and hands-on activities on tissue processing, sectioning and staining. In clinics, they experienced the use of iPad-based Hospital Information System.
Associate Professor Dr. Prathap, Deputy Dean at the faculty, accompanied the students and discussed future collaborations on staff research, especially in the field of Orthodontics.

Sri Sai Home, Klang

Lighting of Deepam

Performance by MAHSA University

Committee Members

Launching of Magazine

Token appreciation to YB Prabakaran

Winners of Dandiya Oli 2018
Festival of Lights Warms Orphans' Hearts
Published on: 28-01-2019
MAHSA University’s Indian Cultural Society (ICS) held its Deepavali Night with the theme of “Dandiya Oli” on 30th November 2018. Deepavali is one of the main festivals of India, celebrating the victory of good over evil and light over dark. The successful event helped raise funds for Persatuan Kebajikan Jagaan Sri Sai Selangor (PKJSSS), which currently has fifty children under its care residing in a house managed by Madam Rameswary Ravee.
The programme was officiated by Dato’ Dr Sharon bin Tan Sri Datuk Mohamed Haniffa, Group Executive Director of MAHSA University, and YB Tuan P Prabakaran, member of parliament for Batu. The event drew around 500 people to the function, including twenty-five children from PKJSSS. Celebrities in the Malaysian film and music industry also made a special appearance, including popular actors in the Malaysian Tamil film industry, Ms Jasmine Michael and Madam Kalaimaamani Mdm Egavalli, artiste and deejay of Minnal of FM Malaysia Radio Station- Ms Tresa Lazaroo , celebrity winner of Super Star 2018 -Mr Anbalagan, and popular actor, model and deejay - Ms Ushaanthini Putharasan.
The night began with the traditional Indian Bharatanatyam dance followed by the Odissi dance, Indian folk dances, Bollywood dances, and music performances by children from PKJSSS and students from MAHSA University. During the event, ICS launched the first edition of “Dandiya Oli 2018”, an annual student magazine comprised of articles, poetry, puzzles and students’ thoughts and ideas. The purpose of the magazine is to instil leadership qualities, encourage teamwork, boost cultural exchange and foster networking.
The function ended with a lavish Indian cuisine dinner for the guests. The Deepavali Night was indeed a huge success celebrating Malaysia’s rich cultural diversity and appreciating one’s cultural roots.

MOU signing ceremony with SELSET

With Dr Stuart Wise, International Dean for College of Education University of Canterbury

With Mr. Dave Connell, Business School International Manager University of Canterbury

With Dr. Marek Tesar, Associate Dean International (Strategic Management) University of Auckland
The New Zealand Connection at MAHSA University
Published on: 25-01-2019
MAHSA University’s collaboration with New Zealand universities is further strengthen with the recent visits by the University of Canterbury and the University of Aukland in December 2018.
The University of Auckland is ranked #1 in New Zealand and #71 worldwide in the QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2019 whilst the University of Canterbury is ranked #3 in New Zealand and #231 worldwide.
University of Canterbury’s Associate Dean – International, Dr Stuart Wise and International Business Development Manager, Mr Dave Connell, spoke with SELSET Managing Director, Mr. Rick Yong and MAHSA’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic Affairs and Corporate Servies), Ms Stella Lau, on the pathways for undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. Students will now have more opportunities for global exchanges. “Some students might prefer to transfer for a semester or so, or even for as short as two weeks and we are committed to enrich the student experience,” said Rick Yong.
University of Auckland’s Associate Dean for the Faculty of Education and Social Work, Dr Marek Tesar, shared the university’s articulation pathways from MAHSA’s Foundation programmes. Both MAHSA and the University of Auckland agreed to explore possible future collaborations in the areas of TESL and Early Childhood Education. MAHSA is expected to launch its Diploma in Education (TESL) and Diploma in Early Childhood Education in September of this year.
For students who are looking to expand their horizons, do contact the Students Success Centre located at The Spine.

A Night to Remember - Magical Masquerade by the Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality
Published on: 24-01-2019
MAHSA University’s youngest and fastest growing faculty, the Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality (FBFH) recently organised their inaugural faculty annual dinner. FBFH was established three years ago and already has thirteen programs under its repertoire with two programs at postgraduate level and is developing two more by the end of the year, notably the PhD in Management and the Masters in Public Administration.
Themed Magical Masquerade, the night was a scintillating success, where attendees came in their very best. Held at the Bora Ombak Marina, Putrajaya on 29th November 2018, it was a night of fun and camaraderie for over 280 students. Students also had the opportunity to showcase their varied artistic prowess in various dances, songs and other performances.
The student committee also voted for the Faculty’s Best Lecturers for Year 2018 for their commitment to their work and the unwavering help and support they give their students. Ms. Zuria Suzieana Zolkepli and Mr. Mohd Firdaus Akmal were chosen by students a month prior to the annual dinner as the faculty’s best lecturers.
Lucky draws and games added to the fun and fervor of the night, which was indeed a memorable one, paving the way to enhanced student-staff rapport and relationships and allowing MAHSA students to experience yet another way that MAHSA University is Always More.

Published on: 17-01-2019
It has become a yearly tradition that MAHSA University’s Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Science organises a seminar on the Rational Use of Antibiotics in an effort to educate doctors and students on this important issue. Antibiotics can save life if used promptly and correctly in patients with bacterial infection. It can also be the curse of a patient if it is inappropriately used. Resistant strains of bacteria are the scourge of the world now and it may be healthcare providers who are the cause of this curse through rampant use when it is not indicated. Lay people may not know that viruses are not affected by antibiotics, and viruses are the most common cause of upper respiratory tract infections.
This year, the seminar was held on 15th December 2018 and the official opening was conducted by the outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Prof Dato’ Dr. Khairul Anuar b Abdullah. His presence reflected the importance that MAHSA University places on this very important public health issue.
Thematic lectures were delivered by Pn. Noraini Binti Mohamad, Professor Dato’ Dr. Hj Abdul Razak bin Abdul Muttalif, Dr. Alif Adlan and Dr. Suganthi Thevarajah, who are acknowledged experts in their own fields of pharmacy practice, respiratory medicine, infectious diseases and dermatology respectively. The lectures were interactive in nature and highly appreciated. The topics included the national and local strategic approaches to antibiotic use, its role in community-acquired pneumonia, infection and clinical decision-making, and treatment of common skin infections prevalent in outpatient clinics.
The 170 participants of this lecture had the opportunity to take part in a lucky draw competition with a chance to win sponsored prizes. It was a joyous day indeed for the participants to win prizes and improve their knowledge as well! The seminar was closed by the Head of Department of Pharmacology, Assoc. Prof Dr. Chitra Govindaraja.
MAHSA University is looking forward to next year’s event, which will reflect the theme of the antibiotic week set by the World Health Organization for the year.

Published on: 17-01-2019
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Science successfully conducted a Seminar on Hospital Management on 22nd and 23rd November, 2018. The seminar was open to professionals and students from all relevant fields, including hospital managers, directors, administrators, doctors and nurses from the Ministry of Health (MOH), as well as staff of MAHSA University. Twenty participants took part in and benefited from this seminar.
The seminar was accredited by the Malaysian Medical Association (MMA) for 10 CPD points, and it addressed some of the key points of effective Hospital Management. These experiences from the field were delivered by experienced policy makers who are currently academic staff at the University.
Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, the Dean, opened the course with a warm welcome address and the acknowledgement of the efforts of the Department of Community Medicine for conducting such a useful seminar. He emphasized that seminars like this find relevance in the current setting where hospitals in the country are facing major issues.
The speakers were Dato’ Dr. Zaininah Md Zain, Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Student Affairs and previously Hospital Director at Kuala Lumpur General Hospital, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, Dean, Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Science, Prof Dr. Hematram Yadav and Associate Professor Dato’ Dr. Prathapa Senan from the Community Medicine Department. The seminar indeed imparted some vital practical tips on Hospital Management as assured by the course coordinator, Prof Dr. Hematram Yadav. The seminar was extremely well received by all participants, some of whom have enrolled in other CPD courses which will be held in the near future.
For students who may be interested to pursue a career in Hospital Management, MAHSA University offers the Bachelor of Hospital Management and MBA in Hospital Management.

Open Days@MAHSA 12-13 January 2019
Published on: 11-01-2019
MAHSA University will be holding its Open Days this weekend, on 12-13 January, 2019.
Open Days are a great opportunity to come and see the University for yourself, and find out about study options and the campus environment from the people who know it best: staff and students.
Choosing a university is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Where you attend university will have a lasting impact on your personal and professional life. But perhaps more than that, it builds a strong mind, which leads to greater self-awareness, capability, accomplishment, and service opportunities, which leads to a better job and the fulfilment of your personal mission.
We invite you to explore the campus and learn more out the range of programmes available. Please ask us about admissions, academic quality and accreditations, accommodation and the MAHSA360 experience.
On the Open Days, there will be:
Information Booths
There will be Information Booths to give more in-depth advice about programmes, admissions, finance, study abroad options, scholarships, student life, on-campus accommodation and much more.
Campus Tours
Check out or facilities that are built to give you the very best in student experience. Remember to visit our Anatomy Labs, Skills Labs, Library, Dental Clinics, Sports Complex and e-Sports Arena
Workshops and Hands-On Experience
Saturday, 12 January 2019 | Time |
Is a Career in Medicine Right for Me? | 10.00 am - 11.00 am |
Working in Dentistry | 11.30 am - 12.00 pm |
Study Pathways in New Zealand | 12.30 pm - 1.00 pm |
A Peek into Restaurant Management: Fine Dining & The Art of Mocktails | 1.30 pm - 2.30 pm |
Experience Pharmacy : The Microballoons Drug Delivery System | 3.00 pm - 4.00 pm |
Sunday, 13 January 2019 | Time |
Physiotherapy - How to Make the Right Moves | 10.00 am - 11.00 am |
Engineer your Future | 11.30 am - 12.30 pm |
Study Pathways in UK and Australia | 12.30 pm - 1.30 pm |
Code Blue : Nurses to the Rescue | 2.00 pm - 3.00 pm |
Become a Biomedical Scientist | 3.30 pm - 4.30 pm |
Throughout the weekend you will be able to meet current MAHSA students and find out what it's really like to study here. We are also celebrating our Sports and Wellness Month, so come along and participate in our Health Carnival where you will enjoy free services such as health screening, medical consultation on blood pressure and blood glucose, dental screening, fitness testing. Visitors will also enjoy free health supplements, free Tune Talk sim cards and be entertained by various performances by students.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend. For enquiries, call 03-51022200 or toll free 1800 88 0300.

MAHSA's E-Sports Arena
Published on: 10-01-2019
MAHSA University opens its new E-Sports Arena located in The Spine, at the hub of Student Central.
MAHSA’s Group Managing Director, Dato’ Dr. Shahril bin Tan Sri Haniffa, said that the E-Sports Arena will enhance the student experience. “Playing competitive e-sports teaches students discipline, performing under pressure, commitment, teamwork, handling criticism, dealing with success and failure, and many other valuable soft skills that translate to the workforce.”
The E-Sports Arena is open to all levels of casual gamers, and will host events and activities that focus on community, social good, wellness and lifelong learning. It also makes gaming inexpensive and widely accessible to students, and in a safe environment. Costing over RM500,000 the E-Sports Arena makes up of:
- The Cyber-Zone; which is equipped with the games FiFA-3, Heroes of Newerth, League of Legend, Counter-Strike Global Offensive, Player Unknown Battlegrounds and Dota 2
- The VR Experience; which has the games Beat Saber, Binary Bots, Fast Action Hero, FruitNinja, Google Earth. NBA2k, SportsBar, InMind, Surgeon Simulator, The Body VR
- The Racing Simulator; with the games Copa Petrobras de Marcas, High Octane Drift, Project CARS – Pagani Edition. RaceRoom Racing Experience, Victory: The Age of Racing
- The Classical Arcade Games Station; which consists of the games Street Fighter, 1941, Pac-Man, Battle City, Super Mario Bros and 1,294 more retro games.
The E-Sports Arena is open to the public this weekend 12-13 January 2019, from 10am to 5pm.
For students who may be interested to pursue a career in Games Development, MAHSA University offers the Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons), with specialisations in Games Development and Mobile Computing.

MAHSA University’s Faculty of Pharmacy Celebrates Five First-Class Honours
Published on: 17-11-2018
Families and friends travelled from near and far to join the Faculty of Pharmacy’s graduands at the freshly-minted Grand Hall on Saturday 17 November 2018. The graduating students who attended were in high spirts, as were their most devoted supporters and mentors. The Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) graduates from the 2018 cohort attained outstanding results across the board, with five students achieving First-Class Honours, among whom one also received the coveted Vice-Chancellor’s Award. The Vice-Chancellor’s Award recognises superior performance in all academic records and participation in non-academic matters. The high number of students achieving First-Class Honours is reflective of the quality of students graduating from programme.
Nurul Irfana Binti Hassan Bashri (pictured) attained First-Class Honours and won the Vice Chancellor’s award. She has completed a final-year research project entitled ‘Risk Factors Associated with Asthma Attacks Among Malaysian Adult Asthmatic Patients’. The outcome of the research has been presented at various international conferences.
The four other students who attained First-Class Honours were Chow Cher Qian, Vivian Goh Jing Yi, Choi Evon and Ng Li Shan. These students have also excelled in research and co-curricular activities. Chow was elected as the chairperson of International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcome Research (ISPOR) MAHSA student chapter. She also presented several research topics in ISPOR Tokyo Conference 2018. Vivian and Choi were active committee members of MAHSA Pharmacy Students’ Society and successfully organised Public Health Campaigns such as Antibiotic Handle Campaign with Care (2017) and Heart Disease Awareness Campaign (2018). Ng took part in two important student leadership roles - Vice President of MAHSA Pharmacy Students’ Society and Secretary of MAHSA Students’ Representative Council (SRC).
The Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) degree is designed to comprehensively prepare students for a career in pharmacy by providing them with an integrated framework of pharmacy modules that reflects contemporary pharmacy practice and industry relevance. The four-year programme involves clinical placements throughout the programme in hospitals, geriatric (primary) care, community pharmacies, and industry as well as a final-year research project.
Professor Dr. Munavvar Zubaid, the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy commented, “Comprehensive clinical pharmacy and industrial pharmaceutical placement puts our graduates ahead of the rest. It allows them to gain valuable practical experience which might not be available elsewhere in their course of study.”

MAHSA wins Young Investigator Award 2018 by the European Respiratory Society at the 23rd Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR 2018), Taipei, Taiwan
Published on: 02-12-2018
Dr. Sohail Ahmad, Lecturer from the Faculty of Pharmacy was the worthy recipient of the highly-coveted Young Investigator Award 2018 by the European Respiratory Society (ERS) at the 23rd Congress of Asian Pacific Society of Respirology (APSR 2018) held in Taipei, Taiwan from 29 November to 2 December 2018. The ERS Young Investigator Award was given to Dr. Sohail based on the scientific merits of his submitted abstract and his research achievements of outstanding quality in the respiratory area of diseases. The chief guest of the congress was Mr. Chen Chien-jen, the Vice President of the Republic of China (Taiwan). A total of 3,328 respiratory specialists and researchers in the Asia-Pacific region from forty-one countries attended the Congress.
Dr. Sohail presented his research work entitled “A qualitative study exploring the barriers and challenges to asthma management as perceived by Malaysian asthmatic patients” and “Validation of risk factors of asthma attack questionnaire among Malaysian adult asthmatic patients”. His presented findings will be helpful in identifying the risk factors of asthma attacks and optimizing asthma management by addressing the barriers and challenges as cited by Malaysian asthmatics.
The award was acknowledged by Professor Clayton T. Cowl (President of the American College of Chest Physicians), Professor Polly Parsons (President of the American Thoracic Society), Professor Yoshinori Hasegawa (Chairperson of the Japanese Respiratory Society), Dr. Thierry Trooster (President the European Respiratory Society), Dr. Paul Zimmerman (a veritable legend of Thoracic Medicine in Australia), Professor Paul Reynolds (Editor in Chief, Respirology), and Professor Kwun Fong (President of APSR 2018).
Dr. Sohail expressed his deepest gratitude to the members of his research team (Dr. Ahmad Izuanuddin Ismail, Dr. Mohd Arif Mohd Zim, Ms. Wong Yii Zhi and Ms. Nurul Irfana), staff and leaders of the Faculty of Pharmacy, MAHSA University, for their kind assistance in his research-related activites.

Engineering, Science & Technology International Conference 2018 (ESTIC'18)
Published on: 27-11-2018
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology successfully organised its first “Engineering, Science & Technology International Conference 2018 (ESTIC’18)” on the 26th and 27th November 2018. This conference is a platform to share innovative ideas, latest technological information, research findings and strategic solutions. The inaugural ceremony of this international conference was initiated with an opening speech by YB Tuan Haji Mohd Anuar Bin Mohd Tahir, Malaysia’s Deputy Minister of Works. During the conference, the faculty is humbled to receive a Welding Robot worth approximately RM140,000 from its industry partner, MSM Metal Industries Sdn Bhd. The robot will be used to enhance research and learning experiences for its Engineering students.
Nine distinguished speakers from various renowned universities, professional bodies and relevant industries were invited for the keynote sessions. The eminent speakers were Dr. Subramaniam Karuppannan (MAHSA University), Mr Fong Swee Hin (MSM Metal Industries Sdn Bhd) , Professor Dr. Norani Muti Mohamed (University Teknologi Petronas), Ir. Jimmy Wan Yoon Hin (ESAC Design Group), Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Sharifah Hafizah Syed Ariffin (Univesiti Teknologi Malaysia), Professor Ir. Dr. Denny K. S. Ng (University of Nottingham, Malaysia), Ir. Dr. Tan Chee Fai (IEM Treasurer), Ir. Dr.David Chuah (IET Treasurer) and Ir. Ellias Saidin (ASEAN Engineering Head Commissioner).
Six international companies from the industrial sector and three professional bodies participated as exhibitors. They are Technological Association Malaysia (TAM), the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Malaysia and the Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM).
The Technical Review Committee selected 65 out 100 papers from various countries, including Indonesia, Algeria, Nigeria, China and Malaysia for presentation in the conference.
The conference was concluded with the various award presentations in the closing ceremony by Ir. Yam Teong Sian, President of Technological Association Malaysia (TAM). The Young Scientist Network – Academy of Science Malaysia Awards went to Nazriah Mahmud, Hilton Ahmad and Lim Sin Nie. The Engineering, Science & Technology International Conference Young Icon Award was awarded to Ir. Dr. Oh Chai Lian. The Best Paper Awards went to Yagasena Appannah, Siaw Wee Ong, Teck Leong Lau, Tuck Wai Yeong, Mohammed Parvez Anwar, Wael Elleithy, Sagevindren Mariappan and Preethi Shrivastava. The Best Presenter Awards were given to Noorhidayah Sunarti, Raziff Hamsan, Saeed Isa Ahmed, Preeti Shrivastava and Yagasena Appannah.

Launching of Master of Physiotherapy
Published on: 13-11-2018
MAHSA University’s Master of Physiotherapy was officially launched on 13 November 2018. This is a one-year full-time or two-year part-time programme by course work. Specialisations are available in either Musculoskeletal or Neurology.
Ms Stella Lau, the Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Academic Affairs and Corporate Services, and Associate Professor Chan Sook Chin, the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences, were at the official launching with the first intake of nineteen students, physiotherapy lecturers and the Head of Physiotherapy, Associate Professor Lourdhuraj, who is also the Programme Leader. Seventeen local students and two international ones enrolled in this programme.
The rationales for developing this programme is to produce postgraduate physiotherapists for specialisation and for physiotherapy lecturers to upgrade their qualifications with a specialised postgraduate qualification. In Malaysia, there is a shortage of physiotherapists with postgraduate qualifications as compared to other health professions. This programme recognises the importance of providing opportunities for continuous professional development (CPD) for physiotherapists in their area of specialisation for the benefit of the community. Physiotherapists with postgraduate qualifications and some years of practice can be registered as expert practitioners, helping the profession to grow.
Candidates are expected to be independent, critical-thinking learners, developing advanced skills and knowledge. Evidence-based practice and clinical reasoning will still be the focus for developing physiotherapists to manage complex conditions with multiple pathologies. MAHSA University has invested greatly in the very best facilities for students to conduct research.
This programme will meet the needs of individual physiotherapists who want to advance their knowledge and skills in musculoskeletal and neurology.
Students’ Research Published in Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry
Congratulations to final year MBBS MAHSA students for successfully completing their research projects and getting their extracts published in the Malaysian Journal of Psychiatry 2018 Volume 27.
Hee Yan Han, Alvin Chai Chung Liong and Ng Li Ying presented a research project on “Eating Disorders, Body Image and Drug Use Among Healthcare Students in a Malaysian University”. Their aim was to determine the prevalence of these problems among healthcare students and their association with the demographic profile. Their findings reflect that the prevalence of possible eating disorders, negative body image and drug use among healthcare students were found to be similar to that of the general population.
Another student, Najwa S.A Abushnaf presented her research project on ‘War Trauma And Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Among Tawerghean Refugee Children’. MAHSA University strongly supports her mission to raise awareness of the plight of refugee children in Libya through her project. Her research objective was to assess the association of the war and post-traumatic stress disorder in children. Her research reported high rates of PTSD scores observed among refugee children based on Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders criteria of PTSD. It emphasised that PTSD is not something to be taken lightly, and should be considered in the care and education of refugee children.
The students credited the professors at MAHSA for the opportunities opened to them. The research projects have created new knowledge and awareness and they hope to do more research on complex areas.

MAHSA University Appoints new Vice-Chancellor and Pro-Chancellor
MAHSA University has announced the appointment of Professor Dato’ Dr Ishak Abdul Razak, as the new Vice-Chancellor. Professor Dato’ Dr Ishak is the current Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation and replaces outgoing Vice-Chancellor, Academician Professor Dato' Dr Khairul Anuar Abdullah who has accepted the appointment as Pro-Chancellor, effective 1 January 2019.
Professor Dato’ Dr Ishak is a prominent figure in dental education and research. His current research interests are in areas pertaining to epidemiology and health impact of oral diseases, ‘Case-Mix Funding Model’ for oral health care and oral cancers. He has secured more than RM 5 million in research funding throughout his academic career and has published more than 120 papers in international and local journals with over a hundred presentations.
Professor Dato’ Dr Ishak read at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, London Hospital Medical College, University of London and University of Malaya.
Among his achievements are:
- Professor of Dental Public Health and Deputy Vice-Chancellor of Research and Innovation at MAHSA University in 2018
- Senior Professor at University Malaya in 2014
- Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry at University Malaya prior to taking up the Vice-Chancellorship of the Vinayaka Missions International University College in 2012
- Chair of Community Dentistry in 1992 and made Senior Professor in 2003
- A member of the Dental Education Commission
- A member of Asia Pacific Dental Federation/ Asia Pacific Regional Organisation
“I am very excited to lead MAHSA into the next phase of growth. In a very short time, MAHSA has established itself in the areas of medical and health education, driven by a strong performance culture. We are repositioning now and I will build on the values that we have and steer MAHSA towards the next growth trajectory.”
Academician Professor Dato' Dr Khairul Anuar Abdullah, who was the first Vice Chancellor has contributed much and played a very important role in the emergence and expansion of MAHSA University. He joined MAHSA in 2007 as the Founding Dean of the Faculty of Medicine. Among his other achievements are:
- 2013 – Received title of Academician from the Academy of Sciences Malaysia (ASM)
- 2012 - Appointed as the Vice Chancellor & Chief Executive of MAHSA University
- 2011 – Recognised for Outstanding contributions to Science and Technology by the Malaysian Scientific Association (MSA)
- 2002 – Conferred the Sandosam Gold Medal for achievements in and contributions to tropical disease research
- 2001 - Awarded the Toray Science Award for Distinguished Researcher of the Year
- 1988 – Awarded the MSPTM Silver medal in recognition of his significant contributions
In his new position, Academician Professor Dato' Dr Khairul Anuar is committed to enhance the quality of education in MAHSA University and will continue in his efforts to ensure a progressive governance in the university.

MAHSA student elected as Assistant Country Director (Malaysia) for Global Peace Chain
MAHSA University congratulates Tishan Gunasegaran, who has been elected as the Assistant Country Director (Malaysia) for Global Peace Chain. Tishan is a final-year medical student and the Student Representative for Year 5 MBBS.Tishan has consistently exemplified the best traits of all-round scholarship with steady academic progress as well as being actively involved in the MAHSA Medical Society in its Outreach Clinical Camp events. He has also been on clinical medical camps in Da Nang via his involvement in the Sathya Sai International Organization.
This year, Tishan was chosen as one of the Malaysian delegates at the Word Urban Forum organised by the United Nations to examine the impact of rapid urbanization on communities with a focus on youth.
Global Peace Chain is a substantially large project comprising more than twenty international organizations across the world (http://globalpeacechain.org/). The core objective of global peace chain is to cultivate the culture of tolerance, inclusivity & social peace across the world through peace camps in universities, focused group discussions with society stakeholders, diplomats, ambassadors, influential community groups, religious scholars and community based organization by engaging Global Peace ambassadors in their respective communities.
This is a splendid achievement and we are extremely proud of our student who lives the ‘BE MORE’ motto of the university. Kudos to Tishan, who exemplifies a truly rounded individual with the finest attributes of conscientiousness, discipline, and sound ethical values.
MAHSA’s Online MBA opens news doors for Adult Learners
Published on: 28-12-2018
MAHSA University is proud to announce that the Faculty of Business, Finance & Hospitality is now offering the Master of Business Administration via Open and Distance Learning mode. The programme is specially adapted from MAHSA’s established conventional MBA programme to offer learners the benefits of online learning to fit their busy lifestyles and work schedules.
This is a one-year master’s programme by coursework, and by the end of this programme, learners will have mastered a range of multidisciplinary knowledge and skills that are required to be successful managers, entrepreneurs and strategists in the complex business environment. The uniqueness of the programme is that it takes into account the learner’s working experience. Learners may gain admission with a minimum of five years’ working experience in the relevant field and having passed the Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) Entry Examination.
Highly-qualified facilitators will provide online-based support throughout the studies and the online sessions will be conducted with audio and video presentations. Messages, chat logs and online forums will be available to the entire class. All these features will be supported via the Open Learning platform. The Open Learning platform provides a social learning environment in which learners feel empowered and deep learning experiences are fostered.
“I believe that online education is the future of further education and there have been great advances in knowledge sharing tools. MAHSA will lead the way in this new pedagogical approach towards achieving the Education 4.0,” said Group Managing Director, Dato’ Dr. Shahril bin Tan Sri Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa.
MAHSA’s unique ODL approach is ideal for adult learners who seek to pursue tertiary qualifications for professional development and self-enrichment at affordable fees with flexible payment schedules. More programmes are expected to go online in the near future and into new fields previously delivered online conventionally.

We are ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Published on: 18-12-2018
MAHSA University has received ISO 9001: 2015 Certification, having successfully passed the certification audit by SIRIM QAS International Sdn Bhd for the ISO 9001: 2015 Quality Management Systems for the Provision of Tertiary Education and Management of Research Activities. This is a three-year certification starting from 2018.
ISO 9001 is the most widely used and recognized standard for Quality Management Systems internationally. Organizations use the standard to ensure consistency of quality in its provide products and services that meet customer and regulatory requirements. SIRIM QAS is a subsidiary of the SIRIM Group, an internationally-accredited certification, inspection and testing services provider and highly recognised by the Department of Standards Malaysia (Standards Malaysia) and the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS).
The ISO Certification certifies that MAHSA has met all the requirements for standardization and quality assurance in the delivery of education of the highest quality with emphasis on hands-on training for our students.
With the ISO certification, MAHSA’s students are in an advantageous position for employability. It means that there is a high level of quality and standard involved in the delivery of academic deliverables. ISO management system certificates are widely recognized across the globe. Marketability of the MAHSA brand is more prominent as the ISO 9001 stands for quality at its very best.
MAHSA’s ISO 9001:2015 certification by SIRIM helps to ensure that our management systems are 'fit for purpose'. The QMS will not only provide continuous assessment and improvement but will enable senior management to identify risk and opportunities in an efficient management process. This will help to ensure that a proper ‘Plan, Do, Check and Action’ is in place to continuously improve existing systems. This certification communicates a positive message to staff, students and employers about MAHSA’s commitment towards quality.

Students Honour Lecturers at Annual Dinner
Published on: 29-11-2018
Every year, the students from the Centre for Pre-University Studies at MAHSA University would organize an annual dinner for their peers and invite the lecturers and staff members as a way to thank them for their support and guidance.
This year, the Centre for Pre-University Studies Annual Dinner 2018 was held on 19th October 2018, at The Everly Hotel, Putrajaya. The students ditched their casual university attires and came splendidly dressed and looked amazing.
It was the most anticipated event of the year. Several students showcased their multitude of talents in their performances throughout the dinner. Lucky draws were given out to squeals of delight and the organizing committee was quick to thank their sponsors for making the event possible.
Mdm. Amelinda Lee congratulated the students for a well-organized dinner that was both fun and meaningful. It was indeed a huge success and represented how closely knitted the students and staff members are.
It was a night to celebrate friendships and success. Many from the graduating batch have received offers to pursue their undergraduate degrees of choice, both locally and abroad. The students started their Pre-University journey as strangers and they are ending it as family. Indeed, the friendships they have formed, would last them a lifetime.

Dental graduate wins 2018 Chancellor’s Gold Medal Award
Published on: 29-11-2018
The Chancellor’s Gold Medal Award is considered the most prestigious award and is given to the top student who excels not only academically but shines in a wide range of extracurricular endeavours.
This year’s Chancellor’s Gold Medal Award went to Faculty of Dentistry graduate, Foo Guang Ian, who impressed the panel of judges with his all-round achievements.
Describing Ian as an all-star, Professor Dr. Rosnah Zain, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, commended him on being awarded the highest honour of the year. She particularly singled out his positivity and drive and the tremendous impact he has made on his classmates, lecturers and the community. She said that this was indeed an incredible honour to the faculty, for the acknowledgment of its student as amongst the best out of the best.
The parents of Foo Guang Ian were invited to stand and they were received with rapturous applause for the major role they have played in their son’s success.
In his Valedictorian speech, Ian thanked his parents and expressed his deep gratitude for the education and life lessons they have given him. He said the invaluable support he has from his parents, peers and lecturers have given him confidence and expanded his horizons. “We are different from the person we were when we first got here. MAHSA University has groomed us to be better people, in every aspect, and has instilled in us values and attributes to be a good dentist. Our journey does not end here. We have only just started. We will carry with us everything we have learned and we will use those to the best of our abilities”, he said to thunderous applause.

MAHSA Researchers Awarded RM335,200 in FRGS Grants
Published on: 29-11-2018
Three MAHSA lecturers were recently awarded research grants under the Fundamental Research Grant Scheme (FRGS) by the Ministry of Education, Malaysia.
The FRGS awards grants for research projects that generate new theories, concepts and ideas for the advancement of knowledge. This grant is awarded for projects not exceeding three years in duration and requires a commitment to the development of human capital.
In 2018, MAHSA submitted eight applications, for which three were successful, resulting in a success rate of 37.5%. This compares favourably with the national average of 18% success, for all grant applications under the Ministry of Education for the year 2018. The total grants received amounted to RM335,200. All the grants awarded are under the National Priority Area of Healthcare and Medicine.
The three lead researchers are Associate Professor Balijepalli Madhu Katyayani, Associate Professor Dr. Tan Koon Tatt and Ms. Shalini Vellasamy. Associate Professor Balijepalli was given a research grant of RM97,200 for her investigation into the Molecular Mechanisms Involved in Wound Healing Properties of Melastoma Malabathricum (L.) Using An In Vitro Approach. Associate Professor Dr. Tan Koon Tatt was awarded a grant of RM96,800 for his investigations on Structural Integrity of PEEK/CNF for Bone Plating Applications. Ms. Shalini was awarded a grant of RM141,200 to further her research on the Immunomodulatory Effects Of Crude Fenugreek Seed Extracton on Uropathogen Infected Human Masangial Cell Lines.

International Elderly Care Conference 2018
Published on: 29-11-2018
Organised by MAHSA’s Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, the International Elderly Care Conference 2018, held on 14-15 November 2018, with its theme Continuum Of Care, brought together more than 500 participants from health practitioners and educators.
Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman of MAHSA University, in his opening speech, congratulated the Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery and said that the conference was timely and presented the best opportunity for researchers and practitioners alike to keep abreast on challenges and concerns in the continuum of elderly care.
More than five hundred delegates were present at the conference. They were from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Japan. In the two days of the conference, they learned, networked and were inspired by home care and hospice professionals, policy makers and educators.
The keynote speakers include Dato’ Dr. Narimah Naim, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohamed Ismail bin Merican and Associate Professor Dr. Mustafa M.E Bodrick. There were a total of fourteen speakers and twenty-eight paper presenters, sharing their varied expertise. They provided insights and shared their knowledge and experience on special features of diseases in the elderly and best practices across the continuum of care.
At the event, MAHSA University also signed Memorandum of Agreements with 6 international colleges and universities to further collaborate on health and nursing education.

Five Biomedical Science students awarded First Class Honours from Anglia Ruskin University, UK.
Published on: 29-11-2018
The Biomedical Science degree at MAHSA is a dual award degree with Anglia Ruskin University, UK. This year, five graduates achieved the highest honours- the First Class Honours. Congratulations to Geetha Letchumanan, Michelle Lim Fong Ting, Chong Jia Shing, Kwan Yoke Ing and Chan Wai Hin. Twenty-two other graduates went on to receive the Second Class Upper Honours and eleven graduates obtained Second Class Lower Honours.
The MAHSA Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences (Hons) provides broad-based training in the practical applications of biomedical sciences and their related fields. The curriculum of this fully-accredited programme was developed by experts in their specific fields and validated by Anglia Ruskin University, United Kingdom (ARU). ARU, in validating the programme ensures that the quality is held to the same rigorous standards as their campus in London. The university sends a panel of moderators every semester to Malaysia for the moderation and validation exercise.
The ARU faculty panel was coordinated by Dr. Claire Pike, and included Dr. Christopher O’ Cane and Joseph Bird who are the other members involved in the assessment process. The external examiner for ARU, UK, is Professor Dr. Sue Jones, who is with the Department of Biomedical Sciences at York University, United Kingdom.
The committed team at MAHSA, led by the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy and Head of Department, Dr. Paulraj Ponniah, were commended for the quality and transparency of the assessments, clear feedback and outstanding students’ achievements.
The programme provides a platform for students to gain understanding of human health in terms of causes, diagnosis and monitoring of its treatment. As scientists, graduates would go on to work in scientific laboratories, forensic science, veterinary services or pathology laboratories.

Professor Dr. Shamala Devi Sekaran is the Joint Winner of the Toray Award 2018
Published on: 29-11-2018
Professor Dr. Shamala Devi Sekaran, Director of Basic Medical Sciences at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences, MAHSA University is the proud joint winner of the Toray Award for 2018. The Toray Award is a competitive award which is based on a presentation to a panel of judges. A renowned academic, Prof Shamala has made signification contribution to the research efforts at the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Science since joining MAHSA University more than year ago.
In congratulating Prof Dr. Shamala in her win, the Vice-Chancellor of MAHSA University, Professor Dato’ Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah commended her for her vast contribution to research. Prof Dr. Shamala has 202 publications, h-index of 25, 2293 WoS citations, 128 poster and oral presentations and 29 patents. She and her team have developed numerous viral & bacterial diagnostic tests. Among the awards she received include Excellent Service Award, 6 Gold, 2 silver and 5 Bronze awards for innovations, 3 Poster awards, Saintis Cemerlang, Woman Bioinnovator, Anugerah Inovasi Negara, Top Research Scientist and was made a Fellow in the Academy of Sciences in 2017. More than 19 MSc and 20 PhD students have graduated under her supervision.
Her expertise in the fields of dengue research and immunology have gained worldwide recognition and have led her to be an invited speaker in several conferences. She has also participated in evaluation of dengue diagnostic kits.
Prof Dr. Shamala is a member of a number of Editorial boards of international journals and several academic organizations. More recently, collaboration with Blusence-Diagnostics, a Danish company using nanoparticles have begun and a company (Blusense Health Sdn Bhd) set up to conduct clinical research into the validity of newer diagnostics.
The Toray award brings with it a RM 30,000 award which Professor Dr Shamala will share with her co-winners. MAHSA University and in particular the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences is honoured to have Prof Shamala as a valued member of the team.

MAHSA University Launches Master of Orofacial Sciences
Published on: 29-11-2018
MAHSA University is proud to announce the inaugural intake for the Master of Orofacial Sciences, a one-year postgraduate programme by course work. This one-year programme will be a pre-requisite to the first planned doctoral program, Doctor of Restorative Dentistry (DResDent). This combination of one-year masters and three-year doctoral programs will enable graduates to be registered with the Malaysian National Specialist Registry or the future Register of Specialists, under the Malaysian Dental Act 2018 when it is passed by Cabinet.
This Master programme provides opportunities for local private practitioners or potential dental lecturers to specialize in an area of interest to them. The common core courses make up 50% of the programme and includes Applied Medical and Dental Sciences, Research Methodology and Biostatistics, Research Project and General Dentistry. The Restorative Dentistry module shall comprise of at least 50% of the programme. The research project may be based on the simple collation of clinical data towards a clinical audit outcome, preliminary field studies or introductory laboratory studies. The research output can be in the form of mini-dissertations or scientific reports.
This programme will also cater to International candidates who may not have the financial capabilities to do the full specialist training programme in Malaysia but intend to have follow-up specialist training in their own country.
The Faculty of Dentistry at MAHSA University has one of the best dental teaching facilities in this region. Indeed, the management board has invested millions of dollars into providing dedicated and modern facilities. Together with a diverse team of experienced local and international teaching faculty as well as experienced visiting academics in the area of restorative dentistry, the Faculty of Dentistry looks forward to welcoming the first cohort of the Master of Orofacial Studies.
A Faculty First - Eleven MAHSA Academics appointed as External Examiners in Medicine
Published on: 22-11-2018
The Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences in MAHSA University has distinguished itself by having a large number of its academics appointed to other universities as External Examiners. It is a testament of the high repute of the academic staff among the peers of the profession. It is indeed a high honour for MAHSA.
It is an established practice for Universities to invite External Examiners to oversee the assessment procedures that would finally lead to the graduation of a student. The main argument in favour of such appointments is to ensure that, as far as possible, comparable standards are achieved in various institutions. In professional examinations such as the MBBS, the appointment of External Examiners is a prestigious one, acknowledging them to be respected peers.
The actual involvement of External Examiners in the professional examiners varies. It may involve approving the questions set, monitoring the marking process and approving the final results. Often, External Examiners will participate in oral examinations to determine distinction-level candidates and pass/fail decisions for borderline candidates.
The following is a listing of External Examiners appointed in 2018:
![]() Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy | Chief External Examiner Final Professional Part 1 Examinations, International Medical University (IMU) External Examiner Senior Cycle 1, O&G, Perdana University-RCSI School of Medicine |
![]() Senior Professor Dr. Balabaskaran Shanmugam | Chief External Examiner Part 1 MBBS Examination, Melaka Manipal University External Examiner Professional Part 1 MBBS Examination, Taylors University External Examiner Professional Part 1 MBBS Examination, Universiti Pertahanan National Malaysia (UPNM) |
![]() Associate Professor Dr. Chitra Govindaraja | Chief External Examiner MBBS Phase I, Stage 2, Melaka Manipal Medical College |
![]() Professor Dr. Wan Ariffin Abdullah | External Examiner MBBS Final Professional Examination, International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) |
![]() Professor Dr. Ngau Yen Yew | External Examiner Masters of Internal Medicine (Dissertation and Thesis), Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia |
![]() Professor Dr. Mohammad Abul Bashar | External Examiner MBBS Final Professional Examination, Widad University College, Kuantan |
![]() Professor Dr. Pranab Kumarn Sen | External Examiner MBBS Final Professional Examination, Widad University College, Kuantan |
![]() Professor Dr. Siva Achanna | External Examiner MBBS Final Professional Examination, Widad University College, Kuantan |
![]() Professor Dr. Hari Kumar Darnal | External Examiner First Pre Professional Exam, Royal College of Medicine Perak |
![]() Assoc Professor Dr. Jaiprakash Mohanraj | External Examiner Bachelor of Medical Sciences, International Medical University (IMU) |
![]() Professor Dr. Hematram Yadav | External Examiner MSc Health Research Viva, Penang Medical College (Royal College of Surgeons Ireland) External Examiner MBBS Group A - MBBS (C2019) Final Exam, Penang Medical College, Penang (RCSI & UCD) External Examiner MSc Public Health, University Putra Malaysia (UPM) External Examiner PhD Thesis in Pharmacy, Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences |

MAHSA University 15th Convocation
Published on: 26-11-2018
MAHSA University held its 15th convocation ceremony on 17 November 2018 at the new Grand Ballroom at the Sports Complex.
1,348 graduates from seven faculties received their scrolls from the Chancellor, Tun Zaki bin Tun Azmi. Thirty-two students graduated with first class honours. Dr. Foo Guang Ian from the Faculty of Dentistry was awarded the Chancellor’s Gold Medal for his all-round success. He has not only excelled academically but also in extra-curricular and made impactful contribution to society. Vice-Chancellor prizes were also awarded to twelve graduates for their excellent academic achievements.
MAHSA University’s 15th Convocation witnessed the conferment of the Honorary Doctor of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship to Tan Sri Liew Kee Sin. In reading the citation, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Haji Mohamed Haniffa expounded on his accomplishments and entrepreneurial success and credited Tan Sri Liew on putting Malaysia on the world stage.
Professor Dato’ Dr. Hj. Mohd. Ariffin bin Hj. Mohamed was also honoured in the conferment of the honorary award of Emeritus Professor. The title of Emeritus Professor is a prestigious title recognising the value the individual has acquired due to his outstanding contribution to the university in leadership, teaching, research and community service.
“Our mission is to be committed to the delivery of education of the highest quality with emphasis on hands-on training, and in support of this mission, we will continuously improve and cultivate the experience of students from the moment they think of applying, to the moment they graduate,” said Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman MAHSA University.
Despite being a young university, MAHSA University has been making great waves in gaining recognition both nationally and abroad. Today, MAHSA University has more than 1100 international students from seventy-five different nationalities.
The new Sports Complex at MAHSA University has the capacity to accommodate up to 2,000 people, and includes an Olympic-size diving & swimming pool, training restaurant and banquet hall, gym and other sports amenities.

Prof. Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar Hanif from the The Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences Wins at the 3rd ICAN 2018, Canada
Published on: 26-11-2018
MAHSA University lauds the achievement of Professor Dr Muhammad Iftikhar Hanif, Orthopaedic & Trauma Surgeon, of the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences and his team, whose projects have won two Gold medals at the 3rd ICAN 2018 (International Invention & Innovation Competition in Canada) & Special Award by WIIPA (World Invention Intellectual Property Associations) and Exellent Innovation Award at 3rd ICAN 2018 organised by Toronto International Society of Innovation & Advanced Skills (TISIAS).
The competition was supported by Innovation Initiative Co-operative Inc. (ICO), International Federation of Inventors Associations (IFIA) and World Invention Intellectual Property Associations (WIIPA). This leading international innovation exhibition was held at the North York Memorial Community Hall in Toronto Uptown, Canada, on 1st September, 2018. The main purpose of the event was to exhibit creativity by the innovators. This year marked its third annual hosting of inventors, students, entrepreneurs, and researchers from more than forty countries.
MAHSA University takes pride in emphasizing that this group led by Professor Dr. Muhammad Iftikhar Hanif had earlier presented the same two projects, namely, MEDHUT (DIGITAL LIBRARY OF MEDICAL APPS / Online Indexation & Citations System for Healthcare Related Apps With Colour Coding) and EduQR (A Learning Through QR Codes & Gamification), along with ‘Poke Med Educational Tool’ (PET) were presented before in MTE 2018 at PWTC, Malaysia, where they secured 2 Bronze, 1 Gold & Special Innovation Award as well as Gold Medal in ITEX 2018 at KLCC.

MAHSA Lecturer Wins Bronze in the Battle of the Chefs
Published on: 22-11-2018
MAHSA University’s Chef Lecturer, Mohd. Ariff Yusoff, won the Bronze medal in the inaugural Battle of the Chefs held from the 5th to 7th October 2018. The culinary competition, sanctioned and organized by Penang Chef Association (PCA), was held at the Subterranean Penang International Convention and Exhibition Centre (SPICE Arena).
More than 250 chefs “gladiators” participated in over 1000 battles at the SPICE Arena to pit their skills and culinary wizardry for honor and fame. The participants were from different countries including Malaysia, Taiwan, Singapore, Thailand and Indonesia.
MAHSA Chef lecturer, Mohd. Ariff Yusoff, took up the challenge to participate in the Main Course; Fish/Seafood category. He prepared Pan-Fried Norwegian Salmon with Lemon Butter Sauce and added crispy sliced potatoes, sautéed vegetables, and oven-baked salmon skin as sides and garnish. In the final battle, he took home the Bronze.
“Chef Ariff has demonstrated the skill, motivation and determination necessary to win the award”, said Michelle Thong, Dean of Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality.

IET On Campus Inauguration @ MAHSA
Published on: 31-10-2018
The inauguration of the IET On Campus @ MAHSA was officiated by IET Malaysia Local Network chairman Ir. Chris Chew Shee Fuee at MAHSA University on 19 July 2018. IET is the acronym for The Institution of Engineering and Technology. IET is one of the world’s largest engineering institutions with over 168,000 members in 150 countries.
IET On Campus is designed to support everyone in the Faculty of Engineering and I.T. with MAHSA students at the heart of it. It will give them access to tailored practical, technical and career-related resources and help create links with industry and other universities, building a platform to demonstrate skills and raise profiles. IET works to engineer a better world by inspiring, informing and influencing MAHSA’s members, engineers and technicians.
Becoming a member is not only prestigious but also an investment in the future since IET can provide opportunities for students to pursue their careers with one of its 1,700 business partners, which include Siemens, BAE systems, Rolls Royce etc. IET offers scholarships and awards for students and apprenticeship. Student members can have full access to study materials, seek revision advice, and find out how to write final projects and writing technical reports. IET also works to develop Engineering communities that enable individuals to connect, share knowledge, ideas and opportunities with a specific network of individuals.
In addition, IET Malaysia Local Network Vice Chairman, who is also the Dean of Engineering Faculty, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie, received sponsorship from IET On Campus for the Engineering, Science and students exhibition held on 16 July 2018.
This is another milestone in the Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, MAHSA University. Engineering staff are encouraged to register as Chartered Engineers and then Professional Engineers to fulfil the requirements for Engineering Accreditation Council, Malaysia. Professional talks and trainings will be provided by IET as part of the heart of the world's pre-eminent knowledge-sharing network for engineering and technology professionals. Scholarships, international travel grants, conferences and professional networks are available to IET members to further enhance their global connections.

MAHSA plays prominent role at ISQua World Conference 2018
Published on: 31-10-2018
It is not often that modern western and traditional medicine practitioners share the same stage. MAHSA University was given the chance to share their point of view in an informative and thought-provoking sessions at the International Society of Quality in Healthcare (ISQua) conference in Kuala Lumpur on 23rd to 26th September 2018. MAHSA University’s very own Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, was given the singular honour of chairing the sessions on Traditional and Western Medicine.
Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran spoke on “Focusing Only on Clinical Indicators is a More Effective Quality and Safety Strategy than Participating in an Accreditation Programme.” He also had the honour of presenting the chapter on Malaysia entitled “From Maternal Mortality to Maternal Health” during Professor Jeffry Braithwaite’s final plenary session. MAHSA is honoured to have played such a prominent role at this prestigious international conference, held in Malaysia for the very first time.
Professor Chung-Ching Chio, a prominent neurosurgeon and Superintendent of the Chi-Mei Medical Centre in Tainan, Taiwan, led the panel for the first session entitled “A Cross-Talk between Traditional Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine in Healthcare Quality”. The audience was informed that the governance, audit and quality-improvement mechanisms are very similar in both types of medical systems. The participants learnt how public policies and educational and accreditation programmes are implemented to ensure patient safety and the quality of traditional Chinese Medicine.
The second part of the discussion, led by Dr. Mark Lin Chi-Jeng, the current President of the Joint Commission of Taiwan and a Professor of Orthopaedics, threw light on the integration of chinese and western medicine in medical education and clinical training. Examples of both traditional and western medicine were shown, and students participated in joint ward rounds for educational purposes. The audience also learnt about the application of the healthcare matrix in clinical teaching and the chinese medicine curriculum designed for students of western medicine.
Many questions were directed towards the regulatory framework of both systems as traditional and western medicine remain separated in many countries. A practitioner is often not allowed to practise both methods. However, many patients do employ both methods on their own in the treatment of their various ailments. The faster there is integration between both systems, the better it will be for patients.

Nursing Students Outbound Mobility Programme To Macau, China
Published on: 31-10-2018
In July of this year, two nursing students from MAHSA University– Sebrenna Lim Yenru [Bachelor of Science (Hons) Nursing] and Wong Pui San [Diploma in Nursing] were selected to represent Malaysia for the Kiang Wu Nursing College (KWNC) Summer Student Exchange Programme in Macau, China. The selection was based on their excellent academic performance and active participation in co-curricular activities.
This collaboration between KWNC and MAHSA University provides a platform for nursing students to build and expand their connections in the nursing world as well as opportunities to experience academic and practical skills and intercultural exchanges from various cultures. MASHA University was delighted to select Sebrenna and Pui San to represent not only the university but also our country Malaysia in this programme.
The theme for this summer programme was ‘Nursing and Health in the Context of Tourism Industry,’ which included few core simulation workshops based on subthemes of ‘Integration of Teaching, Research and Social Service in the Field of Nursing Profession’ and ‘Development of Nursing Profession in the Context of Tourism Industry’. A total of thirty (30) nursing students from various countries – Malaysia, Macau, China, Thailand, Hong Kong and United States attended the programme. Despite their differences in background and cultural perspectives, the nursing students were able to be actively engaged throughout the workshops.
The programme also included a 10-minute presentation by each country’s representatives, in which our nursing students presented on ‘Development of the Nursing Profession in the Tourism Industry – Malaysia,’ with the guidance and support from their lecturers in the Faculty of Nursing & Midwifery, MAHSA University.
Besides the academic sessions, the nursing students were brought on an educational tour of the KWNC campus, Kiang Wu Hospital, Kiang Wu Memorial Hall, Pou Lei Centre of Fu Hong Society (Rehabilitation for Autistic community), Caritas Integrated Service Centre for Elderly and several Macao heritage sites.
Sebrenna and Pui San expressed their gratitude to MAHSA University for these meaningful and eye-opening experiences. They have learned a lot about medical tourism and expanded their social circle among the future registered nurses from different countries.
The mobility programme is an enriching experience on many fronts. They learned to appreciate diversity, which they consider an important virtue for all Malaysians to adopt. This programme was shared in a presentation on the 12th September 2018 which was attended by nursing students and lecturers with the hope to inspire MAHSA students to participate in more mobility programmes and widen their horizons.

Towards Specialization In Nursing: Be More
Published on: 31-10-2018
Nephrology Nursing, also known as renal nursing, is a specialised field that requires high technical skills apart from being competent, knowledgeable and caring registered nurses. According to the Health Ministry’s Hemodialysis Quality and Standards Guideline, there must be at least one registered nurse or medical assistant with at least six months of relevant training for every six dialysis patients in each centre on each shift. This creates a huge demand for nurses to be trained in dialysis, congruent with the urge of the Ministry of Health to equip more nurses with specialisation in the field of nephrology (renal medicine).
MAHSA University has embarked on this initiative and developed the Post Basic Certificate in Renal Nursing. The curriculum framework is designed in accordance with the standard criteria for approval of nursing programmes by the Nursing Board of Malaysia and with the provision of specialised nursing recognised by the Ministry of Health of Malaysia and other health care industries. The 6-month programme consists of eight weeks of intensive theoretical studies, sixteen (16) weeks of clinical placements, one week of revision, and examinations. MAHSA University has engaged with government hospitals and private dialysis centres to ensure that students will have the best working experiences during their clinical placement.
On 2 July 2018, MAHSA University was delighted to successfully start the first cohort for Post Basic Certificate in Renal Nursing with approvals from the Ministry of Education (MOE), Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA) and the Nursing Board of Malaysia (NBM). Twenty registered nurses from various private hemodialysis centres across Malaysia under full employer sponsorships have been enrolled in the programme.
Backed by a strong academic team of highly qualified lecturers with vast clinical experiences in adult and paediatric nephrology nursing, a panel of industry experts, fully equipped clinical skills labs, MAHSA’s Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery is poised to be the centre of excellence for nursing education in this region.

Lecturer wins ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018 Travel Grant to Tokyo, Japan
Published on: 31-10-2018
The International Society of Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR) is a leading professional society for health economics and outcomes research (HEOR) globally. The Society’s mission is to promote HEOR excellence to improve decision making for health globally.
Dr. Sohail Ahmad, Lecturer from Faculty of Pharmacy at MAHSA University was a recipient of the ISPOR Asia Pacific 2018 Travel Award. The award includes the complimentary conference registration of USD 850, training courses worth USD 600 and accommodation and traveling valued USD 1,800. Dr. Sohail presented his research findings and participated in three courses of Health Economics and Outcome Research, namely: Introduction to Real-World Data and Informatics in Health Care, Patient-reported Outcomes Measures (PROMs): Cross-cultural Development and Validation, and Network Meta-Analysis and Indirect Treatment Comparisons.
ISPOR 2018 Asia Pacific Conference was conducted in Tokyo, Japan on 8th to 11th September 2018. The conference brought together healthcare professionals, policy makers, patient representatives, researchers and academicians, regulators and health technology producers on a single platform. More than 780 presentations were given in the form of plenary sessions, spotlight sessions, issue panels, workshops, forums, podium presentations, poster presentations and symposia.
During Asia Consortium session, Dr. Sohail shared the strategic research priorities of Faculty of Pharmacy with ISPOR President, Professor Dr. Federico Augustovski and Director of Global Networks, Robert Selby. Both the experts appreciated the vision, role and accomplishments of ISPOR MAHSA University Student Chapter.
The professional skills and lessons learnt from the congress provided a chance for global networking for future collaborations, and strengthening the abilities regarding the key concepts of pharmacoeconomics and health outcomes. This experience will help the ISPOR MAHSA University Student Chapter to pursue its research aims more proactively and become one of the major contributors for future clinical research and scientific publications at ISPOR Malaysia Regional Chapter as well as Clinical Research Centre, Malaysia.

Building Upon the Strengths of the Alumni
Published on: 31-10-2018
The one-day physiotherapy alumni seminar organised by the Physiotherapy Department of MAHSA University held on 22nd September 2018 was a roaring success. This seminar focused on key issues related to practices and the trends in the development of physiotherapy in Malaysia. The event brought together over a hundred participants of MAHSA’s alumni, students and lecturers.
In her welcome speech, Associate Professor Chan Sook Chin who was also the Chairperson of the conference highlighted on the strategic drivers and how they significantly influence the future of physiotherapy. She mentioned that the topics covered in the seminar are vital and aspirational as they would help to chart a futuristic view of physiotherapy.
The keynote address was made by Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah who is the Pro-Chancellor and founder of MAHSA University. He was pleased to recognize many MAHSA University alumni and he expressed a sense of joy that this event was solely planned and executed by the alumni of MAHSA University.
The President of the Malaysian Physiotherapy Association, Madam Yew Su Fen spoke on the profession in the next 10 years and walked the audience through the history of physiotherapy. She presented on the vital role physiotherapists play in the management of global health conditions such as obesity, heart diseases, diabetes and cerebral vascular disease. She explained the current trends of delivery and the influence of technology which have substantially contributed to the reformation in the field of physiotherapy.
Mr. Saravanakumar, Principal Assistant Director from the Allied Health Division, Ministry of Health focused his session on how the Malaysian Allied Health Professional Act (AHPA) works in the governing of practitioners and the professions, the impact on practitioners and the public as well as the benefits of regulating the professionals. His presentation included the significance of the AHPA to promote and maintain highly professional standards of conduct for healthcare providers, enhancing practices, identifying and authorising legal practitioners so that the safety of healthcare receivers will not be compromised. He also spoke on the updated regulations in terms of practicing licenses and its requirements as one of the government’s initiatives in maintaining high standards of competency and professionalism.
Assoc. Prof. Chan Sook Chin presented the challenges in the real world of practitioners and the importance of staying competitive and innovative. Innovation and ethics have to be understood by physiotherapists. She reminded that physiotherapists need to assess who their competitors and partners are. She highlighted the importance of formal and informal continuous professional development to develop a strong and competitive profession.
The programme ended with an interactive and interesting panel discussion. The panellists were the founders from Precise Rehab, Mr. Frederick Khoo, Biorehab, Mr. Ady Kim, Apple Physiotherapy Centre, Mr. Vincent Tan, Rehab Concept, Miss Jacinta Lim and Heal Studio, Mr. Eman Yazid. They are the MAHSA alumni who are now entrepreneurs. The participants asked pertinent questions on the challenges faced by young physiotherapy entrepreneurs in setting up their private practices or related rehabilitation businesses or services. The concerns raised were on age factors, finance, sustainability, the necessary qualities and skills required to emulate in being a successful entrepreneur.
The feedback given from the seminar evaluation by the participants were on a positive note. The distinguished speakers were individuals with astounding experiences in the field of physiotherapy and healthcare profession. The participants were very satisfied with the scope covered in this one-day seminar and wish such seminars will be held in the future.

World Environmental Health Day 2018
Published on: 31-10-2018
In conjunction with the World Environmental Health Day 2018, MAHSA University hosted the Seminar for Global Food Safety and Sustainability, organized by the Selangor State Health Department 26 September 2018.
The theme of this year’s celebration was the “Global Food Safety and Sustainability.” The Seminar was officially launched by Dato' Dr. Khalid bin Ibrahim, the Director of the Selangor State Health Department. It was attended by more than 550 participants of the various health officers from the State Health Department.
A health innovation exhibition booth and environmental health posters were also presented by various researchers from public and private universities. Academic presentations on Environmental Health and Safety programmes were presented by representatives from the Food Quality and Safety Division, Ampang Jaya Municipal Council, the Pharmacy Division of Selangor Health Department and Department of Environmental Health, MAHSA University.
MAHSA University has a track record of producing more than 600 graduates of Environmental Health and Public Health, with fully accredited programmes like Master of Science in Public Health, Bachelor of Environmental Health and Diploma in Environmental Health.
Dr. Subramaniam Karuppannan, Head of Department of Environment Health MAHSA University, and co-chair of the Seminar, expressed his gratitude to the Ministry of Health who has been working closely with MAHSA and in particular to Puan CT Zawiah, State Chief Environmental Health Officer and co-chair of the event.
Lazada and MAHSA University Sign MoU to Cultivate the Entrepreneurial Spirit in Malaysia
Published on: 29-10-2018
KUALA LUMPUR, 19th October 2018 – Lazada Malaysia and MAHSA University have joined hands in a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to facilitate the growth of online business in Malaysia. This strategic partnership will see the incorporation of real world insights from Lazada into the syllabi taught to MAHSA University’s students.
Present to officiate the ceremony and sign the memorandum were Christophe Lejeune, Chief Executive Office of Lazada Malaysia and Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa Bin HJ. Abdullah, Executive Chairman and Board of Director of MAHSA University, witnessed by representatives of both MAHSA University and Lazada.
“We are excited to be collaborating with MAHSA University as we continue to drive and accelerate the growth of entrepreneurship in Malaysia. Last month alone, 1 of 4 online Malaysians visited Lazada – proof that eCommerce has become essential for any business to succeed in an increasingly technologically advanced world,” said Christophe Lejeune, Chief Executive Officer of Lazada Malaysia.
“Lazada is all about making digital entrepreneurship accessible, simple and quick from anywhere in Malaysia so that ‘Everyone Can Sell’, and we are happy to share our insights, tools and best practices with future entrepreneurs. We hope that initiatives such as this will contribute to the government’s goal of doubling growth in the eCommerce sector,” he added.
“This MoU signed with our new industry partner, recognises Lazada’s capability in the area of digital entrepreneurship. This agreement is in line with the MAHSA University’s vision to develop and promote entrepreneurial culture, with which we seek to inspire MAHSA students to view changing landscapes as a source of opportunities,” said the Pro-Chancellor of MAHSA University.
The MoU is part of a wider outreach effort by Lazada to cultivate the culture of entrepreneurship among the youths towards the forefront of the digital economy. It is also an initiative that has materialised towards the establishment of the entrepreneur hub with Lazada, being the Southeast Asia’s largest online shopping platform that facilitates thousands of transactions daily.
Lazada will be working together with the University to introduce customised trainings based on the current level of readiness and potential growth in entrepreneurship the country. The partnership will also allow MAHSA University students to interact and learn from world-class trainers from Alibaba, TMall, and Lazada to share insights. They will also have access to Lazada University, Webinars, learning materials and curated live sessions covering key topics of selling and nurturing a business.
Introducing the Pioneer Batch of PIDC-MAHSA Collaborative Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) Programme
Published on: 29-10-2018
MAHSA University has established a strategic partnership with Penang International Dental College (PIDC) by introducing the first batch of Bachelor of Dental Surgery (BDS) where the leading tertiary education is going to host PIDC students with its world-class facilities. The signing of this partnership which took place on 22nd October 2018 at MAHSA University, Saujana Putra Campus, was attended by the representatives from PIDC including the PIDC’s Managing Director and Pro-Chancellor, Dato’ Sri Dr. S. Sharavanan, the PIDC’s Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ajay Telang, while MAHSA was represented by the Pro-Chancellor, Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj Abdullah and also the Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato’ Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah.
This collaborative programme will enable PIDC students to utilize the facilities provided by MAHSA University in the first two years of their studies. They will continue with the rest of their education at the PIDC Campus in Penang. According to the Dean of Faculty of Dentistry, Prof. Dr. Rosnah Binti Mohd Zain, the inaugural BDS programme will have the opportunity to use anatomy and simulation labs, anatomy suites, equipped with phantom heads which are essential and required for the second year of training.
On the other hand, the PIDC’s Dean, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ajay Telang stated that PIDC was pleased to have the opportunity to conduct the programme at MAHSA. He said that the available facilities which are world class are so well laid out and ready for use. Among these are 120 simulation units, 220 dental chairs, 170 units of prosthetic labs and other advanced facilities.
The future of dental education is looking bright with great demands from the industry. With great facilities supported by highly experienced specialist lecturers, MAHSA and PIDC are poised for further growth.

Delegations from Embassy of Tajikistan in Malaysia Visit MAHSA University
Published on: 28-09-2018
On 3 October 2018, MAHSA University had the honour of hosting a delegation from the Embassy of Tajikistan in Malaysia. The group comprised of 13 members from the embassy, the Committee of Tourism Development under the Government of Tajikistan, general managers of tourism companies, a journalist and the producer.
Executive Chairman, Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa Bin Hj. Abdullah welcomed the Chairman of Committee of Tourism Development under the Government of Tajikistan, H.E Numon Abduqafforzoda and H.E Doctor Muzaffar Muhammadi, the Ambassador of Tajikistan to Malaysia at the Senate Room. It was then followed by the VIP’s speech. The delegation was briefed on MAHSA University’s origins and achievements.
After the exchange gifts sessions, the delegation was escorted to the Multipurpose Hall, where hundreds of our students were eagerly waiting for the address by VIP about authentic experience, untouched diverse landscape, modern cities, heritage, and great hospitality of Tajikistan. Around 1.30pm, the delegation was taken on a tour of MAHSA University and MAHSA International School.

Creating I.T. Specialists
Published on: 28-09-2018
The Bachelor of Information Technology (B.IT) was officially launched by MAHSA’s Vice Chancellor, Professor Dato' Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah on 16th July, 2018.
The Bachelor of Information Technology (Hons) is a 3-year programme, designed in consultation with a panel of experts and has been approved by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). The programme has four different areas of specialisations; i.e. Data Management, Game Computing, Mobile Computing and Network Computing. The specialisations will further ensure that more focus and depth are accorded to ensure that the MAHSA BIT graduate will be at the forefront of the industry.
The industrial training component in Year 3, Semester 1 further ensure the integration of knowledge and skills to industry needs and expectations. Students are not only exposed to real work environment experience but they also have the opportunity to be mentored and guided by established industry players.
The Research project in this programme enable students to take on R&D with commercialization, develop the academic and practical aspects of chosen area of study and reinforce the independent learning skills. This is where students will demonstrate higher level of critical thinking analysis and solutions development skills which will enhance their employability.
Well known for being industry relevant, MAHSA continues to place top priority in ensuring all programmes have constant input from industry experts. With the launch of this new programme, MAHSA is indeed excited to produce I.T. specialists who will contribute to the Information Technology sector in areas of e-commerce, cyber security, web and mobile applications and Internet of Things (IoT).
B.IT graduates may find employment as computing professionals in both the commercial and technical sectors of the computing industry and even in manufacturing, commerce, small businesses, financial enterprises, public utilities, education or welfare.
Employment of computer and information technology occupations is projected to grow 13 percent from 2018 to 2026, faster than the average for all occupations. These occupations are projected to add about 557,100 new jobs. Demand for these workers will stem from greater emphasis on cloud computing, the collection and storage of big data, and information security.
Based on the Malaysia salary guide 2018/2019, the Information Technology (IT) sector had grown robustly driven by building momentum in areas of e-commerce, web and mobile applications and Internet of Things (IoT). In Malaysia, IT spending in 2018 is forecasted to rise 5.7% to RM65.2 billion, faster than the projected global pace of 4.5%. The increase in spending will focus on adopting business digitalisation, blockchain technology and big data to encourage learning and artificial intelligence. Of note, corporations are expected to spend substantially on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) solutions, with global software spending projected to rise 9.5% in 2018 and 8.4% in 2019. That will in turn, necessitate accompanying investments into talent acquisition and related sub-categories such as human capital management and analytic applications. Devices segment is also seen growing 5.6% globally this year to US$704 billion. Cyber security concerns and corresponding countermeasures will also likely be a major investment theme as major cyber-attacks continually made headlines in 2017.

Collaboration with ChongQing University
Published on: 28-09-2018
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and I.T. initiated an engineering collaboration with ChongQing University, one of the top 35 universities in China, on 19th July 2018 at MAHSA University. The launching of this MAHSA-ChongQing Collaboration was held at the Engineering/Pharmacy Block Auditorium Level 9, MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus.
This collaboration between ChongQing University and MAHSA University is aimed at enhancing the orderly and free flow of economic activity and allowing the efficient allocation of resources. It is also intended to foster market integration and create a regional economic cooperation framework to benefit all.
Professor Ming K. Lim, BEng (Hons) PhD Floc CMILT, Executive Dean of College of Mechanical Engineering, ChongQing University, spoke about the “One Belt One Road” concept where he emphasised the importance of international collaborations that involve various institutions, namely University of Bologna, Italy, the National University of Singapore, and Coventry University, UK.
His talk aimed to inspire and drive IoT to the next level in the research community and for practitioners in the world. The IoT forms the fundamental platform to the next digital economy, especially for international collaborations. The first part of his talk touched on digitalisation in RFID technology and the second part discussed the integration of big data analysis, artificial intelligence and cloud manufacturing.
The collaboration will pave a pathway to global challenges for Engineering Industrial revolution 4.0. With this collaboration, MAHSA’s Faculty of Engineering has the opportunity to utilise the research centres at ChongQing University, which include Robotics Workshops and Industrial Innovation. Students and staff can also attend various programmes like workshops, seminars and conferences. ChongQing University will also play an important role in assisting MAHSA for the upcoming international level conference on 26th and 27th November 2018. This will give MAHSA’s Mechanical Engineering students access to the best education practices, setting a benchmark for MAHSA’s Faculty of Engineering and IT.

MAHSA Foundation – A Gateway to the World
Published on: 28-09-2018
Foundation programmes equip pre-university students with the knowledge and skills they need to secure places in top international universities. Choosing the right Foundation program is as important as choosing the bachelors degree. A good Foundation Progamme should be intensive and academically rewarding. It should also be a dynamic incubator that opens up options and pathways.
MAHSA’s Centre for Pre-University Studies provides students with a learning environment that helps them to adapt into the vital transition from school-based learning to university-based learning, thus creating a sense of familiarity with the university’s learning system a year prior to degree programme entry.
The Foundation in Science and Foundation in Business are fully accredited by MQA, and have well-balanced curriculum, designed in consultation with university partners, to ensure the successful integration of knowledge and skills, enabling a seamless transition into an undergraduate study of choice. It is designed to be both challenging and intensive, providing students with the knowledge and skills highly desirable by universities all over the world.
In collaboration with SELSET, MAHSA University now opens the gateway to the following universities in New Zealand:
- University of Auckland
- Auckland University of Technology (AUT)
- University of Waikato
- Massey University
- Victoria University of Wellington
- University of Canterbury
- Lincoln University
- University of Otago
This collaboration adds to more options and choices for MAHSA Foundation students. These include pathways to the eight New Zealand universities in popular subject areas as well as niche areas such as Arts, Music, Design, Economics, Political Science, Sociology, Forestry, Archaeology, Physics and Astronomy, Marine Science etc.
With over 250 degree options to choose from, students now have amazing opportunities to widen their horizons and pursue the programme of their passion. A team of education consultants from MAHSA and SELSET offer free consultation to help students and parents make the right choice.
Indeed, the MAHSA foundation programmes let students take ownership of their own academic destiny.

Full Re-accreditation of Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons)
Published on: 28-09-2018
MAHSA’s Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) has successfully obtained a re-accreditation by MQA. The re-accreditation was awarded for a further three years.
MAHSA University’s Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) is a 4-year undergraduate programme. Graduates can then take the professional examinations and be qualified as pharmacists in hospitals and medical centres, or choose to go into production, marketing and distribution, research and development, or education.
Professor Dr. Munavvar Zubaid, Dean of the faculty, who led the faculty towards this success, said that the full accreditation is a testament of the quality of the Bachelor of Pharmacy programme. With this accreditation in hand, along with its well qualified academic staff, GLP certified teaching and research laboratories, and state of the art instrumentation, MAHSA’s Faculty of Pharmacy will strive to be a premier Pharmacy Faculty in the country offering pharmacy education nationally and internationally.
The accreditation exercise was carried out by a panel representing the Malaysia Pharmacy Board and Malaysian Qualifications Agency from 2nd to 4th May 2018.

Exploration into the Civil Engineering Industry in Milan, Italy
Published on: 28-09-2018
MAHSA University recently launched two new programmes: the Diploma in Civil Engineering and the Bachelor of Civil Engineering. On the heels of its launching, the Department of Civil Engineering visited civil-based industrial companies in Milan, Italy to explore possible enhancements for the Civil Engineering programme.
The visit was to three major international companies in Milan, Italy, namely, Controls Group, Sina Group and Bracchi. MAHSA University’s made this trip with several industry players in Malaysia which are Kajang Rocks Group, OPUS International (M) Berhad, a subsidiary UEM Edgenta Berhad and Engineering Laboratory Electronics Group.
Controls Group is a specialists in concrete testing system, soil mechanics and advance pavement testing systems. They also provide training programmes for new laboratory equipment and laboratory visits to their company for benchmarking purpose. They brought the participants to two companies to whom they supply their laboratory equipment, Sina Group and Bracchi.
Sina Group is highly qualified in the field of diagnostic research and holds specific competences in the control and surveillance of bridges, viaducts and galleries, and in road and airport paving maintenance engineering with their high-performance technologies and quality checks of the materials used in works of maintenance and construction using Controls laboratory equipment.
Impresa Bracchi specialises in the field of general construction, both in the public and private sectors. They have fixed plants for the hot-mix asphalt and cement-bound layer and two mobile plants for the production of cement mixture and concrete, and own a modern and fully-equipped laboratory with highly skilled staff.
MAHSA University’s Civil Engineering programmes offer the best education possible to prepare students to become capable and responsible professionals, scientists and engineers, and through this visit, promises more extensive research with quality results that will benefit the industry. The programmes address industrial needs, ensuring that graduates have highly relevant skills.

Dean, Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences elected to the Fellowship of the Academy of Science, Malaysia
Published on: 28-09-2018
MAHSA University is honoured that another member of its academic staff has been awarded the fellowship of the Academy of Science Malaysia in 2018. He is Professor Dato Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. He is recognised for his area of expertise in Obstetrics and Gynaecology with subspecialisation in Advanced O&G.
The Academy of Science was established by an Act of Parliament in 1994. Its mission is to be the nation’s thought leader and to pursue excellence for matters related to Science, Engineering and Technology (SET), to be an Apex Advisory body on science, technology and innovation (STI) matters, to be an effective promoter of public understanding and awareness of ST and to make STI a basis for economic development and societal well-being.
ASM brings together experts in all areas of research, especially scientific and technological endeavours, and with a core membership of the best scientific minds in the country, the Academy is positioned to be the advisory body on STI matters. It understands the vital role science plays in issues like the environment, sustainability, energy and as such paves the way for a higher income society. This is why ASM endeavours to advance the agenda on science as a basis for long-term economic development and societal well-being.
Professor Dato Dr Ravindran joins other illustrious members of the MAHSA family who are already members of the Academy of Science Malaysia. They are Senior Fellow & Academician Prof Dato’ Dr Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah, FASc (Medical Parasitology; Tropical Medicine, Filiarisis; Immunopathology), Vice Chancellor, Prof. Tan Sri Dato Seri Hj Mohd Ismail Merican, FASc, the Pro-Chancellor & Chairman (area of expertise Internal Medicine & Hepatology; Health Management), Prof Dr Subramaniam Krishnan, FASc (Anatomy), Head of Department of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine (Nerve-Muscle interactions, factors affecting motor neurone development; alveolar bone loss mechanisms in leprosy), Prof Dr Rosnah Md Zain, FASc (Clinical expertise in Oral Pathology and Oral Pathology; research in oral oncology), Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, Professor Wan Ariffin bin Abdullah, FAsc, Professor, Department of Paediatrics, Faculty of Medicine (Oncology and Haematology) and Prof Dr Shamala Devi Sekaran, FASc, Dept of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine. (Virology and Immunology).
ASM Fellows consists of distinguished STI experts who have made exceptional contributions in their fields. Fellowship is awarded based on a stringent selection process in six different disciplines: Biological, Agricultural and Environmental Sciences; Chemical Sciences; Engineering and Computer sciences; Mathematics, Physics and Earth sciences; Medical and Health Sciences; Science and Technology Development industry. Senior Fellow & Academician Prof Dato’ Dr Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah is the chairman of the Medical & Health Sciences sector. The most inspiring Fellows with an outstanding body of work will be conferred the designation Senior Fellows, and an Honorary Fellowship is awarded to a non-scientist who has been instrumental in the nation's STI development.
The MAHSA family of Senior Fellows and Fellows have contributed immensely to the scientific advancement of the country in their various fields of expertise and are thought leaders in their respective professional fields. MAHSA is very proud of them and is honoured that they have chosen to pursue their academic work in this university.
Currently there are 6 Honorary Fellows, 28 Senior Fellows, 325 Fellows and 41 Associates. Of these, 76 are in Biological, Agricultural & Environmental Sciences, 64 are in Medical & Health sciences, 64 in Engineering Sciences, 45 in Mathematics, Physics & Earth Sciences, 40 in Chemical Sciences, 37 in Science & Technology Development Industry, 20 in Information Technology & Computer Science and 7 in Social Sciences and Humanities.

Nursing Education Partnership – A Collaboration with Shamalar Nursing College
Published on: 28-09-2018
The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, MAHSA UNIVERSITY and SHAMALAR Nursing College signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to formalize collaboration in the area of aboriginal nursing education. This collaboration is to engage nursing leaders from MAHSA UNIVERSITY and SHAMALAR Nursing College to promote global nursing education partnerships in areas concerning research, academic programmes and trainings.
With the signing of the MOU, MAHSA students and faculty members will benefit from cultural exchange as well as learning and research.
The MOU was inked during the International Nursing Symposium at Lahore, Pakistan on 5th – 7th July 2018. The International Nursing Symposium is a yearly event held to share on the latest update and advancement and to give insight into critical issues in the nursing profession. The symposium was also a great opportunity to learn nursing challenges affecting different communities.

Student Mobility Outbound Trip to Da Nang, Vietnam
Published on: 28-09-2018
On 12th August 2018, ten MAHSA University students embarked on a wonderful journey to Da Nang, Vietnam for a two-week summer camp. They were led by Student Experience Manager, Ms Angeline Chan. Students from the Faculty of Business, Faculty of Dentistry and Centre for Pre-Universities Students participated in this mobility programme.
The Mobility Programme to Da Nang offered an array of exciting educational activities and cultural trips, making learning fun and exposing students to new experiences. There were three courses to choose from: “Start Your Business”, “Video Making” or “Fun for Fun English”. Nine students chose “Start Your Business” and one student picked the “Fun for Fun English”. Classes were conducted interactively with supervisors who gave them a number of creative learning activities to make sure students are engaged throughout the programme.
Students were also brought out for city tours and even camping. From these activities, they were able to have lots of fun socializing with international classmates while discovering new things, which is also one of the main objectives of the summer camp.
They returned to Malaysia on 25th August, feeling rather bittersweet as they had to part ways with their Vietnamese buddies, but they brought along lots of sweet memories. One thing is certain, they thoroughly enjoyed their time in Vietnam and are now strong advocates to student mobility programmes.

MAHSA as co-host in 4th International Conference in Public Health (ICOPH 2018) Thailand
Published on:30-08-2018
MAHSA University co-hosted the International Conference in Public Health(ICOPH 2018).It was held in Bangkok,Thailand from 19th July to 21st July 2018,in partnership with The International Institute of Knowledge Management(TIIKM).Prof.Dr.Hematram Yadav from Department of Community Medicine,Faculty of Medicine&Biomedical Sciences,MAHSA University was one of the invited conference Co-Chairs from Malaysia.With the theme “Promoting Quality and Safety in Health Care towards Healthy Communities”,the conference was the leading interdisciplinary platform for presentation of new and advanced research results in the field of Public Health.
The conference was attended by more than 300 hundred delegates from more than 35 countries and about 40 Universities worldwide.
It provided a good exposure to our students and staff and would glorify MAHSA University in the eyes of the world.MAHSA’s MBBS students,Mr.See Yee Ching and Mr.Ho Yen Yi were the selected ones to present a paper entitled ‘Quality of Life of Local and International Medical Students at MAHSA University.’
The other delegates including Muhammad Qamar from the Faculty of Pharmacy who presented a paper entitled ‘Assessment of Depression among Geriatrics Patients Staying Geriatric home care in Klang’ and Mr.Sohail Ahmad with the paper entitled ‘Severity and Sources of Perceived Stress Among Pharmacy students in Malaysia’.
All the papers were well received by the participants and many delegates showed keen interest in MAHSA University.The next conference(5th ICOPH 2019)will be held in Malaysia and we hope that more staff and students will play an active role in the conference.
Creating Career Ready Graduates
Published on: 30-08-2018
MAHSA University organised its first Career Fair, bringing together students and future employers on 27th July 2018. With over 14 companies taking part in the event, students were able to connect on a personal basis with future employers for internship and job placement opportunities.
Predominantly, the employers gave this event a thumbs-up. Their comments were that the university has prepared the students well for the event and they came prepared for the chance to be interviewed.
Students were also made aware of various career prospects in different industries such as healthcare and finance. To most of the students, this was a first experience and they were eager to learn about the various jobs available to them.
MAHSA University is also proud to announce that the 14 companies are now official industrial partners of the university. Students will be able to receive job postings from these companies via the student portal. Collaboration with such companies has always been one of MAHSA’s objectives, and with this recent partnership, the university is off to a good start!
Outshining the Rest
Published on: 28-08-2018
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology successfully organised an Engineering and Science Students Exhibition (ESSE) on 16 July 2018 at the campus in Bandar Saujana Putra. The Guest of Honour was Dato Dr. Choo Yuen May, Vice President of Malaysian Invention and Design Society.
The “Best Project Award” was won by a team from MAHSA University led by Sheih Muhammad Buhari with team members Mohd Azli Ayob, Syazana Syahirah Jamaluddin, Afnan Abd Kareem and Baraah Fuad with a project entitled “Smart Child Alert Car System”.
The Engineering and Science Students Exhibition (ESSE) 2018 is a multi-disciplinary Engineering and Science Exploration. The aim of the exhibition was to nourish students’ research, design and innovation skills in multidisciplinary areas relating to engineering, science and technology. Organised by MAHSA University’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology (FEIT) in collaboration with the Institute of Engineering Technology (IET), the exhibition also aimed to support and encourage students in the sharing of knowledge, research work and experience which will ultimately contribute to the development of engineering, science and technology, and to develop their communicative skills through oral and presentations.
A total of forty-five groups participated in the exhibition, with forty-five medals consisting of five gold, fifteen silver and twenty-four bronze medals to be won. Each participant also received a Certificate of Achievement endorsed by the Institution of Engineering Technology (IET). The panel of judges comprised professionals with various expertise, including those from the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM), the Institution of Engineering Technology (IET) and lecturers from MAHSA University.
Members of the panel were Ir Tan Chee Fai, Dr. Tan Chia Kwang and Dr. Che Hang Seng of IEM, Ir Yap Soon Hee of IET, and Dr. Audrey Yong Chee Hui, Associate Prof Dr. Kancharaju Kranthi Raja, Dr. How Chee Wun, Professor Dr. Che An Ahmad and Dr. Subramaniam Karuppannan of MAHSA University. Also on the panel were Mr. Michael Yee of ASTREAM and Dr. Elango of UCSI University.
The participants had the opportunity to showcase their communication skills to explain their innovative projects and to network and collaborate with each other internally as well as with other universities.
First Accreditations in Postgraduate Medical Programmes
Published on: 28-08-2018
MAHSA University has garnered international esteem yet again as the provider of quality education with yet another distinguished accreditation. We have proudly advanced forward with another significant step towards achieving our mission by receiving full accreditations for the Master of Science in Public Health and Master of Medical Sciences (Anatomy), from the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA).
Inaugurated in 2014, the Master of Science in Public Health was audited by MQA in 2017 through the assessment of several crucial factors including quality, standards and compliance to MQA benchmarks. This achievement reflects the coordinated efforts of those involved at every stratum, beginning with the faculty members of the Community Medicine Department and the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences led by the then Head Of Department Professor Dr. U Than Winn under the judicious guidance of the Dean, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy.
Currently, students from nine different countries are pursuing this Master’s degree which promises them a future with far wider horizons. The programme is structured and delivered to ensure that our graduating students acquire adequate knowledge and skills in the realm of public health and the necessary leadership and entrepreneurship qualities to serve the nation and the world. The programme is currently led by an experienced Public Health specialist, Associate Professor Dato Dr. C Prathapa Senan.
MAHSA University is also one of the only two Malaysian Universities offering the programme of Master of Medical Sciences (Anatomy), fully accredited by the Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA) in June 2018. The combined efforts of the Department of Anatomy, headed by Professor Dr. Subramaniam Krishnan, and under the leadership of the Dean, Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, are what resulted in this programme’s full accreditation in June 2018. The programme standards envisioned are not only governed by MQA but also benchmarked to comply with the best international practices. The programme includes both local students and international ones from Libya, Palestine and Iraq. It provides students with the requisite knowledge and skills to be successful professionals in teaching at the both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, to conduct high quality research and to efficiently undertake their doctoral studies (PhD or its equivalent).
Besides being the provider of quality education, MAHSA University also assures the provision of a healthy environment and an excellent blend of culture so that students from different countries all over the world with multifarious socio-cultural backgrounds can easily adapt and learn to their maximum potential. The success of these programmes is a major contributing factor towards the vision of MAHSA University as the centre of excellence.
Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Hj. Mohd Ismail Merican: Are we ready for healthcare reform?
Published on: 28-08-2018
This question was answered by the Pro-Chancellor and Chairman of MAHSA University, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican at a Lecture in the Distinguished Speakers Series organised by the Galen Centre for Health & Social Policy. The Galen Centre promotes and advocates public debate and education on ideas and proposals which support individual freedom, choice and innovation in the health and social sectors.
The question and choice of speaker was very apt. Malaysia, having made tremendous strides in healthcare since independence, is now at a crossroads due to changing demographics, an ageing population, dramatically different political priorities and the social challenges of rising costs of living and health. Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican was a former Director-General of Health well-known for a calling a spade a spade. He was firm and decisive in decision-making, and doctors often classify the period under his stewardship from 2005 to 2011 as the Golden Age of Leadership in the Ministry of Health.
His expertise in liver disease is widely acknowledged and his guidance frequently sought after by various international organisations such as the World Health Organisation, United Nations Development programme and the World Bank.
Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican identified various challenges faced by Malaysia for the reform of healthcare in Malaysia. These included the rural-urban migration that had occurred due to people seeking better economic opportunities, as well as illegal foreign workers who sustained certain sectors of the economy such as construction and the service sectors, and the lack of enforcement of the various rules and regulations governing these workers that led to emerging and re-emerging diseases that have impacted the health of the general population.
There has been an increase in the aging population that will require more health resources such as special geriatric wards, trained nurses for aged care and the provision of associated support services such as physiotherapists and occupational therapists.
A particular challenge that must be met with an effective solution is the public/private dichotomy with inequitable resource allocation. This is compounded by the rising cost of healthcare including the cost of drugs. We need to keep pace with advances in medical technology, including the use of artificial intelligence and the use of big data, for evidence-based solutions.
Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican emphasised that we must not lose sight of the need for patient safety goals and the continuing avoidance of medical errors. Lessons from other sectors such as the aviation industry will continue to be utilised in this regard.
He emphasised that we need to drive towards the vision of encouraging people to achieve universal access to quality healthcare either in the public or private sector. This can be done by enhancing targeted support for underserved communities, improving delivery systems for better health outcomes, expanding the capacity to increase accessibility wherever required, and intensifying private sector and NGO collaboration with the public sector to increase health awareness.
Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Seri Dr. Haji Mohd Ismail Merican answered the question asked in the topic of the lecture in the affirmative and utilised his vast experience in healthcare in describing various approaches. In particular, reforms would be very useful and critical in the integration of the public and private sectors, strengthening primary care, and in the implementation of a national healthcare financing scheme. This talk was another illustration of how persons holding positions in MAHSA have contributed to and are continuing to contribute towards the development of healthcare in Malaysia.
Expanding Horizons in Pre-University Studies
Published on: 28-08-2018
The Foundation programmes in MAHSA created opportunities for their students to participate in student mobility programmes with partner universities around the globe.
On 29 June 2018, Lim Jing Yue, an exemplary student from Foundation In Science was awarded full scholarship for the Shanghai Summer School Programme hosted by the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine. It was an excellent platform for international students to acquire additional knowledge and exchange cultures.
The Shanghai Summer School Programme 2018 consisted of six parts: “Basics of Traditional Chinese Medicine Theory”, “Chinese Pharmacology”, “Acupuncture and Tuina”, “Clinical Medicine”, “Health Care”, and “Chinese Culture” and included theories on the application of Traditional Chinese Medicine such as “Holism”, “Yin Yang” and “Ba Gua”, whose unique perspectives are built on ancient Chinese wisdom, and activities such as Chinese Medicine lectures, Chinese language classes, Taichi classes, cultural experiences and visits to subsidiary hospitals. Participants learnt the Traditional Chinese Medicine perspectives of the anatomy and pathology, acupuncture, moxibustion, cupping, meridians, collateral and “tuina” (Chinese massage). Participants were urged to bring their newfound knowledge back to their own countries and to spread the benefits of Chinese Medicine so that it can be acknowledged throughout the world and especially by relevant authoritative organisations.
In addition to classes, the Shanghai Summer School programme also included trips to interesting parts of Shanghai such as the Shanghai Museum, the Bund, Oriental Pearl, Huang Pu River, and cultural experiences in the form of Chinese operas, acrobatic performances, and calligraphy and Chinese painting classes.
Jing Yue’s interest in medicine and his aim to be a doctor propelled him to choose MAHSA University, a major provider of superior education with our superior teaching methodology, industry-based curriculum and excellent facilities. In his one-year Foundation of Science at MAHSA University’s Centre for Pre-University Studies, Jing Yue gained the advantage of an excellent educational programme and the benefit of being under the tutelage of experienced and professional lecturers. Through MAHSA’s student-centered learning and personal mentor-mentee sessions, Jing Yue has excelled in his studies and coped well with stress through the constant guidance of his lecturers and mentors.
Jing Yue expresses his gratitude MAHSA University lecturers who consistently encourage him to go forward and push boundaries in his education. We are very proud that he was sponsored for and attended the 2018 Shanghai Summer School programme, through which he has gained invaluable insight from the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese to boost the quality education he continues to gain at MAHSA University.
Upskilling the Engineering Graduate from MAHSA
Published on: 28-08-2018
MAHSA University has reached another milestone in the provision of quality education. Electronics & Engineering graduates from MAHSA University now have better teaching and industry opportunities in Radio Frequency and Microwave Engineering with the signing of an MOU with Filpal (S) Pte Ltd and Vyrox on 16 July 2018.
Filpal (S) Pte Ltd a regional software development company and Vyrox is a smart-home system provider and one of the top-ten smart-home system integration companies in South East Asia. The signing of this MOU brings the expertise of these industrial leaders to our Engineering Programme and provides our students with opportunities for industrial exposure.
Innovation and technology advances in radio frequency systems and microwave engineering make it imperative that the modern engineering graduate keeps abreast of these changes. The use of modern home-living devices is increasing the necessity of these technologies.
The ceremony was officiated by Professor Dato' Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah, Vice-Chancellor of MAHSA University, accompanied by the Deputy Vice Chancellors and the Dean of the Engineering faculty, Ir Dr. Leong Wai Yie. Dato Dr. Choo Yuen May, Vice President of the Malaysian Invention and Design Society, graced the occasion.
The World at Your Doorstep
Published on: 28-08-2018
The American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) conducts virtual symposiums every year. This competitive symposium calls for research projects globally. Each contribution to the project is evaluated by a panel of five independent clinical pharmacy experts, and shortlisted projects are presented in two interactive sessions. Authors have to present and be available for real-time online question-and-answer sessions alongside their virtual posters.
In the 2018 ACCP Virtual Annual Symposium, FIVE (5) projects from MAHSA University (the highest number of contributions by any University in Malaysia) were accepted and virtually presented along with real-time online question-and-answer sessions.
The presented projects included two community-based studies: 1) Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease (HFMD) among childcare workforces in childcare centres and preschools; 2) Public Beliefs and Attitudes Toward Depression in Kuala Lumpur, and three hospital-based studies: 1) Medication Use and Self-Efficacy (MUSE) and Perceived Diabetes and Self-Management (PDSM) Among Adult Diabetic PPatient; 2) Missing Doses in Intensive Care Units (ICUs) in King Fahad Medical City, Saudi Arabia (collaborative project); and 3) Study of Healthcare Team Awareness of Statin Usage Among Outpatients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.
The abstracts of these studies will be published in Pharmacotherapy, Volume 38, Number 6 (Online ISSN: 1875-9114, impact factor: 3.196). The published findings will help to design and conduct future educational campaigns and policy efforts addressing the prevention of HFMD, improving self-management and self-care practices among Malaysian diabetic adults, reducing depression among the general public, and reducing the incidence of missed doses in ICUs of hospitals.
Engineering, Science & Technology International Conference 2018 -ESTIC'18
ConferenceEvent Details
Date : 26-11-2018 to 27-11-2018 at 8.00 am – 5.00 pmVenue : MAHSA University
Dental Panoramic Imaging Workshop
Seminar & ConferencesEvent Details
Date : 30-11-2018 at 9.00 am to 5.00 pmVenue : Simulation Lab Level 4, Dental Building, MAHSA University
Course Map (Try & See)
Seminar & ConferencesEvent Details
Date : 01-12-2018Venue : Main Campus, SPC
Computed Beam Tomography Workshop
Seminar & ConferencesEvent Details
Date : 07-12-2018 at 9.00 am to 3.00 pmVenue : Simulation Lab Level 4, Dental Building, MAHSA University
Three-Day Crown & Bridge and Veneers Workshop
Seminar & ConferencesEvent Details
Date : 07-12-2018 to 09-12-2018 at 8.30 am to 5.00 pmVenue : Simulation Lab Level 4, Dental Building, MAHSA University
Facon Education Fair
Education FairEvent Details
Date : 09-12-2018 at 8.30 am to 5.00 pmVenue : Equatorial Hotel
Facon Education Fair
Education FairEvent Details
Date : 10-12-2018Venue : Star City Hotel
Facon Education Fair
Education FairEvent Details
Date : 15-12-2018 to 16-12-2018Venue : Kuala Lumpur Convention Centre
Facon Education Fair
Education FairEvent Details
Date : 15-12-2018 to 16-12-2018Venue : Persada Johor Convention Centre
Education & Further Studies Fair
Education FairEvent Details
Date : 16-12-2018Venue : Mid Valley Exhibition Centre
Launch of Sports & Wellness Month
- Yoga, Taichi & Zumba
- Balance Testing
- Telematch Games
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 09-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Free Hugs Day
Open To
Event Details
Date : 11-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Major Open Day
Open To
Staff, Students, Public
Event Details
Date : 12-01-2019 to 13-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Healthy Cooking on a Budget
Open To
Event Details
Date : 15-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Free Hugs Day
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 17-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Get Your Plate in Shape
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 17-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Football Songs Competition
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 17-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Inter-Faculty Sports Day
- Football Match
- Badminton Tournament
- Netball Tournament
Event Details
Date : 19-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Project Helping Hands: Sponsor-A-Meal
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 24-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Wushu Demo
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 24-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Hip-Hop for Beginners
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 24-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Cheerleading Activity
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 24-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Fitness for Children
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 24-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Fit & Fun Race
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 24-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Closing Ceremony
Open To
Staff, Students
Event Details
Date : 31-01-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Drama in English (For Public)
Assoc Prof Azian Abdul KadirEvent Details
Date : 09-02-2019 at 9.00am - 11.00amVenue : PLCR 3401
Drama in English (For MAHSA Students)
Assoc Prof Azian Abdul KadirVenue
Events will be held on 11th February, 15th February, 18th February and 22nd February at PLCR 2501
Event Details
Date : 11-02-2019 to 22-02-2019 at 3.00pm - 5.00pmVenue : PLCR 2501
Just Say It...Let's Talk - Toastmaster Competition
Ms KharmeyniTopics
1. Sex Education Awareness in Higher Education2. Should Smoking be Banned in Eateries
3. Suicides Among Teenagers
Event Details
Date : 12-02-2019 at 2.00pm - 5.00pmVenue : DLT 22201
Jargons / Pen It In a Minute
Dr Soon Siew Choo
Event Details
Date : 13-02-2019 at 2.00pm - 5.00pmVenue : Dental Spine Level 2
Valentine's Day
Ms Nik Nur Zuliyana
Ms Rachel
Mr Param (Staff Dedications)
Mr Kavilan (Student Dedications)
10.00am - 4.00pm (For students and staff)
3.00pm - 4.00pm (For MAHSA staff)
Direct order for gifts and dedications from Merchandise
Event Details
Date : 14-02-2019 at 10.00am - 4.00pmVenue : Front of Habitat Level G
Debate Arena-Intellectual Duel
Assoc Prof Azian
Event Details
Date : 16-02-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmVenue : Pharmacy Auditorium Level 9
Family English Corner
Ms. Noreen, Prof Raj, Dr Subra
Event Details
Date : 16-02-2019 at 10.00am - 1.00pmVenue : Dental Spine Level 2
Fun Games in English and Lion Dance
Ms Yogamalar
Event Details
Date : 18-02-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmVenue : Dental Spine Level 2
Poetry Recital Competition
Social Justice
Ms Tracey Kok
Event Details
Date : 20-02-2019 at 3.00pm - 5.00pmVenue : Dental Spine Level 2
Movie Night
Movie Title
The Game Night
MAHSA English Club
Event Details
Date : 21-02-2019 at 6.00pm - 10.00pmVenue : Habitat Level G
Have Fun with English
1. Games at Lobby Area, Main Block
2. Karaoke at Auditorium, Pharmacy Level 1
Dr Nadiatul Azra (English Language Games)
Ms Yogamalar (Karaoke Competition)
Event Details
Date : 23-02-2019 at 9.00am - 4.00pmVenue : Main Block, Pharmacy Level 1
Use the Right Word
Dr Ooi Der Jiun
Event Details
Date : 25-02-2019 at 3.00pm - 5.00pmVenue : Dental Spine Level 2
Closing Ceremony
Event Details
Date : 28-02-2019 at 2.00pmVenue : Grand Ballroom, Sports Complex
Try & See
Event Details
Date : 01-03-2019Venue : MAHSA University
Earth Hour

Everyday is Earth Hour. Switch off those non-essential lights and conserve energy. Let's do our part. #MAHSAGoGreen
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 05-03-2019 at Lunch HourVenue : MAHSA University
Nursery Pots

Air purifying plants available at MAHSA University.
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 07-03-2019 at 10.00am - 1.00pmVenue : Spine Level 2, Empathy Building
Garbage Enzyme Demonstration & Craftwork Exhibition
Do you know that Garbage Enzyme can be used as a non-toxic cleaner? Learn how to make your own and save the environment! Save some bucks too, just saying. #MAHSAGoGreen
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 07-03-2019 at 10.00am - 1.00pmVenue : Spine Level 2, Empathy Building
MAHSA Events Launch Party
Launching of the Ballroom
Open To
Upon Invitation Only
Event Details
Date : 07-03-2019 at 7.00pm till LateVenue : The Ballroom
MAHSA Events Instagram Challenge
"Snap, post & tag to win a 3D2N trip to Langkawi #MAHSAinstachallenge #MAHSAevents #MAHSAuniversity"
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 08-03-2019 at 8.00am - 8.00pmVenue : The Ballroom
MAHSA Annual Dinner

MAHSA Celebrates 15 Glorious Years #MAHSABeMore
Event Details
Date : 10-03-2019World No Smoking Day Campaign & Blood Donation
No Smoking Campaign launches today. Take the first step to quit. Come on over and talk to us. Your health matters. #MAHSACares
Blood donation drive is happening today from 10am to 1pm at Level 2 Empathy Building. Donate blood. Save a life. #MAHSACares
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 13-03-2019 at 10.00am - 1.00pmVenue : Spine Empathy Building, Level 2
Preloved Textbook Sale
Recycle your old textbooks. Bring them to the Preloved Textbooks Sale. Donate them or sell them. #MAHSAGoGreen
Open To
Students, Staff & Public
Event Details
Date : 14-03-2019 to 15-03-2019 at 12.00pm - 2.30pmVenue : Spine Empathy Building, Level 2
Recycling Campaign
Don't be Trashy. Recycle with Us. Be Clean and Green. #MAHSAGoGreen
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 15-03-2019 at 8.00am - 5.00pmVenue : Spine Level 2, Empathy Building
Education & Further Studies
Open To
Event Details
Date : 16-03-2019 to 17-03-2019 at 11.00am - 7.00pmVenue : Mid Valley Exhibition Centre
International Construction Week 2019
Open To
Event Details
Date : 19-03-2019 to 20-03-2019 at 10.00am - 6.00pmVenue : Malaysia International Trade and Exhibition Centre
Seminar Talk: Green Engineering & Technology
1."Environmental Management and Health Impacts"
2."Composting and Organic Food for Sustainable Health"
3."Go Green Program"
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 21-03-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmVenue : Auditorium Emphathy Building, Level 9
One Day in MAHSA
Want to experience what being a MAHSA student means? Check us out and experience university life and what it means to be an undergraduate student in MAHSA.
Open To
Event Details
Date : 22-03-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmVenue : MAHSA University
Open Day
Event Details
Date : 23-03-2019 to 24-03-2019 at 10.00am - 5.00pmVenue : MAHSA University
Pharmacists Talk from Ministry of Health Malaysia Learn How to Sort Medication

Open To
Students, Staff & Public
Event Details
Date : 25-03-2019 at 9.00am - 12.00pmClosing of Go Green Month
Open To
Students & Staff
Event Details
Date : 28-03-2019 at 2.30pm – 4.30pmVenue : Auditorium Emphathy Building, Level 9
World Earth Hour 2019
Event Details
Date : 29-03-2019 at 8.30pm – 9.30pmVenue : MAHSA University
Open Day
Event Details
Date : 30-03-2019 to 31-03-2019 at 10.00am – 5.00pmVenue : MAHSA University
Open Day
Event Details
Date : 06-04-2019 to 07-04-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmRegistration Day
Event Details
Date : 08-04-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmOpen Day
Event Details
Date : 15-06-2019 to 16-06-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmRegistration Day
Event Details
Date : 17-06-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmUniversity Convocation
Event Details
Date : 22-06-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmEducation & Further Studies
Event Details
Date : 07-08-2019 to 08-08-2019Venue : MVEC
Open Day
Event Details
Date : 24-08-2019 to 25-08-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmRegistration Day
Event Details
Date : 26-08-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmOpen Day
Event Details
Date : 28-09-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmRegistration Day
Event Details
Date : 30-09-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pmUniversity Convocation
Event Details
Date : 16-11-2019 at 9.00am - 5.00pm

Engineering Students Explore Robotic Innovation
Published on: 31-07-2018
Six engineering students from MAHSA University were invited to exhibit their robot at Robocon Malaysia 2018. The event was held at the Dewan Seri Sarjana of Universiti Tenaga Nasional (UNITEN) from 19 to 22 April 2018.
Prior to the showcase, teams from 36 institutions of higher learning were required to submit their robot to the robot check platform for assessment in order to qualify for the exhibition. MAHSA was one of the institutions that made it to the showcase on 20 April 2018.
Robocon Malaysia is a national robotic showcase open to all Malaysian undergraduates. Participants from different institutions were required to develop their own unique robots based on guidelines set by the Robocon committee.
The students from Bachelor of Electrical Electronics Engineering (BEE) programme consisted of Naechitra Jothi, Tiong Tze Jiet, Lim Wai Kit, Sheih Buhari, Tahirrih Sebastian and Hussein Awad. They were guided by Madam Nur Azliza from Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology.
The theme was inspired by an ancient Japanese exercise that involves throwing a ball through a ring at specific distance and height. Based on the topic given, the participants had to develop a robot that can load one or more shuttlecocks at any given time. It must also handle, receive and throw shuttlecocks.
The students were eager to demonstrate the knowledge and skills they have learned in their course. With the support and guidance from their lecturer, the students constructed two types of robots. The first was a manual robot which is controlled by a joystick while the second was an automatic robot. They succeeded by applying three areas of knowledge they have learned in their BEE programme: electronic, mechanical and programming. The students had fun constructing the robot even though it was a challenging process and added they were confident with their robots.
MAHSA was the only team that used Arduino, an open-source electronic platform, to control the robot. The BEE students took the initiative to build the smallest robot in the showcase that could perform the same task as the robots from other teams.
Through this experience, the students gained better understanding of how mechanical and electrical parts work. They also learned the importance of executing projects within the given budget and also working efficiently as a team. The BEE students were grateful and appreciative of the support given by the management and faculty.

MAHSA’S PHD Nursing Receives Full Accreditation
Published on: 30-07-2018
MAHSA’s Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery is proud to have made yet another groundbreaking achievement by the pioneer among Malaysian private universities to receive full accreditation for its PhD in Nursing programme.
The programme that started in March 2014 is fully-accredited by the Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA). There are currently 21 students in the programme, including those from USA, Australia, Middle East and Indonesia.
Mr. Manfred Mortell, a 63-year-old Australian, is the first student be awarded the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Nursing. He achieved distinction in his thesis for his excellent work. His research titled, “Patient Advocacy among Saudi Arabian Adult Intensive Care Nurses: A grounded theory study”, was published in the British Journal of Nursing, Journal Health Specialties and Malaysian Nursing Journal.
The PhD in Nursing programme aims to prepare researchers to develop, evaluate and disseminate new knowledge in nursing and health sciences. It also provides nurses the foundation to be leaders in research that advances nursing science and contributes to public health. Students are required to publish their findings in journals and make presentation in conferences before graduating.
The Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery is committed to bringing changes to nursing practice and education to meet the needs of the country.

Biomedical Student Excels in Business Plan Competition
Published on: 30-07-2018
Hasniza binti Azman from MAHSA’s MBBS programme was awarded third place for her remarkable performance in the ASEAN Virtual Business Plan Competition 2018, National Level - Malaysia.
136 entries were submitted from 32 universities for the event held at Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM), Shah Alam on 10 May 2018.
Ms. Hasniza teamed up with students from other universities to develop i-wellness, a unique business project that brings together medical health professionals with various expertise to improve healthcare services in Malaysia.
Since better health contributes to economic progress, there will always be high demand for healthcare specialists.
The recognition was the result of skilful execution, good teamwork and admirable spirit.

MAHSA Labs are GLP Certified
Published on: 30-07-2018
MAHSA UNIVERSITY is pleased to announce that 24 of its multidisciplinary laboratories have been awarded the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) certificate.
GLP is an international quality control system covering various processes and conditions conducted in non-clinical health and environment studies. Its standards are set by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and further verified by the Compliance Monitoring Programmes (CMP) through periodic inspection of test facilities and audit of GLP studies.
The university’s compliance with strict GLP guidelines meant that studies submitted by MAHSA students will inspire confidence in the validity and integrity of their data. Due to the quality assurance that came with GLP compliant test facilities, their data will also be more acceptable to the 36 OECD member countries such as France, United Kingdom, Switzerland, Japan, United States, etc.
This meant that students from faculties such as Pharmacy, Dentistry, Medicine & Biomedical Sciences as well as Health and Sports Sciences will benefit from the consistent and reliable delivery of practical and studies conducted in MAHSA University labs.
MAHSA University is proud of this achievement and it is committed to providing high quality education and facilities to its students.

MAHSA Collaborates with Belt and Road Countries
Published on: 30-07-2018
MAHSA’s Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Science is proud and honoured to be the sole Malaysian representative invited to the Belt and Road International Medical Education Alliance (BRIMEA) in Shenyang, China.
BRIMEA is a comprehensive medical alliance formed by 48 medical education institutions from 15 countries located along the Silk Road. The alliance aims to promote cultural exchange, academic discussion and collaboration with experts from other participating countries.
MAHSA attended the first BRIMEA council meeting on 26th May 2018 as one of its founding members. Some of the universities in this alliance include:
- China Medical University
- Capital Medical University
- Nanjing Medical University
- Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
- Azerbaijan Medical University
- University of the Philippines, Manila
- Mahidol University, Thailand
- College of Physicians & Surgeons, Pakistan
All members signed the Shenyang Consensus at the conference whereby its core principles are to promote harmony and improve quality of life, to advocate education as the foundation to cultivate future talents, to save lives and to uphold medical ethics.
In the following two days MAHSA participated in the 2nd International Forum on Higher Medical Education. Professor Dato Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, MAHSA’s dean of Faculty of Medicine, gave a well-received talk at a plenary session on “Challenges in the Globalisation of Medical Education”. Dr. Ravindran also took the opportunity to introduce MAHSA University to the audience and shared the university’s experience in handling large international student population.
The collaboration enables MAHSA community to form stronger cultural and academic ties with medical education institutions from other countries for mutual benefits.

CPA Australia Accredits MAHSA Accounting Degree
Published on: 30-07-2018
The Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality is pleased to announce that its Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) (BAC) programme has been accredited by CPA Australia (Certified Practising Accountant).
CPA Australia is one of the world’s largest accounting bodies with a global membership of over 160,000 finance, accounting and business professionals. Their core services include education, continuing professional development, technical support and advocacy for the profession. The CPA (Aust.) designation is recognised globally, with members in 125 countries and regions.
Other than CPA, MAHSA’s Bachelor of Accounting (Hons) programme is also accredited by:
- Chartered Institute of Management Accountants (CIMA) - United Kingdom
- Malaysian Qualifications Agency (MQA)
MAHSA’s programme offers students a streamlined pathway to professional memberships. Upon completing their three-year accounting programme, graduates can gain associate membership to CPA Australia and undertake entry-level accounting jobs.
Graduates of MAHSA’s BAC programme will give potential clients or employers assurance of their competency and knowledge. For a successful career in professional accountancy, choose MAHSA.

MAHSA Collaborates with Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University
Published on: 30-07-2018
12 students from Suzhou, China attended a training programme from 9 to 13 April 2018 at MAHSA University. The programme was specifically arranged for the Bachelor of Public Health students from Xian Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU).
The event was officiated by Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, dean from Faculty of Medicine, followed by an introduction to MAHSA’s MSc Public Health programme from Associate Professor Dato’ Prathapa Senan.
The participants consisting mainly of third and fourth year students, were led by Dr. Zheng Feei Ma, team leader of XJTLU, as well as staff members, Associate Professor Robert Lynch and Secretary of the Department of Public Health, Dr. Jiang Wanyi.
The programme, ‘Introduction to Healthcare in Malaysia’, was coordinated by Prof. Dr. Hematram Yadav from the Department of Community Health at MAHSA University. The need for such a programme was initiated when Prof. Yadav met with Prof. Lynch in July 2017 at the 3rd International Conference of Public Health in Kuala Lumpur. From the interaction, Prof. Yadav developed the programme for XJTLU students and staff with the objective to provide them an introduction to the healthcare system in Malaysia.
The programme covered theory as well as field visit to Taman Medan Health Centre, a district hospital in Tanjung Karang. It also included a briefing by Datuk Dr. Noor Hisham bin Abdullah, Deputy Director General of Health from the Ministry of Health (MOH). From the visit, the students gained valuable practical experience and knowledge on the accessibility and availability of health services in Malaysia, known for having one of the best rural health infrastructures in the world.
Students were also shown various health programmes carried out in rural and urban areas. In return, they collaborated with MAHSA and provided the latter a briefing on the projects and studies conducted by them in China.
On 12 April 2018, a memorandum of understanding (MOU) was signed between MAHSA and XJTLU. The MOU aims to facilitate collaboration between both institutions. The scope of cooperation includes:
- Staff exchange or mutual visits to both institutions
- Participation in seminars, symposiums, academic meetings
- Special short-term academic programs including international workshops
- Development of joint publications and research activities of common interest
- Doctoral student training and development
- *Student exchange in Bachelor and Master programmes
- Participation in mutually-beneficIal activities
With the signing of the MOU, MAHSA students and faculty members will benefit from the cultural exchange as well as collaborations with XJTLU in common research areas. The move will benchmark MAHSA’s MSc Public Health programme against XJTLU’s.

Congratulations to Prof. Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy
Published on: 18-07-2018
MAHSA University is proud to announce that our very own Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, the Dean of our Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences, is now an ISQua Expert and a member of ISQua’s international accreditation panel. ISQua is The International Society for Quality in Health Care, a global organisation with its headquarters in Dublin, Ireland and a history that dates back to 1985.
Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy was invited by ISQua to join them as an expert because of his expertise in the field of obstetrics and gynaecology, specifically in areas of maternal and perinatal mortality reduction. Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran served thirty-five years in this capacity with the Malaysian Ministry of Health, and has contributed extensively to the improvement of the quality of health in the country. Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran has also shared his expertise in these areas as a technical consultant with the World Health Organisation (WHO) as well as the IPPF in North Korea, Kampuchea and Vietnam. His work has been published considerably in scientific journals and presented in many international conferences. In the year 2003, he was awarded the Distinguished Community Service Award by the International Federation of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (FIGO). Besides his pivotal role as the Dean of MAHSA University’s Faculty of Medicine, the Professor is also a Councillor and surveyor for the Malaysian Society for Quality in Health (MSQH) and the current secretary of the Asian Society of Quality in Healthcare.
ISQua is a global organisation with five continents represented on its ten-person Board. The expertise of ISQua and its network of members is a highly valued resource by those in the medical and social care community all over the world. ISQua strives to improve the quality and safety of healthcare worldwide through education and the sharing of knowledge, through external evaluation, and giving support to health systems as well as connecting people through global networks. They are closely associated with the World Health Organisation (WHO) and assist with technical and policy advice as well as knowledge sharing as part of WHO initiatives. ISQua also conducts professional development educational programmes which includes talks, debates, online workshops and webinars in all areas of healthcare safety and quality.
Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy’s new role as a distinguished expert with ISQua confirms MAHSA University’s position as a provider of not only world-class higher education but also highly sought-after healthcare expertise.

MAHSA Shines on with MIDS 2018
Published on: 13-07-2018
The Malaysia International Dental Show (MIDS) 2018 on 4th May 2018, held at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre was a huge success. The conference was jointly organised by the Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA University and the Malaysian Dental Dealers Association (MDDA).
The main objectives of MIDS 2018 were to enhance dentistry skills and knowledge of dental professionals as well as to collaborate with dental traders in promoting the growth and success in forming symbiotic relationships in the industry.
Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor & Executive Chairman of MAHSA University, officiated the event with the theme 'Technological Advancement towards Excellence in Dentistry'.
MAHSA was the only dental school, out of 13, in Malaysia to be chosen as a partner to organise this three-day event. MAHSA’s Faculty of Dentistry is the first dental school in Malaysia to have organised its own international scientific conference.
The scientific conference was chaired by Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kacharaju Kranthi Raja and advised by Prof. Rosnah binti Mohd Zain. The scientific committee from MAHSA’s Faculty of Dentistry was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Prathap Chandar Mannivanan, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Ravikanth Haridas and Dr. Afaf-Al-Haddad.
Fifteen renowned speakers from Malaysia and abroad delivered keynote lectures on different topics. The conference also included Dental Technology Symposium featuring lectures and workshops by Mr. Robert Eberharter (Austria), Mr. Mansor bin Arshad (Malaysia), and Dr. Mark Anthony G. Kobayashi (Philippines).
Prof. Dr. Phrabakaran, renowned dental radiologist in Malaysia and Head of MAHSA’s Department of Oral Biology delivered a keynote lecture to a full house on CBCT Imaging - What to Watch Out For? while Dr. Padmini Hari, periodontist and year 4 coordinator of MAHSA’s Faculty of Dentistry, talked about integrating periodontics knowledge to other branches of dentistry.
In his lecture on Dental Technologists on Innovations in Dentistry - Are you ready?, Assoc. Prof. Dr. Santhosh Kotian, MAHSA’s Head of Department of Prosthodontics; stressed the need for dental technologists to embrace recent advances in their laboratory setups. Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kranthi Raja Kacharaju received positive feedback from participants on his workshop about managing complex endodontic cases.
Students benefited from the productive conference and workshops. The year 3, 4 and 5 students who volunteered to organise the scientific conference also expressed delight in gaining experience organizing events and honing their management skills in the process.
More than 1000 delegates and visitors attended the well-received event. 94 booths, including 54 international exhibitors, showcased the latest dental materials, products and technology. This accomplishment showed the experience and capability of MAHSA’s Faculty of Dentistry.
Through this conference, MAHSA staff and students had the opportunity to network with professionals all over the world.

MAHSA Engineering Gears Up for Industry 4.0
Published on: 13-07-2018
With automation and data exchange in manufacturing technologies as the current trend, Industry 4.0 is reshaping the way we manufacture goods and the way we work. As the world enters the latest industrial revolution that is Industry 4.0, there is a need for individuals to adapt to this change and be prepared for their future career.
MAHSA UNIVERSITY recognises its importance. On 2 May 2018, MAHSA’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology signed Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with three establishments: Project Management Institute, Malaysia Chapter (PMIMY), Iconix Consulting Sdn. Bhd. and MS Compost Sdn Bhd.
Also present at the signing ceremony were MAHSA UNIVERSITY’s academic staff and management team: Vice Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah; Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs & Corporate Services), Ms Stella Lau Kah Wai; and Dean of Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, Assoc. Prof. Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie.
The purpose of the MOU is to establish collaboration with industry leaders in science and technology. MAHSA aims to produce highly-skilled individuals who are able to meet the needs of the industry.
The president of its Malaysia Chapter, Mr. Krishnan J. Srinivasan, assured that PMIMY will work closely with MAHSA through research projects, symposiums and surveys as well as share information through publications and work sessions. PMIMY’s treasurer, Mr. Khairul Anuar bin Mohd. Saffian, was also present at the event. PMI is the world’s largest non-profit professional membership association for the project management profession.
MAHSA will be receiving five units of IoT (Internet of Things) devices from the Managing Director of Iconix Consulting Sdn. Bhd., Puan Masliza Osman, who is accompanied by the Principal Consultant, Dr. Tan Su Wei and Technical Specialist, Mr. Kenneth Wong. These donated devices will be placed in the Embedded System Laboratory. MAHSA students will benefit from learning this technology.
The Managing Director of MS Compost, Mr. Mahathevan S. Arumugam, highlighted that the company will embark on a research collaboration with MAHSA for wastage and green environment technologies in multi-industrial sectors. The equipment for the research and its laboratory will be set up at the university.
MAHSA UNIVERSITY strives to develop its students into highly-demanded professionals through research and innovation opportunities at all levels.

Digital Radiography, the Future of Medical Imaging
Published on: 28-06-2018
With its wondrous ability to reveal accurate visuals of diseases in mere seconds, digital radiography (DR) is fast replacing traditional X-Ray imaging. Not only does it save time and improve accuracy, DR also reduces radiation exposure, making it safer for patients. It is for these reasons that DR is the future of medical imaging technology.
MAHSA’s Medical Imaging Department (MID) strives to produce highly-skilled radiographers who can contribute to medical institutions everywhere. In view of this, the department from MAHSA’s Faculty of Health and Sports Sciences organised a two-day seminar on digital radiography on 27 and 28 April at MAHSA University.
Dr. Bidi Bin Ab Hamid from the Radiation Monitoring and Control Division of the Ministry of Health gave a lively interactive presentation on radiation protection in digital radiography.
All guest speakers had ten to thirty years of working experience in their respective fields. The experts presenting that day were:
- Mr Jimmy Lim and Mr KL Chan (Fujifilm Malaysia) - CR & DR technology and image processing.
- Mr Rockey Tang (Angel Co Shenzhen, China) - dynamic DR
- Ms Pauh (Canon Toshiba Medical Informatics) - PACS, DICOM, HL7 and Teleradiography
- Mr Rosdi (LAC) - digital radiography department setup & showcasing of Samsung Medical System
- Ms Kahdijah Ramli (University Malaya) - ways to utilise exposure indexes to reduce patient radiation doses and digital radiographic image quality and artifacts
- Dr Bidi Bin Ab Hamid (Radiation Monitoring and Control Division, Ministry of Health) - radiation protection in digital radiography
- Madam Chan Lai Kuan (HOD, MI Department) - reject analysis, quality control and role of radiographers in digital radiography
More than 130 attended the seminar. The participants consisted of clinical preceptors, qualified radiographers, lecturers and radiography students.
MAHSA students spent two productive days gaining valuable insights from key players in the industry and networking with the relevant technology suppliers. They also learned to make comparisons between various systems in the market.
The comprehensive programme included a total of fourteen lectures covering the basic principles of CR & DR, image acquisition and processing, the latest equipment, medical information, radiation doses and protection as well as quality control.

MAHSA Students Shine at Engineering Competition
Published on: 28-06-2018
First-year students from MAHSA’s Diploma in Civil Engineering programme were the second runner-up in the National Tower Crane Building Competition organised by Universiti Malaysia Pahang (UMP). The intervarsity contest was held in conjunction with Engineering Week 2018, an event supported by the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
Led by Madam Syazana from MAHSA’s Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, the team consisted of five students: Su Yong Howe, Muhammad Alif Nordin, Siti Nur Hidayah Jamaluddin, Mohammad Shamir Zain and Muhammad Syazani Suhaimee.
The first-year diploma students took up the challenge despite knowing they would be competing against degree students. They built a lightweight and structurally sound model that would be strong enough to hold the maximum required load.
The team from MAHSA explained that they had to innovate to create the best structural arrangement in accordance with strict contest rules and design guidelines. With the support of their lecturers, the students built several models and conducted multiple testing on the structures.
The participants were elated that their model had outperformed the other 43 designs in terms of structural performance, cost efficiency, design creativity and tidiness. They expressed their gratitude to their MAHSA advisors, Madam Syazana, Dr. Nurul Huda and Associate Professor Khairul for their guidance. The students jested that they were attracted by the award but added it was their lecturers’ continuous support that motivated them to do their best. The team received a RM400 cash reward for their innovative design.
The overall process simulated real-world engineering issues such as solving spatial constraints and fabrication processes as well as project management and teamwork efficacy. The civil engineering students were able to apply classroom knowledge into practical tasks. This reflects on the dedication and expertise of MAHSA’s educators in producing high-quality, competent students.

Engineer an Electrifying Future with MAHSA
Published on: 28-06-2018
MAHSA’s Bachelor of Engineering (Hons) in Electrical & Electronics Engineering degree programme has been fully accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Council (EAC).
EAC is the only recognized accrediting body for engineering degree programmes in Malaysia. Endorsed by the EAC and MQA, MAHSA’s Electrical & Electronics Engineering degree programme will give assurance to prospective employers on the quality of MAHSA’s graduates.
The programme also meets the Washington Accord standard of engineering. This means graduates of the degree programme can practice engineering in countries covered by the accord. The 19 signatories include Australia, Canada, China, Japan, Korea, United States, United Kingdom, etc.
Having an EAC-accredited qualification also meant that MAHSA graduates are able to register with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM) to practice engineering in Malaysia. They can also join the Public Service Department (JPA) with MAHSA’s Electrical & Electronics Engineering degree programme.
Prior to the accreditation, the panel paid a visit to MAHSA’s Bandar Saujana Putra. MAHSA’s curriculum and facilities were evaluated in accordance with EAC’s strict criteria. Staff and students also underwent thorough assessment via interviews and dialogue with industry stakeholders.
EAC and MQA’s recognition on the programme meant that MAHSA University delivers quality engineering education and produces highly-competent graduates.

MAHSA's MBBS Granted Recognition by Sri Lanka Medical Council
Published on: 28-06-2018
MAHSA University is pleased to announce that its Bachelor of Medicine & Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme has received a five-year recognition from the Sri Lankan Medical Council (SLMC). The recognition runs from 2018 to 2023 and is expected to attract more students from Sri Lanka. This recognition will enable students with MAHSA qualifications to provide professional services in their own country.
Dean of Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Science, Professor Dato' Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, explained that the recognition by SLMC was indeed another proud moment for the faculty, who participated in the rigorous assessments that included site visits as well as interviews with students and faculty members.
There are currently 120 international students enrolled in this programme under the Faculty of Medicine & Biomedical Sciences. Two of them are from Sri Lanka while most come from Thailand and India.
Other than the SLMC, MAHSA’s MBBS programme is also recognised by the Medical Council of Thailand and Medical Council of India, both of which allow students to sit for the entrance examinations in their respective countries after graduation.
Besides Thailand and India, MAHSA’s graduates also work in Maldives, Bangladesh and even in countries as far as Nigeria, Tanzania, Kenya and Mauritius.
MAHSA University’s growing success in gaining recognitions from numerous medical councils from abroad shows that its Faculty of Medicine can now be benchmarked against established peers in the region. This is a feat the university can truly be proud of and it will definitely be added to one of MAHSA’s many list of achievements.

MAHSA’s Midwifery Student Delivers Distinction
Published on: 28-06-2018
A student from MAHSA’s Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery (FONM) achieved distinction in her Midwifery Specialisation (Part 1) Licensure Examination. Ms. Kamala A/P Lathumanan joined MAHSA’s Advance Diploma in Midwifery in April 2017 and took the exam on 11 April 2018. She was a staff nurse at Kelana Jaya Medical Center (KJMC). There were also fifteen other students from the faculty who sat for the examination and passed.
MAHSA’s FONM has an outstanding track record of students achieving great results in the examination set by the Midwives Board Malaysia. The faculty has produced 97 nurse-midwives since the programme was introduced in 2011. There were three who obtained distinctions in the programme: Ms. Loo Yong Chyi (10 September 2014 Exam), Pn. Norliza Binti Abu Bakar (10 September 2014 Exam) and Pn. Siti Noorsahara Binti Hussin (31 March 2015 Exam).
Those who have completed MAHSA’s Advanced Diploma in Midwifery will be qualified to sit for the licensure examination. Successful candidates will then be certified by the Midwifery Board Malaysia and graduate as State Registered Nurse and Midwife. This qualification is recognized by the Ministry of Health Malaysia.
International students from the Philippines, Kenya and Somalia also took the Advanced Diploma. Many have graduated from this programme and secured high positions in their respective nursing departments.
These success stories are a testament to MAHSA University’s commitment to be the centre of excellence on Higher Education in the region.

Group photo of Midwifery Nursing students (cohort April 2017) with their lecturer and clinical instructor at MAHSA University
Front row: Nor Hidayah Noordin, Norhayati Hamid, Fatin Nadia Rahinon
Middle row: Fatihah Abd Karim, Christine Irudayasu, Assoc. Prof. Norehan Binti Mohd Isa, Ms Adiletchimi M, Kamala Lathumanan
Back row: Nor Hasimah Ibrahim, Naemah Anwar, Nurhidayatul Akmal Mohd Nafiah, Sity Mastura Zakaria, Nurul Izzati Idris, Nur Syahida Jasmin, Nuramalina Zulkhafeli, Haniza Ramlee.

Never Too Late - The Experiential Learning Pathway
Published on: 28-06-2018
The Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning (APEL) is an alternate pathway to obtaining a university qualification.
Knowledge and skills can be gained through work experience. These experiences are then converted into academic credits via APEL. Working adults who had obtained enough credits will be able to receive a more accelerated and flexible tertiary education.
To fulfill MAHSA’s entry requirements, the student must:
- be a Malaysian
- be at least 30 years of age in the year of application
- have a minimum qualification of STPM, Diploma or equivalent
- have relevant work experience
The first intake of APEL students were successfully recruited in January 2018 at MAHSA University. MAHSA UNIVERSITY is proud to welcome 58 students to their Bachelor in Business Administration (BBA) programme and 19, to their Master of Business Administration (MBA) programme.
MAHSA utilises the ‘blended-learning’ mode where APEL students enjoy flexible learning process through:
- Face-to-Face Interaction (F2F)
- Online Interaction via Learning Management System
- ‘Pre-Workshop Questions’ where students review lessons before classes to have more time doing hands-on activities under the lecturer’s guidance
For each module offered in a semester (14 weeks), there will be F2F learning sessions followed by tutorial sessions on a monthly basis to guide students in their assignments and pre-final exam questions.
All the assignment and case study analysis questions are designed to integrate the students’ work experience with the theoretical knowledge they had learned in formal setting. They will learn to define problems and provide solutions to others in their fields.
Besides formal learning, MAHSA had also arranged industrial guest lectures, which is in line with industrial requirements, as well as organised research methodology workshops to help students improve on their research skills for their Final Year Project (FYP).
Mr. Sivagnanakumaran, Head of Postgraduate Department of the Faculty of Business, Finance and Hospitality commended Malaysians for their eagerness to equip themselves with knowledge and added how proud he is to make higher education more accessible to all.
With MAHSA UNIVERSITY’S Flexible Learning Mode, working adults with hectic lifestyles and busy schedules can finally achieve their learning goals and have better work opportunities.

MAHSA’s Dean of Nursing leads the way in TN50 Conference.
Published on: 30-05-2018
Assoc. Prof Zahrah Saad, Dean Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery at MAHSA University was a prominent speaker at a conference in Melaka recently. Putra Specialist Hospital, Melaka organised the conference, themed ‘Nursing: The Next Frontier towards TN50' held at Swiss Garden Hotel & Residences on 6 & 7 April 2018. Datuk Dr Ghazali Bin Othman, Pengarah Kesihatan Negeri Melaka, officiated the conference where more than 200 nurses attended.
Transformasi Nasional 2050 or TN50 is an initiative to plan for the future of Malaysia in the period 2020 to 2050. From the vision of becoming a developed nation, we should strive to be amongst the top countries in the world in economic development, citizen well-being, and innovation. Assoc. Prof Zahrah’s challenged nurses to be ready to face the next 30 years. The world in 2050 will be much different from the world today. She said that this objective needs to be fleshed out and given meaning by Malaysian citizens themselves. She said that all Malaysians must let their voices be heard, share their views and ideas, and jointly set our objectives for the nation's future.
Assoc. Prof Zahrah joined other distinguished speakers, Prof Siti Rabhikhatun, Dr Rashidah and Dr Aini Ahmad at an Open Forum themed 'Future Development of Nursing in Malaysia' moderated by Mr Soong Chong Seng, Chief Clinical Officer, PSHMSB and Pn Siti Fatimah Md Shariff, Senior Lecturer, KUIM on 07 April 2018.
MAHSA International Conference on Manual Therapy 2018
Published on: 30-05-2018
The International Conference on Manual Therapy organized by the Physiotherapy Department of MAHSA University held on 5 & 6 May 2018 at Saujana Putra Campus was a resounding success. The first of such conference in Malaysia, it highlighted the latest treatment techniques which will be beneficial to the clinicians, academicians and students of physiotherapy.100 physiotherapists, 176 physiotherapy students and lecturers attended the conference and two pre-conference workshops on manual therapy techniques and a post conference workshop on pain.
There are two keynotes, four plenary sessions and four symposiums presented by esteemed speakers as well as 8 free paper presentations.
The Chair of the conference and also the Dean of the Faculty of Health and Sport Sciences Associate Professor Chan Sook Chin, in her welcome speech emphasized that manual therapy is one of the specialized hands – on techniques to reduce pain and improve a patient’s functional ability. It is the main scope of practice in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and its clinical outcomes depend on strong evidence and clinical reasoning. Physiotherapists had greatly contributed to the development of manual therapy approaches and techniques.
The opening address was made by Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah. He stated that the increase in public awareness of physiotherapy is due to the establishment of private education in physiotherapy. Physiotherapy was once associated only with massage therapy. He was pleased to recognize many MAHSA University alumni attending the conference as part of their Continuous Professional Development. He reiterated the physiotherapists play an important role as healthcare providers.
The invited speakers are experts in musculoskeletal physiotherapy and manual therapy. Dr. Steve Milanese, Director of International Center for Allied Health Evidence, Sansom Institute and the Programme the Director of Health Sciences from University of South Australia who has authored over 60 peer-reviewed publications in the areas of ergonomics, evidence-based practice, manual therapy and health care. He presented the keynote on “The history, practice, and evidence in manual therapy'', he highlighted how manual therapy evolved over the centuries, the birth of International Federation of Orthopaedic Manipulative Therapy (IFOMT) and the paradigm shift towards Evidence-Based Practice Model.
Professor Dr. Helen Slater, a prominent speaker is the clinical researcher from Curtin University also a dedicated enthusiast in the field of musculoskeletal pain recognized both nationally and internationally across government sectors, professional bodies, health industries, consumer bodies and not-for-profit organizations. Her keynote address is Moving evidence into the assessment and management of musculoskeletal pain: real-world applications' The emphasis was given on health and economic challenges of persistent pain, individualized targeted ‘right care’, models of care and translating policy into practice.
Two other invited international speakers are Dr. Nagarajan from Australia and Dr Subhash Khatri from India. Dr Nagarajan, a researcher and musculoskeletal and sport physiotherapist has conducted many workshops and symposiums in Malaysia, India, Hong Kong and Papua New Guinea, contributing greatly towards evidence based practice in physiotherapy profession. He spoke in the plenary session on Neuro-muscular therapy and motor control approaches in manual therapy practice and in the symposium he presented an interesting paper on sensorimotor characteristics of tennis elbow: implication to physiotherapy practice. Dr. Subhash Khatri, a pioneer in the field of Manual Therapy with his significant contributions over the years, he has 55 research publications in National and 14 in international journals. He has strong fundamental views on foundation and authored books on physiotherapy and electrotherapy. He spoke on the Combined Assessment and treatment of spine and presented in the symposium he presented the Manual techniques of the shoulder.
The other two speakers are Dr. Mary Cardosa, an anaesthesiologist who has developed clinical services, health workforce education and pain research in Malaysia presented many useful facts on the chronic pain and the problems identified with the establishment of Chronic pain programme in Malaysia. Dr. Low Soo Fin who is a Radiologist in the Imaging Department of KLSMC, Malaysia shared many MRI images of lesions in the knee and spine and how the radiological findings are interpreted. The information given provided participants an understanding of the conditions and injuries.
There were 33 participants from various hospitals and clinics within Malaysia and one international participant from Japan attended the Pre-conference workshop 1 on "Advanced Manual Therapy Assessment and Treatment using Maitland – Based approach including Neurodynamic Testing" conducted by Dr. Steve Milanese. The prime focus of this workshop was on Maitland’s concept and Neurodynamics in managing spinal problems. There was a good level of interaction between participants and instructor throughout the session. All participants had an opportunity to experience their acquired skill with appropriate feedback from the instructor.
A total of 8 paper presentations from international and local academicians. Various studies on musculoskeletal problems were presented and the best presentation was awarded to Mr. Sim Yuet Yu. The title of the paper is Knowledge and practice of Manual Therapy among physiotherapists in Malaysia. This conference has encouraged the lecturers to develop interest to conduct more research in the future.
Pre-conference workshop 2 on "Integrated approach to motor control training for non-specific lumbopelvic pain and posterior pelvic pain.” was conducted by Dr. Nagarajan Manickaraj attended by 34 participants from various hospitals and clinics within Malaysia. The hands-on integrated approach includes Positional release therapy, Muscle energy techniques, Myofascial release techniques and Taping with some theory introduced in the beginning; there was a good level of interaction between participants and Instructor throughout the session. Instructor shared some case studies and his experiences during the session. The workshop provided new insight for all the participants to approach the cases with differential diagnosis and management of mechanical low back pain and posterior pelvic pain.
The post-conference workshop was conducted by Prof. Dr.Helen Slater on "Driving evidence into meaningful real-world practice to improve musculoskeletal pain outcomes". The main focus of the workshop is on making sense of pain, understanding different types of pain and persistent pain. Complex musculoskeletal pain cases were analysed and discussed based on a conceptual framework and current pain signs. The emphasis given to participants that they are able to develop the ability to assess and treat patients to ensure good clinical outcomes. The workshop was interactive with case discussions and hands-on demonstrations.
Altogether there are 18 sponsors for the Conference, 9 had put up exhibition booths. The companies were suppliers of physiotherapy equipment, pain relief modalities, supports and aids for joints and others. The feedback given from the companies is good. They were very satisfied with the patronage and the exposure of the exhibition booths. Biofit Technology and Services and Innomed Sdn Bhd were two Premium Sponsors.

Student Mobility Programme with Airlangga University, Indonesia
Published on: 30-05-2018
Five Students from MAHSA University’s Doctor of Dental Surgery programme participated in the Student Mobility program with Airlangga University, Indonesia from 5th – 18th March 2018.
Universitas Airlangga is the second-oldest university in Indonesia located in Surabaya, East Java. It was founded in 1948 as a distant branch of the University of Indonesia, dating back to 1913. Airlangga was the top university regarding "Citations per paper" based on the QS Asian University Ranking 2014. According to the Webometrics Ranking of World Universities 2011, it took the 4th place in Indonesia and 22nd in the Southeast Asia region.
The 14-day Airlangga Short-Term Study Program has been designed to promote international learning experience amongst students, as well as to foster positive and healthy relationships and collaborations amongst the universities in Asia.
During this program, Associate Professor Dr Prathap accompanied the students for the first two days and delivered guest lectures to the undergraduate and postgraduate students in the field of Orthodontics. Our students had the opportunity to attend conferences, laboratory courses, skills training through hands-on activities and close observations on clinical treatments carried out at Airlangga Dental Hospital. They were also involved with the local community in volunteer works to create a positive impact on the society. Of course, sightseeing and cultural activities were part of the experience too.

MAHSA Engineering Teams Shine at 2018 International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (I-ENVEX)
Published on: 30-05-2018
The Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology is delighted to announce that our two teams, which represented MAHSA University under Class E: I.C.T, Multimedia & Telecommunications, Electricity and Electronics at the International Engineering Invention and Innovation Exhibition (i-ENVEX), proudly took two silver medals home. The event was held on the 13th to 15th April 2018 at Universiti Malaysia Perlis (UniMAP).
I-ENVEX is a premier international exhibition with the objective to encourage young innovators, engineers, and students to get involved in research and educational debates and to provide them with a platform to showcase their inventions. In this year’s event, 408 products were presented by 163 high school students, 92 UniMAP participants, 72 local students from Malaysian institutions and 81 international students from 16 countries such as India, South Korea, South East Asia, Canada, Romania, and The United States.
Two months before the exhibition, both teams started to research the current market products to identify their drawbacks and limitations by reading journals and company websites. They aimed to invent and patent a competitive product to fill the gap in the market and meet customers’ needs. After thorough research, each team chose a commercial project category and drew up the details and benefits of the product which were going to be prototyped. Using various software and applying a trial and error approach, electrical simulation diagrams were drawn, and the best one was selected. Using the same approach the programming of the products was tested. It was a time-consuming process as the students had to ensure a well-programmed circuit was produced. After one and half a months of hard work, the fabrication of the actual products started. With limited time and resources, both teams managed to complete the project with the support of internal and external sponsors.
The first project entitled Intelligent Wheelchair Control Using Speech Recognition System for Disabled Patients was invented by Naechitra Jothi (4th year) and Tahirrih Sebastian (3rd year). The leader of the team was Nik Nur Zuliyana.
Fire Fighting Robot was the second project invented by Tjong Tze Jiet (4th year), Lim Zhen Mao (4th year), and Lim Wai Ki (3rd year). Siti Afifah did a great job leading and supervising the team. After a long 11-hour journey from MAHSA University, Saujana Putra Campus to UniMAP, Perlis, the students finally presented the end products. It was worth every minute of it as the teams proudly witnessed how amazed the judges and other participants had become with their inventions. They were humbled by the positive feedback they received from the audience.
Participating in I-ENVEX, not only the gave the students the chance to showcase their inventions, but also presented them with an opportunity to exchange ideas with national and international researchers and inventors.

For Students, By Students! MAHSA’s Faculty of Medicine at AMEA 2017 Hong Kong
Published on: 30-05-2018
A delegation of four senior medical students were invited to participate in the Poster Exhibition at the 9th AMEA Symposium cum Frontiers in Medical and Health Sciences Education 2017. The event was hosted by The Hong Kong University on 14 – 16 December 2017.
Established in 2001, AMEA is the association of Asian medical schools with its secretariat in the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine. This years’ event coincided with the 130th anniversary of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong. The theme of the symposium was "Preparing Healthcare Learners for a Changing World."
MAHSA University Faculty of Medicine published its first student magazine called ‘An Initiation of The Faculty Magazine, Under the White Coat’ in May 2017. What’s interesting about this magazine is that it is entirely written, edited and run by a students' editorial committee. Incidentally, the magazine has continued to grow from strength to strength and its third online issue has recently been published.
MAHSA students’ poster presentation was a narrative portraying the healthy blend of local and international students in the faculty and presenting students’ experience. The Faculty of Medicine, MAHSA University was represented by:
- Nakorn Nuntasuakasame
- Alvin Chai Chung Liang
- Chong Chai Wen
- Thanet Narula
Apart from the students’ exposure to new perspectives in an international arena, networking with the medical students of The Hong Kong University, the students represented MAHSA at Asian Medical Students’ Association Hong Kong (AMSAHK), a body which brings together the medical students from across Asia. The experience of networking with the doctors and students from participating universities enlightened our students.
Being part of an international conference, held in one of the oldest and leading medical schools in Asia and the world was a dream come true for the students. Even though young, this exposure gave the students confidence that with dedication and perseverance we know in them, the sky is their limit.
Please check out the magazine at https://www.facebook.com/underthewhitecoat/.

MAHSA University’s Distinguished Lecture Series 2018
Published on: 17-05-2018
MAHSA University held another of their Distinguished Lecture Series 2018 on Friday 11th May at 3.00 pm in the Auditorium at their Bandar Saujana Putra Campus. The lecture, entitled “Swimming Against The Tide – From Laparascopy To Robotic Surgery”, was presented by Professor Dr C Palanivelu, Gastroenterology & Laparoscopic Surgeon of GEM Hospital & Research Centre in Coimbatore, India.
Two hundred and thirty attentive participants comprising academicians, faculty members and students packed the auditorium to full capacity despite the day being an unexpected public holiday in Malaysia. The Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman, Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haniffa bin Abdullah, introduced the speaker who has had a very illustrious career. Professor Dr C Palanivelu actually grew up on an estate in Malaysia and fought against all odds to acquire his education in the medical field. He is now an accomplished laparoscopic surgeon and has been awarded numerous national and international awards.
Professor Dr Palanivelu enthralled the audience with the real-life story of his accomplishments and his foray from laparoscopic surgery to robotic surgery. He talked of his experience in using laparoscopic surgery in performing bariatric procedures to manage diabetic patients. He has also successfully managed many cancer patients and advocated the use of the laparoscope for more complete excision of tumour tissue. The talk elicited a lot of questions from the audience
MAHSA University’s Distinguished Lecture Series (DLS) is a forum through which eminent scholars, thinkers and world leaders speak on important issues in the arts and sciences of Medicine or in some other field of contemporary importance in an effort to enrich the academic field, institution and the community. The DLS hopes to provide visionary perspectives with the underlying philosophy of “leader leads leader”, to provide an opportunity for the academic staff to interact and update the community on current developments, and to improve the networking of the Faculty of Medicine in particular and the University in general. Professor Dr C Palanivelu was a worthy participant in this series as he is an acknowledged world authority in laparoscopic surgery.
At the end of the lecture, Professor Dato’ Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, MAHSA University’s Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, delivered the vote of thanks. He thanked Dr Palanivelu for motivating the students and being a good role model to ensure that they excel in Medicine. The event ended with a presentation of a token of appreciation.

MAHSA's Dean of Engineering and Information Technology Shines with Two Awards
Published on: 27-04-2018
MAHSA University proudly congratulates Associate Professor Ir. Dr. Leong Wai Yie, Dean, Faculty of Engineering and Information Technology, on winning two very prestigious rewards. She received the Venus International Women’s “Outstanding Award” for her specialisation in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the Venus International Foundation of India, and the “IEM Woman Engineer Award 2018” by the Institution of Engineers Malaysia (IEM).
Ir. Dr. Leong was conferred the Venus International Foundation of India “Outstanding Award” at the Radha Regent Hotel in Chennai, India on 17th March 2018, and the IEM Woman Engineer Award 2018 at an award ceremony held at Wisma IEM, Petaling Jaya on 21st April 2018.
The Venus International Women’s “Outstanding Award” recognises inspirational and talented women who have demonstrated excellence in their respective disciplines, while the IEM Woman Engineer Award acknowledges engineers who have made exceptional contributions to the engineering profession and shown outstanding achievement in the field in Malaysia.
MAHSA University commends Associate Professor Leong for her success, for being a respected leader in her field, and for being a worthy inspiration and mentor not only to MAHSA’s engineering students, but to all students at MAHSA.

National Dental Intervarsity Games (DIVG) 2018
MAHSA University congratulates the winners who brought home two golds, three silvers and three bronzes in the National Dental Intervarsity Games NDIVG 2018 held on the 8th and 9th of April 2018 at Universiti Teknologi MARA’s Puncak Alam Campus.
The winners of the gold medals were:
- Badminton Men's Singles:
- Ee Zheng Lai
- Basketball Women’s:
- Tracy Lau Hu Yi
- Farah Najwa Bt Abdul Fithir
- Ng Khai Ling
- Nurshafiqah Bt Shariffudin
- Lau Xi Lyng
- Hurin Aini Bt Ahmad Nordin
- Nur Aimi Minirah Bt Aziz
- Teoh Cha Yee
- Apphia Ooi Nei Shuen
- Lee Zi Thing
- Sharon Selva Kumar
The winners of the silver medals were:
- Badminton Women’s Singles:
- Lydia Sim Jia Yen
- Table Tennis Women’s Singles:
- Stephanie Seah Yixin
- Netball Women’s:
- Tripthpal Kaur A/P Jasmindar Singh
- Shahirah Bt Mohd Yunos
- Nur Najihah Bt Mohd Bashaabidin
- Samantha Idang Luhat
- Fatin Bt Mohd Zaidi
- Nur Nabila Hayati Bt Shushilil Azam
- Nurfatin Afiqah Bt Mat Jin
- Adeline Wong Pe Wern
- Alyssa Wong Mae Sum
The winners of the bronze medals were:
- Tennis Women’s Singles:
- Tan Yao Mei
- Chess:
- Kung Kah Heng
- Kung Soon Heng
- Peter Kalinga
- Sheryl Teo Jing Ming
- Damalis Poon Yuin Yieng
- Dental Run 5k Group:
- Wong Hong Zhang (5th)
- Sebastian Yung Kah Weng
- Jedd Howell Bidin (6th)
- Raphael Lim Zi Sheng
- Zainal Imam Bin Abdul Malek
- Liew Yi Ning
- Low Mei Ying (16th)
- Tan Guan Chun (14th)
- Tan Yao Mei
- Stephanie Seah Yixin
- Putri Syazliqa Affea Bt Sirajuddin (4th)
MAHSA University is proud of these achievements that go to show that here at MAHSA, we always try to Be More.

MAHSA University signs MoUs with AbbVie, Nova Laboratories and Vitacare Pharmacy
MAHSA University today held a Memorandum of Understanding Signing Ceremony with three pharmaceutical companies: AbbVie, Nova Laboratories and Vitacare Pharmacy to foster stronger collaboration between the university and the pharmaceutical industry.
MAHSA University’s Faculty of Pharmacy offers post-graduate studies, namely the PhD in Pharmacy and the Master of Pharmacy, and undergraduate studies which are the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) and Diploma in Pharmacy programmes. The faculty also boasts fifteen teaching and research laboratories, of which thirteen are certified by the Good Laboratory Practice (GLP), reflecting the faculty’s commitment to quality. To ensure that graduates have adequate clinical training, the university has an agreement with the Ministry of Health Malaysia to send diploma and bachelor’s degree students to any of the thirty Ministry of Health hospitals and the eighteen Malaysian hospitals. Equally important are the Bachelor of Pharmacy students’ placements in community pharmacies and industrial pharmacies.
“With the signing of the memorandums, MAHSA graduates of the Bachelor of Pharmacy (Hons) will have the opportunity to undergo one year training as a Provisionally Registered Pharmacist (PRP) at Nova Laboratories and Vitacare Pharmacy, which are both recognized by the Pharmacy Board Malaysia as private sector premises”, explained Professor Dr. Munavvar Zubaid bin Abdul Sattar.
Vitacare Group of Pharmacies is the longest serving independent pharmacy in Malaysia. Established since 1987, it has since grown into a network of over 10 stores in Klang Valley. Vitacare prides itself with its distinctive focus in holistic health and wellness, with the assurance of professionally licensed pharmacists at all stores at all times, dispensing of trusted medicinal and prescriptions, provision of overall wellness consultation with complete range of health food and drinks, supplements and general merchandises. Their store footprint covers strategic malls such as KLCC, The Gardens Mall, NuSentral and BSC just to mention a few, while we are also neighbourhood destination for communities in Setiawangsa and Ampang Jaya among others.
Incorporated in 1989, Nova Laboratories is a health and beauty company that develops, manufactures and markets health supplements, functional foods, and skin care products. The company combines research and innovation with integrity to create a total health solution to fight chronic diseases and maintain good health at every stage of life. Over the past 20 years, Nova has acquired a strong scientific foundation and technical know-how in the development of nutraceutical products. As a result, they have developed a wide range of products, formulations, and proprietary technology to improve the consistency and absorption of our products.
AbbVie is a global, research-driven biopharmaceutical company committed to developing innovative advanced therapies for some of the world’s most complex and critical conditions. The company’s mission is to use its expertise, dedicated people and unique approach to innovation to markedly improve treatments across four primary therapeutic areas: immunology, oncology, virology and neuroscience. In more than 75 countries, AbbVie employees are working every day to advance health solutions for people around the world.
These pharmaceutical company’s pharmaceutical need for talent to meet growth opportunities, creates the perfect platform for collaboration. MAHSA will provide consultancies and GLP-accredited research laboratories and nurture quality graduates and interns for these esteemed pharmaceutical companies.
The MoU also includes joint collaborative research, between the university and the industry and the involvement of the companies in undertaking technical collaborations through guest lecture(s) and the provision of staff development programmes and community service.
Signing for MAHSA University was the Vice Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah, accompanied by Ms Stella Lau Kah Wai, MAHSA’s Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic Affairs & Corporate Services) and Professor Munavvar Zubaid Abdul Sattar, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy.
AbbVie was represented by Mr Mupindra Singh, the Country Manager, accompanied by Dr Shaalani Ramachandran, AbbVie’s Medical Director.
Nova Laboratories was represented by the by Mr Nicholas Cheong, Nova’s Chief Operating Officer and Ms Sangeetha, Chief Quality Officer.
Vitacare Pharmacy was represented by the Managing Director, Mrs Yap Moong Lan, accompanied by the General Manager, Mdm Aileen Cheong.

An Interview with Dr. Pauraj Ponnaiah - Head, Department of Biomedical Science
Biomedical Science, simply put, is the study of human health and disease. This programme is taught by biomedical scientists and researchers, giving students the skills required to investigate diseases and develop future diagnostic tools.
In recent years, Biomedical Science has seen a sharp increase of interest from potential students and parents, seeking for niche areas in medical and health sciences.
MAHSA ACE Scholars caught up with Dr. Paulraj Ponnaiah, Head, Department of Biomedical Science from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences in MAHSA University.
Tell us about yourself.
I am a microbiologist. I did my Masters and PhD in microbiology, completed State Level Educational Test (SLET) lectureship for microbiology and also National Eligibility Test (NET) for life sciences. I had a Junior Research Fellowship (JRF) in microbiology for five years. I also did extensive research in cyanobacteria, and the purpose of that research was to replace non-degradable plastic into degradable plastic. It is actually a renewable source because the cyanobacteria would use carbon dioxide to produce bio-degradable plastic, reducing carbon dioxide content in our atmosphere and at the same time producing eco-friendly bio-degradable plastic for tissue implants. This is what I feel most passionate about. It is how the application of biomedical science can lead to the discovery of vital scientific developments and improving the lives of others.
Tell us about your family.
I have a young family. My wife is a dentist, and we have a two-year-old son. It may grow into a larger family soon, but for now, it is just the three of us.
What brought you to MAHSA University?
Originally I planned to go to Germany, but MAHSA University came calling. I was immediately drawn to MAHSA’s vision of being the best in the field of medical and health science. That was almost seven years ago. Since then, MAHSA has gone from strength to strength.
How has your experience been in MAHSA?
Biomedical science is a very expensive programme to run and everyday I am in awe that the management continues to invest so much in making the facilities great. We have as many as twenty-three accredited laboratories, which is very important in the assurance of quality. Getting the accreditation means that the laboratories are benchmarked for performance and certified for reliable testing, measurement and calibration services. That is not something I or my team take for granted. Above all else, I find that my experience has been greatly enriched by the students, their openness and eagerness to learn, and by my team of lecturers who bring their zeal and their passion to class everyday.
What do you think is the future of biomedical science in Malaysia?
It is a broad field which provides a lot of job opportunities. Careers in this field are growing very rapidly and the pay is good. The overseas job opportunities are also very high, particularly in the United Kingdom and Canada. So the outlook looks good for the future.
What are some typical career prospects?
Biomedical scientists apply science to medicine. We learn both diagnostic and biomedical research techniques. Medical diagnostic labs, medical research labs, pharmaceutical research labs, and many others offer job opportunities for graduates in this field. The pharmaceutical field is actually looking for biomedical science students to discover new medical drugs.
Do you have any future plans for the Department?
Yes. Huge plans. We want to start a Master and PhD program as we have had a lot of enquiries from biomedical scientists interested to advance in the discovery of new knowledge. We are also going into the field of Biotechnology, offering specialisations in Medical Biotechnology, Agricultural Biotechnology, Animal Biotechnology, Industrial Biotechnology and Environmental Biotechnology.
Thank you Dr. Paulraj for your insights into what Biomedical Science is and the bright future it holds.

Nursing Internship in Korea
Congratulations to our MAHSA University Diploma in Nursing students who were selected as the first batch to undergo their internship in Korea. The eight students were in Korea for eleven weeks, from 1 December 2017 until 17 February 2018, in the Elderly Care Centre and Health Care Centre.
Prior to this very exciting trip, the students were given complimentary classes to learn the Korean language. These were all conducted by a Korean lecturer, here in MAHSA. Their air tickets to Korea were fully sponsored and they were also given a monthly allowance of approximately RM1000 each, including hostel and uniform provision. The students only had to prepare their visas and passports for their trip.
The purpose of this internship programme is for the students to gain more experience abroad. The students indeed acquired different skills, were exposed to the nursing norms of Korea and experienced the culture, food and winter in Korea.
The second group of students to go to Korea are currently learning the language and are all excited to go. Let’s wish them all the best. 항상 화이팅!

Winds of Change : An interview with the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, MAHSA University
Professor Dr. Munavvar Zubaid bin Abdul Sattar took over as Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy of MAHSA University on 22 April 2017. The professor was previously the Dean of the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM). MAHSA Scholars caught up with him recently.
What inspired you to pursue a career in Pharmacy?
Back then, very few students chose pharmacy. USM was the only institution. I was also offered a place in the Bachelor of Medicine but I saw a better future in pharmacy. I therefore enrolled in and obtained my Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from USM and my PhD from the Medical School, University of Birmingham, England.
Tell us about your family.
I am married and we have a daughter who is now a medical doctor in Selayang Hospital.
Tell us about the early years in your career.
After graduating with the Bachelor of Pharmacy, I began my career at the Kuala Terengganu Hospital as a hospital pharmacist. Two years later, I was offered the chance to pursue the Master of Pharmacy by research and I completed this in a record time of one and a half years. That was practically unheard of. While I was undertaking my Master’s degree, I worked as a graduate assistant and research officer, assisting in the teaching of Pharmacy students. I definitely had my hands full. Upon obtaining the MSc, I was appointed as a lecturer at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences at USM.
Later, I went on to do my PhD at the University of Birmingham, England. I am always thankful for this opportunity to do the PhD. The findings from my PhD research were one of the first in the world to pinpoint the role of the subtypes of alpha adrenoceptors in the regulation of kidney function in various pathological states. This helped develop newer approaches in the treatment of hypertension.
Upon returning to Malaysia, I was then appointed Associate Professor and Head of Physiology at the School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, USM, and later promoted to Professor.
You have a phenomenal passion in research and have published more than 160 papers. Tell us more about that.
I strongly believe that research is the future of healthcare education. The industry is so exciting and dynamic. There are countless new developments in medication that will change how we take and use medicines in the future. I have published more than 160 original research papers in highly reputed academic journals, secured grants worth millions of ringgit from both international and local agencies, presented many papers locally and internationally as an invited speaker. I will always encourage my students to do research. The exploration and discoveries are often what makes them better students and better pharmacists. I am indeed very proud to have graduated dozens of Masters and PhD students from numerous countries.
What do you think of the pharmaceutical profession in Malaysia?
The pharmaceutical profession in Malaysia is very dynamic. I am convinced that pharmacists will be the leading healthcare professionals responsible for providing optimal medication therapy outcomes. We will soon have the authority and autonomy to manage medication therapy and will be accountable for patients’ therapeutic outcomes. Pharmacists are already receiving public recognition that we are essential to the provision of effective health care.
What brings you to MAHSA?
I have heard a lot of good things about MAHSA whilst I was the dean at USM. In the time that I have been here, I must say that this is truly a great faculty with very committed staff and exiting students.
Is there a visible difference between your old place and MAHSA?
A private university is quite different from a public university. Students are much more intentional and purposeful. They are certainly very driven learners. Of course in a public university, there is more research activities. This is definitely a change that I can bring. In terms of infrastructure and facilities, MAHSA has all the bells and whistles. It is truly second to none. All our 23 laboratories are GLP accredited and that says a lot about the quality that is here.
What are your plans for the Faculty of Pharmacy in the next three years?
The pharmacy programmes in MAHSA are very good really. We offer from pharmacy programmes from diploma and all the way to PhD. I am very proud of my team and the commitment they bring to the class.
Therefore teaching quality aside, I would like to give some focus on strengthening research. There are already plans to have stronger industry linkages such as Vitacare Pharmacy, Nova Laboratories, Abbvie Pharmacy, to name a few. We have also established research collaborations with very reputable universities like USM and Geongyang University.
I would also like to build on the current programmes to offer specialized pharmacy at postgraduate level, for example geriatric, renal, cardiovascular.
I am confident that an education in Pharmacy at MAHSA University will equip students with the ability. I know MAHSA is particularly well poised to be a leader in pharmacy education, providing the best talents in pharmaceutical expertise. The philosophy guiding the curriculum is holistic. Pharmacists trained at MAHSA will have a commitment to patients; an in-depth knowledge of medications and other sciences; the ability to apply evidence-based therapeutic principles and guidelines; up-to-date knowledge of evolving sciences and emerging technologies; and awareness of all the legal and socio-cultural issues relating to contemporary pharmaceutical practice.

MAHSA UNIVERSITY Wins Four Awards at the Malaysia Technology EXPO (MTE) 2018
Since its beginnings in 2001, the Malaysia Technology Expo (MTE) has grown to become one of the region’s most recognized international invention fairs. The MTE 2018 three-day exhibition held at the Putra World Trade Centre in Kuala Lumpur (22-24 Feb 2018) is the 17th edition of this prestigious event and showcased 500+ exhibits. More than 16 countries participitated in this year’s edition, including Australia, Bangladesh, Croatia, Egypt, Germany, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, South Korea, Japan, Pakistan, Singapore, Taiwan and the UK.
Themed “Asia’s Inventions and Innovations Marketplace”, MTE2018 provided the ideal venue for inventors, designers and entrepreneurs to showcase their latest inventions, ideas, prototypes, products and designs to investors, manufacturers, distributors and marketers in Asia and beyond who are seeking new ideas to work on, making it the ideal platform for technological commercialization and collaboration.
Under the patronage of Professor Dato' Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy, Dean Faculty of Medicine, MAHSA University, Prof. Dr Muhammad Iftikhar Hanif from the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery led his team and presented 3 projects. “MedHut” (Digital Library of Medical Apps with build-in MAP Index), “EduQR” (QR Code based teaching & learning system based on gamification & Colour Coding) and “PokeMed” (Teaching & Learning method for medical professionals based upon Augmented Virtual Reality to promote healthy life styles by physical activities). They were presented with local and international collaborators, Dr. Osama & Dr. Asif from Rawalpindi Medical University Pakistan and Linta Iftikhar, Feras Iftikhar and Ifra Iftikhar from SMK & SK Seksyen 9, Shah Alam Selangor Malaysia.
“MedHut” was recognised with Best Innovation Award & Gold Medal and “PokeMed” & “EduQR” were awarded with 2 Bronze Medals along with certificate of appreciation on overall performance.
Congratulations to Prof. Dr Muhammad Iftikhar Hanif and the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences.

MAHSA University signs MOU with Kursk State Medical University
On Friday 23 February 2018, MAHSA University signed a Memorandum of Understanding Kursk State Medical University, Russia. Kursk State Medical University’s Rector, Professor Lazarenko Viktor Anatolovich signed the MOU for KSMU while Vice-Chancellor, Professor Dato’ Dr. Khairul Anuar bin Abdullah, signed for MAHSA University.
Established in 1935, Kursk State Medical University, Russia has over 6,400 Students and 650 Academic Staff, is recognized by WHO, GMC & other International Medical Boards, is one of the top 10 medical universities in Russia and one of the largest medical universities in Russia & Europe.
Under the MOU, it was agreed that MAHSA University and Kursk State Medical University will develop collaboration opportunities such as exchanges of students and study abroad programmes. Both universities will also endeavour to find opportunities for conducting collaborative research and development, for conducting lectures and seminars and organising symposia and conferences. There will be mutual exchanges of academic information and materials.
The first group of students from Kursk State Medical University under the student exchange programme is expected to arrive in September 2018.

Management of Chronic Kidney Disease in Malaysia. What Have We Achieved, What We Have Not.
MAHSA University held a special talk on the topic “Management of Chronic Disease in Malaysia – What We Have Achieved, What We Have Not” at the Auditorium of the Pharmacy Block of MAHSA’s Bandar Saujana Putra Campus on Wednesday 7 February 2018 from 3 pm to 4.30 pm. The special Guest Speaker was YBhg Professor Datuk Dr Ghazali Bin Ahmad, Senior Consultant and Head of Nephrology of Hospital Kuala Lumpur.
YBhg Professor Datuk Dr Ghazali said that renal transplantation began in 1975 in Malaysia, with the first kidney transplant performed at the Hospital Kuala Lumpur, involving a pair of live siblings. The chronic peritoneal dialysis programme began in 1987 to provide an alternative long-term renal replacement therapy with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (APD).
Though limited initially in term of availability and accessibility, the number of patients treated with either PD or HD rose exponentially nationwide from the year 2000 onwards. A combination of better funding schemes offered by service providers involving the private and public sectors and NGOs increased awareness of the availability and benefits of treatment, which is more expensive and less effective than kidney transplantation.
Sadly, though, for every 100 new patients in Malaysia with kidney failure, only ninety-nine are treated with kidney dialysis, and only one has received a new kidney through a transplant. In Europe, North America and Australia, however, thirty to fifty percent of kidney patients have had kidney transplants while the rest are being treated with dialysis.
YBhg Professor Datuk Dr Ghazali said that the medical profession should focus on diminishing the incidence of non-communicable diseases through early detection and the optimization of care of patients in the hope of reducing CKD in Malaysia.

MAHSA University Signs MOU with the Embassy of the Arab Republic Of Syria
On the 26th January 2018, MAHSA University entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Embassy of the Arab Republic Of Syria for academic and research collaboration.
The MOU was signed by Professor Dato’ Dr. Khairul Anuar, Vice Chancellor of MAHSA University and His Excellency Mr Tamim Madani, Head of Mission at the Embassy of the Arab Republic Of Syria.
“We are very impressed with MAHSA University and we look forward to promote more study opportunities for students from Syria”, said His Excellency.
The delegation also toured the campus and the MAHSA International School.

MAHSA University Wins Pitch for Progress 2.0
Congratulations to the MAHSA teams who competed for the Pitch for Progress 2.0 An Education Revolution on 29th September – 1st October 2017. This event was organised by The organisation for National Empowerment (ONE), in collaboration with the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE) and Asia-Pacific University (APU).
The Pitch for Progress (PfP) 2.0 was all about the future of learning in Malaysia through futuristic learning. More than just a pitching competition, our students found themselves in workshops and sessions and coached by a team of young and talented individuals, on their persuasion and pitching skills. They gained a better understanding of the higher education and education technology landscape, and financial literacy with a hands-on financial simulation game.
In the preliminary round, 32 out of 56 teams were selected to advance to the next stage. Happily, all three MAHSA teams made it to this round.
In the semi-finals, 8 teams would be chosen to compete in the finals where they would pitch to the Minister of Higher Education Malaysia, Yang Berhormat Dato’ Seri Haji Idris Jusoh. The 8 teams were Team MAHSA (Mavericks), Team MAHSA (Young Minds), UniKL, UKM, APU, MANIPAL, UPSI and USM.
From these 8 teams, top three teams were declared winners and awarded certificates and a prize of RM5,000 each team. They were MAHSA, UKM and USM.
Congratulations again to TEAM MAHSA. You have made us proud.
Foo Guang Ian (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
Yong Meei Yeng (Doctor of Dental Surgery)
Afreen Raj Dharani (Diploma in Business Administration)
Khor Jess-Lin (Foundation in Science)
Ahmad Irfan bin Khoiri (Foundation in Science)
Ooi Zhi Xin (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)
Semi Finalists
Nicole Tan Yan Han (Bachelor of Physiotherapy)
Teong Bol Man (Bachelor of Medical Imaging)
Chak Vun Yi (Bachelor of Medical Imaging)

MAHSA awards Certificate of Completion to Batch 6 of Doctor of Dental Surgery Programme
MAHSA University proudly awarded the Certificate of Completion to Batch 6 of our Doctor of Dental Surgery Programme at our Bandar Saujana Putra campus on Thursday 10 August 2017.
This was a momentous occasion honouring seventy-two students who had successfully completed the programme that commenced in 2012, including four Merit Prize Awards and one Dean’s List. In a moving speech, MAHSA’s Pro- Chancellor, Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Hj Mohamed Haniffa thanked all the students for having suffered the university’s move from the old campus to the new one, that despite all the technical and practical difficulties, the students prevailed and succeeded. Tan Sri advised the students not to chase after fame and money, but to have the fire and passion to pursue what is right, adding that fame and money would follow.
In her speech, the Dean, Professor Dr. Rosnah Zain congratulated the graduands and urged them to carry the MAHSA name with pride, to manage patients holistically and ethically, and to come back to contribute to both MAHSA and society.
The awards were as follows:
Merit Prize Award:
1. Conservative Dentistry : Melissa Chin Queen Kha
2. Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery : Finsen Soo Neng Shun
3. Orthodontics : Dang Li Sha
4. Dental Public Health : Debbie Leong Ziting
5. Family Dentistry : Debbie Leong Ziting
Dean's List:
1. Debbie Leong Ziting
Congratulations graduands, parents, lecturers, instructors of Batch 6 Doctor of Dental Surgery Programme.

Conferment of Certificate of Completion: MBBS Batch 4 2012/2017
On 2nd of August, MAHSA University conferred certificates of completion to 158 graduands of Batch 4 2012/2017 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS).
In his congratulatory speech, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Science, Professor Dato’ Ravindran Jegasothy, credited the future doctors for their outstanding results. He announced that this year’s results were the best for MBBS, with the highest passing rate of 98.5%. Three graduands, Aishah AR. Redha binti Che Amin Farid, Jasvinder Kaur A/P Baljeet Singh and Pearly Ng passed with distinction. The hall thundered with applause as graduands, parents and lecturers cheered.
The Dean expressed his gratitude to his faculty members for their unwavering dedication and passion in shaping and educating these graduands. He recalled with pride the remarks of the external examiners on the quality and rigour of the assessments and said that despite this, the graduands have excelled and are now ready to serve.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Dato Dr. Khairul Anuar advised the graduands to serve in humility and remember the values they have learnt in MAHSA.
Pro-Chancellor Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa, in his closing speech, told the future doctors to always put their patients first and remember their oath to serve with the highest level of ethics and professionalism. He advised them to be of quick-thinking and have confidence of their own abilities.

The Medical Council of Thailand visits MAHSA University
MAHSA University today welcomed representatives from the Medical Council of Thailand, Professor Dr. Prasobsri Ungthavorn and Associate Professor Dr. Waraporn Eoaskoon.
MAHSA University’s Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) programme is internationally accredited by the Asia Pacific Consortium of Public Health, Brunei Medical Council, Maldives Medical Council, Indian Medical Council and the Medical Council of Thailand. The MBBS programme is also listed in the FAIMER World Directory of Medical Schools.
The representatives toured the impressive facilities and met with faculty staff and twenty-nine MBBS students from Thailand. Professor Dr. Prasobsri expressed her appreciation and praised the faculty, led by Professor Dato’ Dr. Ravindran Jegasothy for their excellence in delivering a superior curriculum and producing highly competent doctors.
The Faculty of Medicine also shared their strategies to support students for international qualifying examinations, with a full simulated exam of the USMLE step-1.
The next intake for the MBBS programme is in September 2017. All enquiries are encouraged to contact the Prospective Student Office at pso@MAHSA.edu.my or come to the MAHSA University Open Days on 8th – 9th July 2017.

MAHSA University contributes RM3 million worth of scholarship to MIC Youth Scholarship program
MAHSA University has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Malaysian Indian Congress Youth (MIC) on 9th June 2017. Under the MOU, MAHSA University will contribute RM3 million worth of scholarships under the MIC Youth Scholarship Program. The scholarship will be applicable for all programmes at MAHSA University. Approximately one thousand students are expected to benefit from these scholarships.
MIC’s National Deputy Youth Leader, Mr. Thinalan Rajagopalu said that the MIC Youth Scholarship Program was initiated to provide Malaysian Indian youths with opportunities to pursue quality education and to create a support system for them.
MAHSA University’s Group Senior Director, Business Development and Strategic Alliances, Mr. Santhiran Segaran A/L Ramasamy, said that it is part of MAHSA University’s philosophy of providing affordable quality education and hopes that more Malaysian Indian youths will take advantage of this opportunity.
Interested applicants may call MAHSA University at 1800-88-0300 or email pso@MAHSA.edu.my

Launching of Shanghai University of TCM International Education Collaboration & Clinical Training Center
MAHSA University, in collaboration with the Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, today unveiled their International Education Collaboration & Clinical Training Center.
Professor Hu Hongyi, Gastroentrelogist and Vice President of Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine presented a lecture entitled “Development and Challenges of Inheritance and Current Innovation in Traditional Chinese Medicine”, accompanied by and Professor Zhou Wenxin, Acupuncture specialist who presented a talk on Acupuncture and Moxibustion.
In his keynote speech, MAHSA University’s Group Managing Director, Dato’ Dr. Shahril bin Tan Sri Hj. Dr. Mohamed Haniffa, said the university is overjoyed to be working with his distinguished Chinese counterparts. He expressed great hopes that the work they are doing together will not only create excellence, but more importantly, help the patients whose lives they will impact in the future.
MAHSA University and Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine are also collaborating in developing new academic programmes including new pathways where students can obtain credit transfers into the Bachelor of Medicine (TCM) in Shanghai, which is conducted in English.
Additionally, attractive scholarships are available for MAHSA students.
Students who are interested to learn more about the programmes and scholarships available, are advised to contact Ms. Rachel Fum at pso@MAHSA.edu.my

FRIDAY 28 April 2017
MAHSA University Students win at the 9th National Pharmacy Quiz Competition 2017
MAHSA University students recently did their university proud when they competed in the 9th National Pharmacy Quiz Competition (Piala Tariz) and the Compounding Event (Piala Aisyah 2017) held at the University Sains Malaysia in Penang from the 28th to 30th of April 2017. The quiz was organised in the hopes of nurturing healthy intellectual competition among students of pharmacy within the nation.
MAHSA University’s Ng Pei Fang and Ling Qiu Houng, both Year Three Pharmacy students, were the first runners-up, and Ng Jia Ying and Saalini Mahalingam were the third runners-up. The students were guided by MAHSA lecturers Dr Nadiatul Azra and Madam Wati Raman. Professor Dr. Munavvar Zubaid Abdul Sattar, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, congratulated all winners and said that they are an inspiration to all pharmacy students. He looks forward to the contributions these students will make to society in the future.

SATURDAY 6 May 2017
MAHSA University Dental students were declared the “Overall Champions” at the 9th National Dental Students’ Scientific Conference held in Butterworth, Penang, on the 6th and 7th of May 2017 when they won prizes in five out of the seven categories of competitions.
Debbie Leong, Samantha Low and Wong Hong Zhang made MAHSA University proud when they won the first-prize in the quiz at the 9th National Dental Students’ Scientific Conference organised by the Penang International Dental College.
Melissa Chin Queen Kha and Ng Ying Yi, both Year-Five students in MAHSA’s Doctor of Dental Surgery Programme won the third prize in the oral presentation beating 11 other Universities.
Other competitions winners were Liew Yik Haw and Teh Bang Cheng who won first and second prize respectively in the soap-carving contest; Phang Siew Hang, Liew Yik Haw, Sivaashinii, Wong Poh Li Stephanie, Foo Guang Ian and Keith Chew who won third prize in the talent show; Muhammad Noormaan Beedassy who won second prize in photography; and Yong Meei Yeng who won third prize in wire-bending.
Professor Rosnah Mohd. Zain, Dean of the Faculty of Dentistry, congratulated the students on their success and said that this reflected the quality and holistic education in MAHSA. She also expressed appreciation to the faculty staff for their guidance and support.

TUESDAY 18 April 2017
MAHSA University held the groundbreaking ceremony for its MAHSA Sports and Recreation Centre here at 2.30pm today at their Saujana Putra Campus. YB Dato’ Seri Idris Bin Jusoh, the Minister of Higher Education, officially declared the ceremony open after a video of the future Sports and Recreation Centre was played to thunderous applause as students and staff cheered and clapped.
The MAHSA Sports and Recreation Centre will house an Olympic-sized swimming pool complete with diving facilities, a football stadium, running tracks, a yoga and dance studio, a ten-metre rock-climbing wall, a skateboard arena, five badminton courts, three squash courts, a futsal court, an archery range, shops and cafes.
Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj Mohamed Haniffa bin Hj Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman, in his speech, said that the Sports and Recreation Centre will be home to all students, alumni and staff.
YB Dato’ Seri Idris reminded students of their rare opportunity to acquire quality education from one of the country’s premier institutions of higher learning, and advised them to make the best of their opportunity.
Construction of the MAHSA Sports & Recreation Centre is scheduled to begin in June 2017, and will take nine to twelve months to complete.

Bandar Saujana Putra, Shah Alam, 14 March 2017:
MAHSA University held an award ceremony for the conferment as Honarary Doctor of Philosophy in Corporate Leadership on Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Antony Francis Fernandes, CEO of Air Asia, at the university’s state-of-the-art campus here at Bandar Saujana Putra, Shah Alam, today. Universities confer honorary degrees on individuals who have made substantial contributions to a particular field or to society in general.
In this case, the award is MAHSA’s recognition of Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Antony Francis Fernandes’ vision in transforming the hitherto failing airline into a leader in the travel industry today, and his service to Malaysians and others in and around Asia for making air travel accessible to everyone.
Officiating the ceremony was MAHSA’s Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman, Y. Bhg Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamad Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah, in his speech, applauded the many accomplishments of Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Antony Francis Fernandes. During his speech, Y. Bhg Prof. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Hj. Mohamad Haniffa bin Hj. Abdullah also announced MAHSA’s plans to build a world-class hospital that will make good health care accessible to ordinary people.
Towards the end of the ceremony, Tan Sri Dato’ Fernandes made a surprise offer to “the first two persons to run up on stage, dressed in red” to be given a free ticket for Air Asia’s maiden flight to Hawaii. The lucky two were nursing lecturer Asha Manghanmal and third year medical student Muhamad Izzat Hanif Jeffry who very happy to receive the free tickets.
Also present at the event was Professor Tan Sri Dato Seri Dr. Hj. Mohamed Ismail bin Merican Pro-Chancellor and Chairman, whose welcome address encouraged MAHSA students to emulate Y.Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’ Sri Antony Francis Fernandes in their approach to success.
MAHSA University Conducts Workshop at 14th Asia
- Pacific Medical Education Conference in NUS

MAHSA University was the only university from Malaysia invited to conduct a workshop at the 14th Asia-Pacific Medical Education Conference hosted by the National University of Singapore recently.
The workshop’s aims were to identify some of the challenges faced by students and educational institutions in various environments, to suggest effective solutions to these challenges, and to find alternative solutions, especially in the globalization of medical education.
Led by the Dean, Professor Dato Dr Ravindran Jegasothy, MAHSA’s Faculty of Medicine team included Associate Professor Ganesh Ramachandran, Associate Professor Chitra Govindaraj and Mr Nakorn Nuntasukasame, a third-year MAHSA MBBS student.
Mr Nuntasukasame gave an account of the challenges he had encountered and presented a video in which MAHSA students from the thirty-one countries around the world relayed their personal experiences here. The workshop participants also shared other experiences, such as the difficulties faced by Muslim students in non-Muslim countries during the fasting month, language and cultural barriers, and the standardisation of educational philosophies across international boundaries.
At the end of the workshop, the MAHSA team greatly inspired its workshop participants to agree that in order to prevail over the many challenges that abound in international medical education, universities have to continuously come up with better ideas and solutions to the problems faced by their international students.
MAHSA International Restodontic Conference
10-12 March 2017
MAHSA University will be hosting the first MAHSA International Restodontic Conference and Exhibition, to be held from 10th to 12th March 2017 at the university’s Bandar Saujana Putra campus.Organised by MAHSA’s Department of Conservative Dentistry (Faculty of Dentistry), and interestingly entitled “Restoration with Conviction”, the conference will present eight international speakers from all over Asia who will be delivering keynote lectures on a variety of topics ranging from Restorative Dentistry to Aesthetic Dentistry to Endodontics.
The eminent dental experts who will be sharing their knowledge and insights are Professor Dr V Gopal (Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Conservative Dentistry), Dr R L Halili-Castillo (Doctor of Dental Medicine at the University of East Manila, Philippines), Professor Dr Yoo Jun Sang (Member of the Korean Academy of Conservative Dentistry), Professor Dr Mohan Bhuvaneswaran (Director of Vignesh Dental Hospital), Dr Goh TeikSuai (Accredited Member of the Australasian Society of Implant Dentistry), Dr Abraham Culbengan (a founding member of the Philippines Academy of Aesthetic Dentistry), Clinical Associate Professor Dr Patrick Tseng (Chief Dental Officer at the Ministry of Health of Singapore), and Dr David Sun Yee Wha.
Pre-conference workshops will be conducted on the 10th of March. To add excitement to these events,a trade exhibition will be held concurrently, during which a large number of dental representatives and traders will be gathering to showcase state-of-the-art equipment and technology in the world of dentistry. Additionally, on Saturday 11th March, there will be an oral and poster presentation competition, submissions of which have to be sent in by 15th February.
MAHSA University’s International Restodontic Conference and Exhibition conference aligns with MAHSA University’s commitment to the pursuit of excellence not only in the field of Dentistry, but in the arena of tertiary education as well. Besides making waves in Malaysian academics, MAHSA’s rise has also been noticed in the international scene in various fields, particularly in that of Dentistry, as they open their doors to host these renowned speakers and experts this March.
Online registration is currently open, and early-bird registration is available till 31st January 2017.
MAHSA University Opens Football Field

Few universities around the world can boast their own football field, which is why this particular one stands out. On Saturday, 10 December 2016, MAHSA University officially declared open its very own football field, when Team MAHSA had its inaugural match with Team MAHSA Friends.
The football field is the dream vision of MAHSA’s Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman, and Team MAHSA’s Captain, Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Mohamed Haniffa bin Haji Abdullah. The sport and the values it has instilled in him as a young man lives on till today.
The Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman spoke of his passion for football. It’s a sport that unites as it bridges cultures and generations, bringing communities closer.
An ardent football aficionado with unwavering loyalties to Manchester United F.C. (he has never missed a single Manchester United game), Professor Tan Sri Datuk Dr Haji Mohamed Haniffa led Team MAHSA to win 5-1 in the inaugural match.
Presenting the medals to all who participated, the Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman said the results were secondary. What mattered was how they played the game.
For further enquiries please email us at onlineenq@MAHSA.edu.my.
MAHSA University students graduating at new campus
MAHSA University today held its 13th convocation ceremony for the first timein its new campus in Bandar Saujana Putra, Selangor.
A total of 579 students received their scrolls from Tun Dato’ Seri Zaki bin TunAzmi, Chancellor of MAHSA University. Thesuccessful graduates join the university’s 10,000 alumni comprising more than 55 different nationalities.
The Chancellor Gold Medal, Vice Chancellor Prize and Outstanding Student Leadership Award were also presented to ten exemplary graduates.
The Chancellor Gold Medal was awarded to Chan Soo Ling who graduated with Doctor of Dental Surgery, for best all-round achiever. Chan has achieved outstanding academic results, shown exemplary conduct and an all-rounder taking part in many national and international competitions and sporting events.
The Vice-Chancellor Prizewere awarded toCorine Chua, Mohd Arif Bin Azahar, On Chew Soong, Sam Jia Xian, Tang Wan Yung, Teoh Zhi Mei, Venesa Yew Yon Ci and Wee Kah Ying for achieving the best academic results in their respective programmes.
The Outstanding Student Leadership Award was conferred upon Kenneth Wong Chen Fei. The Chancellor commended Wong for his outstanding achievements in his MBBS studies as well as making a significant difference to the community. Wong held many student leadership positions and started a charitable society called MAHSA Helping Hands, leading more than 20 charitable projects in soup kitchens, orphanages, old folk homes, distributing food and give medical services to the homelessand helping the Rohingya refugee children in Malaysia.
MAHSA University was founded upon the vision to create a centre of excellence in healthcare education in the region. The new purpose built campus, with its world class infrastructure, is the embodiment of that vision. The 50 acre campus houses state of the art learning facilities, green buildings, in-campus residences, a football field, a sports centre and health clinics.
“We designed this to be an all-inclusive, transformative campus for the community”, Professor Tan Sri Dato’ Dr. Hj. Mohamed Haniffa bin Haji Abdullah, Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman said in his address at the convocation ceremony.
The Pro-Chancellor and Executive Chairman also announced future plans to launch new programmes to increase accessibility to quality education. Among them are programmes in Early Childhood Education, Information Technology, Data Management, Games Development, Networking, Mobile Computing, Graphic Design, Islamic Finance, Hotel Management, Restaurant Management, Sports and Exercise Science, Paramedic Science, Healthcare Practice, Public Health Nursing, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Aesthetic Medicine and Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Interfaculty Debate Competition

The Interfaculty Debate Competition Grand Final organized by Literacy & Debating Society will take place on Friday 16th May 2014 at Jalan University Campus (JUC).
1st Prize Winner – 2013 Electronic Campaign for Oral Cancer Awareness
Electronic Campaign for Oral Cancer Awareness in Malaysia
The Electronic Oral Cancer Awareness Campaign Competition was held on the 17th November, 2013.
The National Oral Cancer Awareness Week was jointly organized by Oral Cancer Research Collaborating Centre (0CRCC), Ministry of Health and dental institutions throughout Malaysia.
In conjunction with this, a competition for the best “Electronic Campaign for Oral Cancer Awareness in Malaysia” was held on the 17th November, 2013 and all the 12 Universities on Malaysia offering dentistry were invited to participate.
The submission from the Faculty of Dentistry, MAHSA UNIVERSITY themed “Early Detection Saves Lives”. by DDS year four students NAVENITHAMARIA A/PEIRUTHARAJAN, SANTHANALAXMI A/P BALACHANDRAN, CHUA MIAO HUA, BELINDA DWEE KAR YEE and EDMUND OOI JIA EN had won the FIRST PRIZE, beating 12 other submissions.
The other 12 submissions were from the following Universities:
- Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
- SEGI University
- Melaka Manipal Medical College
- International Medical University
- MAHSA University
- International Islamic University Malaysia
- Universiti Teknologi Mara
- University of Malaya
- Universiti Sains Malaysia
We’re proud of our students!

28th Aug. 2013 – Team MAHSA University at the 11th Inter-Medical School Physiology Quiz 2013 held at University Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 83 universities from 21 countries taking part in this pretigious competition!
Additional Parking…FREE Shuttle Service
Here are more details on the Shuttle Service offered to and fro Jaya One (at the square area next to Old Town White Coffee) & MAHSA JUC (Next to Chancellery/glass lift).
Firstly, it’s free!
Secondly, the shuttle schedule is as below:
7.15am- 9am: Shuttle service every 15 minutes from Jaya One to JUC.
12.30pm: Shuttle service from JUC to Jaya One
1.30pm: Shuttle service from Jaya One to JUC
4.15pm – 6pm: Shuttle service every 15 minutes from JUC to Jaya One.
For more information, please contact
Mr. Peri: 013 364 8755
Mr. Muthu: 0111 2373661
Mr. Krishna: 012 230 0091